Love & Hip Hop's Yandy Says Daughter Infinity Didn't Quit College, Sierra Regrets Fight With Karlie on 'Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta', Jennifer Aniston Has 'Tons in Common' With New Mystery Boyfriend, 90 Day Fiance's Jihoon Under Investigation Amid Deavan's 'Abuse' Claims, TMOG's Catelynn Reveals How Pandemic Affected Carly Reunion, TMOG's Amber Portwood Reveals 'Goal' for Coparenting With Exes. They 100-percent should’ve won, and Joy and Austin Forsyth agree, so you know we’re right. If you forget the whole penny flipping portion of the date (that is, the central concept), they did have a lovely picnic inside of a gazebo in a sweet little park as they fed each other cheesecake. Also featured along the way, Jinger and Jeremy, Josiah and Lauren, John and Abbie. “Bessa” isn’t like a regular couple, guys; they’re a cool couple, so they don’t do gender reveal parties, they do gender guessing parties. Jason is heading up the project, while Jed and Justin (what…there’s a Justin?) Counting On (Season 10) 72. Who's the Most Romantic? Tonight on TLC their reality show Counting On airs with an all-new Monday, July 14, 2020, season 11 episode 2 and we have your Counting On recap below. She has crafted a “Baby Coming Soon” bowl which she plans to use to reveal the baby news. JD and Abbie have a sweet flight out to the lake where he breaks out a miniature barbecue and starts grilling up some dinner, and we think they should win based alone on the fact that a Duggar husband is cooking something other than “Pop’s BBQ Tuna Fish.”. (And, of course, this actually means she wants Jana and whichever random brothers she can round up to build it.). Tonight on TLC their reality show Counting On airs with an all-new Monday, July 21, 2020, season 11 episode 3 and we have your Counting On recap below. Our first stop is Kendra and Joe‘s house on the outskirts of the Duggar Compound. Jessa, as per usual, is just bossing everyone around and trying to keep Ben from playing with the power tools. In Touch Weekly is part of the A360 Media Entertainment Group.Copyright © A360 Media LLC 2021. If you ask Jackson Duggar, it’s … hunting? Counting On's Kendra Caldwell and Joseph Duggar's Cutest Family Photos, Ouch! Back at Joe and Kendra’s house, it’s almost plate-lickin’ time! Not shown: Jessa’s head exploding because all the attention has now gone from her to “Jendra.”. Kendra has run into a little problem with her pregnancy reveal plan, though. “The bathroom would be in constant use,” he says. Joe arrives home, gets promptly coughed all over by “Gar-Bear” and then sits down to shovel down his meal. 1? You’re free to leave the site and not return. Jessa’s eyes are screaming, “I will cut you.”. Counting On Season 3 Episode 10 Recap: The Aftermath by Free Britney at October 26, 2016 6:57 am. team prepares to enter their bedroom and the final shot of the season is of an officer’s fingers counting down 3, 2, 1. Jessa and Ben are sure they’ve got it in the bag (after all, chocolate is the ~*~*~essence~*~*~ of romance, you guys!!! Kendra's Got a Secret 11/5/19 Click for Recap. Joe tells her it shouldn’t be a problem, further proving our belief that this family — all 193 of them — are completely out of touch with the real world. Counting On, Season 10 You’re not a hostage. But ultimately isn’t that what we all do? ‘Counting On’ Season 10, Episode 3 Recap: Revealing Genders & Producing Phallic Pieces November 2, 2019 by Chelsea 9. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The other rules? Then READ re-caps of other shows, and see that they’re just the same when it comes to jest and snark, which is what this site is all about, and why so many people love it. We’re already four episodes into the latest season of Counting On, proving that there’s some truth to the old adage, “Time Flies When You’re Shooting Blessings Out of Your Hoo-Ha Every 13 Months.”. Joseph and Kendra Caldwell are doing a “penny flipping date” and planning to have a picnic wherever they end up. For card-carrying members of Duggar Nation, Counting On Season 3 Episode 8 was an installment a long time in the making. To read The Ashley’s other ‘Counting On’ recaps, click here! Kendra giggles like a hyena on speed until he realizes that it is not a twig, but a sticker that says “Baby Coming Soon.”