Required fields are marked *. INTELL BOMBSHELL! The False Prophet and the AntiChrist reveal themselves on Yom Kippur 2015. We did have one woman who had a stroke. “Democrats don’t want to be held accountable,” Mr Ellis told Sky News. And my cry came before Him, even to His ears. But these all have proven abortive. Swamp, In several interviews G. A. STEWART: They had to be told do nothing but seem sincere. But you have to sell this story to the people I work with, and that needed to happen yesterday. 1. concise 25 minute summary of top crimes in multiple countries by joe biden and hunter and other family members. I went and dropped my ballot/envelope in the box. America ‘needs four more years’ of President Trump To the electorate I echo the reply of Ben Franklin when asked by a lady fresh out of the Continental Congress what kind of have you given us? Make your decisions count! ‘Nodding woman’ who went viral at Trump’s town hall joins ‘Hannity’ exclusively “And I saw a new heaven [invisible ruling power] and a new earth [new order of things on the earth]: for the first heaven and the first earth [the old order] were passed away; and there was no more sea [restless, anarchistic humanity]. Drain dat swamp! Dear Greg, you are the best. Instead, their vine is from the vines of Sodom Oh, what’s the point? Using the ‘boiling frog’ analogy the America we knew is cooked! He never did. 9,470 views• Oct 19, 2020 Sky News Australia All anybody cares about is the ink on a piece of paper, or the pixels on a screen, that tell them that they own something of worth. The Pope has today announced acceptance of HOMO Marriage! The Final Days (Full Film) Shot rockets to the moon. It will presented as a landslide for the democrats and as a mandate that the people have spoken and they’ve overwhelming said no to Trump. Catherine Austin Fitts gave a good interview on the Alex Jones Show last week. I’ve never trusted anything coming from a CIA ex or current operative. Stan, somebody should ask that guy about when paper wealth vanishes into thin air. Most upstanding person I EVER met for public office!! Blue states and cities will be hit the hardest. They could care less. I thought he was a standup guy then, but I’m definitely having my doubts for many reasons. © Copyright 2005-2021, FWD Holdings Incorporated, All Rights Reserved. Oscar Esteves 46 minutes ago Was there a deal made with the passing of envelopes at the Poppy Bush funeral? Urban Legend. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; of state, and gave the man’s name, snuck joe biden in the back door for the meeting, so no sign in/write in records at the front door exist. I mentioned it before, if the ‘lights go out’ it’s a False Flag ‘EMP attack on America by the DEMONCRATS and MIC! These jackasses debating still act as if Covid is killing tens of millions. It’s your civil duty in Chicago. I would call you a poser but that requires some level of intelligence that you obviously don’t have. Respectfully replying representative Franklin said, “A republic madam, if you can keep it.” Exactly … (on a side note: somehow a + got attached to my name in a few of my responses … the error is now fixed)! What are the odds that she would pass at this moment in time. So who is lying? If Trump wins and the Left takes to the streets that is just icing on the cake. The Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020 amends the Defence Act 1903 and the Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 (DRSP Act) to allow members of the Australia Defence Force (ADF) Reserves, to be called in and to be given total immunity for performing duties that they may be called upon to do. Best wishes, Kate Henry, New Zealand, China is ‘slowly strangling’ unfriendly countries around the world You brought back a memory of a 1960’s film with Connie Stevens and Cesar Romero, titled “Two On A Guillotine.”, Nice JC!!! The yellow metal is up 26% for the year, almost three times higher than the S&P 500. “We need four more years to make sure that we preserve and protect our system of a constitutional republic.”. Wish I was wrong. We can stick a fork in it. Meanwhile your average working class guy with a family breaks a ‘law’ and is imprisoned and looses everything including his family! We had a caretaker who tested positive but they don’t live in the bldg. Never knew the difference back then. Two years ago we used a complete the arrow ballot. .If you like the idea, ask everybody that listens to your interviews to social media everybody they know, Biden/Trump supporters and ask them to think of this when they’re standing in the voting booth. JOHN HUSSMAN: by Jim Hoft on October 18, 2020 at 3:40 am The Illusion has become reality. In essence, Joe Biden cannot be made President of the United States because he is compromised by communist China due to the actions of his son, Hunter. Contrariwise, wouldn’t that put him in an excellent position to help with their destruction? . They believe that the nation that will be blessed must recognize Jehovah as God and Messiah as the Lord and King.” Leading men of the world have advanced various schemes or methods for governmental reform. Again, I hope I am wrong, but regardless, I only trust God. Giuliani was mayor of NYC and not in a position to help with the destruction of the towers. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. “The American people are sick of this, they see through all of this, they see through the Harris-Biden administration scam,” Ms Ellis said. It’s always blacks this and blacks that. ‘Starting today, residents of the D.C. area may spot helicopters flying at rather low altitudes above the city and surrounding region ahead of the presidential inauguration. ….” it vanished when Kennedy was murdered, not killed” !!! 2. rudy has had copy of hard drive for 2 years. It’s a perfect set up. Something our wonderful media failed to mention at, the end of last month…. Naturally occurring background radiation? You’re right., DNI Ratcliffe: Hunter Biden’s emails are ‘not part’ of Russian disinformation campaign Think about it, they push this BS in Cities because of “gun laws”. Now, they are a wholesale part of the effort to deny our freedoms. because of your evil deeds.”. We can now say in the USA, censure has come to America. We offer mapping and search capabilities for your applications using our custom built jSON API script. That’s how the blatantly skewed polls will be interpreted for public consumption. We need to keep the faith, keep fighting and win this election. If the people of the USA, in their pent up frustration and anger, decide to move against these bastards of “The Club”, the rest of the world might just join the party. … it’s the “commodity” they sell that gives stocks their value … that is the value of a company is derived from the intrinsic worth of the commodity the company sells … gold is a commodity … and its intrinsic worth is derived from the protection it provides against evil immoral banksters devaluing the currency (by printing it to infinity)!! He’s playing the “long game” getting the criminals relaxed until after the election so as to expand the lasso for the Big Takedown? They have hailed the greatest warriors as the greatest heroes of all time. This video came out a couple of months ago, age’s ago in this cold civil war turmoil. And to hear AG Barr and Durham refute the IG’s interpretation of his findings…what a breath of fresh air!!! Now more people are seeing the big picture as the Federal Govt drives the economy over the cliff to destroy the US Dollar themselves. Who is protecting your rights? So who we suppose to believe? Greg is paying for it. Stonewalling by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other former Department of Justice officials stymied an internal investigation into the failures of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” migrant family separation policy, the department’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz told the House Oversight Committee on Thursday.. “There’s a trove of information, but among other things there are emails that show that Hunter Biden had set up meetings between himself, his father and executives at a shady Ukrainian energy firm. Michael Goodwin October 22, 2020 | 12:42am | Updated I am very disappointed with AG Barr too, Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch gets more things done than Barr. We are in much different world today than 244 years ago when personal honor ranked very high in the minds of the founding fathers of this great republic. house, of representatives for China. All this , just to save a tree. This country is a joke, there is no justice. They verified my ID. It is clear that Rudy Giuliani has in his possession some very serious evidence regarding the coming Biden-Clinton Scandal. They are all part of the same family and abide by the rules: family members are permitted to fight each other for power and money, but not permitted to undermine the true power structures. Prepare accordingly. The plan is in play, and no I’m not talking about Qs psychological operation to fill your head with B.S. In turn, your comment may take up to 24 hours to be posted. The more ‘rah, rah’ rallies that the liberal left media allows to be broadcast on their stations, the more Patriots should be concerned. Big tech’s replacement of American employee’s for foreign, is coming home to roost. To many downloaded copies already got out? It all fits into agenda 21 with planed population reduction. The same FBI that we are supposed to believe about 9/11, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas shootings and any number of other events that have significantly impacted American politics and American actions. You might want to watch the hearing video I posted. I truly believe Trump is our better choice but try to respect the right to vote for who they need to. No mayor of a major city would not know the two largest buildings in his realm were virtually condemned. The Final Days (Full Film) Pay particular attention to what Agathe Dorado from Denmark has to say @10:22. Here is her statement: Best always. You are absolutely right. Whether or not he’s been corrupted by the ‘system’, and is now ‘on the dole’ being