To explain this discrepancy, experimental work … 174 hertz is associated with the reduction of both pain and stress. It is believed that young skin may exhibit an optimal human frequency signal. The methods will facilitate the development of treatments to mitigate/remediate these skin/body deficiencies through application of topical cosmetics or pharmaceutical products or by the use of a device (digitalized cosmetics) that emits specially selected electromagnetic signals/frequencies or their harmonics to match or interfere with the electromagnetic frequencies and their harmonics emitted by the afflicted parts of the body. All Rights Reserved.Website by Magicframe, By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. A first … Using the experimental set-up described above, measurements were taken in the absence of the samples for a baseline frequency "f1" and in the presence of the samples "f2". This includes but is not limited to Krebs cycle, blood oxygenation, glycation, wound healing, collagen and keratin production, ATP/ADP cycle and other body bio-electro-mechanical or bio-chemical activity. The average intensity for healthy people was taken from the younger-older age group study. How circuit works. Healthy: Avg 10 test subjects Peak = 795 fempto Watts, Avg 5 test subjects Main Peak = 550.6 fempto Watts Avg 5 test subjects Side Peaks = 413.8 fempto Watts. Because side peak frequencies of this type were detected only from the diabetic subjects, the inventors believe that the extra side peak frequencies indicate that diseased skin will also exhibit frequency information different from that of healthy subjects. Start from the oscillator circuit which has Which has external devices works together the base time circuit inside the IC-3X1 working together with C1, C12, R11 are the oscillator circuit. Jeff says: February 14, 2021 at 1:34 pm . The method should theoretically allow determination of other compounds which are resonant with the human body. A number of authors emphasize that the human body generates electromagnetic fields and mechanical vibrations with different frequencies. A method for measuring in real-time the frequency and the power of an electromagnetic ("EM") field emitted by a human body for different body conditions, the … A method for measuring in real-time the resonance phenomenon between the EM fields emitted by a condition of a subject human body and the EM fields emitted by a topically applied product acting on the condition of the subject human body comprising the steps of: taking a first measurement in accordance with the method of claim 1 in real-time of the frequency, phase and the amplitude of an electromagnetic field emitted by a condition of a subject human body in the absence of any product applied to the condition of the subject; applying a product to the condition of the subject; taking a second measurement in accordance with the method of claim 1 of the frequency, phase and amplitude of EM signals emitted by the condition of the subject; and determining if the amplitude of EM signal in the second measurement is greater than, less than or equal to the amplitude of the EM signal in the first measurement. It is also believed that the technology will help younger people by preventing or at least delaying the onset of disease. Because intensity of an emitted frequency drops as the square of the distance, it is advantageous to measure the frequency emitted by a condition as close as possible to the source i.e. Diabetic skin measurements were obtained by taking an average of 5 type Il diabetic individuals. An antenna was provided in contact with the glass jar containing the sample and was adapted to receive any frequency emitted by the sample into the reception bands of the BT3 sensor. In this application, the term "product" includes but is not limited to any cosmetic or pharmaceutical topical cream, gel, lotion, aqueous solution, solid powder or stick, and/or any electronic device which broadcasts EM or mechanical waves, etc. Strong EM signals occurred at 75.01 MHz and 91 MHz. The HVM100 is used with a miniature accelerometer that can be mounted using various handle adapters or a seatpad accelerometer. Special frequency weighting mode for measuring electric current from EMF in the human body AC Magnetic Mode covers 40 Hz – 100 kHz with a range of 0.1 – 100.0 milligauss (mG) AC Electric Mode covers 40 Hz – 100 kHz with a range of 1 – 1000 volts per meter (V/m) The BT3 system has a sensor which can be used to measure the frequency of any substance between 20 Hz and 1.3 GHz. ; and d) a method for treating a particular condition of a human subject, the condition selected from one of skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, musculoskeletal, diabetic, tinnitus and mood. The glass jar which contains the sample is placed over the BT-3S sensor. Since 2016, legislators in at least 17 states have introduced smart meter opt-out bills, although few of these have passed. In addition to determining the frequency and frequency deviation, it also maintains a system clock and a synchronous clock and finds the time difference between … A cosmetic or pharmaceutical product adapted to emit EM fields that match the frequency of EM fields emitted by a particular condition of a human subject, the condition selected from one of skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, musculoskeletal, diabetic, tinnitus and mood. Reply. Die Wissenschaft hat bewiesen, dass Meditation Ihr Gehirn tatsächlich neu strukturieren kann. It has also been discovered that the general human healthy frequency is within the range of 62-72 Hz and when it drops to lower levels it enables the appearance of variety of diseases. It is an object of the invention to provide methods of measuring and characterizing the frequencies, phase and intensity (or amplitude) of the electromagnetic field