Jesse definition, the father of David. Jessie definition, a female given name, form of Jessica. The moment you talk to her you cant help but fall in love with her. People living in the UK, America (USA), Canada, India, and Saudi Arabia can search the details of Jesse name online without any hassle. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Jesse is "the Lord exists". Jessie is the girl every guy wants. proper name, biblical father of David and ancestor of Jesus, from Latin, from Greek Iessai, from Hebrew Yishay, of unknown origin. Jessie is the greatest girl in the world! Amazing personality. The Jesse family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Jessie is of Hebrew and Old Persian origin. Meaning of Jesse. My Hebrew Name: Jesse in Hebrew (Note: English names which are not derived from Hebrew names are normally represented below by Hebrew names with similar underlying meanings.) Her eyes, hair, everything. A famous outlaw in the American West in the 1800's. Guy 1: Damn bro you see that girl over there? In this case 'Jessie' is replacedwith the name of the boyfriend Jesse as a boy's name (also used as girl's name Jesse), is pronounced JESS-ee. ( Matthew 1:5) Jesses genealogy is twice given in full in the Old Testament, viz., ( Ruth 4:18-22) and 1Chr 2:5-12 He is commonly designated as "Jesse the Bethlehemite," ( 1 Samuel 16:1 1 … Bears a similar statement to God referring to Himself as "I Am" in the Bible. Jesse Jesse is a Frisian name for boys and girls. This was about 24% of all the recorded Jesse's in Canada. Make sure you don't hurt her. Crazy, but fun. Everyone in her school worships her, every guy in her school has a major crush on her. The most Jesse families were found in the USA in 1880. The name Jess means Short Form Of Jesse Or Jessica and is of English origin. London had the highest population of Jesse families in 1891. Originating from ancient Israel and the Hebrew language, Jesse when directly translated means "God Is", as a statement of God's eternal nature and glory; past, present and future. they takes life as it comes, when life gets her down, she always has someone to turn to, her best friend (the flirty one, the one all the boys swoon over, they will practically live together if you're a jess, "In college I did a lot of bowl searching.". In the Bible, Jesse was the grandson of … Jesse Name Meaning. What does Jesse mean? A famous bearer was Jesse James (1847-1882), an American outlaw who held up banks and stagecoaches. English pet form of biblical Jesse, meaning "gift." ", The most amazing girl you'll ever find. Jesse Woodson James. In Hebrew, the name Jesse means - Wealthy. ; French : from Old French jaisse ‘chick … Not just any girl, original. A name to describe the most kind, beautiful, nicest person that you could ever meet. jes-sie, je-ss-ie] The baby girl name Jessie is also used as a boy name, though it is more commonly a girl name. "In college I did a lot of bowl searching. The most Jesse families were found in the USA in 1880. The position to-day is rather that he who asserts a theological God is rash, and that he who denies a God is a cretin. The father of King David in the Old Testament. Early Origins of the Jesse family The surname Jesse was first found in Yorkshire where the Yorkshire Poll Tax Rolls of 1379 included Willelraus Gesson as holding lands there at that time. He is extremely good looking, popular, funny, intelligent, athletic, musically inclined, and will understand you completely. In 1911 there were 25 Jesse families living in Saskatchewan. The most Jesse families were found in the USA in 1880. Jessica is a traditionally feminine name with Hebrew roots meaning "rich" or "God beholds" — it comes from the Hebrew "yiskah," and variations include … The name Jesse means God's Gift and is of Hebrew origin. Information and translations of Jesse in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. North German : from a short form of the personal name Jesper, a Low German form of Kaspar. ; Eastern German (of Slavic origin) : topographic name from Czech jes(en) ‘ash tree’. In 1891 there were 72 Jesse families living in London. The name was adopted from the English Puritans in the 18th century. She's beautiful, sweet, caring, loving, and can. You are courageous, honest, determined, original and creative. And there shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. This was about 21% of all the recorded Jesse's in the UK. 2. Jesse masc. The moment she tals to you it will make your heart jump out of your chest. Put this Hebrew name on your site or blog! Jesse is at number 5 in the top 50 of Dutch boys (average of 10 years data) Although in most countries Jesse is a name given to boys. Him and his brother Frank James served as guerrillas in the American Civil War. ... Jesse (ProperNoun) A female given name, a variant of Jessie. She is know for her big, green eyes, silky perfect