11 Amazing Health Benefits Of Dragon Fruit For Your Baby. Dragon fruit can also be served as a puree or with other fruits such as blueberries, apples, cranberries and peaches. It also strengthens and nourishes hair. Babies and little kids need... 2. Dragon fruit tastes delicious and can be beneficial for your little one’s health. Its uniqueness has gained, it attention but the health benefits have earned it the title of superfood. The antioxidants essentially will help your child to grow a health heart. The benefits of dragon fruit include cancer prevention, improved heart health, and better immunity. Anti-oxidant. This stabilizes the blood sugar content. While mashed dal and rice and pureed vegetables will be your first choice, as it should be, you might consider adding certain fruits in his diet. Among the health-conscious population, dragon fruit is a big hit. Diaper Rash Troubling Your Little One? Dragon fruits contain high amount of calcium The second dragon fruits benefits for … Normally, these are the combinations you seek for in a food alternative for your child. There are no known risks of allergy caused due to the consumption of dragon fruits for that matter. Better yet, consult a paediatrician or a nutritionist before you introduce dragon fruit or any other new food in your little one’s diet. Dragon fruit has the capacity of restoring your child’s skin health. Thus dragon fruits can be introduced to the child from 4 months to 6 months of age, depending on the recommended age of introducing solids. The high amount of fiber present in dragon fruit helps your child to digest food properly. Dragon Fruit for Baby - Is it Safe to Give Your Child? You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on interactive elements on the site, any assistance, or response you receive is provided by the author alone. Here’s What You Can Do! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. There are now many food stores and conventional groceries where dragon fruits are available, which are not dried or preserved with the help of chemical. 3. Also dragon fruits are a bit acidic in nature. Antioxidants. Be aware of your baby's reaction to citrus fruits, as these types of fruits may cause your baby to have an upset stomach. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Medline Plus warns that highly allergenic food sources, like strawberries and peanuts, may be passed into breask milk, which can increase your baby's chance to develop an allergy to the food later in life. Start with dragon fruit only after 8-9 months.Remember dragon fruit is hard and making a puree of it would again be an issue.Once your baby starts getting teeth you can start with it.For now you can feed your baby fruits like apples,banana,pear and chickoo.But even if you start with these fruits feed your baby only 1 fruit at a time in the … Fibre is necessary for the healthy movement of the bowel and to maintain the digestive tract. Abundant in calcium and phosphorous, dragon fruit can assist in bone development. This protects your child’s cell membrane from any sort of damage caused by the free radicals. It is low in calories, carbs, and fats, and rich in many nutrients including. Although it is advisable to wait up to a year, some mothers introduce dragon fruit as early as 6 months to their babies and they handle it well unless they are allergic to it. Here’s how to prepare dragon fruit for your baby: Take the chopped dragon fruit in a blender jar. Folate protects the unborn baby from neural tube defects. Research on its nutritional profile is ongoing, and research on the benefits of dragon fruit for humans is limited. The anthocyanin found in the fruit also inhibits the growth of leukemia cells and is known to slow down tumor growth. And dragon fruit with red pulp is particularly high in betalains, which provide its color and can reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels. It will guard your child’s heart and... 3. 2. It reduces constipation and improves digestion. Dragon fruit contains the antioxidants vitamin C, beta-carotene, lycopene and betalain. If he/she is not allergic to pollen, then naturally dried prunes can be given to your six months old baby. (You slice them in 1/2 lengthwise, and scoop out the dragon fruit, like eating a melon, but they taste … Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Babies, Precautions to Take Before Feeding Dragon Fruit to an Infant, How to Add Dragon Fruit to Your Baby’s Diet, How to Make Dragon Fruit Puree for Babies. Dragon fruits are rich in minerals like potassium. It may also help ward off diseases such as rickets in childhood and arthritis later on. Also known as pitaya, these fun-looking fruits contain around 60 calories each and are rich in vitamin C, B1, B2 and B3, and minerals such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus. Essential elements like phytoalbumin united with the vitamin C and other minerals in the dragon fruit makes the fruit a better cancer prevention agent. Potassium along with other phenolic and flavonid compounds helps your child to grow strong bone mineral density. Despite being eaten in other countries for centuries, the dragon fruit is relatively new to Western culture. Watch Video: 11 Amazing Health Benefits Of Dragon Fruit For Your Baby. The nourishment derived from this fruit will definitely boost the hair growth for your child. Vitamin C is also a great source to boost the immunity. A good starting point is the red dragon fruit for baby as they are more delicious than the white ones. This helps your child to regularize the bowel movement. That is why it is good for your child’s heart. Dragon fruits contain two of the most important vitamins for kids-Vitamin A and Vitamin C. The former helps your child to have healthy hair and good eyes. Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Using Baby Wipes on Your Little One’s Skin. Phosphorous combined with phenolic and flavonoid compounds can improve bone density, thus making bones strong. Dragon fruits can be mixed with other fruits in the form of apples, blueberries, peaches, cranberries and melons. That is why it boosts the red blood cell formation in your child’s body. Once your baby has started eating solids, dragon fruit is pretty easy to serve; all you need to do is cut it in half and scoop out the inner flesh which is the edible part and remove for the seeds. The fruit needs to be washed thoroughly as they can contain traces of pollen which can cause allergies. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Let’s find out how eating dragon fruit can benefit your baby: Dragon fruit contains antioxidants, which can help protect the cell membranes from any kind of damage caused by free radicals. Many of these are likely due to its fiber and antioxidant content. So, these are dragon fruits benefits for baby : 1. Iron is important for moving oxygen through your body and giving you energy, and dragon fruit has iron. Parenting.Firstcry.com accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations. Since dragon fruit has a good amount of vitamin C, they are also a little high on the acidic side. The pitahaya, pitaya or dragon fruit is an exotic fruit that comes from a type of cactus and has many nutrients beneficial to health. They protect your baby’s cells and helps avoid damage to the body. Vitamin C is essential for building and repairing skin. and the presence of these compounds make them very beneficial for us. In this article, we are going to introduce the amazing health benefits of dragon fruit and after knowing these benefits you will surely going to love this fruit. Giving Dragon Fruit to Babies: Health Benefits & Precautions Rich in vitamin C, dragon fruits are very good for your child’s skin. Dragon fruit: Health benefits Apart from its unique look and taste, this tropical fruit is increasingly gaining popularity worldwide because of its myriad health benefits… Dragon fruit also has cancer fighting properties. Dragon fruit is a good source of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and C, iron and calcium. This regulates the bowel movement. It is a high fiber food alternative which is low in cholesterol and free of any sort of sodium. Bollywood’s royal couple, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan, welcomed their second child, a baby boy, on 21st February. This means your child... 3. Good for the Digestive System: Dragon fruit is a good tonic for your digestive system and bowel management. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The dragon fruit has scaly skin like a dragon; maybe this is a reason why the fruit is said as a dragon fruit. Fruits are healthy and nutritious and can be beneficial for his health, but then again, not all fruits will be safe for consumption, especially for babies under 1 year of age. Just like any other food that you introduce to your child, the first and the foremost thing you will have to check is if your child is allergic to it. Dragon fruit is an excellent source of many nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, polyphenols, and dietary fibers, etc. This means the baby develops good motor and sensory skills. Benefits of Dragon Fruit, how to eat dragon fruit, benefits of dragon fruit for skin, benefits of kiwi fruit, benefits star fruit, benefits passion fruit, benefits of dragon fruit during pregnancy, benefits vitamin water, benefits of dragon fruit tea, Prevents the risk of anemia: According to a study, consuming red dragon fruit juice had significant effects on the levels of hemoglobin and erythrocyte levels in pregnant women. Consuming dragon fruit ensures that it remains healthy. This article will help you understand if you can give dragon fruit to your little one. Health Benefits of Chikoo for BabiesWhen and How to Introduce Avocados to Infants?Advantages and Recipes of Oranges for Your Baby. Rich in Antioxidants: Eating Dragon fruit during pregnancy is considered good as it is richly packed with Vitamin C.Vitamin C … Should You Give Dragon Fruit to Your Baby? Therefore, this is the type of food you should prioritize adding to your child's diet. Dragon fruits are also rich in potassium. This fruit is a rich source of phytonutrients and antioxidants. It also goes well with yogurt. The phosphorous, sodium and calcium content in dragon fruit can ensure the proper functioning of the nervous system. So if your child is suffering from constipation, feeding him/her with dragon fruit is a good idea. Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Babies 1. Dragon fruit helps in proper bowel movement. Studies have linked diets high in antioxidants to a reduced risk of chronic disease. Vitamin C is needed for the development of your child’s bones and muscles. Serve immediately. The abundant amount of folate in dragon fruit makes it a healthy choice for a pregnant woman. And the vitamin C in dragon fruit helps your body take in and use the iron. It helps your child’s skin to remain healthy. Dragon fruit is a good source of flavonoids, which are antioxidant pigments that have a positive impact on heart health. The detoxifying capacity of dragon fruit can help your child get rid of any kind of toxins in the kidney. It keeps the kidney clean from any kind of toxic elements and consequently helps maintain a healthy urinary tract. Dragon fruit, which is a rich source of Vitamin C can help in maintaining the texture and tenderness of your baby’s skin. Hi there, Hope you are doing good. https://parentinghealthybabies.com/health-benefits-dragon-fruit-baby That is the reason why you should consult well with your child’s pediatrician before offering him/her with dragon fruits. Rich in Vitamin C and other minerals, dragon fruit offers many health benefits for your child. This will also protect your child in the future by preventing the tendency of arthritis. If you are worried about the lack of hair on your child’s wee head then feed him/her with dragon fruits. These cookies do not store any personal information. So you have to look out for pollen allergies. The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and should not be construed as a substitute for advice from a medical professional or health care provider. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Dragon fruit is a fantastic source of Vitamin A. It is also good for the teeth. The potential skin benefits come from its vitamin C … Plenty of sugary treat often causes constipation and gas in your little one. Plus, the minerals help oxygen travel through the body more efficiently as well. The latter will make sure that your child has good immunity and glowing skin. But we seem not to be bothered and we just eat it without even knowing what are its associated health benefits. You can steam, blanch or bake prunes to prepare the perfect baby food for your tiny one. 11 Tips To Get Rid Of Belly Fat Post Delivery, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Symptom, Cause, Risk, Prevention, 11 Must have Fruits during Monsoon for Kids, Health Benefits of Custard Apple for Babies. Advantages and Recipes of Oranges for Your Baby, 10 Healthy and Delicious Indian Food Recipes for Toddlers. In addition, dragon fruit is also rich in fiber, which helps improve digestion. Animal studies suggest that dragon fruit may provide various health benefits. In the growth stage it is important for your child to keep his/her healthy and free of any sort of fat. It is needed for growth and development of bones, muscles and skin and aid in the development of the circulatory system. If your child is not very physically active, then chances are that his/her heart might be at risk. 3. Dragon fruit is also a powerhouse of Vitamin C which is essential for many of the bodily processes. Dragon fruit is known for its nutritional value and rich taste. The antioxidants protect your child from falling prey to common diseases. The acid content of dragon fruit might cause adverse effect on your child’s digestive system. Dragon fruit has nutrients that promote heart health in infants and adults. There are numerous health benefits offered by dragon fruits. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. It is highly recommended for pregnant women to adequate nutrition and her fetus by eating dragon fruit. This is a great fruit to try at your next health party and is a great addition to any diet plan. The pitaya or dragon fruit, a native of Mexico and several countries of South America, is known for being of striking colors and strange appearance. Sometimes foods can irritate the digestive tract and cause symptoms such as diarrhoea and bloating. For that reason it is improves your child’s digestion. If your baby likes its taste, he is more likely to eat it without making a fuss. They fight off common cough and flu. It provides high amount of vitamin C for baby The first dragon fruits benefits for baby. These anti-oxidants protect your... 2. Given its name and funky appearance, your first guess might be that it comes from China.Actually, where dragon fruit is Dragon fruits are a fantastic source of iron. Dragon fruit is a delicious and nutritious tropical fruit. You could filter out the seeds with a sieve if there are any large ones left after blending. Dragon Fruit Health Benefits During Pregnancy: Following are the various benefits of dragon fruit for pregnant woman: 1. Whilst purchasing dragon fruits for your child try and find natural sources. 70 Arthurian Legend-Inspired Names for Boys and Girls, Newborn Baby Skincare Routine for the Summer Season, 10 Positive Qualities You Didn’t Even Realize You Have, Getting Pregnant in Your 20s : Facts You Need to Know, Remedies to Reduce the Effect of Shani Sade Sati. Dragon fruits have great impact on your child’s heart health. It is not suitable for baby at this age to eat dragon fruit. Make sure that the dragon fruits are not dried with sulphur. All rights reserved. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Your use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. It can also boost immunity and prevent deficiency diseases like scurvy. The high roughage content in the fruit also avoids constipation. It goes well with yoghurt too and is used in some preparation of chicken dishes. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Using Baby Wipes on... Singapore Maths for Kids – Pros, Cons and Working. It will improve his/her vision and fight against any kind of infection in the body. Minerals: There are plenty of good minerals that can be found in dragon fruit, most importantly calcium and iron which offer good bone and muscle health. Vitamin C will aid your little one to develop blood vessels of your growing child. Dragon fruit is rich in antioxidants. When and How to Introduce Avocados to Infants? Dragon fruit has many benefits for health, especially for the health of pregnant women. This prevents anaemia, a deficiency disease which can lead to many developmental disorders in infants. The high fiber content of dragon fruits, help in the roughage formation. Dragon fruits are rich in fiber. Consult a medical practitioner for health problems. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. But make sure that he/she is introduced to solids prior to that. An essential nutrient, Vitamin A is needed for healthy eyes and good skin. Protects the Heart. Red Dragon fruits contains some amount of fiber which can give benefit to the digestion. Dragon fruits are rich in antioxidants. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Once your baby reaches the 6-months mark and is ready to start on solids, as a parent, you will want to introduce new foods to him each week, if not days. Consult a doctor before including it in your diet. This can irritate the stomach of babies and hence the fruit must only be started with other more neutral foods. The dragon fruit arrived very speedily. They were fresh, very sweet and delicious. Find out if it’s safe for babies. It will protect your child’s heart and help it remain strong. The nutrients found in the purple dragon fruit is extraordinary and can meet several nutritional needs of our body. Q. This really annoys me, as sometimes I hear my own children saying, I don’t really want dragon fruit anymore. But before including it in your baby’s diet you must make sure he is not allergic to it. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Four Months to Six Months Old Baby. The taste of a dragon fruit is a combination of pear and kiwi. This is definitely one of the best “super … This means your child will be less prone to falling ill if dragon fruits are given on a regular basis. Dragon fruit is a rich source of Vitamin A, and can help in building immunity and sharpen the vision. However, naturally made prunes can contain some pollen in them. Potassium is a mineral which ensures proper functioning of heart and the nerves system. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It may help reduce age spots, wrinkles, dry skin, and acne. The fiber also helps your child gain healthy weight. Including dragon fruit in his diet will be good for his heart health. This fruit provides a number of health and beauty benefits which we can enjoy just by adding dragon fruit to your diet. Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions. It is very low on cholesterol. Dragon fruits contain a high level of anti-oxidants known as phenols. There are no known allergic reactions to dragon fruits. Benefits of dragon fruit plant have been known for decades, and still many of us do not know any of them.. Dragon, just by its name, should attract our attention.. Purple dragon fruit, also known as Pitaya, offers a lot of health benefits. Your child’s skin might tend to lose the texture and tenderness due to constant exposure to the pollutant. … Dragon fruits have a high level of antioxidants known as phenols. It also stabilizes the sugar content and can help a child feel full and promote a healthy weight gain. And that’s not all. It increases your child’s rate of metabolism. Dragon fruit is wonderful in boosting red blood cell count as it is rich in iron. Can I eat dragon fruit every day? Dragon fruit puree can provide relief from constipation and ease bowel movement and give all the essential nutrients a baby needs for his growth. Health Benefits Of Dragon Fruit In Pregnancy Besides tasting unique and sweet, dragon fruit might be beneficial for your health. Health Benefits of Dragon Fruits For Baby 1. Should you have any concerns about your health, or of that of your baby or child, please consult with your doctor. Dragon fruits contain two of the most important vitamins for kids-Vitamin A and Vitamin C. The former helps your child to have healthy hair and good eyes. Antioxidants in the dragon fruit help your body to prevent the cells of cancer. The fiber content in dragon fruits is very high. Dragon Fruit benefits for Cancer Prevention. When in doubt, consult your child’s paediatrician. They protect your child from diseases. Add sugar and water to it and blend until smooth. Considerations. Dragon fruits have a good impact on your child’s heart health.