Playing this on Epic - but when i enable DLSS it only gives me three options for render resolution which are 1280x720, 1485x835 and 1707x960. All rights reserved. And looks like DLSS finally adds value, I wonder if it still chokes with lower end RTX cards - DLSS1.0 could process a finite amount of frames. When I enable DLSS I get 720p, 626p, and 540p Render Resolution so of course I'm going to pick the 720p render, but despite the smoothness and higher framerate there is still some noticeable setbacks which I guess is unavoidable. The right side shows DLSS. I hate any sort of blur, and always disable motion blur as it makes me feel ill. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord receives a performance boost with Nvidia DLSS, Nvidia loses control of its own products - RTX 3060 GPUs appear at second-hand retailers before their official release, Nvidia's DLSS tech has been added to NIOH 2's PC version, Nvidia's DLSS Tech is now an official Unreal Engine 4 Plugin, UL Benchmarks brings its Mesh Shader Feature Test to 3DMARK, Call of Duty: Warzone will soon support Nvidia's DLSS technology, Nvidia releases a Behind the Scenes RTX Trailer for Cyberpunk 2077, Nvidia throws off AMD's RX 6800 series launch by bringing DLSS to four more games. With Control, we get a very different look at Nvidia's DLSS technology. That said, the graphics boosts are more than worth the cut in performance. Perhaps this is a potential area of improvement for future RTX series graphics cards. When DRS is enabled along with DLSS, DLSS dynamically adjusts render resolution to deliver maximum image quality while maintaining the target frame rate. At each native resolution, we ran three tests at different DLSS render levels: 66 percent, 58 percent, and 50 percent render resolution. By turning DLSS on, under the hood the game will run at a lower internal resolution and will then be upscaled to your desired resolution. Let’s look at an example video, below. DLSS forces a game to render at a lower resolution (typically 1440p) and then uses its trained A.I. Native resolution // 21:9 // 3440 x 1440 and 2560 x 1080. Playing this on Epic - but when i enable DLSS it only gives me three options for render resolution which are 1280x720, 1485x835 and 1707x960. If i turn DLSS off then i get more resolutions like the resolution of my monitor which is 2560x1440. For the sake of testing, we reduced the internal render resolution to 1280 x 720, but kept output at 3840 x 2160 with DLSS on. This will make the game render in 1706x960, and the DLSS AI will upscale it to 1440p, adding some detail in the process. Discussion. This image processing approach to DLSS is integrated into Control, and it delivers up to 75% faster frame rates. DLSS can come in quite handy more mid-range and entry-level RTX graphics cards and enable the users to play at higher resolutions at comfortable framerates without compromising too much on quality. Remedy has decided to present Nvidia's AI upsampling feature as an upsampling tool, showing users the base resolution of DLSS enhanced images to give users a idea of what to expect. In the graph below we have also tested Control at 4K with DLSS base resolutions of 1080p, 1260p and 1440p. It sort of has the same look as rockstar's games have. Used GPU Trace with NSight and it doesn't show any FP16 Tensor usage. This is achieved by leveraging temporal motion vectors and jitter offsets as inputs to the neural network. When compared to Control's standard upscaling techniques, DLSS offers slightly less performance than upscaling the same resolution using the game's standard upscaling feature. I'm playing around with this DLSS in Control and from what I can see nothing beats native resolution despite it eating heavy on the framerate. For starters, let's compare DLSS to Control's other image upscaling techniques. In essence, it uses deep learning algorithms to render a game at a lower resolution than is displayed, upscaling it to the monitor's resolution. In Control the DLSS signage doesn't shine quite so bright. I play at 1440p with every graphic setting including RTX on max the normal upscalling using a render resolution of 1920 x 1080 and runs at 55-60fps (i have g-sync) When using DLSS the render resolution is 1366 x 768 and i get 70 - 80 fps (again with G-sync) I am happy with both FPS (drops to 55fps would not bother me even without G-sync) Which option is likely to give me the better graphics? confirmation emails that will arrive in your e-mail shortly after to complete the registration. DLSS Performance - BenchmarksDLSS is designed to increase game performance and offer similar, and arguably higher, levels of image quality. The first thing to note is that DLSS provides a massive performance boost over native resolution rendering, delivering gamers much higher framerates with visuals that are similar to a native 4K presentation. The three tiers still exist, they're just down as three render resolutions, which is far from intuitive. My first take with DLSS: In Control version 1.13, at 1440p, Max settings, no film grain or motion blur, RT max, system in sig: Performance, FPS goes up around 120fps with DLSS at max rendering resolution, presume Quality mode, without DLSS FPS is around 80fps … DLSS 2.0's Quality mode renders at a sub-full HD resolution so performance is faster than native 1080p. We played Control at 1080p native, and 720p rendered in DLSS mode in both the older & the newer version. algorithm to infer what it would look like if it were rendered at a higher one (typically 4K). DLSS lowers the internal resolution of the game and