Other Monster Fish. Showing 1–25 of 301 results. Black Wolf Fish (Hoplias curupira) $ 79.99 – $ 199.99. One eel is 80 cms & the bossy one. Our fishermen are the best in the industry and are committed to … The Leopard Moray Eel or Dragon Moray Eel (Enchelycore Pardalis), is a species of marine fish widespread throughout the Indo-Pacific Oceans from Réunion to the Hawaiian, Line and Society Islands, north to southern Japan, southern Korea, and south to New Caledonia. Go. … May 6, 2014 4 5 0 Ca. Eels feed mostly on fish and crustaceans, and most species … As an open water … Select options “Gold” Ghost Knifefish (Apteronotus … Description. Sale! Freshwater Snowflake Moray Eel (Gymnothorax tile) ... Freshwater Snowflake Moray Eel ... Freshwater Moray Eels for Sale! Yellow-Spotted Skeletor Moray Eel. Learn more. Welcome to the Australian Museum website. There are various varieties of rare freshwater fishes available for sale. Although recently imported fish can be finicky eaters, they will usually learn to accept a variety of frozen … Email * First Name * Last Name * * I'm not a robot *Required field : SHIPPING INFO: Shipping Option : Order Status: Free Care Package: CONTACT US. Email Us. Freshwater Eels are widespread and common in coastal river systems in southern Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and the larger Bass Straight islands. Call 1-877-367-4377 to order. They love eating mealworms, & tiny living fish. Australian Eels is a leader in the sale and export of premium quality, live, wild Australian Long-Fin, Marbled, eels (Anguilla reinhardtii) and Short-Fin, Unagi eels (Anguilla australis). The armoured bichir or banded bichir (Polypterus delhezi) is a snake-like fish that ranges from the Congo River, specifically in the upper and middle portions . Yellow Canary Moray Eel. Image credit: Goh Yong Teng, CC BY 3.0 Image credit: Goh Yong Teng, CC BY 3.0 Gymnothorax polyuradon is widespread in the Indo-Pacific region, and yes, it can get large as Hiduke suggests, reaching up to 150 cm in length (nearly 5 feet). It inhabits river estuaries and coastal areas, brackish conditions. "Freshwater" Tiger Moray eel Gymnothorax polyuranodon. … Live Wild Marbled & Unagi Eels For Sale. Categories: Eels, Freshwater fish, Oddball Semi aggressive, SUPER RARE!!!! Like other large Mastacembelus species, this fish can be assumed to be territorial and potentially aggressive to other spiny eels. … Care Level Temperament Color Form Diet See all refinements. Borneo Python Eel. Beautiful freshwater moray eel,Only Moray Eel to be able so survive in freshwater for an Extended period of time! Select options. 1 of 2 Go to page. Call or click today to find your next aquarium tank addition at Pete’s Aquariums & Fish. Free shipping over $149! The other is a similar size but more the submissive type. Select options . Gymnothorax miliaris. However, there is a growing body of evidence which suggests that Gymnothorax polyuranodon is a catadromous … ive also part exchanged fish always had a great experience highly recommend for both imported and uk tank bred rays soon il be collecting my 2 atabapo pike and tiger moray eel . A true freshwater eel, all are 16inch + Get em while they last! For years, it had been the accepted wisdom that the so-called "freshwater" moray eel was actually a marine species which, unlike most other morays, is able to tolerate water with lower salinity levels, and could even live in fresh water, but only for short periods of time. From $899.95 . Tiger Freshwater Moray Eel Sm/md $ 499.95 $ 399.96 SALE Snowflake Freshwater Moray Eel Lrg $ 38.45 $ 30.76 SALE x2 (Two) Zebra Moray Eel Saltwater Fish Med/Lrg - PAIR OUT OF STOCK The fangtooth moray is distinctive for its bright yellow colouring and elongated jaw, which is filled with a large number of long The Ribbon Eel family is quite a colorful lot. Whatever