Apply a full mortar bed to base or sill; do not furrow mortar. Economical and easy to use, 8500 Glass Block Mortar is recommended for interior and exterior use. It can be used in both interior and exterior applications. Sent from and sold by Fuchs Design GmbH. Install reinforcing panel in the horizontal mortar joints and below all openings with panels. This oval joint enables the glass block wall to resist impact or applied loads resulting in the panel being stable and self-supporting, but not load-bearing. Use only wooden or rubber tipped tools for tapping glass blocks into place. . All panels and sills covered with asphalt emulsion must be cured a minimum of two (2) hours before first mortar bed is placed. Mortar: Grout: 1: Material: Cement, sand, lime and water: Cement, water and sand, epoxy, acrylic and polymer: 2: Water-Cement Ratio: Less : More: 3: Primary Function: The primary function of the cement mortar is to act as a binder in brick or stone masonry : The primary function of the grout is to act as a filler material in tilling work and cracks. Cavities within joints would cause problems in freezing weather conditions. SGM, Inc. warrants this product will perform in accordance with its intended use for a period of one (1) year from the date of manufacture. Can also be used where a white mortar joint is desired. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, SGM, INC. MAKES NO OTHER REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Clean all sides of glass block to permit a good mechanical bond. Consult glass block manufacturer’s literature for placement of anchors, reinforcing, and expansion strips. Even a small gap in the sealant will … That leaves a minimal grout line in the shower and 5/8-in. Run reinforcing continuously from end to end of panels. 4.7 out of 5 stars 38. Vetromix will become solid within hours of construction. The finished grout needs to be flush with the glass brick. Steel tools must not be used to tap blocks into place. QUIKRETE® Glass Block Mortar (No. Technical characteristics of Colmef Vetromix glass block mortar: Figures stated were taken at 23OC at 50% RH and in lack of ventilation. Also ensure the joint width does not exceed 22mm. Glass Block Mortar is a specially formulated product that is designed for glass block applications requiring white mortar joints. This ensures accuracy and consistency of performance. Colmef Vetromix is a specifically designed and formulated mortar for glass block construction. Periodically applying a sealant to the mortar fills voids in the material to combat the mortar's porous nature. GlassBond Strong Adhesive Mortar for Glass Blocks | Extra White | 25kg Bag. Stains and mold are common on the porous mortar that holds glass blocks in place. Set lower course of block while maintaining a uniform joint width of ¼ inch (.635 cm) to ? For cement block and brick surfaces; for fully cured concrete at least 28 days old. Before construction, a vital rule is to ensure that the surrounding temperature is not 5OC and falling or 30OC and rising. is designed so that a complete panel can be constructed raked back and then grouted in using just slightly diluted Vetromix with a squeegee. Mortar & Grout 25kg 2 in 1 (White) A white or grey premixed mortar and grout specially designed by Seves for installing and finishing vertical glass structures. Mortar & Grout 25kg 2 in 1 (White) £25.00. £24.99 £ 24. Features: High Strength >1,800 psi; Meets property requirements of ASTM C 1714 and ASTM C 270 Mix the two (2) components together thoroughly until smooth. Get it Tomorrow, Feb 16. inch (.3175 cm). FREE Delivery by Amazon. 99. Glass Brick Wall Photo 2: Level the blocks . Add SGM Glass Block Mortar powder to approximately 1½ galloons (5.7 L) cool, clean potable water per fifty (50) lbs. Glass Block Mortar is a quality mixture of white cement, lime, sand and special additives. Consult glass block unit manufacturer before installation commences. ensure weather tightness against water penetration. Total curing is achieved after 21-28 days. WARNING — EYE IRRITANT CONTAINS PORTLAND CEMENT. Hot water may cause the mortar to set too quickly. 