The location numbering used here corresponds to my Map Key from LGJ#2, which
of those locations here, as I expand my site. Sometimes referred to as Eridok's Expedition Expediters, this shop is one-stop
The map was re-done using Campaign Cartographer 2 (And City Designer 2) from ProFantasy Software. Return to my Main
If your browser is unable to read PNG files you'll need to either upgrade your browser or download the original copies from Scott W.'s site. City of Greyhawk supplement Greyhawk, named for the small grey hawks which populate the region, was originally a trading outpost on the Selintan River specializing in local wood and woven garments. Contents: Greyhawk: Gem of the Flanaess - 96 page book Greyhawk: Folk, Feuds, and Factions - 96 page book 24 Adventure cards - letter sized cards, double sided Greyhawk Area Map The Free City of Greyhawk Map The Free City of Greyhawk Underground Map A View of the City of Greyhawk Poster from the back of the box: "Greyhawk - City of High Culture and Low Life! The
Living Greyhawk Journal #2 contains the special Map Poster insert,
Below are links to annotated versions of the Valusek poster, in various sizes. Greyhawk map: dt-cogh.gif
The Free City of Greyhawk, also known as Greyhawk City and the "Gem of the Flanaess," is a fictional city-state in the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. Additional Maps If anyone has additional maps to add of Greyhawk please email my gmail account and I will add them. It is common knowledge that the sewer system for the city was originally
Generally, any tunnels that
Overview: Long before the coming of humanity, Verbobonc was an elven settlement set on a wooded hilltop overlooking a spot where a minor tributary, Gillendyl’s Run, enters the Velverdyva River’s wide expanse. Tsr 09405 AD& D Greyhawk The City Of Skulls Item Preview remove-circle ... TOME OF MAGIC, BARD'S, RANGER'S, MAGICA, MAPS, GAMMA WORLD, PLANESCAPE, BIRTHRIGHT, ... PDF download. Gary was so excited and energized by this new idea that within 2 weeks he had bashed out a whole set of rules for dungeon-crawling with individual charact… Here, presented for the first time, are my own hand-drawn maps for the Free City of Greyhawk, done many years ago and finally scanned in. article describing locations A1 to A23 and an overview of the Artisans' Quarter
Greyhawk Blog; Greyhawk Content; Flanaess Online Map; About. This map is the work of the Anna B. Meyer.To download the full-sized image (it's over 200Mb and doesn't open well within a browser) right click HERE and save the map to your computer. shopping for adventurers, explorers and caravaneers. You will also find a complete location index for the City of Greyhawk
contains an article on a sorcerous society known as the Silent Ones, and a
In time the town developed strong textile and meat-packing industries. created by Zagig. Locations on this map are fewer, so they are not marked with red dots as the
and Elenderi's magic shop was unsuccessfully assaulted a year ago (described in
My efforts has been very well received with an ENnie nomination and was the start of my career as a fantasy cartographer. original undercity map from the City of Greyhawk boxed set, this is the only
Maps of the World of Greyhawk, based on the excellent maps by Scott W.. the Rogue novels. But just after that, Dave invited Gary Gygax over for a session of this new thing where you didn't play a whole army or even a unit, just a single guy exploring a dungeon, taking loot and learning to do better stuff over time. Much of
From the high towers of its grand universities to the rancid alleys of its darkest slums, the City of Greyhawk awaits you. there is no way of knowing what lies within these old dungeons. Here you will find more information. See more ideas about fantasy map, fantasy world, map. I
From the high towers of its grand universities to the rancid alleys of its darkest slums, the City of Greyhawk awaits you. the Greyhawk campaign world. The free city of greyhawk is located centrally in the flanaess which is the easternmost part of the continent of oerik on the world of oerth. There have been elaborate city maps in many other D&D products since then, but none made me take one look and wish that I was actually there like Valusek’s Greyhawk map. with an overview of the region, as of CY 591. caravans for lucrative deals. tunnels can only be guessed at. His son was then married to the Gynarch of Hardby's daughter. A tunnel that dead ends against another
Above this spot once stood the keep from which the original
Istus’ map and the ‘3-D’ map were merged, along with new district naming, some building numbers (and locations) have changed from the original key of the ‘3-D’ map. Visit my active site map to see the entire website
greyhawk map pdf. Otherwise you might find something on eBay. War! Home; Greyhawk. From publisher blurb: Greyhawk - City of High Culture and Low Life! Citizens who cannot or choose not to be interred in the Common Crypt (possibly
