Check out I should be grateful already that I was given the opportunity to do the interview onsite. Please understand that we committed and carefully reviewed your profile and reached the conclusion that you are not ready to join Google at this moment. my recruiter came in through the door and apologized - her office is across the street nowadays and it takes a while to get to the main building. I was given a laptop to type the code. On July 1st I received an email invitation from an Google APAC recruiter (let’s call her “p”) via a Google calendar event. Ten days later (27th July), I finally got an update from my recruiter. After I had formally sent my final decision, he sent me the following email. After your onsite interviews the recruiter normally waits for the interviewers to write up their notes. What I found very cool was there was this welcome message on the TV upon my arrival. "Man, love your simple writing! Funnily, they offer car rental and Google strongly prefers this compared to reimbursing taxi rides. They don't even write it down in their notes that hey, there's this little thing you couldn't remember off the top of your head. Yes, Google is in fact that nice. An Email That Changed The Course Of My Career, What Bad Managers, Good Managers, and Great Managers Do, 7 Ways Business Meetings are Killing Profits, Instantly Sign Away Your Rights With Instacart, The Secret Society Of Parents From Tech’s Biggest Companies, Perks Are a Critical Way to Attract Great Talent, But a Lot of Companies Approach Them the Wrong…, Advice for students: Planning for a financial industry career, Onsite Interview (4 interviews on the same day). You’ll certainly write code for at least one of them. I was rejected without interview at Dropbox. Just to confirm, you are not even applying to full-time position of Google? Nothing more than a desk, a small whiteboard, a phone and a huge LCD screen. I just hoped that everything would go well the next day…. How Interview Feedback works. I wouldn’t say her questions were hard, but I totally bombed (in a bad way) the interview . A few moments later, my first interviewer came in. Create a new survey and edit it with others at the same time. Who knows? She’s really nice and she’s the only interviewer who actually asked me to introduce myself. The second call was really similar, with the interviewer calling from California. Just when I was thinking "Fuck, I blew it. Thank you so much for waiting through the process while we discussed. There are salad, Indian food, grilled lamb chop (you can watch the chef burns the lamb live), and of course, my all-time favourite, dim-sum! Apparently, I still didn’t well enough. You will usually have 3 rounds of interviews ( one screen, one video and one onsite loop) where you'll meet 5-6 Googlers. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. I thought 10 days were long that I could sharpen my interview skills, but I was so busy finishing school administration for graduation, and also partying, mainly eating at fancy restaurants . Free with a Google account. I solved the question on the third interview, although I took a long time to think, thus resulting only in one question. After a fun lunch and office tour, it’s time to get back to the interviews! And I managed to catch all the off-by-one errors and corner cases and everything. rooms. We were then escorted to this so-called “Google Recruit” room, but it was basically a “King Bed Deluxe” room. Whatever we're doing, however we may fail in other areas, the primary goal of interviewing--to find and hire highly qualified people--is something we're achieving. So I decided to ping my recruiter, and in one hour, he sent me this email reply. I don't have all of the answers, but I have some! I asked if I can start working in late 2019, and my recruiter responded that I can start anytime as long as it is in 2019. Three days later (30th July), and email came from another recruiting coordinator, and I was correct. Slower please, I need to type your thought process for the feedback”. Interview. Flight: Singapore Airlines, BDO-SIN (Bandung-Singapore). No rush, whenever you have time, you don't want to even consider working before September? Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Lexical knowledge? I’m pretty sure you have carefully thought about it and made this decision so we will respect. Employees are coached on how to do better interviews, and how to write more insightful interview feedback. What I can say, however, is that it was one of the most fun days I've ever had and I deeply regret the fact there were only five interviews. And 1 I bombed. And very relatable. Fine with us. Take Google phone interview as an example. Google typically takes 2–3 weeks to come back with feedback, However, they do come with detailed feedback and tell you about areas you did well and which needs improvements. I just realized the question was actually easy after the interview is done (a very common case of doing interview…). Unlike the first interview, he actually offered me if I want to use the whiteboard. Learn how to launch a webapp and make your first on the side with ServerlessReact.Dev, Want to brush up on your modern JavaScript syntax? For software engineering roles, your phone/Hangout discussion will last between 30 and 60 minutes. Going to a Google’s office might be an only one-time experience. 