. comes to Jessa and Ben’s house to help set up for the couple’s gender guessing party. Although I may not agree with every person’s choices and decisions, I respect the fact that we live in a country that allows us the freedom to live and love in ways that are most meaningful for us. who’s the most romantic. Joe is moderately excited to find out that Kendra is five weeks pregnant. Almost All the Duggar Girls Have Worn Pants. Once they land in the city, Jinger and Jeremy adapt to their new west coast lives pretty quickly by immediately starting to complain about the traffic. “The Ashley” has a way of shedding a realistic light on “Reality TV”. On season 10, episode 2 of 'Counting On,' Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo explore L.A., the boys go on a road trip and John David heds out on his honeymoon. Also “expecting” are Jessa and Ben. We go to their house, where Jessa is in total “nesting mode” and decides she wants to build a deck onto her house before her baby arrives. The show was created in the wake of the Josh Duggar molestation … Instead, the family had set up a competition to discover (can you guess?) Jana having to come save the day constantly because she’s chosen not to get married and have children at a young age. Spoilers! We may not always understand someone else’s beliefs or lifestyle but at the very least we can demonstrate objectivity and common courtesy. Even after she and Josiah swap, the animal threatens in a preview to throw him off, but they soon get him back under control and head back through the woods. It hasn’t been that long since Kendra was expelling The Spawn of Joe from her Fetus Factory, but she’s already “with blessing” again! Tonight on TLC their reality show Counting On airs with an all-new Monday, August 18, 2020, season 11 episode 7 and we have your Counting On recap below. The patriarch of the family announces that he wants to be the “fun grandpa” and run around with the kids to tire them out, but he seems to be the one winded by the time Spurgeon is telling Meredith that “she’s a bad girl!” The producers also ask Jim Bob and Michelle to name all of their grandkids in birth order, and they fail miserably, even briefly forgetting Felicity exists at all. Because you have to sit there for two hours and wait for the deer to come? are assisting. Later on, the Duggar boys put the finishing touches on Jessa and Ben’s patio while the couple take Henry to the doctor regarding his delayed speech. We’d like to suggest another alternative: Etiquette Classes Coming Soon. Vans of Duggars are soon brought into the cramped home, piling onto chairs (and spouse’s laps) as they prepare to throw some old wives tales at Jessa in order to make their guesses as to what they think she and Ben are having. On tonight’s Counting On season 11 episode 3 “A Duggar Bachelor Pad,” as per the TLC synopsis, “Jessa and Ben go on their first road trip with three kids, hoping they don’t lose any kids along the way. Baby Number Two...But Who? Without question, we have the freedom to write whatever we want in this country. Put it like that and it sounds like something out of a movie — and they were so humble about being dubbed the “most romantic” that we couldn’t possibly hold it against them. We don’t have to belittle the things that we may not ascribe to personally. OK, OK, they also talk about their wedding vows and which one was tested most as well as learning to compromise and which of their dates was their favorite (Josiah says all of them, which effectively means none of them), but seriously, they did have to talk about finances. Because once you put it out there you can’t distance yourself from it. Not because I personally ascribe to live in the ways that they do but because of the love that the share and their commitment to the God they serve. What a “great treat” this whole scene was. Ben and Jessa are pretty sure they’ve got the competition in the bag on their date. Tonight on TLC their reality show Counting On premieres with an all-new Monday, July 7, 2020, season 11 episode 1 and we have your Counting On recap below. On season 10, episode 1 of 'Counting On,' the married kids compete to win the title of most romantic couple and Jinger and Jeremy move to L.A. On tonight’s Counting On season 11 episode 7 “Highs and Lows,” as per the TLC synopsis, “Jeremy and Jinger shares the news about their miscarriage; Ben is having