It can be crafted at a workbench with a Repairskill of 50. - Added Vault 34 Security Armor to the list of Repair List Fixes, which shared a repair list with Combat Armor. 1 Characteristics 1.1 Effects of Repair skill 1.2 Crafting 2 Locations 2.1 Dead Money 3 Notes 4 Bugs The weapon repair kit, when used, restores the condition of the player's currently-equipped weapon, similar to the alien epoxy from Mothership Zeta. A: This is unfortunately an engine-level issue. This red jumpsuit raises one's damage resistance by 2 and one's Repair skill by 5. Fixed an issue where the FOMOD wasn't correctly detecting if JIP NVSE was installed correctly. Sharing the same game engine, both Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 3 feature a large number of console commands and cheats. These are pretty self-explanatory. This mod also adds the ability to break both Weapon and Armour Repair Kits down into their base components. 45 Repair is needed to disarm rigged combat shotguns. Mouse over it and press r (Y on xbox 360). Q: Some recipes, specifically breakdown, are showing the incorrect ingredients. Non-player characters who repair charge caps equal to 2 * the % damage repaired * the value of the item repaired. Remove Alternative Repairing.ini from Config\, Remove AlternativeRepairing folder in Meshes\Clutter\Junk\, Remove Alternative Repairing folder in Textures\, Remove Alternative Repairing folder in Data\. 'Dummy' recipes are shown instead to bypass this game limitation and show you all the relevant information without cluttering your crafting interface. It repairs the condition of the player character's active weapon based on their Repair skill level: The game comes with different difficulty levels but even at the easiest difficulty levels those who are new to the game or those who have low-end PCs are having problems playing Fallout: Las […] Repair is still good in New Vegas, for many of the same reasons. If the condition of a weapon or armor/clothing is completely neglected, the item will break, making the item unusable until it is repaired (armor and clothing will remain on a character after it breaks, but can not be put back on if taken off). chevron_right. Fallout New Vegas. 1 Background 2 Characteristics 3 Locations 4 Notes 5 Bugs 6 Gallery 7 References This dark blue, form-fitting body suit with an opaque face plate is a suit of armor designed for one thing: Making the operator nigh-invisible. Item HP100Weight1Value6Effects+5 RepairRepairnonebase id000bf6fd The handyman jumpsuit is a piece of clothing in Fallout: New Vegas. A Repair skill check is made when disarming microfusion cells wired to a trapped toilet. - Fixed a bug with the Repair Requires Tools option that prevented armor repair if you had no Weapon Repair Kits in your inventory. - Fixed Tale of Two Wastelands compatibility plugin. Project Nevada: Alien Disintegrator was incorrectly set to use energy pistol parts, this has been corrected. Fixed CTD upon loading a save with Project Nevada installed. (Pistols are repaired with Pistol Parts, for example), Hand-picked low-level weapons were given some additional options for repair like duct tape and wonderglue, Clothing can be repaired with Cloth or Boxes of Detergent, Bladed weapons can be repaired with Sharpening Kits, Project Nevada (with Alternative Repair System enabled, compatible otherwise). This is equal to. Open the weapons or armour page on your pip-boy and find the item you want to repair. Low quality weapons have less accuracy and damage, which reduces effective range and often causes more ammunition to be used to kill enemies when using ranged weapons or more hits when using melee weapons. U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes from Fallout 3 has been removed, since the Big Guns skill has been dissolved into other skills.There are, on average, four copies of every skill book in the b… Reading a skill book permanently raises the corresponding skill by three points (four with the Comprehension perk). There has, however, been one significant change to how the skill works.