uses an algorithm to upsample it to your native resolution. Both sides are rendering at 720p, and outputting at 1080p. Turning on Nvidia’s DLSS AI helped improve performance, mainly by reducing the render resolution to 1706×960, which boosted my average to around … All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Subscribing to the OC3D newsletter will keep you up-to-date Edit: can confirm. If you want to use DLSS, set the "Resolution" setting to 1440p, and set the "Render Resolution" setting to 1706x960, and check the "Nvidia DLSS" box. With the right settings changes (see our Control performance analysis for a settings optimisations guide), 4K 60FPS performance with or without raytracing enabled should be possible with control using DLSS. Hey folks, Now that CONTROL has been released , I decided to have a look at Remedy's implementation of DLSS in a similar fashion as I did for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. You'd normally think that it wouldn't look as good at … In some areas, DLSS deliver better visuals than native 4K, especially with 1260p and 1440p base resolutions. One that focuses computing horsepower on fewer, more beautiful pixels, then uses super resolution techniques to enjoy these pixels at native display resolutions with pristine imag At 4K, DLSS can be operated at 1440p and 1080p, enabling significant leaps in GPU performance. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. We won't share your email address with ANYONE, and we will only email you with updates on site news, reviews, and competitions and you can unsubscribe easily at any time. I've never been a fan of aliasing any way. If i turn DLSS off then i get more resolutions like the resolution of my monitor which is 2560x1440. In the graph below we have also tested Control at 4K with DLSS base resolutions of 1080p, 1260p and 1440p. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Deep learning super sampling (DLSS) is an image upscaling technology developed by Nvidia and exclusive to Nvidia graphics cards for real-time use in select video games, using deep learning to upscale lower-resolution images to a higher-resolution for display on higher-resolution computer monitors. CONTROL // DLSS vs. This performance cut is higher when Raytracing is turned off, possibly showing how strained Nvidia's Tensor cores are when playing some games at higher framerates. on the latest technology reviews, competitions and goings-on at Overclock3D. That’s similar to how PlayStation 4’s Checkerboard Rendering works. Nvidia RTX 3050 Specifications Leak - Low-End RTX? Control DLSS with Render Resolution at 2,293 x 960 (Image credit: Remedy) When Control first launched, it was essentially the poster child for what Nvidia's RTX technology could do. Below we have tested Control at 4K at its native render resolution and at lower render resolutions of 1080p and 1440p. The first thing to note is that DLSS provides a massive performance boost over native resolution rendering, delivering gamers much higher framerates with … With this in mind, we tested Control at its highest settings (with raytracing on/off) to see how much extra performance DLSS 2.0 can offer. When determining settings on the initial run of the game, or when resetting settings to default, the game will now set defaults better tailored to your machine. So this is not running on the tensor cores and as such, is not DLSS 2.0. So, there you go. AMD has an answer to DLSS, DirectML Super Resolution, 3DMARK now contains a "pure ray-tracing" feature test - Ready for the Radeon RX 6000 series. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). Nvidia's DLSS 2 aims to upscale its low-res reputation ... classes down) a la Control's source-resolution choices. The left side uses Control’s in-engine scaling. As you can see, performance is about the same and that makes sense as DLSS is rendering at a lower resolution. Well, unless it is removing jagged edges. NVIDIA DLSS 2.0 is looking extremely impressive and I really hope more games make use of that. The same will apply to other RTX series graphics cards at lower resolutions. NVIDIA’s DLSS 2.0 is a big step up from the older version that supposedly produces images better than the native resolution. It shows one render resolution more, but DLSS 2.0 is actually named "Performance, Balanced and Quality" here it's just the render resolutions. But this is pretty interesting. © Valve Corporation. Some of this is down to the oddly mixed-message around how DLSS was rolled-out: it only works on more recent Nvidia cards that are still near the cutting edge of PC graphics hardware⦠but DLSS is designed to render images at lower resolutions but display them as if they were rendered natively at a higher resolution. These gamers can turn to DLSS for this task, as it would render the game at a lower resolution (say 1440p) and then smartly upscale it to 4K for a crisp image but still higher performance. Simply enter your name and email address into the box below and be sure to click on the links in the Control was unique in this one since it allowed for DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) to be enabled without engaging the other ray-trace based … Visually, Control still looked very close to native 4K in appearance, and unsurprisingly ran at up to 80 frames per second. Control DLSS OFF vs DLSS 2.0 ON Performance Comparison All Render Resolutions - 1080p 1440p 4k - Duration: 6:26. If you run into any problems, just drop us a message on the forums. If you’re planning on using DLSS to upscale to 4K, your resolution should be set to 4K.