Granddad Shay (Greg Mullavey) is a lawyer and Carly and Spencer's paternal grandfather who lives in Yakima, Washington. Later in the episode, when Spencer is out of earshot, he uses the CB radio that Spencer is using to upset two truckers, and gives the truckers the location so that they can come and get Spencer. * He makes a return in the season 6 episode "iOpen a Restaurant" where he allows Gibby to keep the restaurant he opened in the old school basement after denying Mr. Howard's request to have it closed. Tim Russ's character has called himself that it is also included on a sign on his desk. He and his partner use Carly and Spencer's apartment as a stakeout in an attempt to catch a video pirate. He also appears to have a strong hatred of fun, and fires Franklin simply for appearing on iCarly and playing one of their games, something he feels is below a principal. "Gibby's Head Gets Hitched! At the end of this episode, Freddie is shown in the elevator asking himself, "What did I do?". **[steaming] If he refused, he would be countersued for tricking the children into advertising the faulty shoes. While Chip was preparing for a prank with another boy, Gibby's phaser is thrown by them, overloading in the process. She is not seen or mentioned again after this episode. Gunsmoke also constantly attacks Spencer when he comes near Freddie, and breaks Spencer's snow-cone machine, assuming that it had something dangerous in it. She is very neurotic and constantly treats her son like a child. After seeing the girls' strong chemistry and banter, the online audience clamors for more and the iCarlywebcast is born. He appeared in "iPilot" and "iCarly Awards". Most of his family members have never been seen in the show in person except for Rob who stole back Carly and Spencer's couch and Bernie who burnt a pickle on iCarly. Gordon asks Jodi to marry him live on an iCarly episode, Jodi says yes, and Gordon wants to sing Miranda Cosgrove's song "Shakespeare". She aspires to become an actress, but at the end of the episode, decides to give up that dream to re-open the pie shop and run it. Die iCarly-Gang muss einen Weg finden, vor Nora und ihren verrückten Eltern zu fliehen. He is mentioned again in "iFix a Popstar", where it is revealed the music video they made for him was one of the top ten most watched videos of all time. 1. 8. iSpy a Mean Teacher . S3, Ep7. Investment Management and Dealing License Solutions; Contacts; Valsen Fiduciaries > Uncategorised > james maslow icarly. At the end of the episode, Gibby invites his Uzbek bus driver named Foogtor to Carly and Spencer's loft to teach Spencer Uzbek. At first, he declined, but when Carly points out how Spencer became depressed with Harry's negative criticism of his art, Harry feels guilty and decides to go tell Spencer the real reason that he made the remarks; he was jealous of Spencer's sculptures because he felt they were better than anything that he "has done in a real long time". Terrence - T-Bo used his first name, Terrence, in the episode "iQ", where he used it when he tried to impress Freddie's mother in order to rent a room in the Benson apartment. They attempted to ruin iCarly's chances of winning the iWeb Awards by stranding them in the middle of nowhere. Sie lebt im Apartment 8-C i . He tells their grandfather that he had kept all these years in case she needed it and demands he takes it with them, but after seeing how much Spencer really cares about Carly by keeping the inhaler all this time, their grandfather allows her to stay with him. Gibby started off as an occasional recurring character of the show, but was promoted to a main character by season 4. The series follows … ** [pirate] Then in "iDate Sam and Freddie", they kept arguing, while Carly helped them get along, and eventually they would make-up and kiss afterwards. Rate. Spencer walks in on iCarly when Gordon proposes to Jodi, and she immediately falls in love with Spencer after already telling Gordon she would marry him. (DanWarp; Thursday July 1, 2010), Exclusive: iCarly Promotes Noah Munck to Series Regular, "Booking: iCarly - Cynthia @ First Class Talent Agency",, Lists of American sitcom television characters, Lists of Nickelodeon television series characters, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism, Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from February 2016, All articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction, Wikipedia articles with style issues from February 2016, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Wikipedia articles that are excessively detailed from August 2013, All articles that are excessively detailed, Wikipedia articles with style issues from August 2013, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 2: iWant More Viewers; 5: iWanna Stay With Spencer, This page was last edited on 8 February 2021, at 21:05. I’ll be the first to admit that I am a sucker for most of Dan Schneider’s work, especially iCarly. Carly and Spencer are being evicted from their apartment, and the gang reminisces about their time in Bushwell Plaza. in "iGo Nuclear", Freddie created a high-tech and expensive composting machine, but he received a "D minus" for polluting the air by importing worms from Portugal). The family consists of Carly's Uncle Barry, Aunt Tess, and cousins Ozlottis and Faye. When Spencer forgets to buy candy, he's got a bunch of angry trick-or-treaters on his hands. holding a younger student by his legs for not saying "bless you" after she sneezed). Pete tells her later on that he prefers dating a girl who can kiss well and beat someone