I am non-denominational. The first expansion of papal rule outside of Rome came in 728 with the Donation of Sutri, which in turn was substantially increased in 754, when the Frankish ruler Pippin the Younger gave to the pope the land from his conquest of the Lombards. [29] Thus, is derived another title by which the pope is known, that of "supreme pontiff". "[citation needed]. The names "Holy See" and "Apostolic See" are ecclesiastical terminology for the ordinary jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome (including the Roman Curia); the pope's various honors, powers, and privileges within the Catholic Church and the international community derive from his Episcopate of Rome in lineal succession from the Saint Peter, one of the twelve apostles (see Apostolic succession). These denominations vary from simply not accepting the pope's claim to authority as legitimate and valid, to believing that the pope is the Antichrist[175] from 1 John 2:18, the Man of Sin from 2 Thessalonians 2:3–12,[176] and the Beast out of the Earth from Revelation 13:11–18. [114] But at that time, and down to the 9th century, other bishops too referred to themselves as vicars of Christ, and for another four centuries this description was sometimes used of kings and even judges,[115] as it had been used in the 5th and 6th centuries to refer to the Byzantine emperor. The official's great-grandson, Pope John XII, held orgies of debauchery in the Lateran Palace. [165][166] This immunity is sometimes loosely referred to as "diplomatic immunity", which is, strictly speaking, the immunity enjoyed by the diplomatic representatives of a head of state. Indeed, it did not begin to appear in the pontifical yearbook until 1863. The JP II citation is not consistent with the other two, in that. This Council decreed that the cardinal electors must meet within ten days of the pope's death, and that they must remain in seclusion until a pope has been elected; this was prompted by the three-year sede vacante following the death of Pope Clement IV in 1268. (It is common for publications and news media to use "the Vatican", "Vatican City", and even "Rome" as metonyms for the Holy See.) [172] Another barrister said that it was a "matter of embarrassment that a senior British lawyer would want to allow himself to be associated with such a silly idea".[173]. Since the papacy of Heraclas in the 3rd century, the bishop of Alexandria in both the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria and the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria continues to be called "pope", the former being called "Coptic pope" or, more properly, "Pope and Patriarch of All Africa on the Holy Orthodox and Apostolic Throne of Saint Mark the Evangelist and Holy Apostle" and the latter called "Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa".[188]. What is Reasoning behind the Inquisition and Separation of Holy days to be separate from the Israeli Sabbath. [41] Some writers claim that the emergence of a single bishop in Rome probably did not occur until the middle of the 2nd century. [128][138][139] Tertullian, when he had become a Montanist, used the title derisively of either the pope or the Bishop of Carthage. Pope Francis said that God’s call is always love and should always be responded to only with love. [70], Various Antipopes challenged papal authority, especially during the Western Schism (1378–1417). Some new religious movements within Christianity, especially those that have disassociated themselves from the Catholic Church yet retain a Catholic hierarchical framework, have used the designation "pope" for a founder or current leader. [126][127] The Latin word was translated into ancient Greek variously: as Ancient Greek: ἱεροδιδάσκαλος, Ancient Greek: ἱερονόμος, Ancient Greek: ἱεροφύλαξ, Ancient Greek: ἱεροφάντης (hierophant),[128] or Ancient Greek: ἀρχιερεύς (archiereus, high priest)[129][130] The head of the college was known as the Pontifex Maximus (the greatest pontiff). Other tribes, such as the Visigoths, later abandoned Arianism in favour of Catholicism. The title is derived from Jesus’ words in John 21:16-17 to Peter, "Feed my lambs . [102], It is highly unusual for a pope to resign. They also disagree on the interpretation of the historical evidence from this era regarding the prerogatives of the Bishop of Rome as protos, a matter that was already understood in different ways in the first millennium. 