Three different places, one west, one east, and one north-west of me? 2) Kept appearing and disappearing along the length of this stream. I assume that by “p-value,” you mean that you want to analyze the appearance of lines under the null hypothesis of uniform distribution. I believe that Philadelphia, Allentown, Scranton, Binghamton, Syracuse, Kingston also form a line. I have a tendency to listen to movies). One thing common to almost all energy vortexes is their ability to make visitors feel … When I moved here I was confused enough by North Bend being south of me… then learned of two places with the exact same name, one with an I and one with a Y and decided the North Bend thing was nit such a big deal. Zoom in instead. And there are enough hills and lakes to introduce further complexity as streets divert around things. The distance via road is what matters, the layout of the roads is a function of geology and politics. (There is now a Peoria-Bloomington-Champaign connection, and a Waterloo-Davenport connection, but Davenport-Peoria still requires an out of the way transfer; There is also a Flint-Sarnia connection, but Grand Rapids is connected to Detroit, not Flint/Sarnia). As excellent conductors of electricity, they are found in granite rock that forms ley lines that come together as places of power. Some might be more stable which means that it i… Bigger cities, in turn, can serve a wider market area (there’s more stuff there to justify the trip). Of course, it’s not actually possible to have a perfect grid on the surface of a sphere, and the Public Land Survey grid has occasional jogs in it in order to maintain 6×6 mile squares with parallel north-south sides. You’re right; clearly an Awareness Week Awareness Week Awareness Week is called for. Go back to see more maps of Wisconsin U.S. Maps Let’s start with 3 points. The obvious joke I had in mind was something along the lines of “I wasn’t aware of it, so I guess it must not be working very well.”. Do you live on a ley line? And besides, American names are odd enough that even non-American speakers of English would have a good chance of getting confused about what that odd-named city was supposed to be called? Mr. PiBB was first formulated in Zilwaukee in 1972. A failed hypothesis: I thought the “ley line” towns would show up as being on the same early railroad lines. Have you been under a rock? wisconsin vortexs,sacred sites of wisconsin, ley lines, and mystery spots, Burlington UFO and Paranormal Center, Burlington, Wisconsin. But when I try to measure the native unit of the coordinate grid, I find that my mind is confusing a whole bunch of vaguely square-ish patterns into one illusory system. I notice their new website doesn’t mention this, which means either that it’s been disproven or they decided to stop advertising to the world that they’re descended from morons. That’s Ohio and Indiana as seen from space. documents, researches and archives ley lines and places of high energy and tries to find a global network interconnectng local ley lines to a … Randomness in this case would produce a number of tightly clustered towns all in the same place, as well as a number of regions with no towns at all. 3. ohioparanormal. ohioparanormal. Are there straight horizontal or vertical lines that connect more than a chance number of towns? So, Latin America is full of people who inherited their small homes via customary right to squat there, but they don’t have legal title to the land, so they can’t use it as collateral to get a loan. Further south, there’s another grid, which is about 20 degrees off the cardinal directions; here the streets are alphabetical in *both* directions. The King’s land grants were so huge that rich landowners had to let their servants and fieldworkers live on their lands (because they could hardly commute to work from over the horizon). Registered User. Speaking of Geography Blogs, one of my favorites has two recent posts about Milwaukee:, Most towns in the Midwest were platted around proposed or newly-constructed railroads. made those roads give way to the rectangular grid, leaving only the pattern of towns as a clue of where the roads used to be. If you’re in Classic View, then on the top right there’s a button that says “Traffic”. I believe the second volume, “The National Experience, of Daniel Boorstin’s trilogy on the history of the United States has a lot on how Jefferson set about to socially engineer a nation of yeoman farmers by imposing a grid upon the land before anybody had gotten there to survey it. The complaints in this thread about the reverse situation remind me of this image macro, which has been a popular meme among my Facebook friends (I live in New England). The grid to the south has numbered streets in one direction and non-sequential names in the other. USGS Open-File Report 2002-414. I’m aware that other people navigate by visual cues, but I don’t really alieve it. Burlington Wisconsin Ley Lines Hollow Earth Aliens And Ufos The Secret History Connect The Dots Weird Creatures Pilgrimage Paranormal. Vortex Blog. You need to forget about highways and look at railroads. We need an Awareness Week Awareness Week. WISCONSIN Topo (Topographic) Maps, Aerial Photos, and Topo/Aerial Hybrids MyTopo offers custom-printed, large format maps that we ship to your door. Though this is generally hexagonal, for voronoi/circle-packing/sphere-of-influence type reasons. A bank, fast food, hardware, etc. What is it with America and straight lines that form rectangles? During the 1780s, Thomas Jefferson imposed a grid system on western lands based on latitude and longitude to make federal lands easy to auction off to small farmers. I for one welcome your transition to Geography Blog right at the beginning of Geography Awareness Week. If you find three or more sites arranged on a single line you may have discovered a ley-line. Wisconsin Vortex maps. I navigate by “holding a map and knowledge of my Cartesian orientation in my head,” which makes grid systems really easy to navigate. Ley lines in florida maps of north and south america ley lines in america ley line map of wisconsin ley lines ley lines united states maps of the lines known as ley. WISCONSIN Wonder Spot Hwy. They can be tapped into by magic users to draw power from them. To select data from a rectangular area, hold the Ctrl key (use Cmd key on Macs) and drag the pointer. And I see by the church website, this was deliberately done at the time of large-scale German immigration, so yep, looks like they were counting on confusion by non-English speakers in a foreign land where the maps were still not wholly reliable: A large German migration was taking place in the 1840s and Milwaukee was fast becoming an attraction for new immigrants. For more information about Wisconsin energy system maps, GIS shapefiles, or databases contact: Tyler Tomaszewski by phone: (608) 266-2730, or e-mail: Maps are available for download in … For example, where I live, the San Fernando Valley, which is a couple of hundred square miles, was a single land grant (and that’s pretty small by Latin American standards). Well it would ordinarily, and I would suspect that that is what you’d see in Europe but the Public Land Survey System makes square roads more likely. It makes sense that Zilwaukee would be a metaphor for the Devil, given it’s only ninety minutes’ drive from Hell. Anyway, I would be that the main roads in that area used to be diagonal, but that property rights (and possibly competition from the railroads?) If you get lost, the first thing to do is to head inward to the center of town, because all the roads out originate there. Beyond about ten miles (and I’m pulling that number out of my ass as an example), with midwestern population density, you have the customer base for your basic small town. Perhaps it already exists and we just haven’t noticed. Ley lines and light are very closely related. 12, Exit 92 Lake Delton, WI 53940 Sauk Co. ... Near some ley lines... Mystery Hill 7611 U.S. Hwy. You can also see diagonal lines of population centers that follow highways and railroads connecting major population centers. Towns flourish best along transportation routes. “Oh, wait, I’m at that place where five roads meet. There’s a Geography Awareness Week? So I’m curious what linkage you see there. I worry that the Bonferroni correction is too pessimistic because of the correlations. And here’s me thinking it was spelled Ballysodare . When this stuff was being laid out the only thing that mattered was ease of surveying. The King of Spain wasn’t irrational: the San Fernando Valley is a clear geographic unit: it’s level land surrounded by steep mountains on about 340 degrees of its perimeter. My school is hosting a week-long series of lectures on the geography of beer, fast food, foods of other cultures, etc, and a map exhibition (with the strong subtext of “You can [i]major[/i] in geography, and [i]get a job that pays well[/i], please see our undergrad advisor about changing your major.”) Hence Dwight, IL is a truckstop while Joliet (inside the Chicago commutershed) has the historic industrial base. For more than 3 points, you can adjust for multiple comparisons. Downtown is two grids which meet at about 45 degrees; the northern one which is almost, but not quite, oriented to the cardinal compass directions, but all the streets have non-sequential