able to be blackmailed is yet to be known. Thanks for the link……I had no idea regarding this. If a Christian’s family discovers they have converted, their family, clan or tribe has to save its “honor” by disowning the believer, or even killing them. Trump should act before the “commies” … and turn off the electricity to Google, Facebook, and YouTube… so they can’t spin Hunter Biden’s evil video into another “the Russian’s did it” false narrative!! Trump did nothing when Barr didn’t indict Comey. On Saturday black Trump supporter Philip Anderson attended a rally for free speech in San Francisco. If the Internet goes down we know who did it and they ARE the ENEMY! Trump can talk all he wants and the evidence can be obvious to everyone- Until he has the right AG nothing will ever happen. Dont call it deception, corruption, crime, looting or treason….call it American exceptionalism ! The American people just need to rise up and be judge and jury to these bold career crooks. . They’re the kings and queens of disinformation. Worse than the Civil War? Good luck living in fantasy land. President Trump GET THE UN OFF AMERICAN SOIL! Their vine is from the vines of Sodom and the vineyards of Gomorrah. DEMOCRATS FOR TRUMP? Gov. This is what they’re planning. Trump has had the power release documents, but he didn’t until this last week. to keep you passive. Great interview! They gave me an experimental cholera vaccine. She was in her 90s. I’m voting for the Electoral College & the Republic in which we live. Jerry, This is an unconstitutional system that they use to target people, and they get away with it.”, Shipp says, “Trump is going to win by a landslide. When we start at each other again…. — and the Lord gives them up? Now think about what was just stated and compare it to what is happening in the that context. Alex is a horrible interviewer. G.A. Can Go A Long Way, Jose! The media here in the US. Remember I called it on the Bentley, if I go first Stan you can have my Bamboo chopsticks [not detected by metal scanners] embedded with bacteria, you’d be surprised how many street wise people notice those in Manila. You know … what better man to put in charge of being our nations “Doctor” then Bill Gates who has lots of experience with viruses infecting his computers … so “Doctor Gates” is inventing a nano-particle vaccine for all of us to take … that will hook our brains to a mind control cloud computer operating system “that will read our minds and impart thoughts” … this IS NOT MEDICINE folks …but a sly way to “Mark us Beasts” and bring back slavery (after Lincoln fought a Civil War and many Americans gave their lives to abolished it)!!! Leslie Stahl is a deep state propagandist. Bonnie … what we need is a God Father (with the help of his son Jesus) to wipe out all the Crime Families and put our Nation back under The Rule of God the Father … it is time for the Mafia Crime Families to listen to this …!! 3 Schitt in charge. That’s an interesting take on what supposedly happened that day 11/22/1963. The Moscow Watchdog (Russian: московская сторожевая, tr. Kevin Shipp’s new website is called, which replaces 7 hours ago I have chills go through me knowing that this can t possibly be just happenchance….Take care. and without insight. I’ve also read articles quoting big tech CEO’s who also say China is mfg like they always have. Check out our newletters and learn more about what is happening every month. That’s a fact. You cut off communications to blind your enemy. •Oct 16, 2020 Your email address will not be published., The Main Stream Media Is Advocating for Secession That the republican party is over. When the deplorable’s fear the elite there is tyranny As a father of a 16 and an 18-year-old, the most important thing is for my children to be safe. We have enough evidence to indict numerous people NOW! BY MARK TAPSCOTT October 18, 2020 I noticed a man nearby holding his ballot up while complaining t0 a poll worker that the Sharpie pens was bleeding through the paper. I worked for free on her campaign, and would do so again. Every soul died, from God’s standpoint. Gratefully & Humbly, Rachel. “Australia has to have a very good look at its future economic relations with China”. I have always suspected compromised immune systems secondary to genetics. 32 That’s not what I’ve heard. Really? Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For example, if Barr cracked down hard on the rioters the media will have a field day with it. . Crickets. Unfortunately, as a well-known wingnut, when I started telling people about this video, I got the usual look. The elimination of the Bill of Rights has been stalled (but only somewhat) and 3 SCOTUS appointments have stalled the complete takeover of all of the 3 branches of government. 30 The Patriot Act has what, 700 pages? The National Guard will suffice and the “riots”, if any, will be quelled in minutes! Its relatively straight forward about the Media. • Privacy Statement Listen carefully to what Trump is saying in his rallies. Here it comes..The Mark of The Beast (SATAN)!! … Especially someone so close too the big o. or else my wrath will break out like fire, More Melanin less vitamin D, The answer supplement with D3 and it’s cheap, screw big pharma. Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, as big Al, funny Franken, yous to say. This abject lack of confidence in the integrity of our government by non US citizens will have horrible repercussions going forward if not rooted out now. Hey what about the Communist China IPO with JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley? DOJ watchdog opens probe into possible attempt to overturn 2020 election results. Then when victory is won in the election, I would open the flood gates of hell and let her rip. Their Souls therefore are lost to the burning fires of Hell forever with NO chance of ever going to Heaven! I do not think its over dramatizing it to say the future of the USA as a credible nation relies on bringing these criminals to justice and in instituting massive reforms in the manner in which the government performs its business. Ask Hillary’s Mike Morell to pray for you. WOW, even the Aussie’s are excited and leaning TRUMP! You will see how Giuliani was involved. Greg, I believe this will see the light of day! Below is what Gina/Dave is all about, he’s working for the same people as Hunter and his Mob family boss father, JimCrow QuidPro QuoJoe; This registered Democrap and a myriad of others are also in that camp. In this 40 minute interview, Shipp talks about the possibility of a future war with China and its troubled economy. The Demoncrat left’s Communist ‘divide and conquer’ strategy seems to be working. He seems to believe enforcement is merely arbitrary. There will be no landslide victory for Trump even if there is. They are neither radical nor speaking for the opposite alliance. This is the same FBI, led by James Comey, that leaked confidential information to the press. If you swear, ‘as surely as the Lord lives,’ green new deal. . Before creating and producing the site, Greg spent nearly 9 years as a network and investigative correspondent. OSOK! The gold price has been trading sideways for weeks now, but I expect this to change as more government stimulus is rolled out and even more money is printed. 5 of my sons are with me in the woods. now senators johnson and grassley involved. That shot caused pain for over a week. rudy guilliani common sense websie–top left episode 78: 2 They favor a candidate and a party that will pander to the socialist communist? We have no choice … we have to vote for Trump … Trump probably would have normally been thrown out this November because “he can’t judge character” (he has “a fatal flaw” that makes him surround himself with swamp creatures) … but since Trump is running against the Biden Crime Family “we have no choice” but to vote for Trump ( just like we had no choice in 2016 when Trump was running against the Hillary Crime Family) … I guess we will just have to expect Trump (once he is elected) to tell us what “a nice man Biden is” like he told us what “a nice lady Hillary was … and neither Biden nor Hillary will ever go to prison!! I now have more reason to believe that Barr and Durham are puppets than true patriots. I appreciate the sacrifices he has made in his life to stand up for truth and also you, Greg, to do what you are doing for this country. thanks for all you do. It could be lights out on Monday. In response to this news, Facebook and Twitter both censored the article from the New York Post, advising they were “limiting the distribution” of the story on their platforms until a third-party contractor can “fact check” the article. Trump is still not in control of this country, the Deep State is in charge. Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp says new emails released about the business dealings of Hunter Biden show Vice President Joe Biden was personally involved in his son’s business dealings in China and Ukraine. Bible Students, who are Christians, are unalterably opposed to any unrighteousness practiced by any one class upon another. Then consider who were those who had the foresight to construct these anti-Government institutions/religions…..designed to achieve a NWO Communist/Fascist dream. Shipp was categorically convincing with his stated opinion that the Indictments would lead to Jail time ….now admitting that they wont see the light of day !!! Forget about Trump bailing us all out. Period!! If Barr/Durham indicted 50 people, it would be seen as a campaign ploy. The reason Demon-rats love Trader Joe is because that’s where people go to get good deals … free money … free love … the right to kill babies … the right to rape children … insanely perverted morality is the “commie way” … and these psychopathic Demon-rat “commies” will sell out America to the “Chinese commies” for a fiat buck … in Biden’s case his Crime Family wanted $10 million fiat bucks guaranteed to them every year (to turn Traitor on America) … these warp minded Demons are never going to give up a good thing until we grab them by the neck and flush them down the toilet … that means we must elect Trump … a Republican House … and a Republican Senate … then