21 November 2011, "Continuing in that same undertaking, this Council is resolved to declare and proclaim before all men the doctrine concerning bishops, the successors of the apostles, who together with the successor of Peter, the Vicar of Christ, the visible Head of the whole Church, govern the house of the living God. [66] Urban, at the council of Clermont, called the First Crusade to assist the Byzantine Empire to regain the old Christian territories, especially Jerusalem. The dean asks next, "By what name shall you be called?" The pope likened the Lenten period of 40 days to the time spent by the Jews in the Old Testament trekking through the desert in search of the Promised Land, after God freed them from slavery in … [22][23][24][25][26] The earliest record of the use of this title was in regard to the by then deceased Patriarch of Alexandria, Pope Heraclas of Alexandria (232–248). Thus Paul VI signed as "Paulus PP. "His word brings into effect what He says, because He is the ultimate prophet; indeed, He is the very Word of God incarnate. Therefore by Divine ordination, all, no matter how august the person may be — whether he wear a crown or be invested with the purple, or be clothed in the sacred vestments: all must be subject to Him Who has had all things put under Him." The electors are now limited to those who have not reached 80 on the day before the death or resignation of a pope. “This is what the Church ought to be, a worshiper in love with Jesus her spouse.” The election of a pope thus can be said to be God’s will in the same sense that any historical event can be. Hence consequently, when one speaks of the Pope, it is not necessary to examine, but to obey: there must be no limiting the bounds of the command, in order to suit the purpose of the individual whose obedience is demanded: there must be no caviling at the declared will of the Pope, and so invest it with quite another than that which he has put upon it: no preconceived opinions must be brought to bear upon it: no rights must be set up against the rights of the Holy Father to teach and command; his decisions are not to be criticized, or his ordinances disputed. John Paul II was followed by election of the German-born Pope Benedict XVI, who was in turn followed by Argentine-born Pope Francis, who is the first non-European after 1272 years and the first Latin American, despite having an Italian ancestry. [135], The Annuario Pontificio lists as one of the official titles of the pope that of "Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church" (Latin: Summus Pontifex Ecclesiae Universalis). 82:1). A nine-day period of mourning (novendialis) follows the interment. James the Just, known as "the brother of the Lord", served as head of the Jerusalem church, which is still honored as the "Mother Church" in Orthodox tradition. “There are different ways of carrying out the plan that God has for each of us, which is always a plan of love. Pope Francis did not say what Scalfari reports he said, but what he did say was confusing enough so that Scalfari innocently drew the wrong conclusion. (John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, p. 3, 1994). If the dean himself is elected pope, the vice dean performs this task. [60], The low point of the papacy was 867–1049. In 2013, Pope Francis maintained the mitre that replaced the tiara, but omitted the pallium. It became reserved for the pope in the 12th century and is used in papal bulls and similar important papal documents. Pope Francis said the first step of Lent involves returning to the Father, by accepting God's forgiveness in the Sacrament of Confession. [69], The pope was understood to have the power to draw on the Treasury of Merit built up by the saints and by Christ, so that he could grant indulgences, reducing one's time in purgatory. (Traditionally, wet straw was used to produce the black smoke, but this was not completely reliable. [citation needed], Papal bulls are headed N. Episcopus Servus Servorum Dei ("Name, Bishop, Servant of the Servants of God"). This name, based on the black colour of his cassock, was used to suggest a parallel between him and the "White Pope" (since the time of Pius V the popes dress in white) and the cardinal prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (formerly called the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith), whose red cardinal's cassock gave him the name of the "Red Pope" in view of the authority over all territories that were not considered in some way Catholic. That is why He speaks with divine authority," he said. [97][98], The current regulations regarding a papal interregnum—that is, a sede vacante ("vacant seat")—were promulgated by Pope John Paul II in his 1996 document Universi Dominici Gregis. Bishops, teaching in communion with the Roman Pontiff, are to be respected by all as witnesses to divine and Catholic truth. In 1950, Pope Pius XII defined the Assumption of Mary as dogma, the only time that a pope has spoken ex cathedra since papal infallibility was explicitly declared. Can a Catholic cite a religion as a reason for not doing something even if that thing isn't officially prohibited by the Church? A Modern Catholicism Needs Scripture . In the following list the number of calendar days includes partial days. [11] By contrast, papal claims of spiritual authority have been increasingly firmly expressed over time, culminating in 1870 with the proclamation of the dogma of papal infallibility for rare occasions when the pope speaks ex cathedra—literally "from the chair (of Saint Peter)"—to issue a formal definition of faith or morals. According to tradition, he headed the church for 35 years and has thus far been the longest-reigning pope in the history of the Catholic Church. How can a 15-year-old vampire get human blood? ... this infallibility with which the Divine Redeemer willed His Church to