names. Michigan Ley Lines Map Magnetic Ley Lines In America Google Earth Overlay for Ley Lines is one of the pictures that are related to the picture before in the collection gallery, uploaded by can also look for some pictures that related to Map of Michigan by scroll down to collection on below this picture. Ley lines are made up of various kinds of energy; whatever kinds are more prominent in the line affects its properties. I feel like this problem (probability of non-random-looking distribution of points on a plane) must be fairly solvable, but I don’t know enough statistics/probability theory to solve it personally. First Nations Ley carries memories of Wounded Knee, and Boston along its ‘great circle’. That is not interesting as 4 separate lines, but because it is stronger evidence of a line. They have been likened to the veins of the Megaverse, while others see them as a universal transportation system. Also included are inset maps of Appleton, Neenah, and Menasha, Waukesha County, Milwaukee County, Racine County, Kenosha … Roads and railroads that cut diagonally to the grid have tended to face greater political opposition than those following the grid, due to disruptively splitting up more farms. It sounds like a dumb urban legend, but it was previously admitted to on the Zilwaukee city website. We need a measure L of how line-like the points are. [The Camera pans over a map of the state of Wisconsin, with a large, red circle scribbled around an area in the North-Western most part of the state] Darryl: Sloth's Pit, Wisconsin. I once got lost on the way to a robotics conference (really) because, to get to the building, I had to turn on a road with some particular name that I have long since forgotten, and there was another completely different road with the exact same name right before it. I am not nydwracu, but here’s my guess: It’s because with a grid system everywhere looks the same, whereas if you have a more organic layout then there’s more variety. Post Feb 28, 2002 #2 2002-03-01T02:40. As best I can tell there are a few short straight lines probably representing more-used local roads, but few that persist across entire states. See also: with a clever algorithm for doing Poisson disc sampling and some pretty visualizations. There are, for example, ley lines with defensive, disruptive, or restorative energy. Hence “Oak Street” and “Locust Street” are always on the opposite side of the tracks as “Walnut Street.”. Most of the roads end up laying between two plots on either the north-south line or the east-west line. Examine a map … Along these lines, at the places they intersect, there are pockets of concentrated energy, that can be harnessed … And that’s Northern Iowa and Southern Minnesota as seen from space. Besides, even today, if any of you were plonked down in my neck of the woods, how confident would you be of knowing the difference between Killeagh, Killeagh and Killeagh? Can you elaborate a bit more on how the grid system caused you to get lost? Haunted Places of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Haunted Tours, Haunted Tours , Ufos over Wisconsin ... and which they marked so on their maps. Well it takes a lot more confusion to get lost in a little place like Bremen after all. Not all American cities are New York; indeed, New York is unusual in lots of ways. There is supposedly a higher level of grid, the 24 mile x 24 mile quadrangle, but it doesn’t seem to be as important and I don’t see that on this map either. Having been raised in Buenos Aires (which shares the grid pattern of North American cities) I have the reverse complaint about Europe. There’s also the town of Eastchester, which is in the county of Westchester, in New York. While there is no map of the Earth’s ley lines (as they, too, cannot be detected or measured), they might be traceable by connecting ancient or sacred sites to one another. NYC is the opposite; it has no center. Digital data grids for the magnetic anomaly map of North America. It’s more fun than it sounds, but then again I’m an aspiring professional mapmaker, so I may be biased. “West of the Appalachians, road systems frequently follow the PLSS grid structure (see illustrations of Nebraska [grid] vs North Carolina [nongrid] on left). I think this probably points to a major fault line in the way people navigate. The north-south streets are numbered “Avenues” (repeating numbers used in the numbered “Streets” on the east side), while the east-west ones are alphabetical. So, for instance, in the middle of Illinois you have a bunch of small cities slugging it out (Decatur, Danville, Bloomington, Springfield) but as you get closer to the “poles” (Chi and StL) you have a reduction in density before the sprawl starts. This is now unexpectedly a geography blog. without bouncing around. Airborne measurement of the earth's magnetic field over all of North America provides gridded data describing the magnetic anomaly caused by variations in earth materials and structure. 