the reasons, calling this fish a “freshwater” moray eel is a misnomer — it does not spend much time in freshwater and will not thrive for long in a 100-percent freshwater tank. Freshwater Fish. Perch, Gouramis, Cyprinids, Mormyrids, Gobies, etc. Black Edge Moray Eel Med $ 84.95 $ 67.96 SALE. Freshwater Habitat Misconceptions. May 6, 2014 #1 Hello everyone, new to the forum, and … Often seen at 24" long and sometimes as big as 36" inches in ideal conditions. Order online or in person at our new Fishkill, New York aquarium store location. Fire Eel Pictures: a 7" Fire Eel swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture. Grid view List view. Freshwater Eel - Mid-North. Elipsifer Eel Tanganyika Med $ 624.95 $ 499.96 SALE. Facebook page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window Rio Negro Talking Catfish (Amblydoras affinis) $ 17.99. Short body hybrid shovelnose 12″ $ 999.99 Add to cart; Black widow frontosa $ 79.99 Add to cart; Striped green severum peru 9-10″ $ 199.99 Add to cart; SHIPPING SCHEDULE: Overnight Orders Ship: Mon, Tues & Wed. Next Last. Snowflake Freshwater Moray Eel Lrg $ 38.45 $ 30.76 SALE. Out of stock. 1; 2; 3 → Barramundi $ 43.99 Add to cart; Barramundi 4-5″ $ 69.99 Add to cart; Black wolf fish. Eels make interesting pets, but some individuals can be terrible escape artists. The Indo-Pacific Tarpon is a widely distributed predator found throughout the coastal regions of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Feeding spiny eels is not easy. Freshwater Plants; Freshwater Inverts; Pond; Foods; Aquarium Supplies; Sale Center; Marine Fish; Coral; Reef Cleaner Packs; Marine Invert/Plant; Reef Rock; ORA Fish/Coral/Inv; Narrow Results. 2 to choose from, $150 for 1 I will probably keep the one you don’t choose. It inhabits coral and rocky reefs at depths up to 60 meters, and can grow to a total length up to 36.22" inches. Something you don’t see every day; the Tiger or Spotted “Freshwater” Moray Eel, Gymnothorax polyuranodon. X2 Assorted Freshwater Eels - Med - Lrg Size $ 131.54 X2 Assorted Freshwater Eels - Med - Lrg Size + x10 Assorted Plants $ 125.54 X2 Snowflake Freshwater Moray Eel … Polypterus ansorgii..The Guinean bichir, Polypterus ansorgii, is a bony fish from rivers and other freshwater habitats in Western Africa, ranging from Guinea-Bissau to Nigeria. Snowflake Freshwater Moray Eel Lrg $ 38.45 $ 30.76 SALE. They were both in my large aquarium but started to fight. In the aquarium, they are hardy but can be shy at first - be sure to provide plenty of cover. Flagtail Prochilodus (Semaprochilodus taeniurus) $ 12.49 – $ 49.99. 1; 2; Next. !petzonesd.com619-283-1812. From $199.95 : Yellowhead Eel . Related products. Eels Most Eels reach a size between 24 to 36 inches. Add to Cart. The most common misconception about freshwater moray eels lies in its own name -- the "freshwater" aspect.While it may be easy to see a moray eel being sold as a "freshwater" moray eel and assume that it's a species that's acclimated to living in freshwater, this isn't true at all. Pete’s Aquariums & Fish is your #1 source for online and in-store sales of Marine Saltwater Aquarium Fish like White Spotted Moray Eels, Black Ribbon Eels, Blue Ribbon Eels, Kidako Moray Eels, Snowflake Moray Eels, and more. An uncommon and beautifully marked freshwater eel from the acidic freshwater swamps of Borneo, the Python Eel is a well-camouflaged ambush predator in its natural habitat. True freshwater tiger moray eel 5-6″ in length baby eels first time ive had this small. From $99.95 : Subscribe to our e-Newsletter. You MUST have a large aquarium as this is the only reason my 2nd eel is offered. Typically, there are two species commonly sold as the freshwater moray eel, Echidna rhodochilus and Gymnothorax polyurandon. PHOTOS … Gymnothorax tile has the typical eel shape, a large mouth