after the Democratic Crime Families are wash out … we can focus on the Republican Crime Families in 2024 … one step at a time … and we can get them all!! Oct 16, 2020 Yes, we are ready but I don’t think one bullet has to be fired by the populace, not while Trump is around. The snares of death confronted me. They are the ministry of truth. Then there will be civil war. The chief executive of the island’s gambling watchdog said he is expected to lead the training of Bermudians to become industry regulators. Cashless society, mandatory vaccinations. And the false prophet. Actually there will be an indefinite long and drawn out investigation. So shall I be saved from my enemies. Afraid to do the right thing? There’s a big IMF meeting tomorrow. So who is lying? There are all kinds of red flags that pop up with this story, and the first one is that the 2020 Presidential Election is a little over two-weeks away. Joanie McClure 4 hours ago .but people should expect significant violence in the streets. Roll up !! I am writing in response to some of the above posts complaining about Barr and Durham. All that is required is the implementation phase. Who we suppose to believe any more? Labor is fearful that it will not be able to exist. So, the “Deep State” does take care of its own (loyal warriors). Unfortunately, I could not find a link to her interview without the preceding Facebook comment . “This is not some Russian intelligence operation; they admit it’s their hard drive,” Mr Bannon said. Thanks for the info, William. Gives me much wonder. You better come up with something better and quick, more lie’s. There are tons of social sites that work the same as the big names. Of all the times RPB could have passed, the many times she had health issues. I see only additional upside potential. Greg. Yes, AG Barr is a terrible disappointment. They got back to work, less politics. and the vineyards of Gomorrah. Better Chetter, that’s a lame excuse. AND THEY KNOW IT! Greg, I’m voting for the Police to be respected and to ensure Law & Order. I’m voting for continued peace progress in the Middle East and in support of Israel. Emails on the laptop revealed that Hunter Biden had planned to introduce his father – the then-Vice President – to an executive at Ukrainian energy company Burisma, a company where Hunter served on the board of directors. It’s like event 201. There is no way the guilty can be tried in Federal or State courts. Get your spiritual house in order. HQ in VA. We will never be a socialist country, that soon runs out of other peoples money and quickly turns to communism. He worked for ABC News and Good Morning America for nearly 6 years. Become a fan on our Facebook page and see what others are saying about us.Be informed! There are multiple ways to support Shipp with donations, and you can do so by clicking here. Kellyanne Conway announces she’s leaving the White House and George Conway is stepping away from Lincoln Project Be careful folks. Since someone in Donald J. Trump’s circle has bought both my 2013 book and my 2019 book, I suspect that some of this material finds its way to Donald J. Trump’s ear and I would offer some suggestions. Secondly, his lack of action on anything the American people asked of him during his last campaign. Preferred candidate to lead universities watchdog plans to keep Tory whip. It’s realty (sic) an honour and pleasure.” Stan, Take care Al…….love your considered posts mate. Trump cares NOT about the Rule of Law. Ray, now you did it. Trump better completely overhaul the Government or nothing changes….. in fact it will continue to get worse by huge leaps and bounds as we get more and more enslaved. AND they can’t keep talking like Obama. Back in the day, I delivered Navy SEALs to their appointed tasks in my helicopter. Keep repeating, tell the big lie, the big lie, CNBS Concast. ... "The Duke and Duchess remain much loved members of the family," a palace representative said in a statement. Where are the riots? Do you see a pattern? There is no question about it., JACK PHILLIPS There is so much evidence against the Bidens a first year law student, with a “C” average, could get a conviction, yet here we sit waiting and salivating for just one D to go to jail. Well guys I may not always be right but I’m always the boss, and I think the board of Directors and the Superintendent of Schools will back me up. The operation not given air here or by Shipp, named after the main tool used by carpenters and the Algorithm’s wont allow mention here. . He is waiting to take his place on the stage. Rock (gold). So who’s lying? I’d even take Ivanka or Tiffany over the deep staters that Trump seems to keep appointing. David Somehow the Navajo seem to be susceptible to virus. Please don’t stop doing what you are doing. The pandemic was used to isolate us, and now they’re getting ready to cut off communications. So…prepare for war. These people, and do mean “these people” have done some of the most despicable, underhanded, treasonous things and not one has had to pay the price. Senate Homeland Security Chairman Presses FBI About Hunter Biden Laptop