NPC Classes (zip file with NPCs) DM and Player Stuff. It isn't specified if they lay eggs or give birth to live infants. Perhaps erectus from the past; perhaps estranged humans from some future. Instead, they prefer the private pursuit of enlightenment, as well as reverence for the example set by particularly virtuous or heroic individuals from their race's past, such as the hero Zerthimon. Zerth'Ad'lun is a monastery that teaches the art of zerthi or zerthin, in which monks are said to be able to peer into the future. Choose one of these subraces. Zerthimon disagreed, arguing that such a path would lead the People to corruption and ruin, making them no better than the mind flayers they had defeated. Githzerai are pragmatic to a fault, but unlike their githyanki cousins they are not evil. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) psychic damage.This is a magic weapon attack. Despite their violent estrangement from one another, the gith share a common language and naming system. Both races were humans once; para-humans, anyway. Zerthimon spoke the beginnings of that which was against Gith's will. Full disclosure â the NPCs and creatures we make in CBGs are some of my favorite bits of 5E D&D content to create. The githzerai claim that Zerthimon defeated Gith, but spared her and shepherded his people into Limbo, while the githyanki insist that Gith cut down Zerthimon with the sword he had made for her and, in a spasm of grief, withdrew her forces to the Astral Plane. Official WotC revised D&D v.3.5 Character sheet. The Githyanki creches are cruel, but comprehensive, and they teach their students how to travel the Astral Plane. Of those, the greatest of their ancestors is Zerthimon, who some believe dwells in the realm of the spirits, leading his people to greatness through visions. Gith have long, pointed ears, flattened noses set high on their faces, and scaly, spot-like markings across their faces, shoulders, and torsos. "Better the heartfelt devotion of a free soul than the grudging obedience of a slave" is a common githzerai saying. Rarely, they establish monasteries on Prime Material worlds for their own purposes, and either individual or bands of githzerai sometimes perform the peculiar devotion of travelling the cosmos hunting illithids, swearing oaths not to return to their people until they have slain a mind flayer for every member of their company. Githzerai primarily live in fortresses, monasteries, and cities on the plane of Limbo, though they also maintain fortresses on the Prime Material Plane. I have my own odd perspective on things, though the manner in which I wield my powers causes others to mistake me for a githzerai. The brutal githyanki are trained from birth as warriors, while the githzerai hone their minds to a razor’s edge in their fortresses within Limbo. He claimed that Gith had become a tyrant no better than the illithid slavemasters she replaced. Githzerai. You can speak, read, and write Gith and Common, though a gith of a subtype other than your own would consider you to have a very thick accent.Subrace. Although they do maintain some trade relationships and make short-term alliances with other races, it is usually with a mutual relationship of suspicion and hostility. They had pale yellow skin, sometimes with greenish or brownish tones. However, what should have been the greatest victory in the history of the People was inevitably tainted by what followed. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the misty step spell once per long rest. Way of the Zerth Monk subclass for 5e V2 based on the Githzerai NPCs found in the MM and MToF. and githzerai. The anarch makes one unarmed strike. Also, both like to flip out and pummel fools, though the Githzerai don't bother actually using weapons to do so very often. They didn't want to just keep obeying Gith's edicts or Vlaakith's laws. Archived. Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Character Options → Race Variants,,_Variant_(5e_Race_Variant)&oldid=1363568. In Gith's heart, fires raged. Gith, drunk with victory, wanted to spur the People to chase the illithids, exterminating them utterly, before moving to conquer every world in the multiverse, to slake her endless thirst for war and to ensure that the People, after enslaving all other life, would never be slaves again. Jump to: navigation, search. Male: Baarya, Dak, Fiden, Greth, Kalla, Klavya, Saath, Shraak, Zith, Zomm, Female: Amith, Adaka, Ezhelya, Immilzin, Iliss, Izera, Olavya, Ummon, Usamm, Uweya, Ysviden. I am a githvyrik: an individualist gith who refuses to identify as either githzerai or githyanki. This may be because of the land's reaction against the chaotic matter of the fortresses, or some effect conjured by githzerai wizards. Githzerai revere discipline, and they teach their students to harness the power of the will to wield their natural psionics. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell and for the other spells you know from the Psionic Power ability.Contemplative Upbringing. Most githyanki are of some evil alignment, and most githzerai are of some lawful alignment. Githzerai tend toward lawful neutral. The githzerai were created by Charles Stross for the Fiend Folio Tome of Creatures Malevolent and Benign (1981). Githzerai base land speed is 30 feet. They *knew* freedom. Highly skilled in martial and psionic arts, zerths were capable of transporting between planes only using their minds. Even those who do not fight for a living, such as fungus farmers or architects, are seen as valuable because their efforts help serve the war machine. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Jump spell once per long rest. In the wake of his words, came war. The Cursed target can't ⦠In the 4th edition Manual of the Planes, the monastery of Zerth'Ad'lun has become the city of Zerthadlun, now the largest of all githzerai cities. Her paranoia and the cravings of her undead nature drive her to consume the souls of any githyanki that grow too powerful, a fate her people are indoctrinated and brainwashed into regarding as an honor and a service to their race. My instructor has sent me to this world to learn from its inhabitants. You gain proficiency in either the Athletics or the Intimidation skill. Male gith can grow facial hair, but most gith don't have hair anywhere below the head. They let their hair grow long and pleat it in elaborate braids, weaving ornaments into its length. RPG Tinker is a tool for building NPCs for D&D 5e. The githzerai are distrustful toward all other races. Help improving it by giving your feedback! In most cases, this means that a level-appropriate item will give the NPC an extra +1 bonus, plus the weaponâs special power. I will not rest until the last elder brain is destroyed. After a great victory upon the Blasted Plains, the few surviving mind flayers were forced to flee through time and space, scattered across the cosmos. RPG Tinker is a tool for building NPCs for D&D 5e. 46. Random names list. Active 11 months ago. There are many folk legends about Zerthimon's fate. Jul 15, 2018 - Male Githyanki Fighter - Pathfinder PFRPG DND D&D 3.5 5E 5th ed d20 fantasy Instead, the people should retreat into introspection, seeking to learn more about themselves so that they could grow in wisdom and strength. Some claim he simply died, as all beings die, his body forming a peaceful tomb of quiet solitude as it was put adrift through the Chaos of Limbo. They believe that by mastering the chaos of their plane they can create perfect internal order, which will lead them to enlightenment. Many, still filled with the bloodlust in their hearts, agreed with her. There, monks, ascetics, and others impose strict, regimented lifestyles on the inhabitants to maintain oases of calm in the howling seas of chaosstuff. In the wake of his words came war. Allip One of the monsters that showed up very memorably in the 3E/3.5E Monster Manual is the Allip -- a creature I remember very fondly because, well, 3.5E's Monster Manual was the very first D&D Sourcebook I read and what with the Allip showing up very early on in the book, it's basically a pretty badass undead spooky ghost-creature that I ended up really liking. Deluxe Character sheets by Class 3.5. Neste episódio … Even more gradually, they learned to shield the minds of others, slowly building up cells of individual gith free of the mental domination of the mind flayers and amassing the resources to launch a mass revolt. So an Ogre is an Ogre with say 4HD and the Ogre Chief is an 8HD Ogre. Githzerai hunt within the wild chaos of Limbo, and grow thin but hardy crops within the islands of stability they create with their mental powers. She spoke of not merely defeating the *illithids,* but destroying all *illithids* across the Planes. These abilities count as Psionic, and the spellcasting ability for these spells is determined by your subrace.Languages. Customizing NPCs. Mage Hand. Allip One of the monsters that showed up very memorably in the 3E/3.5E Monster Manual is the Allip -- a creature I remember very fondly because, well, 3.5E's Monster Manual was the very first D&D Sourcebook I read and what with the Allip showing up very early on in the book, it's basically a pretty badass undead spooky ghost-creature that I ended up really liking. I have my own odd perspective on things, though the manner in which I wield my powers causes others to mistake me for a githyanki. Githyanki and githzerai hate one another with a black and bitter passion. Backstory []. While the githzerai is wearing no armor and wielding no shield, its AC includes its Wisdom modifier. Strike. The githzerai zerth is a more advanced version of the monk, with higher Constitution (and thus an even more skirmish-y profile, although it’s just as bereft of skills and features that would allow it to fight as such), even more Unarmed Strike damage, and the spells phantasmal killer and