With global ranking of 144, Dhaka is the seventh most stressed city in the world and one of the most stressed cities in Asia. The world is becoming more urban. In fact, based on several economic, environmental, and cultural factors it’s clear to see that some places are more pleasant to live than others. Countries that have a very low ranking while considering stress as a factor can always follow countries that are in the top list and reduce stress level to a large extent in the country. It discusses the results of a recent survey on workplace stress by international business service provider Regus, which names China, and in particular Beijing and Shanghai, as the most “stressful” country in the world.The article speculates on social … Here are the 30 most stressful jobs in the world. Personal assistant. The first thing to note is that the ranking includes 74 countries only. And that’s just the start of it. Last year, Americans reported feeling stress, anger and … #1 Iceland. More than 3 in 4 parents of children ages 8-12 (76%) agree the coronavirus pandemic made the 2019-20 school year extremely stressful for them, and a similar proportion (77%) say uncertainty about what the 2020-21 school year will be like causes them stress. Comprehensive data could not be found for every country in the world and the ranking is therefore restricted to only those countries that can be fairly compared. A 100% literacy rate means one less thing to worry about. Most-stressed countries — methodology. The most positive country was Paraguay, the report said. The US was the 39th most positive country, the UK was 46th and India ranked 93rd. Average salary: $48,020 (£35,320) A personal assistant’s role is highly stressful due to the large number of administrative tasks that you’ll have to manage. As for the cities with the most stress, Cleveland, Ohio, took the top spot, with a total score of 66.93. The most negative country was Chad, followed by Niger. Budapest, the capital of Hungary, made the top 25 most stressed out cities in part because of relatively long commutes and a low ranking in the 2020 Gallup World … Nigeria is pretty stressful. Bloomberg scored 74 countries around the world for their “stressed-out” factor, and has seen Nigeria coming up at the top, followed by South Africa & El Salvador. Americans are among the most stressed people in the world, according to a new survey. 1. According to a 2018 report from the United Nations, 68% of the global population is projected to live in urban areas by 2050. The following was translated and edited from an article that appeared on the Chinese news site Huanqiu.com. So, here it is, a list of the least stressful places on the planet. We all know that, and those of us that live there have to deal with daily stresses that wouldn’t exist in other parts of the world at all. The world, like most things in life, isn’t created equal.