second thoughts about his eye surgery; Jeremy … 10/15/19 Click for Recap. Updated at October 26, 2016 7:10 am. In the first episode of the new season, “Who’s the Most Romantic?” grandparents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar stepped up to babysit eight of their 12 grandchildren so that four of the married couples could head out on date nights. by Free Britney at October 8, 2014 7:04 am . Jed (or Jer or…one of them, I don’t know…) realizes that it would be easier to babysit The Spurge if they actually kept him near them instead of in the house by himself, so they bring him out…by the power tools…to wander around. The Duggars are returning to TLC with new episodes of Counting On.Tune in at 9pm ET/8pm CT for a 60-minute premiere titled Who's the Most Romantic? Uh, what? After she’s done doling out the wisdom she’s acquired in her “old age,” Kendra calls Joe and asks if he can leave the car lot early today because dinner will be ready sooner than she expected. As for Kendra, she’s finally able to relax her nerves from all of the excitement. Apparently, pecks are banned in their marriage. Alex begins pacing up and down the studio while all the entire production crew panic about her behavior. Just something to consider. We hope you enjoy our series of articles to recap each episode of season ten of The Walking Dead. They just choose to live their lives differently than others. It’s a choice. “Whenever Joe enjoys a meal, he’ll a lot of time lick the plate clean.”. The Morning Show Season 1, Episode 10, “The Interview”, in finale-like fashion, has The Morning Show live but Alex freezes, prompting Bradley to take over all the lines. Jill Duggar Gets Hurt While Grocery Shopping With Her Kids, Amy Duggar Felt Like an 'Exhausted, Happy Cow' After Feeding Baby Dax, Lauren Swanson Shows Off Baby Bump in a Tight Minidress During a Date, Teen Mom OG's Cory Reacts to Cheyenne House-Hunting With BF Zach, The Kardashians Are 'Committed' to Keeping Kanye 'a Part of' Their Family. On the horse riding date, Lauren’s horse starts acting up. Jeremiah asks Jedidiah if he has any “pre-courting announcements to make” (read: Does he have a crush? Counting On follows the lives Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald as they navigate adulthood. But they weren’t just any date nights. That’s right Duggars! Well if that isn’t a glowing review for parenthood, we don’t know what is. Or not. Duggar On! 19 Kids and Counting Season 15 Episode 10 Recap: Jessa Duggar Gets Married! As they compete for the title of the most magical date, the couples will have to discuss — drum roll, please — finances. The idea came up when the pastor started talking about pursuing “further theological training,” and they ran with it from there. Consider your own legacy. Are 90 Day Fiance's Julia, Brandon Pregnant With Baby No. That prize goes to Joe and Kendra, though. In the past, her family members tried to downplay that dream, but now, it’s finally coming true. OK), and they’re also total haters about it, but they’re right to be. When the producers point out that their ~risky~ date idea means that they could end up anywhere (and Jeremy throws some serious shade with his, “Risky? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ‘Counting On’ Season 10 Episode 7 Recap: Bootcamp, Blindfolds & Building Nests December 3, 2019 by Chelsea & The Ashley 10 “Maybe you’ll finally stop making smart ass comment, Austin!” I mean…those blessings ain’t gonna make themselves, guys…, ‘Teen Mom OG’ Season 9 Episode 4 Recap: Party Planning & A Promiscuous Paratrooper Costume, ‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Catelynn Lowell Reveals Gender of Her Fourth Child: Find Out How Tyler Baltierra Reacted to the News, It’s (Another) Girl for ‘Counting On’ Stars Joe & Kendra Duggar: See the First Baby Photos. Meanwhile, a random assortment of Duggar boys are just hacking off the side of Jessa and Ben’s house. While Jinger is back on her skirted-workout ensemble kick, we have to give her props for being willing to bust out some side kicks and squats among the common people — even the “sinners” in their running shorts! Hey, have you guys heard that L.A. has bad traffic? Jinger also says that Jeremy would be “the sweetest one,” to which he responds, “Behave yourself, girl,” and we feel like we just got a glimpse at their foreplay.