Just click a country's name or flag to view its diplomatic missions around the world. For definitive legal guidance or to contest a fine, you should consult a lawyer licensed to practice in Italy. Details and comment forum for the Embassy of Italy in Washington, Details and comment forum for the Consulate-General of Italy in Boston, Details and comment forum for the Consulate-General of Italy in Chicago, Details and comment forum for the Consulate-General of Italy in Houston, Details and comment forum for the Consulate-General of Italy in Los Angeles, Details and comment forum for the Consulate-General of Italy in Miami, Details and comment forum for the Consulate-General of Italy in New York, Details and comment forum for the Consulate-General of Italy in Philadelphia, Details and comment forum for the Consulate-General of Italy in San Francisco, Details and comment forum for the Consulate of Italy in Detroit, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Anchorage, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Baltimore, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Buffalo, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Cleveland, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Denver, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Las Vegas, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in New Orleans, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Norfolk, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Orlando, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Pittsburgh, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Portland, Oregon, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Providence, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Sacramento, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in San Diego, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in San Jose, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Details and comment forum for the Honorary Consulate of Italy in St. Louis. Italian Embassy in California USA Advertisements The vast majority of our users resort to higher FINDER to instantly locate the diplomatic mission or consular office that is … The consulate in Orlando is not the only diplomatic representation of Italy in the United States. From our Embassy in Rome, our Consulates General in Milan, Florence and Naples, and our Consular Agencies in Venice, Genoa and Palermo, we serve American citizens, their families and U.S. businesses to ensure they receive a full range of consular services and up-to-date security and general information. Washington, DC 20008. Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines. * To book an appointment with the: Passport, Vital Records, Citizenship and Visa for Foreigner and Student Departments please click here. The following step-by-step process will guide you through your visa application. local: (202) 612.4400. international: +1.202.612.4400. (This link is temporarily deactivated please click here for information) * For the "Step-by-Step Guide" on how to use the online appointment system … Washington — Italian Embassy. Database - Visas to enter Italy Consular Office within the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC. The mission of the United States Embassy is to advance the interests of the United States, and to serve and protect U.S. citizens in Italy. In the United Kingdom visa services for Italy are handled by the Italian Consulates in London and Edinburgh.. Washington, D.C. 20008 U.S.A. Tel: +1-202-495-2266 Fax: +1-202-495-2138 E-mail: chinaembpress_us@mfa.gov.cn Embassy of Italy. On this page you will find info on specific details such as consulate contact information, web presence, consular office hours and directions to the consulate. See our Road Safety page for more information. The online reservation service is free of charge. Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America 3505 International Place, N.W. Cliccare qui per informazioni. Ambassador Armando Varricchio Unveils New Logo to Kick Off Year-Long Anniversary Events Today, Italian Ambassador Armando Varricchio and the Italian Embassy in Washington unveiled a new logo commemorating 160 years of diplomatic relations between Italy and the United States of America. All rights reserved. Following celebrations for Leonardo in 2019, and those for Raphael in 2020, the Italian Embassy in Washington, the diplomatic-consular network and Italian Cultural Institutes in the United States commemorate the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri, the “Sommo Poeta” (“Supreme Poet”) wit... Pubblicazione "Excellence - Italian main industrial sectors", Elezioni amministrative e referendum locali in Italia, 2021 © Copyright Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation - legal notes - Privacy, This site uses cookies to provide a better experience. Once you have completed your application for passport renewal, you can schedule an appointment with your local Italian Consulate or US Embassy. One Campus Place. Avviso di assunzione di n. 1 (uno) impiegato a contratto, da adibire ai servizi di Autista-Commesso-Centralinista: BANDO DI CONCORSO FAC-SIMILE DOMANDA Read more Italian Consulate Locations in the United States ITALIAN DUAL CITIZENSHIP APPOINTMENTS ARE HELD