12 Irish Hill, MI 49265 Lenawee Cty. It is, fortunately, a fairly small city, but still, navigating it was needlessly difficult. Go to a place that has always brought you. If distances between towns are what matter, why wouldn’t the pattern be a hex grid? Paranormal hot spots, centers of UFO activity.,,-91.1420901,1373m/data=!3m1!1e3, The Illinois Central was the most extreme example, and actually used the exact same plat map to lay out a couple dozen towns between Chicago and the Kentucky/Missouri line. Google Maps. Once you have cleansed and area for your vortex, A Precession Proton Magnetometer is suggested, ComBrought to you by BURLINGTON PARANORMAL AND UFO CENTER, Brown Lake, Burlington Wisconsin - The Hav-Musuvs, Brown Lake in Burlington Wi has another name by the Indians that at one time lived around its waters. The penetrating nodes are called power centers. The midwest has far fewer geological features which might require the rerouting of roads, so this area of the country tends to lay out its street and highway plans on more of a grid than most. I can’t even list the number of times I’ve gotten lost in NYC because of the grid system. Several of the ley lines on our map radiate from Arbor Low heading out in every compass direction and terminate in the Holy Island in Northumberland, Whitton Island at the western end of the Humber Estuary, Skegness, Walberswick Beach on the east coast, Christchurch on the south coast, the River Erme in … This ley carries the indigenous mind in its great circle. Railroads and highways generally were built north-south and (especially) east-west. Still, it’s far more sane than Boston, which defies description. Railroads were often granted public land adjacent to their paths. And yet my family members do it on a regular basis. Ley lines are the luminous strands that many are pulling at today, hardly suspecting what riches lay at the end of these subtle light lines. Which makes sense, because people aren’t going to start a new town without giving any consideration to where other towns are. Everywhere I have tried has a number of significant leylines, particularly ones … The variance between town spacing is also a function of railroad geometry. Just out of curiosity, if you placed a large number of towns in a random pattern, what is the probability that these sorts of lines would still appear? Ley lines florida map ancient city inn b sacred sites. I remember that.”. They called them the 'Hav-musuvs- ', Read Tunnels and Underground Cities Under Southeastern Wisconsin, Mary Sutherland is the author of the following books, Living in the Light: Believe in the Magic, Mysteries: Exploring the Mysteries of Burlington and Southeastern, Check Out Books Written by Mary Sutherland, Mary Sutherland is an author and researcher focusing her work, “There are rare persons in this world who see things others. Ley lines are cosmic forces originating outside of the Earth. 26 December 2020. South of that, the South of Market grid bends around until it’s almost north-south-east-west, with 3rd street crossing all the streets above 15th at right angles. Vortex gps locations and areas of high energy and well being. Except the streets which border Golden Gate Park. It is amusing that in this respect, and only in this one, European cities are more car-friendly and American cities more walk-friendly.). Is the obvious joke “Jeez where have you been?”. Ley lines in the United States are rumored to connect points of spiritual significance to Native Americans. Counties in Iowa (and to a lesser degree in other Midwestern states) do form something like a grid, and county seats were sometimes chosen to be near the centre of a county (and subsequently grew due to being administrative centres and Schelling points). As far as I know there’s no explanation for any of these – no highways, no rivers, nothing – and they’re all just coincidences. FOND DU LAC CO. J F RS ON C . June 3 2013 at 1115 pm. You precisely center your map anywhere in the US, choose your print scale for zoomed-in treetop views, or panoramic views of entire cities. 1,025. 