The 80-page Guide and the 48-page Glossography your area book and more pencil from existing source material and it. The defining event in the recent history of the continent of Oerik was the series of conflicts known collectively as the Greyhawk Wars (CE 582-584). Garden Quarter, H = High Quarter, R = River Quarter, S = Slum Quarter, and T =
SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP download. high resolution map of the City of Greyhawk was produced by myself (the map
click. City of Greyhawk Maps (based on the map in “City of Hawks”) The Green Wine of Celene (fiction) Greyhawk Lore Project (raw text file compiling Q&A’s from various online forums) Greyhawk’s World (finishing the series of Dragon Magazine articles by Gygax and Kuntz from the early 1980’s): Events of Keoland and the Sheldomar Valley* They are presently sealed from the
Gary gygaxs gord the rogue novels. If anyone has additional maps to add of Greyhawk please email my gmail account and I will add them. click on the following links to save just the maps. See more ideas about fantasy map, fantasy world, map. only access is through a collapsed tunnel within the as-yet-undiscovered western
the demand is high enough, Wizards of the Coast or Paizo Publishing may republish
Today I'm taking a break from otherwise more important projects to discuss a random subject that came to mind while I was reading about the Free City of Greyhawk.In the lands of the Flanaess, Greyhawk is considered the largest single city in population.It's a hub of trade, knowledge, adventure and more given its central location on the map. My map was
Istus’ map and the ‘3-D’ map were merged, along with new district naming, some building numbers (and locations) have changed from the original key of the ‘3-D’ map. As I add more webpages detailing individual
Shacktown, and W = Wharves or Dock Quarter. This city map of Greyhawk was originally created for the classic D&D super-adventure Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk, written by Erik Mona. (1989) also describes the same locations as The Adventure Begins, however
supplements, and magazines, as well as streets mentioned in E. Gary Gygax's Gord
Below you will find two maps based on the redesigned City of Greyhawk I
and another on 4 Greyhawk creatures. (The Planescape Campaign Setting is my number one pick, followed by Gygax’s first edition Dungeon Master’s Guide for AD&D1e.). Most large caravans choose not to enter the city as a unit, not that there
As a special bonus included with the Living Greyhawk Journal #2, a full-color, high resolution map of the City of Greyhawk was produced by myself (the map you see here) and printed by the RPGA Network as a 2 by 3 foot poster sheet. of its existence at this time. This design of The Free City of Greyhawk was also influenced by the previous cartographic work of Denis Tetreault. the map. other map is (here red dots are sewer openings). and prepared for that. I endeavoured to reference these changes in the location detail. included as a poster insert in Living Greyhawk Journal Issue #2 (LGJ#2). Many modules have been written for 1st Edition AD&D after 1989, and the introduction of other editions. Greyhawk - City of Greyhawk Maps - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Paizo Publishing has on at least one occasion found more copies of
in. identifies all of the streets from the various official source books, adventures,
Not only was her detail amazing, but the variety of styles shown ranged from onion-domed towers, to alpine cottages, to grand European palaces, to what looked like the Colosseum of Rome, to a vast marketplace of tents, to gardens atop ziggurats, to a walled-in pyramid that had a Tesla coil shooting lightning off its summit. such, what is presented here is entirely unofficial. The above interactive Greyhawk map Greyhawk map, post-Greyhawk wars in person 25 years Raptor Retreat and Talon Retreat guard. From the earliest days, Greyhawk was ruled by a warlord who took the title “Landgraf of the Selintan.” This first Landgraf’s son was then married to the Gynarch of Hardby’s daughter. camp. Return to my Greyhawk
Vecna Lives!, WGR1 Greyhawk Ruins, Greyhawk Adventures hardcover, From the Ashes
including Richard Di Ioia's amazing Touring the Flanaess project! Power series of RPGA adventures. Greyhawk, also known as the World of Greyhawk, is a fictional world designed as a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. The issue also contains an article on the Rhennee,
Greyhawk map: dt-cogh.gif Undercity Map: cogh-undercity.gif The Living Greyhawk Journal. The caravans then send
Maps of the World of Greyhawk, based on the excellent maps by Scott W.. The “key” to those buildings was found on a separate, very simplified map, and I always wanted to have a version noting each location directly on the illustration… so I made one. Center of magic and learning in the Flanaess, Greyhawk is also the home of powerful thieves, mighty warriors, traitorous ambassadors, and honest craftsmen. tunnel connects to that tunnel (often at a secret door). This temple was the base from which Maldin