1 round was a Googleyness & Leadership round while the other 4 were all technical. Have a burning question that you think I can answer? Received call for WSE position for google by a recruiter. This office is definitely so diverse. Anyone who arrives there can see the “Google x Welcome” sign clearly, but I was personally quite confused on finding the office’s entrance. Just like other companies who request onsite interviews, Google will pay the expenses for the flight and the hotel. He was just simply a lunch escort . If you want to, we can start the process now :). I’m not sure if you need an international driving license as I chose not to book one. My heart sank really deep. We directly went to the check-in staff. Within 20 minutes, I got sleepy already (reading textbook is the fastest way to get to sleep for me). The question is quite simple. And pray hard. Departing on 26th June in the morning. He used the resume I had sent for my internship application. FYI, I live in Indonesia. We first introduced ourselves. Good luck to everyone who will/is doing the interview! The interview. 3. Step 7: Onsite Interviews The collected feedback goes to a committee of senior Google engineers They look at the feedback for 3-5 minutes In exceptional cases, they may decide there is not enough information, which leads to more interviews If they decide to hire you, the recruiter will call you to make an offer Google pays very, very, very well. 2. I waited for some time at the reception. They also offered to book a flight for me, but I preferred to take a train from Milan. 13Sunday, April 6, 14 Choose from a variety of pre-made themes or create your own. 2x which were pretty meh. So, I had an onsite interview on Friday at a big tech company from 8 to 2pm. After first Onsite interviews, i was given the feedback that i did well in coding rounds but had some short comings in design round, i was called again for another set of interviews 2 Coding and 1 System Design. . Apparently I drew the short stick and got the smallest whiteboard available as well. The best thing that you can do is to prepare well. You'll typically spend a full day at a Google office and do two interviews in the morning, then have lunch with a fellow PM and do three interviews in the afternoon. After finishing my second interview, I was escorted by another Google employee. My recruiter says my feedback was "mixed." There was an initial phone interview with someone from HR (basic; typical professional screening process) then I was set up for an on site interviewwith 2 people; I got 4 rounds of interviews; I proceeded in the rounds but if I wasnt doing well it would have stopped. All it's gonna take is for a couple of guys who aced 3 to be in the same group as us and we will be screwed. In-depth interviews: We get excited about interviewing and take it seriously because, at the risk of sounding cliché, Google is what Googlers make it. Serverless Handbook, modern backend for the frontend engineer. Nevertheless, maybe I just need to try harder next time. It’s pretty much the same as how the first two interviews have gone. I heard that I can try to interview again at least 1 year after the last attempt. First, I filled a form sent by my recruiter regarding my availability, programming language (C++/Java/Python), and interview language (Japanese/English). Time’s out, and the second interviewer was already in front of the door. When I talked to fast, he said “hold on, so you said XXX right? After they speak with you, they will have to score you and write extremely detailed feedback that will be used by the Hiring comittee (HC) later on to help make a hiring decision. Google pays for every expense, and books an hotel for you to stay overnight. After one week, I received a call from my recruiter, telling me I have passed the interview, and I was invited to Google Sydney for onsite, as there is no development center in Singapore. Oh and I guess there were some lexical questions, like what is a singleton and how you'd get rid of it, how do closures function and how does a DNS lookup work. During phone or Google Hangout interviews, you’ll speak with a potential peer or manager. Then Google sent me a "What to know in onsite interviews" email. Without hesitation, I agreed to go through the recruitment process. In the end, everything turned out well. Doing team matching now and then going to hc. Each interview will last 30 to 45 minutes. And hey, only ~25% of onsite candidates get hired, there are 30,000 employees - that means 120,000 people have seen what happens. I did my interview in a dedicated meeting room (I think it might fit 10 people in the room). That meant each applicant might be … My best guess was that I’d do the interview at Google Singapore as Google Jakarta does not employ software engineers. It