be endowed in defining doctrine of faith and morals, extends as far as the deposit of Revelation extends, which must be religiously guarded and faithfully expounded. [189], Published every year by the Roman Curia, the Annuario Pontificio attaches no consecutive numbers to the popes, stating that it is impossible to decide which side represented at various times the legitimate succession, in particular regarding Pope Leo VIII, Pope Benedict V and some mid-11th-century popes. New York: Henry Holt & co. 1994. [37][38][39], First-century Christian communities would have had a group of presbyter-bishops functioning as leaders of their local churches. The Lutheran Churches of the Reformation,[179] the Concordia Lutheran Conference,[180] the Church of the Lutheran Confession,[181] and the Illinois Lutheran Conference[182] all hold to the Brief Statement, which the LCMS places on its website. A Modern Catholicism Needs Scripture . Before all else, “we must believe and proclaim that God has drawn near to us, that we have been forgiven and shown mercy,” the pontiff said. [155], The status and authority of the pope in the Catholic Church was dogmatically defined by the First Vatican Council on 18 July 1870. Habemus Papam! Bergoglio does speak about God, but what emerges from the whole of his preaching is a God who is not the God of the Bible but an adulterated God, a God, I would say, who is weakened, or better still, adapted. . The ballots from an unsuccessful vote are burned along with a chemical compound to create black smoke, or fumata nera. "The Pope is not simply the representative of Jesus Christ. [citation needed], The flag most frequently associated with the pope is the yellow and white flag of Vatican City, with the arms of the Holy See (blazoned: "Gules, two keys in saltire or and argent, interlacing in the rings or, beneath a tiara argent, crowned or") on the right-hand side (the "fly") in the white half of the flag (the left-hand side—the "hoist"—is yellow). [125], The term "pontiff" is derived from the Latin: pontifex, which literally means "bridge builder" (pons + facere) and which designated a member of the principal college of priests in ancient Rome. [71], Protestant Reformers criticized the papacy as corrupt and characterized the pope as the antichrist. rev 2021.2.23.38643, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Like any library, Christianity Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Christianity Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. In 325, the First Council of Nicaea condemned Arianism, declaring trinitarianism dogmatic, and in its sixth canon recognized the special role of the Sees of Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch. The pope, as the successor of St. Peter, holds the office of Vicar of Christ, to whom was given the keys to the kingdom and the powers of binding and loosing (see Mt 16:17-19). Wilken, Robert (2004). [40] In Rome, there were many who claimed to be the rightful bishop, though again Irenaeus stressed the validity of one line of bishops from the time of St. Peter up to his contemporary Pope Victor I and listed them. As mentioned above, the pope's sovereignty over the Papal States ended in 1870 with their annexation by Italy. Does Catholicism teach that the Pope is God? "[162], The pope's official seat is in the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran, considered the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome, and his official residence is the Apostolic Palace. [citation needed] Traditionally, the vote was conducted by Acclamation, by selection (by committee), or by plenary vote. How do Catholics view the role of conscience in determing morals? Though the progressive Christianisation of the Roman Empire in the 4th century did not confer upon bishops civil authority within the state, the gradual withdrawal of imperial authority during the 5th century left the pope the senior imperial civilian official in Rome, as bishops were increasingly directing civil affairs in other cities of the Western Empire. It only takes a minute to sign up. The first was only a mortal – the second is a God. The existence of an antipope is usually due either to doctrinal controversy within the Church (heresy) or to confusion as to who is the legitimate pope at the time (schism). Another renowned part of the coronation was the lighting of a bundle of flax at the top of a gilded pole, which would flare brightly for a moment and then promptly extinguish, as he said, Sic transit gloria mundi ("Thus passes worldly glory"). Once the ballots are counted and bound together, they are burned in a special stove erected in the Sistine Chapel, with the smoke escaping through a small chimney visible from Saint Peter's Square. The pope praised “good confessors who do not have a whip in their hands, but just welcome, listen and say that God is good and that God always forgives, that God does not get tired of forgiving.” This fracture was caused more by political events than by slight divergences of creed. Some Protestant writers have maintained that the "rock" that Jesus speaks of in this text is Jesus himself or the faith expressed by Peter. Your friend is confused. [121] The Second Vatican Council referred to all bishops as "vicars and ambassadors of Christ",[122] and this description of the bishops was repeated by John Paul II in his encyclical Ut unum sint, 95. Make integer sequence unique at compile time. In 1973, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs and the USA National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation in the official Catholic–Lutheran dialogue included this passage in a larger statement on papal primacy: In calling the pope the "Antichrist", the early Lutherans stood in a tradition that reached back into the eleventh century. Wetterau, Bruce. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Twice an Eastern Emperor tried to force the Eastern Church to reunify with the West. Pope Francis shocked the Catholic world today announcing that he plans on stepping down from his position. Pág. [72][73][74][75], Popes instituted a Catholic Reformation[11] (1560–1648), which addressed the challenges of the Protestant Reformation and instituted internal reforms. [143], Pope Francis signs some documents with his name alone, either in Latin ("Franciscus", as in an encyclical dated 29 June 2013)[144] or in another language. How to draw a “halftone” spiral made of circles in LaTeX? [55] The conflict between popes and secular autocratic rulers such as the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV and Henry I of England, known as the Investiture controversy, was only resolved in 1122, by the Concordat of Worms, in which Pope Callixtus II decreed that clerics were to be invested by clerical leaders, and temporal rulers by lay investiture. [5] The primacy of the bishop of Rome is largely derived from his role as the apostolic successor to Saint Peter, to whom primacy was conferred by Jesus, giving him the Keys of Heaven and the powers of "binding and loosing", naming him as the "rock" upon which the church would be built. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. However, since he is regarded as an anti-pope, he is not mentioned in the list above. "Many of the key insights of Vatican II have not at all, or only partially, been implemented... A principal source of present-day stagnation lies in misunderstanding and abuse affecting the exercise of authority in our Church. [citation needed], The Eastern Church continued to decline with the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, undercutting Constantinople's claim to equality with Rome. The pope is not God, and the Catholic Church does not teach that he is, only that he represents God on earth. [99] This was not done on the deaths of popes John Paul I[100] and John Paul II. Although the tiara was omitted in the pope's personal coat of arms, the coat of arms of the Holy See, which includes the tiara, remained unaltered. [8] It is the Holy See that is the sovereign entity by international law headquartered in the distinctively independent Vatican City State, established by the Lateran Treaty in 1929 between Italy and the Holy See to ensure its temporal, diplomatic, and spiritual independence. [159], We, adhering faithfully to the tradition received from the beginning of the Christian faith, to the glory of God, our Saviour, the elevation of the Catholic religion and the salvation of Christian peoples, with the approbation of the sacred Council, teach and explain that the dogma has been divinely revealed: that the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra, that is, when carrying out the duty of the pastor and teacher of all Christians by his supreme apostolic authority he defines a doctrine of faith or morals to be held by the universal Church, through the divine assistance promised him in blessed Peter, operates with that infallibility with which the divine Redeemer wished that His church be instructed in defining doctrine on faith and morals; and so such definitions of the Roman Pontiff from himself, but not from the consensus of the Church, are unalterable. In the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Russian Orthodox Church and Serbian Orthodox Church, it is not unusual for a village priest to be called a "pope" ("поп" pop). Balloting continues until someone is elected by a two-thirds majority. [80][81][82][83][84][85] This idea is undermined by the Biblical usage of "Cephas," which is the masculine form of "rock" in Aramaic, to describe Peter. Does the Lumen Gentium dogmatic constitution say that non-Catholic Christians cannot be saved? I have a couple Catholic friends and one of them told me that the Pope is God. Pope: Lent is a journey back to God, an exodus from slavery to freedom On Ash Wednesday, Francis recalls “our journey then is about letting him take us by the hand. Translated into English, the statement means "first among equals". Clement I, at the end of the 1st century, wrote an epistle to the Church in Corinth intervening in a major dispute, and apologizing for not having taken action earlier. Examples include the African Legio Maria Church and the European Palmarian Catholic Church in Spain. The papacy came under the control of vying political factions. In this