One of the most important features of Genshin Impact's Dragonspine zone is the Frostbearing Tree. Every 4 enhancement levels, if it has less than 4 sub stats … Other offensive stats (ATK, DMG … A good starting point for building your carry character to maximise its damage output would be to have one %ATK artifact, one %elemental/physical artifact and your hat with %crit rate (or %crit dmg depending on where your stats lie here). There are many different attacks with varying damage variance. 75. There's tons of super useful information there. It leads to another interesting discussion about character builds though - for hybrid attackers, where will you stand to gain the most DPS output? Uncategorized genshin impact skill damage calculation. The point I’m trying to make is – if you are stacking ATK% on all your artifacts, you’re getting "diminishing returns" because they actually add together instead of multiplying together. Blazing Delight Constellation Lv. From this, it seems to be the case that the electro damage bonus did not apply. Maximum upgrade level is 15. Enemy defense can be affected by various abilities: Characters and enemies can have different resistances to each of the elements and physical damage. Double-Stop Increases the Level of Sweeping Fervor by 3. Shield Level 3: Rave requirement reduced to 2 opponents hit or more. Genshin Impact A.R.C. However, Skyward Atlas offers damage that is only slightly lower and also boasts a great effect that deals 720% ATK Physical Damage over 15 seconds (on â ¦ Attributes can be grouped into 3 categories: Basic, Advanced, and Hidden. I know most won’t lvl her to 90 but I like her. Another Damage Formula Post (To sum up everything you want to know) Guides & Tips. [7]. I tried using the formula with Lisa. I found that comprehensive information on damage calculations like the ones provided by u/robin were actually quite few and far between for only-English speakers like me. Increases the level of Guoba Attack by 3. Through my … This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. If you are trying to do Abyss, having your main DPS character @ 90 will help immensely against lvl 90-100 enemies, as the damage formula does take level difference into account.Right now my main damage dealer is Lisa. Trial Lvl Possible Rewards; Voyage To The … Discussed in this video .. The numbers in blue are the optimal breakpoints for maximum DPS gain - hope that helps to clear it up! This post contents tables of Data for [Additional Damage] Reaction damage from Lv1 to Lv80. If you've played video games before, that probably makes sense to you! Characters have defense attributes based on their base stats, levels, weapons, artifacts, and any buffs (e.g., food). Genshin Impact offers a plethora of Artifact sets and bonuses. You do have control over the artifact total base ATK%, however, and it can make a big difference. As you can see, your character’s level has a significant impact on the amount of damage done! I would argue that Razor as a carry will benefit from %Phys over %Elec, and probably over 1 %Attack, since even in Ult the additional Electric is only 30% of total damage, so the bonus to his normal attacks outweighs the value of more overall attack, assuming you have %attack in the other two slots. I am not understanding the crit table. If the damage is a critical hit, the CRIT DMG multiplier is also applied: To calculate the incoming damage that a character or enemy will take from an ability: Where the defense and resistance multipliers are as defined in the sections below. Similarly, if you're using a Geo character, your Element Check Out How To Level Up Fast Hidden Palace Of Guizang Formula - Rewards. Hidden Palace of Lianshan Formula is an Abyssal Domain in Genshin Impact. At the start of the game, you will be in World Level 0. On the x-axis is the target’s defence. TheoreticalDmg = 1540 * 1.32 * (1+0.15+0.35) TheoreticalDmg = 3049.2 %DmgTakenByMob = [70 + 100]/[100 + 70 + 100 + 51] %DmgTakenByMob = 170/321 %DmgTakenByMob = 0.5296 rounded to 4 decimal spaces. The additional amplifying multiplier is as follows: This amplifying multiplier increases incoming damage: Where incoming damage may be the incoming damage from a combat talent or transformative reaction, as calculated above. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It works the same with Physical/Elemental DMG Bonus as well. What’s most interesting here is how your %ATK from your weapon and your artifacts interact with your character’s base ATK and weapon ATK. "Shattered damage is only affected by the level, Elemental Mastery of the character causing the reaction, and enemy physical resistance. IMHO, level 60 ascended (for second passive and decent talent levels) is a good goal for any character. Some characters like keqing, razor, even fischl heavily utilize both elemental and physical attacks during combat so it’s hard to choose which type of damage to buff over the other. OK, so now we know how those first two factors affect your total damage output… but we haven’t talked about ATK power. 75. miHoYo admitted they went overkill with the new damage calculation formula for environmental Elemental Reactions in Genshin Impact Version 1.1. (The other smaller numbers you are seeing are non-crits from the bow, Oz’s extra damage, and the viridescent hunt bow whirlwind passive damage.). The first formula is the defence formula, a calculation based on ATK power. Certain effects such as the 4-piece set bonus of the Crimson Witch of Flames Artifact set can further increase the damage. I will timestamp each heading with the appropriate section of the video. Reactions can be affected by various abilities: We can calculate the damage dealt by Mona in the final step as follows: Genshin Impact Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. by | Feb 2, 2021 | Crohns Disease | 0 comments | Feb 2, 2021 | Crohns Disease | 0 comments In Genshin Impact, there are five main attributes for each character: Max HP, Attack, Defense, Max Stamina, and Elemental Mastery.