AT THESE LOCATIONS. The fines imposed for these violations are forwarded to the driver’s home in the United States to request payment. Maggiori dettagli sui requisiti e sulle prove concorsuali, nonché sulle modalità di partecipazione e sulla scadenza di presentazione delle doma... Si rende noto che in data 17 febbraio 2021 e’ stato pubblicato l’Albo consolare degli Enti Gestori/Promotori di iniziative a favore della lingua e cultura italiana operanti nella Circoscrizione di Washington, DC. Customer Service Statement Italian Diplomatic mission in the United States. United States in Italy; The United States has seven representations in Italy. Continuing navigation accept the use of cookies by us, Stati Uniti - Aggiornamenti Viaggiare Sicuri, Join us for a conversation with John Kerry, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, Measures to combat and contain the Coronavirus, Official Website of the G20 Italian Presidency, UPDATE: Covid-TESTED flights between the United States and Italy, Colloquio telefonico tra il Ministro Di Maio e il nuovo Segretario di Stato USA Blinken, Avviso di assunzione di n. 1 (uno) impiegato a contratto, da adibire ai servizi di Autista-Commesso-Centralinista, Pubblicazione dell'Albo Consolare degli Enti Gestori e Promotori, "COVID tested" flights New York-Rome via Alitalia and Atlanta-Rome via Delta, Italian Navy: The aircraft carrier ITS Cavour arrived in Norfolk - Ambassador of Italy to the U.S. Armando Varricchio welcomes the crew, The Italian Embassy Launches Webinar Series Exploring Artificial Intelligence, Istituzione dell'Albo Consolare degli Entii gestori/promotori di iniziative a favore della lingua e cultura italiana, Italy brings to the US the celebrations for the 700th Anniversary of famed poet Dante Alighieri, Tweets from https://twitter.com/ItalyinUS/lists/italy-in-us. Moreover, you will be permitted to file an Italy short-stay visa application at an Italian Embassy / Consulate / VAC only if you are a: A citizen of the country from where you are applying. The following step-by-step process will guide you through your visa application. 5th Floor, Tower B. È indetta la selezione per l’assunzione presso l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington D.C. di n. 1 (uno) impiegato a contratto, da adibire ai servizi di autista-commesso-centralinista. : +1 (202) 612-4450 Fax: +1 (202) 518-2141 0063 (0)2 8892 4531 / 4532 / 4533 / 4534 Italian Embassy in Madison (Wisconsin) The most sensible selection when you are visiting a foreign country and have an incident using the police or the authorities of the country is always to go to your consulate or embassy. Washington, D.C., 20008 Tel. È indetta la selezione per l’assunzione presso l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington D.C. di n. 1 (uno) impiegato a contratto, da adibire ai servizi di autista-commesso-centralinista. Italy Embassy in United States of America: detailed information on Italian Embassy and Consulates locations, including addresses, e-mails and phone numbers Job Vacancy at the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC (in Italian only) 02/08/2021. Below is a comprehensive list of each Italian Consulate location in the USA. Contact us if you know any Italian Embassy in Minneapolis (Minnesota) not appear in this page or should you know of any other consular office in the same country that is located in Minneapolis or in nearby towns. Italian number (+39) 06 9480 3777; US number 703-543-9310 Skype: usvisaitaly.Service is available from Monday-Friday between 7:00am-9:00pm, except on Italian holidays . Maeci If you are in the United States and wish to travel to Italy, you may require a visa, issued by the Consular office of the Italian Embassy in Washington DC or another Italian Consular Office in the U.S. The flagship of the Italian Navy is deployed in the US to get the certifications required to operate the new aircraft, the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) F35-B
Below are the links to schedule your appointment in Italy: Click here to arrange an appointment for your passport in Milan, Italy; Click here to arrange an appointment for your passport in Naples, Italy See the U.S. Embassy of Rome’s transportation page for more information. A foreign citizen on a permanent/temporary residence permit in the country from where you are applying. Phone. Consulates, unlike embassies, are not owned by the states represented at that do not have diplomatic immunity and its services usually are not exactly exactly the same as … Organized by the Embassy of Italy in Washington and the Consulate General in San Francisco, in partnership with... Si comunica che con decreto consolare n.7 del 4 febbraio 2021 e' stato istituito l'Albo Consolare degli Entii gestori/promotori di iniziative a favore della lingua e cultura italiana (art.10 e art.11 del D.Lgs.64/2017) operanti nella Circoscrizione di Washington DC. Avviso di assunzione di n. 1 (uno) impiegato a contratto, da adibire ai servizi di Autista-Commesso-Centralinista 18/02/2021. McKinley Hill. 3000 Whitehaven Street, NW. The embassy of Italy in Washington, D.C. is located at 3000 Whitehaven Street, NW and can be contacted by telephone on 202 612 4400 as well as by email washington.ambasciata@esteri.it.