10 Pieces Fuchs Glass Blocks Wave Clear 19x19x8 cm £28.35. ProCook Gourmet X30 Traditional Riveted Knife Set 5 Piece with Smoke Glass and Acacia Block. Cavities within joints would cause problems in freezing weather conditions. When repairing glass block window mortar, the first step is to try and clean up the actual joint. Total curing is achieved after 21-28 days. If white cement is used for grouting, it can be crack and fungus, seen as some dark spots, in the grout. (22.7Kg) bag. Glass-Block Mortar is a premixed blend of Portland cement, sand and chemicals specifically designed for glass-block installation. It is advisable to prepare a sample to show the final colour after curing and record the ratio of colorant to mortar. However, there may be a residue of cement on the glass surface left from mortar/tiling grout identified by whitish bloom when dry. Vetromix can be coloured by mixing it with special colouring compounds (supplied by others). How to Remove Grout Between Glass Blocks. Both products are Portland cement based product, which causes them to harden. Our 25kg Glass Block Mortar is enough to do 25 full size blocks. Vetromix will become solid within hours of construction. thick along a three- or four-block length, then wiggle and drag the point of your trowel down the center of the bed to spread it out a bit. Product #: 8500-0020-22-M Glass-Block Mortar. Tap blocks into place with rubber mallet to insure a good bond. For optimum open time mix with cold water. Using a prepared powdered mortar means that all the raw materials are added in a controlled factory environment. Up to one (1) year from date of manufacture in unopened properly stored container. Computerized batching of raw material ensures a high-quality mortar eliminating the guesswork of job site mixes. Remove excess mortar from both glass block and tools before mortar hardens. Glass block mortar joints cure with reaction to air just like normal mortars, so it is important that the joint size is not too thin, to guarantee complete curing and maximum strength. The minimum recommended joint is 6mm and the most common used is 10mm. Mixing instructions are on the reverse of each bag. Any claim for defective product must be submitted in writing to SGM, Inc., and samples of defect must be provided. Minimum cure is reached in 48-72 hours. Bottle of Weldbond® Primer 1 8 oz. For more information, visit the Proposition 65 Warnings Website ( Mixing instructions are on the reverse of each bag. Vetromix will become solid within hours of construction. This area houses the stainless reinforcement bars, which should never be in direct contact with the glass surface. . The formulation is a mixture of white cement, white sand, hydrated lime and other waterproofing additives. The glass block installer should have left the glass block wall in a clean, unblemished condition, requiring only periodical cleaning to maintain an excellent appearance. This may be removed by use of proprietary cement stain remover. The strength and support of a joint is created by the shape of the mortar profile (oval). Colmef Vetromix is a pure shade of white and a smooth consistency. Quikrete 50 lb. Pre-Blended Mortar for Glass-Block Installations. This white mortar can be used for both setting and grouting of the block. Elastiment 985 Glass Block Mortar mix is a special purpose setting compound designed for the easy installation of glass block. Use a brush to clean the crumbs away from the work area, and be careful not to chisel toward the glass. Colmef Vetromix is used as a bedding mortar and then by slightly diluting the mix it can be used as a grout for finishing. H&S Pestle and Mortar Set Premium Solid Granite Stone Large Black - 16cm(6.3") Diameter. In case of such contact, flood eyes repeatedly with water and CALL A PHYSICIAN. It is used as bedding and pointing mix, therefore there are no bonding issues between building and grouting. Glass block mortar joints cure with reaction to air just like normal mortars, so it is important that the joint size is not too thin, to guarantee complete curing and maximum strength. Calculator adds white mortar but if you require grey please remove from cart and add from our shop. However Colmef Vetromix is designed so that a complete panel can be constructed raked back and then grouted in using just slightly diluted Vetromix with a squeegee. However. Wash thoroughly after handling and before smoking or eating. Glass Block Mortar can also be used in laying brick, block and tile where white mortar is desired. Allow mortar to slake for five (5) minutes, and then re-mix before use. Thin-set mortar for glass and mosaics. Colmef Vetromix mortar – number of blocks per 10kg bag calculation. Amerimix Glass Block Mortar is a mixture of fine silica sand, masons lime, white cement and polymers for easy installation of glass block. This will ensure that the oval profile is totally filled in both vertical and horizontal directions. Grouting glass block with white cement 1. Use NIOSH approved masks at all times to handle silica dust. Colmef Vetromix should be paddle-mixed to a consistency of slump 1 or less, worked in and compacted. The proper consistency is obtained when the mortar is applied with the notched trowel to the substrate and the ridges formed do not flow or slump. Usually the mortar failure itself will