emitted by a human body for different body conditions: skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, diabetic, musculoskeletal, mood, tinnitus, etc. He recorded the wavenumbers for a variety of scents to be between 0-4,000cm-1. After about 1 second (this time is not critical for accuracy) it will again wait for the next rising edge. 5. A typical sound-level meter can be switched between a scale that reads sound intensities uniformly for most frequencies—called unweighted—and a scale that introduces a frequency-dependent weighting factor, thus yielding a response more nearly like that of the human ear. Between the years 1969 and 1979, scientists at NIST’s laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, achieved nine world-record measurements of laser light frequency. There is also a need for using the information obtained from such measurements to treat different body conditions, such as, for example, skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, diabetic, musculoskeletal, mood, tinnitus, etc., based on the resonance phenomenon between the frequencies emitted by the products and the human body frequencies for different body conditions. Frequency Meter . FIG. A product is applied to the condition, and a second measurement of the EM field is taken. The baseline frequency f1 read on the frequency meter screen is 8MHz. The vibrating reed frequency meter is a very simple instrument and has got an advantage of giving reading free from errors due to change in temperature, waveform and … A quantity of a substance weighing 10 grams was placed in a glass jar 2 cm in diameter and 5.5 cm high. The term "digitize" means using a signal generator to reproduce the frequencies of a fragrance. A method for measuring in real-time the frequency and the power of an electromagnetic field emitted by a subject human body for different body conditions, the method comprising the steps of: connecting a first real time spectrum analyzer capable of reading transient electromagnetic signals to a broad frequency range antenna; placing the broad frequency range antenna in contact with an area of skin of the subject human body; measuring the frequencies of electromagnetic fields emitted by the area of skin; analyzing the frequencies measured to select at least one narrow frequency range in which strong electromagnetic signals occur; replacing the broad frequency range antenna with a selectively tuned antenna for the selected narrow frequency band and connecting the selectively tuned antenna to the spectrum analyzer; placing the narrow frequency range antenna in contact with the area of skin of the subject human body; and recording the frequency, phase and amplitude of electromagnetic fields emitted by the area of skin of the subject human body. Vibration Meter. A first real time spectrum analyzer is connected to a broad frequency range antenna placed in contact with the skin, electromagnetic fields emitted by a particular condition of the subject human body are measured to reveal peaks of power, and a second narrow frequency antenna is used to measure the peak more accurately. Microwave-frequency absorption frequency (or wave) meter. The C-weighted frequency looks more at the effect of low-frequency sounds on the human ear compared with the A-weighting and is essentially flat or linear between 31.5Hz and 8kHz, the two – 3dB or ‘half power’ points. BUY NOW. If on the other hand, the amplitude of EM signal measured (body plus product) is smaller than the Control value, the topical product applied to the skin, or the electronic device directed at the skin, respectively, oscillate out of phase with the EM signal emitted by the human body but with a smaller amplitude. A method for measuring in real-time the frequency and the power of an electromagnetic ("EM") field emitted by a human body for different body conditions, the resonance phenomenon between the EM fields emitted by various products or electronic devices and the EM field emitted by a human body, and the signals emitted by active materials, waters, topical products, etc. Durch ein ausgeklügeltes Mahtematisches system ist es nun möglich auch tiefliegende Strukturen des Gehirns, wie zum Beispiel das limbische System … Weiterlesen. Based on these observations, products can be designed that are specific for younger or older people based on a frequency/phase relationship between the product and the body. So we will design a High Pass filter with cutoff frequency in the range 10-20Hz. The results are the following: Healthy skin frequency was obtained by taking an average of 10 healthy test subjects. Music was played through ordinary stereo speakers at a comfortable decibel level satisfactory to all subjects and similar to that used when listening to music at home. SV 973 is a Class 2 sound level meter with a wide frequency range up to 10 kHz. These values represent the "Control" or the signal from the body alone. It is believed that the methods will lead to the discovery of frequencies and or harmonics that can be generated to raise or lower entropy or enthalpy of body chemistry, enzyme activity, mechanical or electrical systems in the direction of favorable response. Alternatively, the source of the EM fields can be placed at a distance from the condition, e.g., an electronic device that emits EM fields suitable for treating the condition can be placed at a pre-selected distance from the portion of the body that exhibits the condition. The data below represents the average peak values at 75Mhz before and after listening to different types of music: Table 7: EM waves broadcast to the skin from electronic devices. It is believed that even more accurate measurements can be obtained using a spectrum analyzer. Frequency Range. Human Exposure to RF. Fundamental frequencies and heterodyne beat frequencies can simultaneously co-exist if they interact through any method of coupling including but not limited to EM wave interaction. It includes the metrics and frequency weightings needed to measure human vibration. : Chu, W.T. In this case the skin of the diseased subjects exhibited extra frequencies (the side peaks). Side peak frequencies were detected at +/- 1-2KHz from the main (75MHz) peak when measurements were taken from the diabetic subjects. The frequency or frequencies at which an object tends to vibrate with when hit, struck, plucked, strummed or somehow disturbed is known as the natural frequency of the object. When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. The inventions are detailed in the following examples, which are illustrative and not meant to be all-inclusive. 