Images have been changed from GIF to PNG to save space. The nuptials formalized a political alliance that served as the basis for rule over the Lanstadt … Undercity Map: cogh-undercity.gif. Thus far, he’s shown us: Various maps of Hardby; A preliminary colour rough of his World of Greyhawk map, known colloquially as the “Paizo Map”. second is an undercity map showing the sewers and secret tunnels that snake
Deep beneath
place you will see the undercity using my version of the City of Greyhawk. javascripted city map below. Expanding Greyhawk. As a special bonus included with the Living Greyhawk Journal #2, a full-color,
A tunnel that ends at a
These areas are set aside by the City as open space for trading caravans to make
Images have been changed from GIF to PNG to save space. Jan 2, 2021 - Explore Jeff Latimer's board "World of Greyhawk maps" on Pinterest. How did he know? Living Greyhawk Journal #3 does not
Maps!!Maps!!! In addition, CG = City Gates, O = City Outskirts, ST =
on this site (including new locations). the surface, however, the original dungeon level lies relatively intact. differs slightly from previous publications in both individual location number
article. Greyhawk - City of High Culture and Low Life! Center of magic and learning in the Flanaess, Greyhawk is also the home of powerful thieves, mighty warriors, traitorous ambassadors, and honest craftsmen. to see if they have anything. TSR 1043 the City of Greyhawk - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. city walls. Topics DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, AD&D, ... RANGER'S, MAGICA, MAPS ... PDF WITH TEXT download. a center of trade and learning, and therefore a magnet for adventurers. Thieves' Quarter. representative of my own campaign only and not of the Living Greyhawk campaign.. Descriptions of the many locations can be found in various publications about
In a series of recent Twitter posts, renown cartographer Rob Lazzaretti has been talking about some of the work he’s done in the past … and sharing some images based in the World of Greyhawk™ he’s done. Here, presented for the first time, are my own hand-drawn maps for the Free City of Greyhawk, done many years ago and finally scanned in. Produced at different times, they describe the city at different
(such as a purple secret-door dot). Sem categoria; Leave a comment. Below is a list of modules released for 1st Edition AD&D and D&D Basic. For a bit over two decades it has been one of my main hobbies to map the Flanaess, the subcontinent where the Greyhawk setting has its home. Locations listed here that are not found in The Adventure Begins or the original
represent the pre-war (pre-From the Ashes Boxed Set) city at about CY 582. and the boundaries of the quarters. The City of Greyhawk street index map
The City of Greyhawk and its domain are ruled by a Directing Oligarchy, a group of technically coequal members who head various major interests within the city. (And again, even more so when TSR came out with the planar crossroads of Sigil in Planescape.). To make it easier, right
the Journal, and have made them available on their website. You can, of course, see all the pages on my website (and
For a bit over two decades it has been one of my main hobbies to map the Flanaess, the subcontinent where the Greyhawk setting has its home. Somehow over time the maps have shrunk when clicked so I re-uploaded them and they should blow up bigger when clicked. cross each other do not connect, unless there is a larger "dot" at that point
Hail Greyfolk! The Greyhawk School of Psionics is a small and very secret organization run
are new, and come from my own home campaign. by Pantrell, the school Master. representatives into the city to do the actual business transactions. TORRENT download. information about Eridok and his shop. let me know. Unfortunately, the Living Greyhawk Journal is now out-of-print. GREYHAWK MAPS: return to top of page: Map of Greyhawk. such as Zagig. tavern) opens up to the building above it. Collapses occur from time to time, and it may
Apologies for the poor quality on some of the edges; I had originally connected the four sheets with masking tape, and over the years it … locations, I will link them to the bottom of this page, to the index page and to the
The only problem with Rel Astra is it's location. download 1 file . Langrafs of the Selintan ruled the region hundreds of years in the past. City of Greyhawk Poster Map A Living Greyhawk Journal exclusive! Jan 2, 2021 - Explore Jeff Latimer's board "World of Greyhawk maps" on Pinterest. city quarter. Captain's Companion boxed set. Here you'll find more
From the mad Malachite throne in Rauxes to the bejeweled city … Located on the shores of the Selintan River, it is
The Adventure Begins
Way back in my college days, I picked up my third favorite D&D product of all time: The City of Greyhawk boxed set, published by TSR in 1989. New areas are
Based on the
Page (in case you got here through a search engine). Locations Page
Unfortunately, to make the map large enough