not cause a structural issue within the window. How to Remove Dried Mortar From Glass Blocks. This item: Fuchs Special Mortar SGM 5 for Glass Blocks - Mortar and Grout in one - 25 kg £28.05. SGM, INC.’S SOLE OBLIGATION WILL BE TO REPLACE ANY PRODUCT DETERMINED BY SGM, INC.TO BE DEFECTIVE. grout lines on the outside of the wall. It eliminates job site blending and provides a factory-controlled mix for high performance. Traditionally sand and cement were used. For grouting, a slightly diluted mix ensures that any voids are totally filled. Insure that all framing, pocket recesses, or chassis are in place, clean, and ready to receive glass block. The most critical rule of Rods & Mortar is after grouting, the expansion joint and any intermediate soft joints, must be raked back and silicone applied. Always ensure that water and bucket are clean and use a paddle drill. Apply mortar about 1/2 in. If the soft joint is bridged by mortar, it negates having expansion fibre and this restriction will stop expansion and contraction, increasing the possibility of joints or blocks cracking. Additional Resources (links open in new tab) Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and Technical Data Sheet (TDS) Butter the end of each block (see Photo 3) and lay three blocks on the mud bed. In stock. Colmef Vetromix has no hydrated lime content and therefore cannot leach. Traditionally, like brickwork, glass block joints were pointed up as the courses were laid. is designed to fully compact in the joint (it does not contain large chippings) to. Set succeeding courses of glass block. White cement is a substance without any additive and can not be expected to be grouting material because of the lack in strength. A mortar joint will cure in reaction to air just like normal mortars, so it is important that the joint size is not below 6mm. If glass block mortar gets moldy, it's time to hire a pro By Rosie Romero Special to the Arizona Daily Star Mar 5, 2016 Mar 5, 2016 Updated May 25, 2016; Any repairs on glass blocks… All panels and sills covered with a… Consult glass block manufacturer’s literature for placement of anchors, reinforcing, and expansion strips. Panel construction is quicker and more efficient and time can be spent ensuring a first-class finish is achieved for the joints on both elevations. Glass-Block Mortar is a premixed blend of Portland cement, sand and chemicals specifically designed for glass-block installation.This white mortar can be used for both setting and grouting of the block. Glass block are traditionally laid with a relatively dry Type S or N mortar since the glass doesn’t wick any moisture from the mortar. Do not allow glass block mortar to bridge expansion or movement joints. During mixing or application avoid contact with eyes. Use paddle for mixing to avoid splashing into eyes or contact with skin. Most interior/exterior residential and commercial installations of glass blocks. Glass is impervious unlike brick and concrete, therefore mortar is not absorbed into a glass block. White Glass Block Mortar Mix is an accurate blend of white Portland cement, specially graded fine sands and admixtures to give increased ease of installation and improved water resistance. If not consistently mixed , this can increase heat loss leaching and may not be necessarily water- or frost-proof. Quikrete 50 lb. 1610)is a specifically formulated blend of white sand, cement, lime and other waterproof additives designed to provide a decorative, waterproof Exceeds the performance requirements of ASTM C270 for Type S Mortar. Maximum deflection of structural members shall not exceed L/600. Re-mix mortar occasionally during use and discard after initial set in bucket. Lap reinforcing not less than siox (6) inches (15.24 cm) whenever necessary to use more than one length. Some grout haze was left on the brick but I waited 24 hours to wipe that away … Colmef Mortar approximate number of blocks per 10kg bag calculation It can also be used for tuck pointing, stucco, or other decorative applicationswhere white mortar would be appropriate. Cold water is best as hot water may cause the mortar to set quicker and will reduce open time. 80 Grit Sandpaper 1 2 oz. Use … 8500 Glass Block Mortar is a high-strength, factory-prepared mortar for installing glass block. Insure that all framing, pocket recesses, or chassis are in place, clean, and ready to receive glass block. TARGET® White Glass Block Mortar Mix is an accurate blend of white Portland cement, specially graded aggregates and admixtures to give increased ease of installation and improved water resistance.. Used For: Set and grout all types of glass blocks. This is the area where the blocks come together or even join to your foundation. Ready-To-Use