But it doesn’t. Truck News learned the issue was discussed during a recent Canadian Canadian Council of the Ministers of Environment meeting. Does the Enviroment board want to risk these lawsuits and deaths pertaining to the failed systems that whe have shoved down our throat that don’t work in cold weather?? Instead of the government cracking down on deletes, they should be trying to educate owners how to clean and maintain exhaust components. During this cycle, diesel fuel is used to burn off the soot so it all comes out at once and your exhaust system can breath again. (In some cases, the DPF is removed from the truck, but more often, it’s hollowed out so the truck appears to be in compliance during visual inspections. © Copyright 2021 | Privacy Policy | Sitemap. I am inclined to agree with most of the comments, for the following reasons. Hammer down boys. good enough for citizens but not for law makers. Kate Jordan, spokesperson with the communications branch of the MoE, said “All vehicles must have the emission components that they came with from the manufacturer and these must be connected and in proper working condition. This is a major concern in a northern climate like Edmonton. water never ever was changed or flushed. Removing the diesel particulate filter (DPF) or selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system is fairly easy as well, requiring just an exhaust system replacement. I need this answer ASAP please! What a difference. maintain your truck, maintain your aftertreatment system. My fuel mileage improved and the horsepower increase was significant. A manufacturer’s vehicle with high polution might be enough cheaper (and maintenance costs enough cheaper) to more than compenaste users for the tax they pay (based on miles driven) to remove what they put into the atmosphere. So… you DO get 20 or 30 percent less mileage using a DPF. i have a system for a 14-15 liter semi sitting in my garage , ready to go. This going green movement is the worst ‘new economy’ to ever be invented for profit. An EGR Delete Kit is an aftermarket part that removes the EGR from your vehicle. You DO have huge expense dealing with this useless technology. The cookie settings on this website are set to 'allow all cookies' to give you the very best experience. Zero issues. How does the EPA not understand that a 5-10% reduction in exhaust gasses does not justify a 20-30% increase in fuel usage? For the last half decade the truth is painfully clear on who the wise ones were. And likewise Chinese manufacturers who pollute could be levied a tax (by China) to run similar cleaning factories. CNG is cheap to run and almost 0 emission. So what? Air has more money than you, and that’s why they’ll do what they want, unregulated. Class action law suit will be in the horizon guaranteed! However, the annual Commercial Vehicle Inspection Program (CVIP) inspections conducted on all large trucks do require an OEM or equivalent exhaust system. One truck broke down 36hrs for a 85$ censor telling the engine it had def fluid lol #3 there $186000 trucks wow crazy I own my trucks there payed for I can put a new motor new trans drive line in every year and still be ahead …there’s more junk whisles crap on these new rigs it’s unbelievable. Daimler seems to have produced the MOST EFFICIENT and COST EFFECTIVE engine. Get all of Hollywood.com's best Movies lists, news, and more. Well multiply that times all the diesel trucks on the road in Canada, so some quick math. i have a device on my car that has almost doubled my mileage. The engines failed so many times, that the down time, and cost to repair was too great. I have removed all this equipment from my truck and aside from the odvious HP gains I can drive 780 km off a full tank as compared to 630 km prior to removal and there’s no smoke in those numbers. While I agree its unfair to the truckers who are trying to earn a living, but its equally unfair to the population that has to breathe in the pollution. As long as the vehicle is in my name and I am paying for it. But hey, as a simple small business owner and truck driver, I am obviously not mentally equipped to understand the intracacies of pollution control, just forced to live by ridiculous rules. I got a fine and an order to comply, the truck came from Ontario Chrysler like that to my partner l now own it , and they want $6500 plus to restore it at a friend’s shop . zero emissions. I guess it is easier to have us deal with the grief and expense than actually find a fix. In Just over 4 yrs I put 900,000 kms on the truck. Violators are subject to penalties under the Texas Clean Air Act of … We had a truck come in today, it had a delete done and in 4 hours of drive time the engine failed. Several factors disrupting the future of the transportation industry, CTA says new carriers should be required to meet national entry standard. The second aspect of that is a competitive playing field. “It’s then left to the provinces to enforce,” Laskowski said. You DO get unexplained problems with oil contamination using modern pollution ‘control’ technology. Stay up to date on technology, regulations and trucking life. Not what I expected from a Cummins. Some 2 times. A Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) has been built into your diesel engine to help remove diesel particulate matter or soot from the engine. W live in the USA and even though I’ve talked with several owners that have gotten the delete, we’re still afraid the chance of getting caught and not to mention being put out of service. equipment ie EGR valves, AIR pumps, charcoal cannisters etc.They even started checking engine #’s& stated that if a engine swap had taken place then all the emm, equip. Similar to the DPF system, the DEF system removes soot from your engine and stores it in a canister located within your exhaust system in little ‘honeycomb’ shaped compartments. That’s an issue we’re raising in Ottawa. That’s what happened to Ministry of environment got my truck had to put my o7 pete all back to factory station HP included plus egr. Trucks with the DEF delete install can improve fuel efficiency by up to 30%. When you purchase a new emission unit, it is wise to buy extended warranty, with will absorb the cost of ownership when you have a CEL. We have a 2009 Ford Diesel truck. I noticed no one is “modifying” Freightliner Cascadia trucks. Whole DPF and EGR removal on all 2500 and 3500 RAM trucks from 2007 to 2018. If you have a diesel truck, you know how important the DPF filter can be; and how expensive they are to replace when they fail. I just brought a new 2020 L5p and looking to get it tuned and deleted. And.. I am making payments on a $60,000 diesel pickup. 