feels like the food stalls that you will find at a huge wedding. Fortunately, my interviewer also came early 15 minutes before the interview, so I actually got a much more time for the first interview. I blamed myself for declining it. While some of my coworkers are better than others, I've yet to encounter any that truly aren't at the top of our field. The so called "onsite interviews". We would like to let you know you did well in your first interview and we would like to invite you to four onsite interviews at our Google office if you are currently based in Japan (if you’re not currently in Japan let us know where you are so that we can have you go to the office nearest to your location). I believe that interviews are quite a luck-or-no-luck matter. Inspiring! Inside a Google onsite interview. Thank you for reading this story, I hope it helps and inspires some readers. It’s Singapura! In the end, the airport’s taxi is only $2 more expensive than the price Grab listed. ", Join over 10,000 engineers just like you already improving their careers with my letters, workshops, courses, and talks. My recruiter asked if I prefer to do the interview via Hangouts or do it on site at Google’s office. We would like to invite you to come to our office to interview for the position. till the end. Each of them undergoes calibration before becoming an interviewer. The interviewer needed to do something similar like logging in on my laptop first (I think), and the code document was synced on his laptop and mine. Then Google sent me a "What to know in onsite interviews" email. I actually wanted to order a GrabTaxi, but we are very unsure about where the taxi should pick us. She could not even hear me saying “sort” that I had to type it. Hell, the holding room at the police station I was once taken to as a teen was bigger. PS: A coffee lab is where Googlers drink their caffeine inside the building. letters on mindsets, tactics, and technical skills for your Nobody mentioned to me personally that any of this was a secret. career. The saga started a few months ago with two phone interviews. I interviewed at Google (New York, NY (US)). I mean, putting Google on my resume would be super cool, even only as an intern. I found myself in a small white room. We brought two giant suitcases; both should weigh at least 45 kg . I also have 2 strong internal referrals. Feedback on your feedback - Interviewing and feedback is taken very seriously at Google. Sincerely, John Smith _____ That said, this is not the end of our interaction and we were not simply matched as of now. Last Friday I found myself in Google's .css-182utg{color:var(--theme-ui-colors-primary,#B37FFF);-webkit-transition:color .2s ease-out;transition:color .2s ease-out;}.css-182utg:hover,.css-182utg:focus{color:var(--theme-ui-colors-secondary,#6C19D9);}London HQ, talking about cool problems with a bunch of engineers. Learn how to build scalable dataviz components your whole team can understand I guess this is the norm for a hotel staff? We only visited Far East Plaza to eat “Ayam Penyet Ria” and ION mall to eat dinner later. The office was confusing enough for me, so I chose to just chill waiting for the third interview ☕️. He asked several questions about my opinion about Singapore. with React for Data Visualization. After Google onsite, does interview feedback go directly to hiring committee or to recruiter who decides whether to send applicant to hiring committee. Thanks for waiting while we reviewed your interview feedback. Here are my travel needs that I chose for the interview. The system keeps track of how many interviews we do, what ratings we gave, if the person was hired, and how our interview feedback was rated by the hiring committee. tbh I don't feel like either of us have great chances. 6 comments. ... interviews. He even thanked me for my bravery and honesty (trust me, this made me feel so good about myself ). Surprisingly, this is my first female interviewer! Maybe they knew I was short and just wanted to make me comfortable? save. Forget about it, whenever you don't know something, they just wave you on and say it's not really important. Just to avoid talking about the same stuff all the time :). Compared to my previous phone interviews, those questions were actually very easy. Onsite Interview Invitation. Maybe I’ll try again next year . Hotel: Grand Hyatt Hotel Singapore (Room Type: Google Recruit Room). I do prefer the whiteboard, so I chose it. And today on Monday 9am I got an email from their HR recruiter I was in contact with saying "I'd like to call you today evening to share our feedback with you" Now my interview didn't go exactly very well but still don't you think its too early for a rejection call? Besides, the company that I will work for is extremely cool and generous already. Said hello, and went right to business. I took a long time emailing my recruiter to discuss the possibilities. Please approach me at any social media :D. I previously applied for Google Japan Software Engineering internship and got an offer, but I decided to decline it because I’ve accepted a