1,025. Economist Hernando de Soto has pointed out that Latin America is still plagued to this day by this non-Jeffersonian system. This author says he once tried booking a flight to Granada, Spain, and wound up on the island of Grenada: A ley-line is a straight fault line … The “descended from morons” bit is rather harsh, given that (allegedly) at least one Jewish immigrant ended up in Ireland rather than America by mistaking “Cork” for “New York”. Regardless, for the outlying countryside, one would expect small and midsize towns to cluster at busy crossroads and keep a certain distance from each other, leading to a grid pattern. (more cities, zoomable). The blue-dot line— Madison, Milwaukee, Grand Rapids, Flint, Sarnia, London, Buffalo—continues due east to Syracuse and Utica. Tom Scott has produced this fantastic resource for finding out if you live on a leyline; simply enter your postcode and the application will show you leylines passing through that location overlain on a GoogleMap. This isn’t really true (it’s mostly true for the red line, but not at all for the other two), but I thought I should mention that I tried this under the principle of “publish your negative results”. There is a square pattern to the Midwest, deriving from the Public Land Survey System, but its scale is 6 mile x 6 mile squares, which is smaller than any of the distances on either of these maps. From Wikipedia: “As roads have typically been laid out along section boundaries spaced one mile (1.6 km) apart, growing urban areas have adopted road grids with mile-long “blocks” as their primary street network. The moral, like in Lewis Carroll’s Tortoise and Achilles dialogue, is that if someone is determined not to pay attention you won’t make them aware no matter how much you recurse. (I’m aware that other people respond to visual cues, but I don’t really alieve it. The main plan of German cities that started from villages accreting around missionary churches, which is all of them but the few that were Celtic oppida before the Roman conquest, is a star-shaped net of avenues leading out from the central square and cathedral. Ley lines are lines that crisscross around the globe, like latitudinal and longitudinal lines, that are dotted with monuments and natural landforms, and carry along with them rivers of supernatural energy. Is that on a ley line? (Though that one’s too far away to really confuse people headed for Wisconsin.). The yellow and cyan ley lines do not have any direct railroad lines between any pair of cities (unless you count a trip from Milwaukee to Madison via what might be Fort Atkinson). It ran alongside a stream. Add in that for small to midsize towns, there is a sort of midrange opposing magnetism, you don’t need two similar towns right next to one another. See here and this map. These town locations are quite clearly constrained in some way, if you have an eye for what real randomness looks like. I think the map in particular is interesting. A report opens in a new window. What are some ley lines maps of north america. They penetrate and leave the Earth vertically at nodes. 1) Was nowhere near the river. That’s actually the best guess I could come up with. Ley lines (/ l eɪ /) refer to straight alignments drawn between various historic structures and prominent landmarks.The idea was developed in early 20th-century Europe, with ley line believers arguing that these alignments were recognised by ancient societies that deliberately erected structures along them. See also the top comment on the Imgur page, and several others below it in a similar spirit. I addressed this in the first bit of my comment. The yellow and cyan ley lines do not have any direct railroad lines between any pair of cities (unless you count a trip from Milwaukee to Madison via what might be Fort Atkinson). So probably you should introduce a new measure L4 of how close the 4 points are to a line. It is the 19th century equivalent of LA. Map Of Ley Lines In England A Map Of Englands Ley Lines and A Key Of Sacred Sites that is one of the pictures that are related to the picture before in the collection gallery, uploaded by can also look for some pictures that related to Map of England by scroll down to collection on below this picture. [London is not included because my railroad maps don’t include Canada]. But it’s too big of a chunk of property for an egalitarian Jeffersonian society to evolve if one guy owns the whole thing. [EDIT: And here’s a church website that uses Zilwaukee as a metaphor for the Devil]. I found sources saying to click on the question mark, but they put it in the wrong place, so I assumed it had gone away. I know of a vortex in Selma, Indiana. The key point was that I didn’t know how to get to classic mode. And if you zoom out that road links (linked) Iowa City and Muscatine, which are on Scott’s line between the yellow dots (Muscatine is where that line would cross the Mississippi, unless it crosses at Davenport, which would also kinda