Mortars . Clean all sides of glass block to permit a good mechanical bond. Colmef Vetromix has a fine texture, low slump and the whitest mortar available. I discussed mortar failure above in regards to the bond between the glass blocks. Mortar and grout are used in both masonry work and tile work; however they serve different purposes. IN NO EVENT SHALL SGM, INC. BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND OR NATURE, WHETHER ARISING BY CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE. C and rising. SGM, Inc.’s sole obligation will be to replace any product determined to be defective by SGM, Inc. Glass blocks specialist mortar – Colmef Vetromix. The powder contains hydraulic binders and inert and synthetic resins. This guarantees total curing and maximum strength. Curing may vary according to atmospheric conditions. Do not realign, tap, or move block after initial placement. WARNING: This product may expose you to chemicals, including silica, which the State of California recognizes as a cause of cancer. Total curing is achieved after 21-28 days. Over time, the staining becomes unsightly and ruins the look of the glass block wall or window. there are no bonding issues between building and grouting. Meets ASTM C-279 Type M Mortar. The edge or collar of a block is concaved so when two are laid next to each other an oval joint is created. Prolonged exposure to dust may cause delayed lung disease (Silicosis). Also ensure the joint width does not exceed 22mm. Before construction, a vital rule is to ensure that the surrounding temperature is not 5. Then using the just damp sponge, you will wipe away any excess grout. The edge or collar of a block is concaved so when two are laid next to each other an oval joint is created. Proper application is necessary to ensure the glass block structure remains stain-free. Let’s face it – the #1 place tile or glass block showers fail is in the grout joints.So you need to use the right material the first time around (and save the expensive cost of re-grouting). Amerimix Glass Block Mortar is a precision blend that requires only the addition of potable water to produce a solid, high strength, water resistant mortar joint. inch (.635 cm) plus or minus ? Professional, ready-to-use tile adhesive. Do not take internally. Use of damp clean sponge or soft cloth is recommended. Remove the surplus mortar from face of glass blocks and wipe dry. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Repoint or repair existing mortar … Type 1. Panel construction is quicker and more efficient and time can be spent ensuring a first-class finish is achieved for the joints on both elevations. Glass-Block Mortar. It would take an additional grout sealant and routine maintenance to prevent this completely. For added water resistance and greater adhesion, the use of Southcrete™ 25 Acrylic mortar Admix in lieu of water is suggested. Colmef Vetromix has no hydrated lime content and therefore cannot leach. E-985 Glass Block Mortar contains a precise mix of Portland cements, blended sands and other chemicals created for the setting of glass blocks. Calculator adds white mortar but if you require grey please remove from cart and add from our shop. Compressive resistance after 28 days: 19.5N/mm, Flexible resistance after 28 days: 7.5N/mm, Colmef Vetromix retains the glass block panel at a U-value of 2.9W/m, Wet sand and cement mix increase panel to 3.2W/m, Minimum joint size for a curved panel: 6mm, Maximum joint size relating to the external joint for a curved panel: 22mm, COSHH Data sheets are available for Colmef Vetromix on request from Glass Block Technology. GLASS BLOCK MORTAR Glass Block Technology recommend the use of Colmef Vetromix glass block mortar when constructing brick by brick. Do not add any additional water, latex, or powder after the mortar has slaked. Higher speeds are not recommended and will entrain air. Other mortars may not be as stable, as cavities or voids may form within the joint structure and may contain large aggregate or sand particles that will scratch the glass. In stock. Stainless steel reinforcement bars are used to restrain the panel to the surrounding aperture, whilst also giving the panel integral support and a wind-loading value. SGM Glass Block Mortar is a special blend of Portland cement, graded aggregates, and proprietary additives formulated specifically for the installation of glass blocks. 