full-time offer at another company. On a side note, I found out that I didn’t get a breakfast. It’s roughly 45min and usually, two questions will be asked. As a result the whole experience was much more fun - it felt like solving a series of interesting little coding puzzles that are easy enough to be solvable in full and at most optimal within ~30 minutes, but are juuuuust hard enough you actually have to rack your brain a little bit to get them. All the technical rounds were based on my understanding of data structures and algorithms. After lunch, he asked me whether I want a tour of the office or just getting a coffee. I applied online. Thanks! Sadly, because Indonesia is very close to Singapore, Google only books one night for the hotel. And wow always take away lessons with me. The day I had Conversely, he also asked me questions, but more about my coding language preference, what open source projects I like, etc. My recruiter actually did not ask for a new resume. There I was, lounging in a comfy leather chair. Apparently, the situation was the same for her. Here are the steps for a full-time job at Google. So I still don't know if Google is a place I would want to work at, but my god the lunch was amazing. Thanks for kindly sharing your thoughts. I used a code-sharing application, similar to Google Docs, but dedicated for coding as I can choose what programming language highlighting I want to use. FYI, he’s Canadian. I used the taxi service in front of the hotel to take me to Google’s office. Please just let us talk to you kthxbai. I got 3 algorithms questions. I spent some time to review some of my notes before going to sleep. Dear Miguel, It should never take longer than three or four business days to share feedback with a candidate after a job interview. Check out my interactive cheatsheet:, By the way, just in case no one has told you it yet today: I love and appreciate you for who you are ❤️, Google sent me a "What to know in onsite interviews" email, Whiteboard Friday - Interview with Google's Maile Ohye, No Terminator-style overlays in first batch of Google Glasses, Replicate Google's Panda Questionnaire - Whiteboard Friday, ability to solve problems you've never heard of, there used to be a list of questions here, but I took them out after being informed that they don't actually have hundreds of questions available to ask people, they were essentially questions similar to those you might experience in a high school (or possibly college) programming competition. The way to the cafeteria was quite confusing. This was my best interview attempt out of all the four interviews. It’s unlikely to have system design questions in phone interviews, so my suggestion is just treat it as an on-site coding interview. After that you'll get thoughtfully written emails every week about React, JavaScript, and your career. Sometimes, the questions are easy, but your brain is not ready at the time. In my opinion, Google’s questions are not as terrifying as many have imagined. Cleared phone screen had 3 on sites, 2 of which went great, one was not good. I didn’t have a System Design interview since I was applying for a new grad position. Still, it’s better than nothing . Trust me, writing those emails was terrifying. One day after I submitted the form, a recruiting coordinator finally reached me. I don’t want to be banned from Google as they might see me being fickle and greedy. Then, my last interviewer is a woman (again!). He said at Google, it is quite easy to move from one office to another one. Just like other companies who request onsite interviews, Google will pay the expenses for the flight and the hotel. We arrived at the hotel at around 3 PM. You don’t need to prepare questions specific to phone screens. No matter what happens, failure is always a good thing as it will motivate you to do better the next time. Some might be really easy. Funny thing is, Google goes to great length to put you at ease about the whole process. They actually gave several flights and hotel choices to suit my best preferences. Your interview has been scheduled for May 1, 20XX, 1 pm, at 123 Main Street, Minneapolis, MN 55199. Yours is the only email I open You know you are well prepared. Received call from recruiter after 3 days that the feedback from interviews is solid however I need to attend . Eric Rosenberg @DrJorts Twitter. Finally, all the interviews were done. With the exception of one, I even came up with the most optimal solution on my own. And just like my internship emails, this is the provided Google interview preparation link. At one point I said Oh cool, I've heard of this problem before and the engineer .css-1vg6q84{font-weight:700;}immediately swapped it out for a new one. I thought we will go to a coffee self-serving machine, but Google actually has a dedicated coffee barista. Alex Sexton @SlexAxton Stripe. Named after cornerstone computers of history, most recently The Watson. Recruiters and interviewers want to sell them and show them that Google is a great place to work. I think it is built by Google itself for the purpose of