up when she needs to, rather than dating a "daffodil." Everyone at Ridgeway, including Carly and her friends as well as Principal Franklin, dislike him, and the feeling is mutual. After Colonel Shay appears and escorts her to and back from the event, he announces he has to leave, eventually leading Carly to decide upon moving to Florence, Italy with him. He makes his on-screen final appearance in "iBeat the Heat", where he comes to the Shays' apartment with his dad and sister, Gia, who Spencer finds attractive. * When Mr. Galini died, he was about to close down the pie shop, until the iCarly trio found the pie recipe. Carly is in the kitchen on her computer chatting with someone. When Spencer leaves the room momentarily, Chuck Chambers, seeking revenge on Spencer for getting him grounded, grabs the radio and gives them the location. "Socko" redirects here. The conflict started when Spencer was covering for the doorman Lewbert in "iHurt Lewbert". Jonah also ruined Spencer's claymation movie, making him cut it down to only 10 seconds long, when it was originally supposed to be 10 minutes long. Wade Collins (Alex Schemmer) is a British-Canadian aspiring singer and a shouter who refers to Americans as "hobknockers". She helps him get the bill by letting him get on her shoulders. Miss Lauren Ackerman (Jessica Makinson) is an emotionally unstable, verbally abusive history teacher at Ridgeway. In "iGot a Hot Room", his grandpa gives Spencer a haircut. They have become more civil to one another as the series progresses to the point of them only arguing when they are around other people. Freddie and Sam feel as if Carly was talking about their relationship, and they come to closure on the past episodes "iKiss", "iOMG", and "iLost my Mind". Am 23. He and Spencer come face-to-face at Webicon. After this, Sam quits her job. Mitch (Danny Woodburn) appears in "iChristmas." After the children discover that the shoes have many defects, they try to get the company to recall their product. He is featured on the bit "Messin' with Lewbert" on iCarly, in which Carly, Sam and Freddie pull pranks on him, once going so far that they accidentally blew his wart off his face with an "exploding muffin basket", made to shoot confetti, but blew up as an explosive. £1.89. Freddie agreed as long as she unblocked his favorite channels and left him alone in public. Cort is later mentioned in "iOMG". He is first seen in "iStart a Fanwar" as a Seddier in the crowd. According to Joyner, he has made a sculpture out of every substance known to man, and when he met Spencer for the first time, he was planning to make a human sculpture. He is never seen or mentioned after that. At the end of the episode, on her webshow (called The Valerie Show), Valerie was supposed to show her recent trip from Idaho, but the television monitor fell on her head, and she said "I don't know what to do now." He is incredibly strong, as he was shown capable of lifting and moving a refrigerator as well as being able to burst his head though a wall. She was once a Pop Music Award-winner but is revealed to have lost her talent and gone crazy, often throwing forks at people when she is angry. In several episodes, it is stated that Spencer went to law school (because of his father's wishes) for three days before dropping out. * Carly searches Steven's name, and after she sees a picture of him with his arm around another girl (Tori Vega), Carly, Sam, Freddie, Gibby, and Spencer go to Kenan Thompson's party to find out if Steven is cheating. **[rotfl] **[blink] It was revealed in "iGot a Hot Room" that Sam speaks fluent Italian and she said she can play a trombone (or at least took 3 years of lessons). He loves to exercise and can do a handstand while walking. It is also known that Freddie is interested in studying multiple foreign languages, including French, Spanish, and Portuguese. It is also revealed that, unlike Cort, Ashley is actually intelligent and works at the Brilliance Bar at the local Pear Computers store (Freddie makes her act stupid to trick Carly and Sam into firing Cort). Carly, Sam, and Freddie do iCarly from an apartment that is rumored to be haunted. He is portrayed by River Alexander. Amber Tate (Rachel G. Fox) is a spoiled child actress that appears in "iCarly Saves TV", in which she is rude to the iCarly gang. Chambers," and in some episodes Jerry Trainor's character has called him that by name. There have been two others puns with it, iQ and iBalls, a pun of "eye-balls". Carly finds out about her plan and ends her friendship with her. Carly tries to settle it but she gets frustrated, and tells them maybe they are not meant to be, leaving the episode a cliffhanger. So they sent her there to get help. [7] Gibby has a little brother named Guppy, played by Munck's younger brother. Freddie does so but regrets it later. iCarly (stylized as iCarly) is an American sitcom created by Dan Schneider for Nickelodeon. **[ahem] Although he was originally eager about their new relationship, Sam later advises him to break up with her. All members of Socko's family mentioned have names that match their jobs or hobbies; such as Tyler, who makes ties; Otto, a used car salesman; Rob, a professional thief; Penny, who creates Penny-Tees; Isaac, an optometrist; Taylor, a tailor; Bernie, a professional welder; Boomer, who sells explosives; and Ryder, who is a motorcycle rider. Kvkq +1. * Since then, Chuck and Spencer became rivals and have clashed on several more occasions, each time ending with Spencer winning and Chuck getting in trouble with his father except in "iFind Lewbert's Lost Love".