The Wars had several important effects on the city, how… Living Greyhawk Journal #5 contains an article describing Clerkburg locations C4 to C12 (by Erik Mona
There have been elaborate city maps in many other D&D products since then, but none made me take one look and wish that I was actually there like Valusek’s Greyhawk map. Why Does The King Send You On Adventures. Here you will find more information. the city. download 1 file . active site map. Greyhawk is 59,000+ and I think Astra is 61k. Somehow the mixed jumble of architecture just said that no matter where in the world you came from, eventually your people would build their own place in this fantasy metropolis. LGJ#2 contains detailed descriptions of the Artisans' Quarter locations. The small river town featured an impressive elven tower fortress surrounded by yet more tall, thin towers, narrow walkways, lofty houses, and parkways filled with delicate wood and ceramic statuary. Common Crypt, and therefore must pay to be buried in the cemetery outside the
From the high towers of its grand universities to the rancid alleys of its darkest slums, the City of Greyhawk awaits you. Hover your mouse cursor over various locations on the maps
also knew that, in the future, the city proper will expand to the west along
Technically, the very first dungeon-crawl was Blackmoor, made by Dave Arneson jury-rigging the old Chainmail rules with some naval war shit. The number of Oligarchs (also known as directors) usually varies between 12 and 18, depending on the political circumstances. download 1 file . 3 other modules written during 1st Editions era (B2,C3(p.17), I2(p.17), I7(p.19), and UK6(p.155)) were retroactively set in Greyhawk after 19… In one simple download you get both the DM and players versions of the map. produced for Wizards of the Coasts' RPGA Living Greyhawk Campaign,
Somehow over time the maps have shrunk when clicked so I re-uploaded them and they should blow up bigger when clicked. Perhaps, if
didnt exist in Zagigs time! an article introducing the map and map key (by Erik Mona and myself), and an
TSR 1043 the City of Greyhawk - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. dot (or a dot is in the middle of a tunnel such as below the Broken Staff
In time the town developed strong textiles and meat-packing industries. This city is possibly the biggest in the Flanaess. Adventure Cards from the City of Greyhawk boxed set, several adventure
A = Artisans' Quarter, C = Clerkburg, F = Foreign Quarter, G =
beneath the city. Lastly, some of the locations presented here
to show good detail would make it unacceptably large for download purposes. The prefix letter (such as C1) refers to the
I'm still in a slump right now, but thank Pelor the Greyhawk community is more active than it's been since the heyday of Living Greyhawk!As I previously reported last month, there is alot of good new developments at the fansite Canonfire! LGJ#4
Images have been changed from GIF to PNG to save space. for religious reasons) are buried here. The flood gates of evil have opened and unleashed a deluge of suffering across the Flanaess. creature article. The nuptials formalized a political alliance that served as the basis for rule over the Lanstadt of Selintan, an … Save Greyhawk map to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed Content ; Online! Tsr 01043 The City Of Greyhawk. They were built as a secret project, and no one has entered them in almost 200 years. Non-citizens cannot be placed in the
Maps of the flanaess greyhawk current post greyhawk wars historic pre greyhawk wars other maps. City of Greyhawk supplement As
hero-deities, a complete listing of the Greyhawk gods, and another creature
The maps … ago, the surface ruins were mysteriously obliterated so completely that now only
See more ideas about dungeons and dragons, fantasy, fantasy map. What lies within these
Several locations come from Erik Mona's Absolute
A Paired Book. a few scattered very-weathered, cut-stone blocks can be seen among the trees. so DMs will find it useful no matter what year your campaign is based in. Welcome again Greyhawk fans. supplements, including the Falcon series (WGA1-3), Return of the Eight, WGA4
list here the articles of particular interest to the City of Greyhawk. (marked with red dots), and labels will pop up (if you have java enabled
The Greyhawk School of Psionics; City of Melkot Main Page: The most detailed area of my home campaign is the City of Melkot, an original city located at hex G5-132 on the large World of Greyhawk maps from the original Folio and Boxed set. great adventurer will arise from the result. A shop of the arcane, operated by none other then Maldin himself, with his partner Elenderi. Records of the early Langrafs are virtually non-existent, so
Coming soon will be more detailed descriptions of several new locations! Check back periodically to see
Eventually I hope to describe some
If your browser is unable to read PNG files you'll need to either upgrade your browser or download the original copies from Scott W.'s site . The