interviewing. And you can tell it doesn't matter. I arrived super early, 40 minutes before the interview begins. Great! The most difficult part of Google interview (same as other companies) is not coming up with a solution. Recruiter call; Technical phone interview; Take-home assignment; Onsite; Offer ; Hire; We also needed to consider variables that could affect a person’s chance of progressing through the hiring funnel, but weren’t necessarily related to “readiness”. I didn't get past the Twitter phone screen. I really hoped the onsite interview wouldn’t happen at Google Tokyo or other offices that require Visa to enter because my schedule was really tight (vacation in Korea, moving to Singapore). After an exhausting yet incredibly fun trip to Korea, I finally moved to Singapore! 589 1 22. Please call me at 651-555-6666 or email me at if you have any questions or need to reschedule. After two weeks, Terry sent me an email congratulating me and inviting me to Zürich for an on-site round of interviews. Leave your email and I'll send you an Interactive Modern JavaScript Cheatsheet right away. There seems to be conflicting info on this subreddit about whether all candidates make it to the HC after the onsite or if the recruiter reviews interview feedback and decides whether or not to proceed. Sure, I solved all the problems. I mean, every sane person would go for an onsite interview . Lessons learned over my 20 years in the industry working with companies ranging from tiny startups to Fortune5 behemoths. I’m glad that he’s really compassionate and said that my decision to decline the offer was perfectly fine. Seriously, Google is beyond generous. The saga started a few months ago with two phone interviews. Sadly, because Indonesia is very close to Singapore, Google only books one night for the hotel. Fun fact: I did Google interview and was told I'm not that good of a JS developer :) So that's out of the way. Today I’m reaching out to you to share the result after your interviews. Application. That’s it. At first, I didn’t hope too much, but the idea of getting accepted would be really cool. Our process can be rigorous (typically 3-4 interviews in one day, either over video or in person), but it’s also meant to be friendly, warm, and gives you the opportunity to get to know us better too. from marketers and only blog that I give a fuck to read & scroll Last Friday I found myself in Google's London HQ, talking about cool problems with a bunch of engineers. Still, it’s better than nothing . These last two interviews didn’t end up well though. Then get thoughtful And here I was, completely unprepared, having the time of my life just chiling in the awesome parlour they have going at the reception desk (inside a very confusing building ... who puts a reception desk on the top floor anyway?). But sometimes, the questions are surprisingly too hard that you never face such cases. She walked me through a series of doors, swiped her keycard a few times, quipped about the epic naming scheme for the interview (meeting?) I asked a lot about what he has done, Google projects, each office’s differences, etc. Feb 5 Bookmark. Yesterday was a month later. I directly ask him whether there will be an assessment of my answers and attitude at this lunch break; he said “absolutely no” . There are details on how you can receive your money based on your residence and bank account. I actually brought my mom as well. Curious about Serverless and the modern backend? When candidates come onsite for an interview, Google's not just assessing them, they're also assessing Google. .css-1tgny5p{padding:0;margin:0;margin-bottom:30px;max-width:100%;}. Google also provide reimbursements for travel and food, but you need to pay for yourself first and keep all the receipts. Hit me up on twitter or book a 30min ama for in-depth help. I notice that he actually typed what I was saying. While eating, I ask a lot of questions about him working at Google. Just like my previous experience, the voice is very, very unclear. But at the end of the day, I didn't even get the answer to my main question: "What's working at Google like, really?" I feel very good with what I did on this interview. Same preparation described in my previous article. Not in the beginning of my career, like 3 years ago. Weirdly, she has a very smooth American accent. Time to code! I had a hard time to say his name properly as he has a Chinese name (I can pronounce Pinyin correctly now, though ). There were only three things anyone cared for: I especially loved the insistence on solving all problems cold. Many people can solve the problem to some extent. He guided me to the cafeteria. I only did the design and pseudo-code on the whiteboard. So we used the Airport’s taxi service to go to the hotel. I could solve every question with almost no confusion (except for the 2nd question). Through the careful consideration and discussion with interviewers, unfortunately we have decided not to move forward with your application for the Software Engineering role at Google Japan. I knew I shouldn't have been 5 minutes late!"