However, if roots are rotted, the only thing you can do is to start a new plant by propagation from leaves. Leaves drop for many reasons, including environmental stress, pests and disease. The leaves keep dropping off. While leaves falling off of your jade plant might seem to be a bad thing, that isn’t always the case. As they age, jade plants will drop their older leaves off … Pick a strong, healthy leaf to propagate your new jade plant. The leaves are similar to the Chinese jade but are clumped around the trunk. I attached you some photos that you can see its changing over these 2 months. Shock – Shock from transplanting, repotting or dividing, is probably the number one reason for leaf loss in plants. This seems to be working it's way up the plant. If your jade plant drops older leaves it might be a sign of too much heat, especially if you notice some other warning sounds such as soft, leggy growth. The success rate of propagation will increase with the more leaves you try to plant. I'm really worry. To sum up everything that cause the fallen off leaves of a succulent, I want to write this list down. Find out if it is a normal behavior of losing the leaves or an extreme falling off. I noticed my 4 year old jade plant seems to be dying from the bottom up. Okay, back to the problem of stems falling apart. Keep your plants … Succulent Healthcare Checklist. Ask The Plant Expert: Hi there Thanks for your help with my Jade plant, but I still really don't know what's wrong with it. Hello, Mary: When leaves on a jade turn brown, shrivel, and fall off it is a sign that your succulent is not very happy. Listed below are some of the most common causes for leaves falling off. Problem With Jade Plant Leaves That Are Flat & Not Plump. Unfortunately, there is not a clear-cut answer, it may be caused from too much moisture or too much light. I would recommend that you increase the watering, both in frequency and quantity. Dropping Older Leaves. When the plant is actively growing, it should get a thorough watering every 7-14 days, depending on conditions such as room temperature and humidity and the size of the plant. There are no branches to speak of.   Conversely, a plant that finds itself exposed to the heat of a radiator or heat duct when the furnace begins to run in fall and winter may drop leaves because it is too warm. It could actually be that your plant is just fine. I fertilize & mix its water with Bonsai's vitamin too but it's still loosing leaves.The great number of its leave wilts & drops. It takes about a week from the time I notice the brown on the tips of the bottom most leaves for them to fall off. Q--What kind of light, watering and fertilizer are needed by the jade plant? I have been using a fertilizer labeled 15-30-15. The real question is what is causing the leaves to brown? If the plant is exposed to cold drafts, many tropical plants will begin to drop healthy leaves. I water it when the soil gets dry. Common Reasons for a Plant Dropping Leaves. This is because jade plants will drop older leaves off when it is time for newer leaves to bloom. With their plump, bright green leaves, interesting forms and simple care needs, jade plants … If the plant is to dry, the leaves will become thin and drop with the slightest touch. The leaves turn brownish black and shrivel up and fall off.