plane shift, which it can use once per day each. DEX 18 . Create custom stat blocks for monsters and save them for use in your campaigns. The tool is under construction and receiving new features each day. Typical hair colors included black, russet, and sometimes gray, which male githzerai either shaved or wore in braids. Thomasson, Chris. Such training is cruel, but usually not to the point of actually risking the children's lives. d20/Fantasy. d20/Fantasy. Beneath their stoic facades, though, fierce passions burn: their hatred for illithids and their githyanki cousins, and their desire to protect their race on their adopted home plane. Please leave the "(5e Creature)" identifier in the page title when creating your new creature! They are generally taller and more-slender than humans, but their bodies have a much higher muscle density, which combines with their lower mass to make them inhumanly quick. The origins of the race that once called itself "the People" are lost forever. While the latter crave conquering, battle and war, the prior seek the power of the mind and soul through self-reflection and self-mastery. The *illithid* would be destroyed. So they left. Githzerai as a player character race for Pathfinder Planescape. The githyanki are the twisted, estranged kin of the githzerai, divided from their cousins by a philosophical breach that occurred centuries ago.. save. Despite their differences, the two leaders were very close friends, and, though neither subrace of modern gith likes to admit it, possibly lovers. Actions Multiattack: The mummy can use its Dreadful Glare and makes one Attack with its rotting fist. Mystic Seer NPC for 5E D&D. Individuals avoiding these broad patterns exist, but often feel pressure to conform or leave their societies.Size. [MM:277][PH3:8] 1 Racial traits 1.1 Statistics 1.2 Special 1.3 Favored classes 2 Racial feats Characterized by spare frames and an exotic appearance, githzerai are taller than humans and slender to the point of being gaunt. Full disclosure — the NPCs and creatures we make in CBGs are some of my favorite bits of 5E D&D content to create. Githyanki tend toward lawful evil. Teleport. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it as an action. The juice! D&D 3.5E. Their name means "those who spurn Gith.". With that we generate an NPC ready to use in battle! Now, she has asked me to travel for a time with one of his descendants or students, who is one of my fellow party members, to maintain the generational tie. Once a githyanki has slain an illithid, it is considered to have "come of age," and is welcomed into society as an adult. The githyanki are the twisted, estranged kin of the githzerai, divided from their cousins by a philosophical breach that occurred centuries ago.. Your size is Medium.Speed. Official WotC revised D&D v.3.5 Character sheet. 5e SRD >Gamemastering >Monsters & Foes > ... (NPCs) that adventurers might encounter during a campaign, including lowly commoners and mighty archmages. They stand a little over six feet tall and weigh approximately 160 pounds. Githzerai hunt within the wild chaos of Limbo, and grow thin but hardy crops within the islands of stability they create with their mental powers. They honor the immortal wizard-king of their race, but do not worship him. Forgotten Realms Character Sheet 3.5 (Word) Pathfinder "type in" Character Sheet (pdf) CLASSES. So it came to pass that the People had achieved victory over their *illithid* masters. Full NPC List. From there, they ride out in their otherworldly vessels and upon their red dragon steeds to pillage material planes, taking back slaves, precious goods, and other plunder to their home ports. Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Slaad, Undercommon. In the past, one of my instructors maintained a close friendship with a Prime. When you cast the spell, choose the creatureâs form: Ghostly, Putrid, or Skeletal. It is the military center of the race. The githzerai monk has the ability profile of a shock attacker, but it lacks the mobility to get in and out of combat easily. I periodically bring my copious notes on my adventures back to the libraries of my people, to mixed reception. Menu Skip to content. Initiative Tracker; Power Attack Calculator; Random Generator; d20 Demographics Calculator Legendary D&D artists. They are usually chaotic neutral, neutral, or lawful neutral. Both the githyanki and the githzerai are subraces of gith, a race of humanoids slowly created through torture and experimentation by the illithids during ancient times. Kalashtar are often seen as wise, spiritual people with great compassion for others. Zerthimon, by contrast, was a former laborer who had rediscovered the lost secrets of self-determination and metalworking while laboring in the fields of discarded corpses created by the Empire's constant need for sapients to consume. Its Me and My World; Music Compositions. Other say that he achieved enlightenment, rising