hair, amazing and hot sense of style, and her adorable bubbly, sassy personality. Cannibalize definition, to subject to cannibalism. Jessie is a little shy at first, but once you get to know her she's outgoing and a ton of fun to be around. noun a male or female given name, form of Jesse, Jessie, or Jessica. The meaning is `gift from God` The name Jesse is most commonly given to Dutch boys. The term 'Jessie's girl' does not refer to any individual, but it is a girl, who is going outwith a friend of yours, that you want for yourself. Virginia had the highest population of Jesse families in 1840. See more. If you have a Jessie don't let her go because you'll regret it forever. The name Jesse comes from the baptismal name for the son of Judd, which was a pet form for the Old English personal name Jordan. See more. Saskatchewan had the highest population of Jesse families in 1911. Login . South German : from a reduced form of the personal name Johannes (see John). The Jesse family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Jehovah exists. Biblical: the shepherd father of King David. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021 Example … Jesse definition is - the father of David, king of Israel, according to the account in I Samuel. The name Jesse is referenced in the Old Testament, and in particular the passages of Isaiah, Chapter 11, Verses 1–3: . It is used mainly in English, Scottish, German, and Hebrew. You are a leader, especially for a cause. There is a keenness to gather knowledge of things that are unknown. Jesse is name that's been used by parents who are considering unisex or non-gendered baby names--baby names that can be used for any gender. You'll, Jessie is the girl every guy wants. She's lovable and never intends to hurt anyone. You will have many ups and downs that you feel like you are on a see-saw. Jesse (wealthy), the father of David, was the son of Obed, who again was the fruit of the union of Boaz and the Moabitess Ruth.His great-grandmother was Rahab the Canaanite, of Jericho. She's sweet, funny, beautiful, gorgeous, etc. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear … Psychic things such as ghosts, numerology and palmistry interest the number fours. Every girl wants to be her and every guy wants to be with her. 1 Samuel 16. It began to be used as an English given name after the Protestant Reformation. The Jesse family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. After the war, Jesse along with his brother, formed a gang of outlaws. She's beautiful, sweet, caring, loving, and can brighten your whole day in moments. In 1840 there were 10 Jesse families living in Virginia. 1. ; English : from a short form of Jessup. Famous Bearer: American outlaw Jesse James (1847-82).. As people's whose name is Jesse are born with keen intellect, they will be in control of their own destiny. She smells greats, looks great, and is great. The moment she. This was about 33% of all the recorded Jesse's in the USA. You are honest, benevolent, brilliant and often inventive, full of high inspirations. Jessy is literally a love goddess. In the United States, 1 out of 35 Jesse`s are girls. Find out more about the name Jess at Dutch Name Meaning - Jesse is a name which comes from the Dutch province ‘Friesland. Other origins for the name Jesse include - Hebrew, Israeli, English, Dutch.The name Jesse is most often used as a boy name or male name. Definition of Jesse in the dictionary. See more. a girl who will often be quietly insecure. — The Oxford Dictionary of Christian Names (1947) by E. G. Withycombe M. Hebrew, ‘the Lord is.’ Perhaps the first Jesse was a staunch and impressive affirmer of the existence of ‘the true God’. Jess' are lovely girls, girls with personalities bigger and brighter than the sun. It is pronounced JH-S-iy- †. All he wants to do is enjoy life without stress or worry. Family name origins & meanings. Jess is name that's been used by parents who are considering unisex or non-gendered baby names--baby names that can be used for any gender. The name came from the name Iese, derived from Ese. As a … The name Jesse consists of 5 Letters and 1 Word that includes it in a short name however Jesse name meaning is quite snazzy. She has a tender heart and warm welcoming smile, as well as deep eyes you could get yourself lost in. Meaning of "Jesse" Hebrew name. Jessie name was borne in the Bible. Jesse definition: the father of David (I Samuel 16) | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples ׁי (Yishai), which possibly means "gift". A name to describe the most kind, beautiful, nicest person that you could ever meet. Jess is a name given to a girl, a common name in the UK. The father of King David of whom Jesus was a descendant. [ 1 syll. Jesse A name for a boy who is unlike anyone else. Derived from the song by Rick Springfield. In the Old Testament Jesse is the father of King David.