The Jade plant foliage changes to red with extreme temperature changes such as from very warm to very cold. Jade Plant Leaves Turning Yellow Can Be Intentional. Yellow leaves. This well-behaved plant blends into the landscape in … Growing Jade Plants From a Single Leaf. Pathogens, which can live in the soil for years, make their way into the plant through the roots, eventually clogging the vascular system and causing branches to wilt suddenly and foliage to turn yellow and fall off prematurely. Below is the list of the common pests and diseases of jade plants: 1. Although there are cultivars of the Jade Plant that have red leaves, most have green leaves. When you have a Jade plant with wrinkled leaves, your plant is trying to tell you that it’s either overwatered, underwatered, getting too much sunlight or a combination of these things. Incorrect Watering Causes Jade Plants To Drop Leaves. New stem growth will be the same colour and texture as the leaves, in time they will become brown and woody. Older leaves naturally yellow because of maturity or decease. It grows up to 3 feet high and 2 feet wide. Jade plant problem. Naturally, jade leaves may develop white spots. Being too wet or too dry can make the plant most unhappy. If you have white mold on your Jade Plant… Although these are less common, spider mites are still a problem for jade plants. Standing water for too long or just overwatering in general will easily cause your Jade plants roots to become rotted if not noticed promptly. Black splotches on the leaves of jade plants could be due to several different factors. White Powdery Mold on the Jade Plant. The sunburnt leaves will eventually fall off as new leaves grow. They look like white puffs … It is extremely easy to propagate jade plants using leaves of the stems. How to Propagate a Jade Plant. Few pests or diseases affect Jade Plant, but when white powdery mold appears on its leaves, it is often the result of environmental problems. The jade plant is a popular succulent houseplant with fleshy, oval-shaped leaves and thick, woody stems that resemble tiny tree trunks. Learn the causes and how to fix the problem. The plant may even develop soft sections on the branches and trunk. With a bit of easy care, it can grow to be between 3 and 6 feet tall, but does so slowly, only growing about two inches a year. There is a natural yellowing of leaves that is not a real problem. When your the leaves of your Jade Plant turn red, it is usually caused by one of two things: it is either your plant is stressed or it is infested by spider mites. Certain varieties of Jade plant are actually intended to have leaves which appear yellow. Crassula (Jade Plant) Diseases; Crassula (Jade Plant) Diseases. Jade plants that get way to much sun tend to turn red. In the home, plant diseases are very rarely a problem. White spots on the jade plant might be a result of various issues. While this plant is hardy and easy to grow, there are some diseases that affect these plants that you should watch out for. When leaves are uniformly green, open, upright and growing vigorously, your plants are well-cared for and healthy. An ideal stem cutting would be 2–3 inches in length and have at least two pairs of leaves. So let’s take a look at what the signs could be leading to and why you have wrinkly Jade plant leaves in the first place so you can see what you can do to fix them. What we are concerned about is the general appearance of your jade plant whose leaves are all turning yellow in various stages. If you overwater or underwater your Jade plant, it may start dropping its leaves excessively. It produces groups of small, white flowers. Here are the steps that I used for my jade plant leaf propagation project. The plant is used as an indoor floor plant. The interior tissues are soft and mushy. This cause of Jade plant leaves turning yellow is only a cause for concern if all or most of the leaves are yellowing or if your jade plant is showing other signs of an issue. Hennepin County Minnesota. Problem: Verticillium wilt is a fungal disease that affects hundreds of species of trees, shrubs, edibles and ornamentals (see list of susceptible plants here). If the leaves of your jade plant are falling off, the problem may be caused by either overwatering or underwatering. Problems With Jade Plants. Sometimes, you will see e leaves turning yellow. Potting Medium. Too much water? Articles. Thank you for the question. Jade plants ( Crassula ovata , U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11) are hardy, relatively easy-to-grow succulent plants, so if your jade plant has curled leaves, it can be a mystery.These plants do well in warm, dry conditions and can tolerate dim lighting. Here are some solutions for common problems. Here’s how: Remove a leaf or take a stem cutting from a well-established plant. Propagation with leaves is easier than the one using cuttings. References . not enough? It is more likely than not that your Jade plant is having one of the following problems that promote redness. Watering Jade Plants Native to South Africa, jade plants growing wild there get big rains periodically, instead of some sprinkles every week. If, however, the foliage is wilted, spotted or in any way less than robust, your plants are likely to be suffering from a pest, disease, nutrient deficiency or other problem. Read on to see how simple jade plant leaf propagation really is. Updated: July 31, 2016. As a succulent, jade plants are very easy to start from single leaves or cuttings. Leaf drop can happen if the plant is allowed to become extremely dry. I get a lot of queries on jade plants leaves yellowing and falling, so in this video I have tried to address the issue along with some remedial measures. Mealybugs are the most common insect pest of jade plants. After I decided to prune my jade plant that I’ve had for 12 years, to help make it more compact, full and manageable in size, I used the individual leaves to propagate and make new plants. Save For Later Print. Leaves dropping, stems and leaves that are dark or soft, and brown, mushy roots, are all signs of root rot that could be caused by overwatering or poorly-draining soil. There are several varieties of Crassula ovata 'Jade' plants and most are prone to developing white spots like these. We advise you to keep children and pets away so that they do not consume Jade plant leaves. Since jade plants store water in their fleshy leaves, it’s important to avoid overwatering, which will cause roots to rot. A healthy jade plant has firm, smooth leaves and upright stems. Jade plant has a slight toxicity for human and pets. A lack of enough sun can also cause leaves to fall off. If you notice your Jade plant leaves are turning black and then shriveling up and falling off then the issue may be from rotted roots, commonly from your plant being overwatered. | Credit: Jay Wilde. Avoid wetting jade plant leaves by watering at the base. Jade plant leaf rot is also a reason to avoid getting the leaves too wet when you water your money plant. 1 Response. The leaves on your plants are trying to tell you something. One of the more common problems associated with the jade plant is the appearance of brown spots on the leaves. Reasons why Jade Plant leaves turn red. Similarly, over-watering the Jade Bonsai may also cause the plant to lose its leaves.