Muscle attachment points are designed for better leverage than we have. A gorilla’s upper body strength is six times more than that of an adult human. If a human live for 1000years and exerise can it defeat a gorrila and pls answer it. If there were doing pound for pound strongest why did they just go straight to the heaviest bench press? The record for a human deadlift weight is 1,000 lbs. Reply . am i only one who came here thinking about joe rogan ??? The Strength Level Calculator can show your exact level of strength at any bodyweight. Even a 120lb female chimpanzee is much stronger than a 185 lb human male. Whereas Well Trained Lifter Can Only Touch 400KG. I mean Richard Hawthorne benched 308.6lbs (140 kg) while only weighing 132lbs (59.9 kg). Real World units:Human Bench Press Record: 335,48KgIf regular Gorila had that american's fitness: 1924,1KgHeaviest Gorila's weight: 219,09KgWhat he would lift: 2146,9Kg. Many stats in this video are flat out false lol. LOL brah you have no idea what you're talking about. I have always asked this question since i was a young kid. Gorillas can weigh up to 500 pounds and their arms and chest looks extremely muscular. It fascinates me really. Gorilla Pit Girl Storm - Getting ready to compete in Figure in 2011. Isn't the deadlift a better representative of overall strength. How much could a gorilla deadlift, squat, bench press? DISCORD ► How much can a gorilla deadlift? Click here to watch the video now! Great channel chaps, one thing; having metric units along side imperial would really help! I'm an Indian and we do not have GOIRLLAS !!! Even if it could, that would be a 1200 lbs. Similarly, as an intermediate lifter, the average increases to about 150% of body weight for men and 118% for women. deadlift. I read in an old "Guiness Book Of World Records" that someone taught some chimpanzees to deadlift, and a 165 pound chimpanzee deadlifted 600 lbs. Isn't the deadlift a better representative of overall strength. how can a gorilla be 6 times stronger than your average human but be able to life 10 times their own body weight? so if a gorilla was also cheating… how much would it lift? Or can strongest man can fight chimpanzee, How did a fully grown gorilla get beat by an ant and 2 beetles WOW. 11.2K views View 7 Upvoters Facebook ► Asked by Wiki User. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Somebody give these guys the nukes. This alone would give the gorilla a huge edge in leverage vs a human. Even if it could, that would be a 1200 lbs. This thread is archived. Whereas, novice females can deadlift about 101% of their bodyweight, on average. in comparison, a well-trained human being can lift a maximum of 410 kg (900 lbs). Reply. All rights reserved. This i s a very rough calculation and there are many variables to consider, but it gives us a good general picture. So I figure the average man can bench perhaps.....120lbs. 18 comments. By the math they used a trained gorilla could do 11,292lbs (5122 kg). An alpha male silverback will also weigh about 500lbs of muscle. So if a gorilla was trained to bench press and was capable of doing so, how much could our ape cousins lift? hide. Beginning: we'll train a gorilla for the bench press.5 minutes and 2.5 facts later: Do you think we can train a gorilla? Gorillas can probably lift more than that. When one takes this information into consideration it is fair to estimate a gorillas dead lift to be about 8,000 lbs. powerlifters are enhanced, aka cheaters on roids. A 350 pound gorilla can surely lift more than a 165 pound chimpanzee, but the Cube-Square Law says not twice as much.