The only thing holding you bac is your limited visualisation skills. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Achology is still an acorn, a startup company with much growth to do. Kain Ramsay is the author of Responsibility Rebellion (4.59 avg rating, 66 ratings, 23 reviews, published 2020) I camped with the Maasai and Samburu in Kenya, negotiated gun-toting border guards in Iraq, I worked beside some of the kindest people I met in Haiti (after the devastating earthquakes of 2010). Kain Ramsay is the top-ranked psychology and personal growth instructor at Udemy and founder of, an academy devoted to teaching modern methods and principles of applied psychology. These cookies do not store any personal information. Search for: Latest Posts. Kain Ramsay bio. It took me four years of study, self-reflection and devoted practice to find what I was looking for. View 27-T-CUALES-SON-TUS-VALORES-PERSONALES.pdf from LIDERAZGO 16 at Valle de México University. You need to see what you’re capable of to motivate yourself to become capable. Kain is appreciated amidst the world’s top thinkers in the fields of community development and applied psychology. Found 30 colleagues at Re/Max Mutual Realty. While I remain committed to considering alternative viewpoints and cultural differences, today more than ever before, I embrace the idea that people often respond more to their perceptions than what they do to the nature of reality within itself.I strive to be a student of truth before all things, and this was my original vision for Achology. The story includes this line: “If you give a man a fish, he is hungry again in an hour; if you teach him to catch a fish, you do him a good turn. An ideal future self can feel off-limits and undefinable. In short, Achology has matured into a one-stop-shop for anyone aspiring to become a competent practitioner of modern applied psychology. Kain Ramsay [email protected] As an established teacher of personal and professional growth principles, and a champion of mental well-being, Kain Ramsay is regarded as one of the world’s foremost thought leaders of modern applied psychology. Contact info: (515) 267-3132, Find more info on AllPeople about Laura Kain and John Deere Company, as well as people who work for similar businesses nearby, colleagues for other branches, and more people with a similar name. One iMac soon became two as we hand-picked Callum (a young creative genius) to help us edit the vast backlog of training videos already filmed. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. His neighborhood is a tight knit community that memorializes and teaches of a time when Pokemon were everywhere and worked daily with people. If we can show people how to teach others, we can make a difference.”. These ‘notes’ were to consist of our members sharing their highs, lows, accomplishments, increases and failures to sustain a community-led training environment instead of the traditional academia led instruction approach that many instructional institutions adopt. Many people live their lives disinterested in their future. As an established teacher of personal and professional growth principles, and a champion of mental well-being, Kain Ramsay is respected among the world's foremost thought leaders in the field of modern applied … Look at your life in the grand scheme of things and ask yourself what you can do in the short-term to build yourself towards your ultimate goal. And when we are not clear on our purpose, direction and mission in life, we stand to perpetuate, stagnate, and go around in circles wasting time and making little progress. We all need this! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Who is Kain Ramsay? The purpose of a life coach is to assist others bridge the gap between where they are and where they hope to be. Customer Serivce Email : Phone : +62812-1781-6206 Working Hour & Shipment Mon – Sat : 08.30 – 17.00 Sun & Public Holiday : Off Kain Ramsay is the top-ranked psychology and personal growth instructor at Udemy and founder of, an academy devoted to teaching modern methods and principles of applied psychology.Known for his trademark teaching style, Kain delivers highly sought-after programs that include Mindfulness, Life Coaching, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. When I first began examining the social sciences (psychology, sociology, criminology, theology and philosophy), I did so with a genuine desire to better understand myself. Kain Ramsay [email protected] As an established teacher of personal and professional growth principles, and a champion of mental well-being, Kain Ramsay is regarded as one of the world’s foremost thought leaders of modern applied psychology. Kain Ramsay is an internationally bestselling author, a highly sought-after instructor, a social influencer, and a successful entrepreneur of multiple companies. “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. Long-term goals, on the other hand, aren’t as effortless to imagine. As I sat with my good friend, Julian Young, we talked of an online academy, that wasn’t just a place for learning but was also a place where like-minded people could come together and compare notes of the experience they were growing in. I’m not saying that you can’t plan a holiday next year or dream about your new house renovations, but you need to know that your future is so much more. Kayne Ramsay (born 10 October 2000) is an English footballer currently playing as a defender for Premier League club Southampton. Your life vision defines who you want to be and what impact you want to make in the world. I’ve had a fascination with world religion since I was young, although never committed to one specific religious stance or set of practices. These cookies do not store any personal information. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Today is the best day to become the person you want to be, so start thinking big and stop living small. Today, Achology is an awesome reality with a global leadership team who are uniformly bound to assuring Achology enters our history books for pioneering an innovative new way that education is delivered, received and applied. Invalid Email Something went wrong, please try again later. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Two years ago, Achology was a concept. If you believe your ideas for your life are too big to be possible, they never will be possible. As with all things, when our reach doesn’t extend beyond our grasp, we won’t grow. You must be the change you want to see in the world to make it happen. History brings us to where we are today. Our trial as developers of Achology is to embody the spirit of helping people with positive intent. His neighborhood is a tight knit community that memorializes and teaches of a time when Pokemon were everywhere and worked daily with people. These kinds of people hang out in the same social circles, repeat their daily routine week-in and week-out, crash out in the evenings on social media and spend their weekend burnt-out, bored and unproductive. Yes, we have ambitious but achievable objectives. For many years, my mission was to build an international network of competent applied psychologists (coaches, counsellors, skilled helpers) who aspire to impact their communities, cultures and nations positively. Known for his trademark teaching style, Kain delivers highly sought-after programs that include Mindfulness, Life Coaching, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The platform soon grew to host a forum that continues to evolve each day and an events calendar which sustains community-based learning amidst our worldwide membership. Stop holding back on your visions, goals and aspirations and stop striving to live you’ve always had when you can live the life you’ve always wanted. Kain Ramsay Managing Director of Kain Ramsay Ltd and Co-Founder of Achology Dalgety Bay. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. KAIN RAMSAY has been held at gunpoint, almost died twice, suffered post-traumatic stress and battled drug and alcohol problems. The world changes through the transformation of one person at a time, and education will forever play a central role in this. Designed by Kain Ramsay and Achology Ltd, this NLP certificate course will raise your self-awareness, build intuition and sharpen senses. Only by staying true to a predetermined mission can we ensure it is the former and not the latter that happens. Entrepreneurs are among the professionals most prone to imposter syndrome—the belief that, at any moment, you’re going to be revealed as a fraud. I have died twice, lost loved ones, owned money, lost money and ventured from the pit of personal despair to the pinnacle of personal success. In this short testimonial I ask Scotland life Coach Kain Ramsay about his new WordPress website package and how well it is working for him since going live in January 2014. We look to the day where Achology is a meaningful household brand that stands for the values of integrity, transparency and trust. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. How do we ensure that the seeds we plant evolve to produce a harvest eventually? He has the training of a mental health professional, and often collaborates with PhD and Professors who are references in the research and teaching of psychology. Most people are either too complacent about their future to consider working towards it or too frightened to think about it. Having a strong sense of identity gives us a robust and unshakable foundation to build our very lives upon. Kain Ramsay is the top-ranked psychology and personal growth instructor at Udemy and founder of, an academy devoted to teaching modern methods and principles of applied psychology. I didn’t want a head full of academic knowledge to impress people with; I sought to understand the principles that the big thinkers of yesteryear built the grounds of their life on. Achology, as a concept, was born in the local Dunfermline Starbucks cafe. Dynamic Goal Setting & Life Planning book. Designed by Kain Ramsay and Achology Ltd, this NLP certificate course will raise your self-awareness, build intuition and sharpen senses. We are each primarily motivated by one of three things; to make money for ourselves, to build a reputation, or make a distinct difference in the world somehow. In recent years, I’ve grown to appreciate that the most robust foundation we can each build our life’s efforts upon is a foundation of truth. Personality: Kain is quiet, confident, and more than a little abrasive. Sure, they hope they’ll have a more beautiful home, go on a few more holidays and see more of the world. He has the training of a mental health professional, and often collaborates with PhD and Professors who are references in the research and teaching of psychology. Life-changing growth and development require a vision which reflects what matters most to you in life. SC584351, Ridgeway House 10a Ridge Way, Hillend, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland, KY11 9JN. Find all Kain Ramsay's courses in only one place! If you can only see yourself working the same job next year, hanging out with the same friends and maybe going on a few holidays, then that’s all your future will be. When we base our identity upon empty labels, ideas, fads or … Most people have a lot of hope for their future but no vision for it. 16K likes. It is the heat of trials and tribulations, where we have a chance to produce something grand or scald ourselves severely. Based in Fife, Scotland, Kain Ramsay is a passionate social entrepreneur, coach, mentor and teacher. (Learn more about this instructor on the official course page.) Kain Ramsay [1]is a co-founder and the curriculum lead for Achology, the Academy of Modern Applied Psychology [2], husband to Karen, social entrepreneur and keen investor. Kain Ramsay [email protected] As an established teacher of personal and professional growth principles, and a champion of mental well-being, Kain Ramsay is regarded as one of the world’s foremost thought leaders of modern applied psychology. A lifetime spent making mistakes is a hell of a lot more proactive (and useful) than a spending a lifetime doing nothing! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Search for: Latest Posts. I started my working life as a soldier and studied at The Royal School of Military Engineering, where I gained an NVQ in Brickwork Occupations from Kent College. Work started around the kitchen table of the house that Karen and I lived in at the time. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. But what are the next steps we must take? I have always understood the value of a generational investment, where a generation of people passes its wisdom and understandings down unto the next. Search for: Latest Posts. Search for: Latest Posts. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. This principle is valid in all spheres of life. Get immediately download Kain Ramsay – Mindfulness Practitioner Course You will gain ALL of the core skills you need to start your journey as a Mindfulness Practitioner right away. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. His goal as a professional is to help patients achieve complete personal development. It’s not that difficult to imagine what you are capable of tomorrow or next month. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Short-term visualisation is easy. In Responsibility Rebellion, author Kain Ramsay discusses why we often rely on easy steps and magical formulas to find fulfillment, only to come up short. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. We didn’t have much money and required a loan to pay for our first iMac computer. As with all things in life, we each have a starting point, and end, and -x- number of years in between which we will each use whatever way we choose. We should also strive to learn more about philosophy, spirituality and emotional maturity. ... Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact me: [email protected] Kain Ramsay - NLP Practitioner Certication Course quantity. Kain Ramsay. 0. was successfully added to your cart. You have to see the kinds of people you want in your life to have them. Guia de Valores PERSONALES Creado por Kain Ramsay & David Bejarano ¿CUALES SON TUS VALORES Kain Ramsay is known for his knowledge of applied-psychology. You have one life to live, so make it count: make an impact and ensure your present self is more occupied with serving your long-term future rather than your immediate future. MARY M. O'KAIN passed away 2021-02-21 in This is the full obituary story where you can express condolences and share memories. There are 21 other people named Laura Kain on AllPeople. Level 3 in Community News 11-18-2020 09:52 AM. Kain Ramsay [email protected] As an established teacher of personal and professional growth principles, and a champion of mental well-being, Kain Ramsay is regarded as one of the world’s foremost thought leaders of modern applied psychology.