The scene left many wondering if they had hooked up in the past either by choice or force. Site Design and Development by Behr Design. German distribution agreement signed. “We are reaching the end of this journey, so the main characters are less safe than they have ever been before.”, Megan Thee Stallion dating history: from Moneybagg Yo to, Who is Future's girlfriend Dess Dior? The actor is nothing like the character, which is sad, because some of these characters are the sh*t! /* Some things need to have white lettering. -- Joshua A. img.wp-smiley, The next day Tasha's daycare get searched for drugs, which lead to one of the mother's epiphany stop helping Tasha from selling her drugs. But ummm speaking of s.x and the Game. visibility: hidden; Tasha helps James in his criminal business and tells him to stop seeing Angela as a thanks for everything she did for him. Paz, still grieving Angela's death, seeks allies in the pursuit of justice-or vengeance. Holly walks in on Tommy’s and Ghost’s dinner. Since the show began, there have been theories intertwining some of the show's lead characters in a way that we don't see on screen. 11 July 2018, 12:06 | Updated: 11 July 2018, 12:09. Kanan is the twins’ [Tariq/Raina’s] father, and that’s why he all of a sudden wants to help in the Season 4 finale. And when it comes to Tommy he is a lunatic ready to snap in a second, I really didn't like that they offed Luiz, chile GHOST fuked that trust and loyalty up. vertical-align: -0.1em !important; width: 250px; Here’s A Message for All Those Calling Tasha St Patrick A Thot. /* form > div:nth-child(6) > input, They'd completely fall apart under similar circumstances. I have never liked Angela, and she can't be trusted. What a Tasha … 2,040 885. That's just the thing. Tasha has had enough and decides to turn herself in for the killing of Ray Ray but James stops her and says he'll go down for their family. Silver isn’t down at first, and he accuses Tasha of covering for Ghost. The reason because of Proctor's cousin Benny talking about Proctor's death and Tommy's guilty expression. Tasha and James planned a robbery at Tate's fun raising event with the help of Tommy's men and Alphonse to rob rich people with their valuables.