To get Link into Gerudo, you will need to find the Gerudo girl who will sell you the girl armor for disguise if you talk to her the right way. Then, speak to Rhondson while not dressed in the Desert Vai outfit. G, S, C, Diamond; Gerudo Secret Club Location. "Standard Gerudo garb popular for its open breathable design and for the traditional Gerudo markings that adorn it." I recommended activating this warp location as we will need to travel back to Gerudo Town shortly. The easiest way to get the region's Tower is to travel to the Keh Namut shrine back on the Great Plateau. And yet, changing into a disguise RIGHT in front of the gate guards fools them completely. Once you find the city, head over to the city gate by the shrine entrance. Basically, any other set of clothes should work. Travel westward and right near the entrance to Gerudo Town is the Daqo Chisay Shrine. If you go through the alley to the side of the building you will find a door which will ask for a password to gain entrance. First, make sure that you're on the section of the quest where Hudson has asked you to find a Gerudo tailor. Gerudo Secret Club Password. The secret shop in Gerudo is located behind the clothing store. I can still get kicked out of town even changing headgear in front of the village chief. The password can be heard from a couple of women talking in the bar. The Gerudo outfit will allow Link to travel through the Gerudo desert safely without any additional potions or items. — In-game description The Gerudo Top is an item from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. For a more permanent solution, you’re going to want to get some cooler clothing. Even if you don’t follow the steps to obtain the password, you can still enter the shop so long as you know what the password is. If you go to the back door of the Gerudo clothes shop, you'll be asked to provide a password: three letters and a symbol. If you try to enter Gerudo Town, the guards will block your path as you are a voe, which is the Gerudo word for male. The Gerudo Outfit is obtained in the process of gaining entrance to Gerudo Town (start at the Kara Kara Bazaar, the oasis visible from the nearby cliffs). The password is … Head over to southeast corner of town to find a door down one of the alleyways. Only females are allowed into Gerudo Town. The Gerudo Vai Armor set is a fairly unusual armor set in that it’s one of the few that can’t be upgraded at the Great Fairy Fountains and overall, it has very little use outside of the quest to gain entry to the Gerudo city. Go to gerudo town. Basically, is there any way to be able to enter Gerudo Town without having to put on a disguise? Get it wrong and they'll turn you away, but get … How to get to Gerudo Town. It'll chain events until you can eventually find the guy on top of the Bazaar who will sell you the clothes if you tell him he's pretty. Talk to him and he'll mention a guy sneaking into town, but never seeing him on the road. The Gerudo Vai armor set is aimed to disguise the wearer to look like a woman, allowing Link to gain access to the Forbidden city in the Forbidden City Entry Main Quest. There's a bloke by the shrine. How to Get the Gerudo Girl Armor. It is a Gerudo body armor normally worn by Gerudo "vai" (women).