armed with a lot of sharp teeth, and a body that is long, cylindrical and smooth. Related products . Although they can tolerate full marine conditions, they are more often found in fresh or brackish water habitats close to the coast. True freshwater tiger moray eel 16-18″ in length. We have a freshwater Tiger Moray Eel in store $280. Select options. Thread starter shev; Start date May 6, 2014; Forums . Eels will take a wide variety of food, such as fish strips and live shrimp, yabbies and aquatic insects. Code: 15963: Latin name: Gymnothorax Polyuranodon M: EAN: 8717889159638: Size: 25-30cm: Stock : 3 : Why Ruinemans? Suzy Sue The freshwater moray eel (Gymnothorax polyuranodon) is a species of moray eel that is native to the Indo-Pacific region, including Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the northern coastline of Australia, and various islands in the western Pacific.Other common names include the many-toothed moray, spotted freshwater moray, blackspotted moray, and tiger freshwater moray. Oddballs & Predators. Super red severum $ 69.99 Add to cart; 3 pack of Exodon tetra $ 29.99 Add to cart; Striped green severum peru $ 64.99 Add to cart; SHIPPING SCHEDULE: Overnight Orders Ship: Mon, Tues & … Freshwater Eels for sale. The Borneo Python Eel is a sure-fire way to grab attention in your tank. … I've had lots of fish from Krzysztof inc bds, albino pearl, banjar red arrowana,and hybrid bdxp14. Purchase the rare exotic freshwater fish at a very reasonable and discounted price. Typical Tank setup: The Gymnothorax Tile are easily … This beautiful Gymnothorax polyuranodon (Freshwater Tiger Moray Eel) now in the #Heevis store. They seem to get blacker and redder, as they get older. Categories: Eels, Freshwater fish, Oddball Semi aggressive, SUPER RARE!!!! … Search Toggle Navigation. Home > Eels. Showing 1–20 of 59 results. Top quality tropical and coldwater fish; Continues wide range; Aquariumplants; Frozen food; Guaranteed delivery and live arrival; Perfect service; Care for nature and environment; … They are nocturnal … Gymnothorax polyuranodon-Freshwater Moray Eel fish originated from central java riverCommon name: Tiger Eel, Freshwater Morayeel, Freshwater Moray eel, Morayeel, Moray eelAverage Adult Fish Size: 100 cm in captivityPlace of Origin: Indo-West Pacific: Philippines and Indonesia. The Fimbriated Moray Eel … $54.98. Gymnothorax polyuranodon(tiger moray eel), good size and eat well. Because this is a new species in the trade, not much is known about its maintenance in home aquarium. Juvenile fish are a uniform silver, but develop a distinctive red and black trim on the tail as they grow. S. shev Feeder Fish. Skip to main content Skip to acknowledgement of country Skip to footer. POLYPTERUS DELHEZI EEL regular. Considered by many aquarists to be the most beautiful of all freshwater aquarium eels. Fins, Fangs 'N' Feathers Warrawong. Accept and close. Common name: Freshwater Morayeel, Freshwater Moray eel, Morayeel, Moray eel Scientific name: Gymnothorax Tile Average Adult Fish Size: 60 cm / 24 inches Place of Origin: Indo-West Pacific: Andaman Islands to Philippines and Indonesia. Advanced Aquaria Discussion Forum. Freshwater Tiger Moray Eel; Where to buy. Check our collection here by clicking on the images. Out of stock. Zoetwater Murene. Freshwater Moray, Gymnothorax polyuranodon (Bleeker, 1853) Freshwater Moray, Gymnothorax polyuranodon (Bleeker, 1853) This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Echidna xanthospilos. It inhabits river estuaries and coastal areas, found in freshwater river and brackish … Gymnothorax fimbriatus. Live Wild and Farmed Unagi Freshwater Eels (Short-Fin Eels) Company Message. Freshwater Tiger Moray Eel. These fish grow to around 24 … Marine Eels saltwater aquarium fish shipped directly to your door at the lowest prices & highest quality online.