work). I mostly ignore what things look like, because that’s not relevant to my mental map. The National Geographic has run it for longer than I’ve been alive. What methods of distributing towns randomly would expect as many lines of towns as we observe? If you want to fool people into thinking they’re settling in Milwaukee, why not name your city “Milwaukee”? No one is going to place a town in the middle of a field just to meet an arbitrary distance. Since land was allotted in squares determined by latitude and longitude, it was easiest in terms of property rights if railroad followed a latitude or longitude rather than cut kitty-corner across Jefferson’s grid. Ley lines link a number of ancient landmarks by a series of straight lines. It was the 'Lake of the Shining, do talk about a race that lived here before the Native American. I titled this post “Ley Lines” as a joke, but we might as well see if there are any actual ley lines. Paved roads (auto trails) only showed up after the railroads had determined population distribution. Along this grid of straight ley lines can be found burial mounds, effigies, stone structures (standing stones, circles, pyramids, dolmans, … (I guess finding your way by driving in American cities gets more difficult if the streets are not named by numbers like in NY and the numeration is not clearly visible from the car. The name Dr Pibb was to avoid claims of trademark infringement. Other cities have strange quirks. Energy points are near or pass through mountains and bodies of water that form a ring around the Grand Tetons. It’s the driving distance that incentivizes businesses to locate in a town. (I live in NYC now, but the particular office on whose floor I sleep had the good sense to put themselves in a square that is neither a square nor part of the grid system.). Between the yellow dots at least – I’d bet there used to be a road all the way there (or at least most of the way). For a perfect grid, you would see how close the points are to fitting on grid points, but with lines — well, you can see how close the points are to best-fit lines, but across a 2-d plane that seems like cheating: you should compare it to the probability of random points generating any sets of line-like arrangements that would be recognizable, not just the ones that they happen to actually form. Download, print and complete the maps and documents order form: DT1288 (Maps/Documents Purchase Order) Send form and check to: Wisconsin Department of Transportation Maps and Publications Sales P.O. The … Perhaps simply the sum of the old L of all 4 subsets of 3 lines. This is the opposite of my initial impression, which was that there was a clear and striking coordinate grid. Assuming a Poisson distribution, quite low. In contrast, Latin America was typically divvied up by the King of Spain making vast grants to his supporters based on large-scale geographic features that were known even in Spain. The interactive Global Vortex Map is back!. US numbered highways followed the paved roads, and Interstates followed the most popular US routes, so you have an iterative winner-take-all system in which the city with favorable rail service in 1885 ends up being the city with a couple of freeways in 1960. The midwest gets a pretty grid-like distribution of roads. My home town had a Riverside Drive, which: New Planetary Grid Map on Google Maps . Well, I’d say there’s something to the grid idea, but it’s rather loose. We had some interesting discussions about Midwestern geography during our last Michigan Rationalist Meetup. If you want to stretch it, you could also imagine a horizontal line between the blue dots – Madison, Milwaukee, Grand Rapids, Flint, Sarnia, London, and continuing to Buffalo just off the map. Minneapolis has a mix of numbered and named streets, on a double grid pattern; downtown is a grid of NW/SE and NE/SW streets (all either perpendicular to or parallel to the Mississippi), while the rest of the city is mostly a standard grid of N/S and E/W streets (so all streets that run into downtown bend at the edge of the downtown area; in some cases, they bend in the same direction both times they cross the downtown border, and so run, say, E/W in eastern Minneapolis, NE/SW downtown, and N/S in northern Minneapolis). But should we stop and 4 points? PSC staff will continue to update and improve the GIS data and maps. And it leads to a terrible multiple comparisons correction. The results can be 90-degree intersections and very long stretches of straight roads.[8][9]”. Ley lines is the term given to alleged alignments that have been found to link prehistoric mounds, stones, sacred sites, temples/churches, and geographical features.