2011-2015 Duramax 5" Exhaust Kit - No Muffler. I would sue the shit out of the government! I’ve had some issues but it’s all part of the growing pains of advancement. To find out just how prevalent and attainable these services are, Truck News’ on-road editor Harry Rudolfs conducted an investigation, calling numerous shops across Canada under the guise of an owner/operator or small fleet owner. Of course almost all the public (CNG)natural gas stations have been closed and our CNG service truck has to be driven to Toronto for fuel. This makes no sense to me that we can be fined or have to spend thousands of further dollars if we do the dpf delete on our truck. Doesn’t run, can’t afford to fix it, won’t pollute. I’m definitely interested in what your talking about. There seems to be a lot more comments against these systems than for. Govt types dont have the moral authority to take that away from me. Big trucking won’t allow it and they have money. $365 per missing piece of emm. And on top of that left over diesel from process gets dumped Meanwhile the pollution from both will drift on over here, and they will face no tax from Canada. But my question is how hard is this to do? DPF Delete Tuning | H&S Mini Maxx, EFI Live, Bully Dog & EZ Lynk. Rudolfs’ unprecedented investigation, appearing in the April issues of Truck News and Truck West and on Trucknews.com tomorrow, paints a clearer picture of just how widespread and easily attainable these services are in Canada. Truckers and trucking companies are going out of business because of DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS that are always in the shop. One, this is an image issue for our industry. They want us to stop tampering? The next opacity snap test averaged a 4.2% with the EGR delete kit installed. An example is people doing a intake heater delete. It doesn’t. 1. at 59.000 km it went into limp mode out of cell range. The main argument against the emissions systems is people still think it’s cool to have a big diesel barrelling out black smoke to show off how much power they’re sitting on. CTA made up of rats who don’t even drive trucks for a living. When too much soot builds up and needs to be cleared, this system goes into a regen cycle and uses DEF at a high heat to burn off and blow out the built up soot. 7 500 000 more litres needed to be mined, refined and transported weekly. It’s possible many drivers will be stuck with trucks they can no longer certify under the CVIP, without a costly reversal of the work they paid so dearly to have done. #2 the emissions from the DEF The good news I guess is that parked trucks make 0 pollution. My bet is the public would have a completely different view on pollution control then, as would the politician that use air travel. According to the DPF guidance sheet on the .GOV website.. The plume of white/bluish smoke belching from the stacks of the companies fleet of ’12 International ProStar+ on a regular basis is disturbing. Electronic engines monitor coolant temp and will not allow full power when below a programed coolant temp. Others provided referrals for shops that would do the job, revealing a broad network of well-connected service providers. Unexpected repairs never come at a good time – don’t put your livelihood (or safety) at risk because you can’t afford repairs right now. I can’t help but wonder why you’d ask the biggest players (aka richest) what they think, but not a worthwhile peep from from any of the lone gunmen on the road. An Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system has been installed in your diesel engine to reduce the vehicle’s exhaust emissions. The government is not taking into consideration the fact of trucks that are deleted. After 4 winters of struggling with frozen def, I have made the decision to remove the system from my 2015 Duramax. Frequently advertised as DPF Delete or EGR Delete kits, service providers offer to remove the emissions-reducing devices and then reprogram the engine for better performance at a cost of thousands of dollars, which shops claim will quickly be recovered through improved fuel economy and reliability. So, even for us simple wrench pullers and truck drivers it seems to me that if we had carried on from the 8 – 12 mpg that we saw in the late ’90s (good luck seeing 8 today) and had worked it from that end we would be averaging closer to the 20mpg spectrum and reducing greenhouse gas by virtue of burning less fuel. There was something available in the early 2000s that would have made EVERY diesel engine compliant without add-ons that fail and cost thousands of dollars. the topmost benefit of the DPF delete is the improvement in the performance of the engine. No guilt here and I don’t think fines should be given until a third party unbiased study is done on the end results based on the emission produced from the time the crude come from the ground, till the time it leaves my tail pipe. Lets use our brains for a second, Once carbon lands on the ground and gets rained or snowed on it effectively becomes non-dangerous. 