Thank you! More. After the war, a corridor at Hogwarts was dedicated to portraits of anyone who died in the First or Second Wizarding Wars. 5 years ago | 12 views. So for those Harry Potter fans who feel let down by J.K. Rowling, but don’t want to let Hogwarts go quite yet. The best is this one: it's not after the war but it's the half blood prince from Ginny's pov. ... After the war, Harry, Hermione, and Ron realize they can never be apart from each other that long. Harry Potter after the war. HP/SS HP/DM DM/OC. They get to stay with us in a world without war, without Voldemort.” ... “Now, Harry James Potter, we have 2 rules for you. Harry Potter Fanfiction Prompts. Harry Potter RPG - After The War. Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters, waged a violent campaign across both the wizarding and Muggle communities, seeking to topple the Ministry of Magic and subjugate Muggle-borns, with the eventual goal of conquering … Guardado desde 30.06.2020 - After the war and after the fall of darkness, Hermione and Ron were t… #fanfiction #Fanfiction #amreading #books #wattpad Get an insight on Harry, Ron, and Hermione's point of view after the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry Potter: After the War. 5:00. Jul 19, 2018 - Come along on an adventure of love with Harry and Ginny. But what happens in that 19 years before then? Forum. From the healthcare industry to the entertainment sector, AI has | Harry Potter Fanfiction Wiki | Fandom Harry Potter after the war. Like we all saw for a brief few moments at the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, 19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry, Ron, and Hermione took the journey to Platform 9 and 3/4 to wave off their children. Corban Rod. Harry Potter after the war. Feel free to send in your opinions, and thoughts. What happened to the children that are mentioned, 19 years later? The Hobbit/Harry Potter Fanfiction And Matchups — YOU DRIVE ME MAD. Though, it was it was technically there, the most powerful emotion. 1 GINNY AND ASTORIA MOCKED HARRY AND DRACO. I want to read stories that fill in the space between the last chapter of Deathly Hallows and the Epilogue. Report. Community. Upon reaching Hogwarts, it became a tradition for anyone named after one of those who died would go searching for their namesakes portrait to talk to them. SETTING: This group takes place 5 years after the second wizarding war. posted 7 years ago. Just In. ... Often, this had to do with the number of casualties produced by the war and the desire for repopulation. Without giving to much of the plot away, it is a “fix-it” like fan fan fiction (While I agree that Harry Potter is perfect, this fan fiction is an alternative look after the War, and I think it makes for a less tragic ending overall). on this group, everyone is STILL … Nov 25, 2016 - 1000 Picspams Challenge | #269 After the War | Neville Longbottom harrypotternextgenfacts11. 11/26 c39 Sunan Continue the story. Playing next. Artificial Life NC-17 Years after the war find Harry, Draco, and Severus serving the Ministry as undercover agents in a covert Special Forces Unit, where they are called to America to battle vampires, squibs with dangerous magical artifacts, and themselves. More. The Second Wizarding War refers to the conflicts stemming from the Dark Wizard Lord Voldemort's second rise to power after his return in 1995. (Also posted under the following names: CliodnaHPFan, … All rights for characters, setting, plot etc. Siren's Harry/Severus Stories. Fanfiction ** About Cliodna ** Fonts ** E-Mail Cliodna. Harry Potter After the War Fanfiction Shrimp_Gryffindor. FanFiction. Post-Hogwarts. Fanfiction could be the most acceptable compromise out there. fan fiction episode 2 - … Welcome to the best Harry Potter fan-fiction site created specifically for Harry Potter fans. The Weasley twins shop has been soaring with business and Diagon Alley is returning to normal. It also covers the war and what Happened immediately after it. Harry Potter: 10 Fanfiction Headcanons That Became Widely Accepted By The Fandom. It's been six long years since the day you-know-who died, ending the war. submitted by Anonymous. A mix of what happened to the original characters, and their children. ** Home ** Awards ** Guestbook. Harry's POV I was still in shock, after the monstrous battle, that ended with Voldemort dead once and for all. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. What happen after the War? User blog:Scarletmoon579/Ellie Riddle and the War of Midnight pt.1 of 3 (aka THE BIG WAR CHAPTER!!!) Who dated who? ? The First Wizarding War was a major wizarding conflict, with foundations as early as the 1940s, but officially beginning in 1970 and ending in 1981.It marked the original "reign" of the the most powerful Dark Wizard of all time, Lord Voldemort.This war took place at the height of his power and caused widespread panic and fear among the magical and Muggle communities. 77 likes. My Immortal is a Harry Potter-based fan fiction serially published on between 2006 and 2007. Harry potter after the war. Harry Potter: After the War A new shop has opened up next door called Sara's Shockers. 81,281 words At the Heart of Things NC-17 After the battle of Hogwarts J.K. Rowling skips us to 19 years later. Yet, there seemed to be one piece of me still missing. About. - The application of Artificial Intelligence has made its way into every field possible. Who loved to draw? No one felt exactly the same after that day but as the dust settled a sense of normality was recovered. 23 notes #harry potter #hermione granger #ron weasley #golden … Harry Potter After The War - episode 4 and 100 subscribers special ... Harry Potter FanFiction 8,243 views. Harry still loves Ginny secretly. Since it was finished before Order of the Phoenix, it feels very nostalgic to read a hopeful, canon-ish story about the Wizarding World.For something written after Deathly Hallows was released, try Rebuilding, which involves Draco and Hermione (among others) returning to Hogwarts after the war … Here are some of the best out there. 5:34. Submit box up and link to Instagram up above. This blog is for all those people who needed more after the end of the EPIC story that is Harry Potter. Follow. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. to the … 12/1 c2 Leo why did you make Harry poor? Harry Potter and Ginny after the war … Get an insight on Harry, Ron, and Hermione's point of view after the Battle of Hogwarts. HARRY POTTER FANFICTION Unless otherwise stated, all stories were written before Half-Blood Prince. for Harry Potter After the War. 12/3 c38 Leo needs more luna. Jul 28, 2019 - After his fifth year Harry realizes that something is wrong. I own NOTHING except the storyline Insta-hottteditzzz I hope you guys enjoy. home owlery archive theme navigation. First of all, NO FUNNY BUSINESS. RPG. Internet Archive BookReader Harry Potter and after the Wizarding War The Wizarding World is starting to return back to normal after Lord Voldemort's defeat. All rights for characters, setting, plot etc. LF a fic where harry potter leaves Britain after the war What's That Fic? This is where I hope to satisfy your curiosity! Disclaimer: Unless noted, none of the characters or photos are mine. After the End is another Old School fanfiction, completed in 2003. It's another joke shop and she becomes the twins competition. I have already read Harry Potter Happily Ever After, and would like to read something else along those lines. Browse more videos. Though notable for its convoluted narrative and constant digressions, the story largely centers on a non-canonical female vampire character named "Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way" and her relationships with the characters of the Harry Potter series, particularly … 11/24 c1 Riverlock132 The Weasley War. What subjects were their favourite? With this in mind, here are the best fanfiction of Harry Potter that is linked and credited to the authors. Still for the same girl that probably hated me now or didn't know how her brother - my best friend - would react if he knew I still loved her. The Potters have over 65Trillion galleons.  If  you found this website, than you like me were left completely discontent by the ending of the last Harry Potter I love JK, but how dare she jump 19 years into the future and leave out precious, precious details about what happened to Harry!?! Fans take canon and expand upon it, making the universe even bigger.