schism, the papacy had returned to Rome from Avignon, but an antipope was installed in Avignon, as if to extend the papacy there. However, your friend may have learnt this from the history of Pope Alexander VI, arguably one of the worst of the popes. Your secondary question would make a good question here too, but we really want to keep question scopes to a manageable level so one question at a time please. He is, therefore, the supreme leader of the Church, which includes both clergy and laity. Pope Francis said the first step of Lent involves returning to the Father, by accepting God's forgiveness in the Sacrament of Confession. Comparing the facts of history with many Bible verses, our incredible books, Earth’s Final Hours, The Secret Terrorists, and When the United States Passes the National Sunday Law as Predicted in the Bible, show conclusively that the pope is the antichrist. Papal Resignation is extremely rare, and this will only be the 7th time in the history of the church. It was in relation to the latter that, in November 2008, the United States Court of Appeals in Cincinnati decided that a case over sexual abuse by Catholic priests could proceed, provided the plaintiffs could prove that the bishops accused of negligent supervision were acting as employees or agents of the Holy See and were following official Holy See policy. Say, ‘Lord, I did this, this, this. In its Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (1964), the Second Vatican Council declared: Among the principal duties of bishops the preaching of the Gospel occupies an eminent place. The family of a certain papal official made and unmade popes for fifty years. A similar warning against papal hubris made on this occasion was the traditional exclamation, "Annos Petri non-videbis", reminding the newly crowned pope that he would not live to see his rule lasting as long as that of St. Peter. Even Catholics do not all agree whether certain historical figures were popes or antipopes. The senior cardinal deacon, or cardinal protodeacon, then appears on the balcony of Saint Peter's to proclaim the new pope by his birth name, and announce his papal name in Latin. In 1207, Innocent III placed England under interdict until King John made his kingdom a fiefdom to the Pope, complete with yearly tribute, saying, "we offer and freely yield...to our lord Pope Innocent III and his catholic successors, the whole kingdom of England and the whole kingdom of Ireland with all their rights and appurtenences for the remission of our sins". The Pope represents Jesus Christ Himself... i. In the late 2nd century AD, there were more manifestations of Roman authority over other churches. When Pope Benedict was elected in 2005, I was overjoyed. The pope's signature is followed, in bulls of canonization, by those of all the cardinals resident in Rome, and in decrees of ecumenical councils, by the signatures of the other bishops participating in the council, each signing as Bishop of a particular see. How to avoid violating energy conservation when making shaders and node groups? Donning the appropriate vestments and reemerging into the Sistine Chapel, the new pope is given the "Fisherman's Ring" by the camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, whom he first either reconfirms or reappoints. The Gospel story of Jesus healing the leper illustrates how nothing will stop God from tenderly and compassionately drawing close to people who want to be healed and saved, Pope Francis said. [89], The pope was originally chosen by those senior clergymen resident in and near Rome. [183] The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), another Confessional Lutheran church that declares the Papacy to be the Antichrist, released its own statement, the "Statement on the Antichrist", in 1959. As much as I loved John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger spoke to me in a special way. [167] This head-of-state immunity, recognized by the United States, must be distinguished from that envisaged under the United States' Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976, which, while recognizing the basic immunity of foreign governments from being sued in American courts, lays down nine exceptions, including commercial activity and actions in the United States by agents or employees of the foreign governments. This flag was first adopted in 1808, whereas the previous flag had been red and gold. [77], Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. 2. [177], This sweeping rejection is held by, among others, some denominations of Lutherans: Confessional Lutherans hold that the pope is the Antichrist, stating that this article of faith is part of a quia ("because") rather than quatenus ("insofar as") subscription to the Book of Concord. [103] The 1983 Code of Canon Law[104] states, "If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that the resignation is made freely and properly manifested but not that it is accepted by anyone." In 2005, Pope Benedict XVI, while maintaining the crossed keys behind the shield, omitted the papal tiara from his personal coat of arms, replacing it with a mitre with three horizontal lines.