above mortality to become a being of pure mental energy, from whence he gently guides his people still towards a similar state of perfect transcendence. This name generator will give you 10 names which will generally fit the githzerai of the Dungeons & Dragons universe. They fought amongst themselves, Githyanki and Githzerai, and the Githzerai were not defeated to the point that they were destroyed, but they had to retreat into limbo. This is the list of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition monsters, an important element of that role-playing game. From Zerthimon came the Pronouncement of Two Skies. Githzerai is a player character race in 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons. TEMPORARY NOTE: RPGBOT is undergoing a massive update for DnD 5e content to accommodate rules changes and new content introduced by Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.Please be patient while these changes are made. Their skin is usually in various shades of yellow, brown, and green, and their hair is usually either black, red, or brown. I want most npcs to effectively be a racial class. Her descendants, all of them also named Vlaakith, ruled over the githyanki for generations before one of them achieved lichdom a millennium ago. 90% Upvoted. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (2d8) psychic damage. Shrak'kt'lor is the largest city of the githzerai, with a population of around two million. I voted 1 before I read the OP, but I mostly don't want 3.x type multi-classing. Apart from the consistency and naturalism it affords, it allows greater freedom of monster/NPC design while still allowing a 4e-style "here's a few stat blocks" approach. Senses passive Perception 9 September 24, 2018. by Keith Ammann. Their bodies very slender and emaciated, weighing much less than an average being of their stature, but their musculature is very well-developed. Somewhen and somewhere the Mind flayer empire found them, twisted them, and ⦠They rarely worship any deity, but some few may revere deities such as Zuoken (most commonly), or sometimes Kord or even Vecna. Githzerai resemble humans, but they're slightly taller and thinner. The githzerai cleric gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of the githzerai cleric’s next turn. The githzerai, meanwhile, established a series of cities and monestaries in Limbo, bending the chaosstuff into orderly well-defined matter by the force of their will, and maintaining it through careful psychic effort. Seldom will they use two words when they can make do with only one. They are traveling with 1d6 tribal warriors (or guards) and searching for nearby ruins where they hope to find a lost relic : 4 Multiattack. Basically we step back and look at the character guide to find the standout features, the ⦠Githzerai culture is meritocratic, with the most accomplished scholars, mightiest warriors, and wisest elders taking leadership roles within the community. 20th level 5e characters are not in the same league. Githzerai history was the same as githyanki history until shortly after the ancient illithid empire was thrown down under the leadership of the legendary heroine, Gith. Unarmed Strike. Githzerai seldom worship any gods. In the background of the computer game Planescape: Torment, Shrak'kt'lor fell due to a division in the beliefs of the githzerai there, and the city drowned during a githyanki assault. Their skin is usually in various shades of yellow, brown, and green, and their hair is usually either black, red, or brown. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.Trained Mind. Females often keep their hair in tight buns or braids. Githzerai see religion as an entirely personal choice, and do not seek to impose their beliefs on others. From D&D Wiki. Mar 11, 2019 - m npc Githyanki Fighter Heavy Armor Dagger drinking Tavern urban City story Planes Traveler Zithembe med (10) Posted by 2 years ago. The exception to this would be the NPCs that are humans in funny clothes (base 1 HD). You gain proficiency in either the History or the Persuasion skill. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be Cursed with mummy rot. Their skin tends toward yellow tones, occasionally shading into brown or green. I enjoy my newfound freedom, though I still feel the occasional twinge of longing for home. He was the spiritual leader of the rebellion, teaching the People how to protect their minds from the illithids and applying his genius to the arts of organization and logistics, stockpiling metal arms and carefully monitoring the nascent rebellion for any signs of treachery. Githzerai Monster Monster Manual 1, D&D 5e 159, 161 Jhadaiya (Ftr5) (Githzerai) NPC TSR Jam 1999 21, 27 Khevith (Ftr6/Mu6) (Githzerai) NPC TSR Jam 1999 27 Neiron (Mu4) (Githzerai) NPC TSR Jam 1999 27 Omax (Mu5) (Githzerai) NPC TSR Jam 1999 27 Ravda (Ftr7/Mu7) (Githzerai) NPC TSR Jam 1999 21, 25, 27 Syomm (Ftr3/Mu3) (Githzerai) NPC TSR Jam 1999 27