1a is a schematic illustration of broad band measurement of frequencies emitted by skin; and Fig. When the unknown frequency is applied to the electromagnet, the reed which is resonant at that frequency will vibrate with large amplitude, … 2007-2021 A decrease in signal strength was noted by 75% of the test subjects after listening to peaceful music. A method for treating a particular condition of a human subject, the condition selected from one of skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, musculoskeletal, diabetic, tinnitus and mood, the method comprising the steps of: measuring in real-time the frequency and the power of an EM field emitted by the condition; selecting a cosmetic product, a pharmaceutical product or an electronic device that emits EM fields that match the frequency of EM fields emitted by the condition; and placing the cosmetic product, the pharmaceutical product or the electronic device on or sufficiently proximal to the condition, such that the EM fields emitted by the cosmetic product, the pharmaceutical product or the electronic device effectively treat the condition. A cosmetic or pharmaceutical product adapted to emit EM energy in a frequency, phase and amplitude suitable for treating a condition of a human subject, the condition selected from one of skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, musculoskeletal, diabetic, tinnitus and mood. With this edge it stops counting pulses and measuring time. How to measure your vibration? This tiny device plugs directly into the micro-USB socket of your phone or tablet and, when used with the free app , will let you listen to, view, record, and identify the sounds made by the bats that you encounter. The frequencies measured by this radiometry method are between 1 GHz and 10 GHz. Various types of mechanical frequency meters were used in the past, but since the 1970s these have almost universally been replaced by digital frequency counters. By testing the response of the human body on a vibrating platform, many researchers found the human whole-body fundamental resonant frequency to be around 5 Hz. It is understood that various modifications and changes in the specific form and construction of the various parts can be made without departing from the scope of the following claims. Division 5 dB.(ref. Low frequency systems Vibrating reed meters. These coils, respectively, were placed in direct contact with the skin to receive or 'pick-up' the EM signals emitted by the human body. $14.80 $ 14. C. Smith, Straws in the Wind, J. of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, measured the frequencies of human body tissue in acupuncture points. As used herein, the term "capture" means measuring EM fields using the method previously described in this application. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. In this example the frequency desired is 75Mhz and the two separate materials have 25Mhz and 50Mhz frequencies. The results are the followings: Cream A appears to increase the energy of EM signal emitted by older people at 75.01 MHz. Low frequency systems Vibrating reed meters. A multimeter, also known as a volt-ohm meter, is a handheld tester used to measure electrical voltage, current (amperage), resistance, and other values. It is also believed that the methods may also lead to the development and manufacture of allergy free digital fragrances. GIANCANA, Peter et al. According to the World Health Organization, tissue heating is the principal mechanism of interaction between radio frequency energy and the human body. Accordingly, the results above appear to support the resonant energy transfer concept. IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. A resonant-reed frequency meter, an obsolete device used from about 1900 to the 1940s for measuring the frequency of alternating current. C-weighting – (C-frequency-weighting). The frequency is then calculated by the equation f = number of pulses / measured time. Using the method and instruments described in section a) above, a first measurement is taken of frequency and amplitude (power) of EM signals emitted by a human body, without any topical product applied to the skin, or without broadcasting any EM waves directed to the skin from an electronic device. Laughter raises our frequencies! by using topical cosmetics or pharmaceuticals or devices that emit selected electromagnetic frequency signals that match or interfere with the electromagnetic signals or their frequencies emitted by the body (see, for example, Table 8, the data for 5% ascorbic acid). Do you know what frequency this radio is tuned to when this happens? c) Method for measuring the frequency of emitted electromagnetic signal by active materials, waters, topical products, etc. Getting back to the scientific aspect of studying biological organisms, the human body in particular, there are some frequencies and periods that can be measured. The amplitude (signal power) at a frequency of 75.01 MHz was measured on the right cheek or left cheek of each subject, once as a control before application of the cream, and again after application of the cream.