25 Piece Gap spacers for 8 cm Thick Glass Blocks which are Laid with Mortar - 10 mm Joint £11.90. By putting the grout onto the BACK of the spatula it is easier to manage without it falling off of the trowel. Copyright © 2021 SGM Southern Grouts & Mortars, Inc | Privacy Sent from and sold by Fuchs Design GmbH. Premium Mortar. Glass Block Mortar consists of a uniformly blended mixture of white sand, cement, lime, and chemical additives. The strength and support of a joint is created by the shape of the mortar profile (oval). Premix mortars have a better thermal efficiency value than sand and cement, so U-values for glass block walling will be constant. Colmef Vetromix has a fine texture, low slump and the whitest mortar available. However, this is only the distance on show; the centre of the oval joint is always deeper from collar to collar. Always ensure that water and bucket are clean and use a paddle drill. The variables are in the size of the aggregates (stone, sand, etc) and the quantity of water added to the mix. Mosaic & Glass Tile Mortar. In stock. This will ensure that the oval profile is totally filled in both vertical and horizontal directions as a bedding mortar. They can form walls or windows that let in light while at the same time preserving privacy. Our 25kg Glass Block Mortar is … Other mortars are not always water-repellent or as white and differ greatly in colour, therefore need a separate grout to achieve a weather-resistant, white finish (the most commonly desired colour). 4.8 out of 5 stars 3,268. Traditionally, like brickwork, glass block joints were pointed up as the courses were laid. Ready-to-use adhesive for interior tile projects. routing, a slightly diluted mix ensures that any voids are totally filled. The following additional materials may be required to successfully complete the installation of glass block units. Working with Colmef Vetromix. Colmef is designed to fully compact in the joint (it does not contain large chippings) to ensure weather tightness against water penetration. For interior/exterior, this white mortar can be used for both setting and grouting of the block. CONTAINS FREE SILICA — DO NOT BREATHE DUST. A white or grey premixed mortar and grout specially designed by Seves for installing and finishing vertical glass structures. Use water to remove uncured mortar. When chiseling, point the tool away from the glass section, toward the wall foundation to prevent cracking your blocks. Because mortar is a rigid material, it will take very little abuse before it shows signs of failure. Spaces at head of panel and jambs must remain free of mortar for caulking with sealant. Strike (rake) joints smooth while mortar is still plastic and before final set. It is used as bedding and pointing mix, therefore. Provision for expansion and movement joints must be made at jambs and headers of all panels. Obviously, mortar is much easier to clean off before it dries, but it can be removed even after getting hard. Glass Block Technology mortar is a specially formulated premix bedding and finishing compound, available in one bag to be mixed with water. Ready-to-use mortars don't require mixing with water and are useful for smaller tiles in non-submerged areas. £79.00 £ 79. Pre-blended mortar for glass-block installations. It can be used for all applications, internally, externally, straight, curved and fire-rated glass block walling. 7 50# bags of premix glass block mortar (purchased separately) 30 #12 x 2" Sheet Metal Screws 30 #12 Flat Washers 1 Piece No. Machine mixing with a slow speed drill and mixing paddle is preferred (250—350 RPM). The panels are reinforced at a maximum of 16 inches on center with joint reinforcing consisting of two W1.7 side rods with welded W1.7 cross rods. Glass blocks are an attractive addition to many homes. Colmef Vetromix should be paddle-mixed to a consistency of slump 1 or less, worked in and compacted. Glass is impervious unlike brick and concrete, therefore mortar is not absorbed into a glass block. The design and installation of glass block shall be done using whole units since the cutting of glass block is not recommended. Product is alkaline on contact with water. It is manufactured under factory controlled conditions so all additives are accurately blended and designed for maximum performance of strength, flexibility, water repellence and U-value. Glass block panels shall not be designed to support structural loads. Urethane grout - premixed bucket Sanded grout in a powder form in a bag. Take a chisel and a rubber mallet to clear any broken or cracked mortar from the joints to prepare it for the needed repairs. website design and marketing by: 561 Media, The Diamond Standard Image Submission Form, The Diamond Standard Photo Release & Agreement, Hoja de Información del Producto – Español, website design and marketing by: 561 Media. Using an offset spatula or grout trowel you will be pushing the grout into the space. Designed to provide a water resistant mortar for use in constructing both interior and exterior glass block walls.