90% of the problems posted on diesel discussion boards are related to emissions equipment. With the latest software, the RaceMe Ultra now has a TPMS feature to adjust tire pressure to get rid of the warning messages by selecting a different PSI threshold. That unburnt fuel allowed to reach the DOC will eventually cause an uncontrolled thermal event. I work bush hauls….remote areas often…..down time caused by emission system failures coud not only bankrupt me but could also put my well being in jeapordy….as I understand it the Canadian armed forces are not using dpf or Def systems in their equipment….if this is true I would venture to guess that they understand how unreliable these systems are. It is MY truck. Compare. Perhaps ask some that are getting it down now, and some that have had it done for some years? I own a Ford 6.4 diesel, in order for this engine to stay alive the dpf has to be deleted, if regulation makes me put this back on then maybe you can tell me who is going to replace my burnt out 6.4? Imo! My main argument is that the technology is not in anyway whatsoever reliable. A Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) has been built into your diesel engine to help remove diesel particulate matter or soot from the engine. Even fire departments are removing due to damage occurred while idling. EVERYONE wants clean air, efficiency, yadda, yadda. Texas law prohibits any person from selling, offering for sale, leasing, or offering to lease any vehicle not equipped with all emission control systems or devices in good operable condition. This is why many diesel truck owners choose a DPF delete. (Limp mode). Tank froze solid and was told by dealership that the heater will only thaw a small area in the tank. They dont have the ability to change these variables, so they remove the emergency shutdowns all together, cause engine failures so extream that it can be nearly impossible to diagnose what happened. just think the government is missing out on all the tax dollars they could collect in increased profits from all those big carriers if they could increase fuel milage reduce down time and eliminate the repair costs.the tax revenue to the various governments would go along way to pay their entitlements. I am quite confused as to how burning more fuel because of pollution control devices to achieve the same objective is good for the environment or the trucking industry. We are not supposed to just allow them to ruin the lives of citizens…it is our obligation to fight back. Wow I can’t believe all the comments on here. The issue will be that when you go to trade or sell the vehicle that has any emmission tampering,be it a complete DEF or DPf illimination that it will not pass a provincial safety,be it a commercial vehicle or a private vehicle,thus making that vehicle completely worthless as a trade. 2011-2015 Duramax Cat/DPF Delete Pipe. STOP idling. A lot of these excuses are from people who have no clue what they are talking about. Are there any products available as of fall 2020 that would make this happen. People do deletes just to rid themselves of relentless reliability issues. Why don’t we just invent new ways to tax the large base of workers and deliver the dollars to the top few percent. Best things to keep an emission engine running is good under hood inspections and maintenance. Idling is, any speed where the engine is not under load. Yes.. the truck manufacturer is making a crap product beyond the emission controls. We all know the oil companies make loads of money they are hoarding. Stop collectively paying your taxes and they’ll get the hint. He went as far as to say, don’t blame GM as it was not their idea and that they were forced to meet EPA requirements. Now the ships are a real polluter. But as it is now, all you are doing is reducing the amount of GHG per litre burned but burning more diesel which seems counter productive. My wife and I have a 2010 Volvo D13 with almost a million miles. lifetime warranty. I have a 1986 Freightliner Cab Over with a 3206 CAT. At the same time, the Dodge has: I know your magazine is heavily financed by manufacturers so this might be hard for you to openly admit. please follow up on the story from owner operators who’ve had this done so we KNOW what’s up, rather than “THINK” what’s up. If we tax the sheit out of beef, hardly anybody will afford it, hence farmer will rather raise pigs and sheep. If we did, let’s start with upping the price of beef and milk… will see how many would support this BS.. http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change/cow-emissions-more-damaging-to-planet-than-co2-from-cars-427843.html, Hello all I am a truck driver and have had my own trucks I all so have a 2007 f350 with a 6.0 there was a law suit against ford and navistar and we won ya right I went to dealer and my truck is not covered they said because it’s from the U S A these motors are a night mare for ford owners I use my truck to pull my rv but right now it sits as I can’t afford to fix it I will delete every thing that I have to to keep my truck I can’t afford to buy another one and then have the same problems the government is a joke and should have stepped in and helped with these problems but I’m just fooling myself when I can afford to fix my truck I will and do what I need to do. The procedure, however, effectively reverses the environmental gains resulting from the advent of EGR and DPF systems introduced in 2002 and 2007 respectively, and essentially restores the vehicle to EPA02 pollution levels. Sorry EPA, that harms MY environment. Soot is a fuel and if the soot lights off in a hard pull the ATS can overtemp, this will cause a failure of the SCR cat. Whether you need a high performance DPF delete kit or just a stock compatible one to improve fuel economy, we have and can help you find the right kit for your diesel truck. It has come with a heavy cost, but we now have smog-free, near zero emissions engines,” Stephen Laskowski, vice-president of the Canadian Trucking Alliance told Truck News. They are all DEFECTIVE. DPF Delete kits, EGR blocks, tunes and programmers are perfectly legal to make, sell and install on vehicles used for racing. The engine oil level INCREASES after an oil change. All vehicles are required to meet federal emissions standards. Subscribe & receive a free transmission tuning ($249.95 value) with any Delete Service. The light does not come on but if you set the parameter to 1, and the operator tries to perform a parked regen with no DPF lamp on, if the DPF is in zone 1 a regen will start, if it is in zone 0, a regen will not start. lifetime warranty. I tow frequently and currently this new emissions equipped vehicle is costing me six to $800 more a month than any of my previous Duramax powered vehicles. The catalytic converter and diesel particulate filter (DPF) are removed when an EGR delete is done, eliminating the necessity for diesel exhaust fluid (DEF).