Vicious Nightsister Leader who inflicts Plague, preventing enemies from Dispelling debuffs. Power 34605; Speed 142; Health 43,860 If any enemies are defeated, all Nightsister allies are Revived and recover 100% Health. Deal Special damage to target enemy and call all other Nightsister allies to Assist. See, Mk 3 Merr-Sonn Thermal Detonator Prototype, Mk 3 Merr-Sonn Thermal Detonator Prototype Salvage, Mk 3 Chiewab Hypo Syringe Prototype Salvage, Mk 2 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars Prototype, Mk 8 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars Salvage, Mk 8 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars Prototype, Mk 8 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars Component, Mk 5 Merr-Sonn Thermal Detonator Prototype, Mk 5 Merr-Sonn Thermal Detonator Prototype Salvage, Mk 12 ArmaTek Wrist Band Prototype Salvage, Mk 12 ArmaTek Multi-tool Prototype Salvage, Mk 12 Czerka Shield Generator Prototype Salvage, Mk 12 ArmaTek Fusion Furnace Prototype Salvage, Mk 12 Czerka Stun Cuffs Prototype Salvage, Mk 7 Kyrotech Shock Prod Prototype Salvage, Number in order of most important, 1, to least important,, If the target was Plagued, inflict Plague for 3 turns, When a Nightsister ally uses a Basic ability during their turn, a random defeated Nightsister ally is Revived with 50% Health and called to Assist, then the Revived ally is immediately defeated unless an enemy was defeated (the Revived ally can't be Revived by this effect again until the end of the next turn), When any unit falls below half health, Talzin gains 35% Turn Meter. Shards of Mother Talzin were first made available through the Defense of Dathomir Special Event and the Rituals of Revenge Marquee Event, both of … Reward: Mother Talzin - SWGOH Events displays the next event date with relevant information about the event. Deal Special damage to target enemy. After all, who doesn't want to get to the point where we're farming shards for a woman whos so penultimately bitchy she should carry a Nightsister tag? Light Side Battles: 8-A (Hard) Combat Darth Maul and waves of pirates in the dunes of Tatooine. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. Vicious Nightsister Leader who inflicts Plague, preventing enemies from Dispelling debuffs. Mother Talzin Shards x0-1. search Defense of Dathomir is a scheduled Heroic Battle that requires 5 Nightsister for Tier 1 in order to obtain shards for Mother Talzin and requires Mother Talzin and four other 7 star characters for Tier 2 in order to receive 2-4 Ability Material Zeta. Mother Talzin was an extremely powerful witch and a master of dark magicks, able to manipulate the spirit ichor that flowed from Dathomir's depths in a variety of ways. 1st Time. Endor Escalation – Heroic event where you fight to acquire Wicket shards and Zeta materials. } Paragraph for each faction this unit has synergy with. 2. Power 34605; Speed 142; Health 43,860 Vicious Nightsister Leader who inflicts Plague, preventing enemies from Dispelling debuffs. Mother Talzin. Next Event: 2021-02-23. Mother Talzin. She's effectively a legendary hero at this point but worse. When a Nightsister ally uses a Special ability, they inflict Plague on the selected target for 3 turns, which can't be Evaded. Paragraph. //Set selected gear level She often led the rest of the Nig… for(i of gearLvs){ Home; About. Rituals of Revenge. When a Nightsister ally uses a Basic ability during their turn, a random defeated Nightsister ally is Revived with 50% Health and called to Assist, then the Revived ally is immediately defeated unless an enemy was defeated (the Revived ally can't be Revived by this effect again until the end of the next turn). The team: Rex (L), zzR2, zThrawn, General Kenobi, Mother Talzin. Deal Special damage to target enemy and, if they were Plagued, inflict Plague for 3 turns. I have often considered writing a Top 10 Most Annoying Characters to Face in SWGoH article – Nightsister Zombie will definitely have a spot in the Top 5 if I ever get around to it. When an enemy Resists a detrimental effect, all Nightsister allies gain 5% Turn Meter. If any enemies are defeated, all Nightsister allies are Revived and recover 100% Health. Commander Luke Skywalker, Jedi Training Rey, Chewbacca, Thrawn, Yoda, and more. Defense of Dathomir – Heroic event where you fight to acquire Mother Talzin shards and Zeta materials. If any enemies are defeated, all Nightsister allies are Revived and recover 100% Health. Required Player Level: 74. Last Event: 2017-10-20. Learn more about Revan at When any unit falls below half health, Talzin gains 35% Turn Meter. Paragraph Project Dinner Table. SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. <<<>> Information on any specifics that may be important to know such as ability order or when not to do an ability. If the target was Plagued, inflict Plague for 3 turns, When a Nightsister ally uses a Basic ability during their turn, a random defeated Nightsister ally is Revived with 50% Health and called to Assist, then the Revived ally is immediately defeated unless an enemy was defeated (the Revived ally can't be Revived by this effect again until the end of the next turn), When any unit falls below half health, Talzin gains 35% Turn Meter. Any Faction - Very Low Synergy Deal Special damage to all Plagued enemies, which can't be Countered. Accelerated units have increased drop quantities. Mother Talzin. Project Dinner Table. Kit Counters <<>> Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit. Find the next event dates, history, tips & tricks, & rumors in EA's Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mobile game. #unit-stat-select{ padding:5px 10px; border:1px solid #000; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #000; border-radius: 5px;}, Dark Magick Mods are not included in calculations. Rex is G11, Talzin is 4* and G11. Vicious Nightsister Leader who inflicts Plague, preventing enemies from Dispelling debuffs. SWGOH EVENTS. From SWGoH Help Wiki. Nightsister allies have +50% Potency and +30 Speed. 4 Turn Cooldown, Spirit Blade Assault Includes Legendaries, Journey events, Grand Arena, Territory Wars, Territory Battles, and more. Reward: … When a Nightsister ally uses a Special ability, they inflict Plague on the selected target for 3 turns, which can't be Evaded. Ignore - ProtectionAssist - Call All AlliesRevive - All AlliesHeal Health - All AlliesTurn Meter Gain - Self. When any unit falls below half health, Talzin gains 35% Turn Meter. Requirements: Nightsisters (5-stars or higher) Recommended Level: 78+ "Unlock the Bonus Tier with a 7-star Mother Talzin" Inflict Daze with Hail of Arrows … Deal Special damage to all enemies and inflict Plague for 3 turns. 1st Time. Jump to:navigation, search. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Events. Mother Talzin Lead Synergy: Nightsister. Deal Special damage to target enemy and, if they were Plagued, inflict Plague for 3 turns. Ghosts of Dathomir – Fight the Nightsisters and destroy the Spirit Altar for shards of Nightsister Spirit or Nightsister Zombie. Paragraph (5 Turn Cooldown). At the start of each enemy turn, if they are Plagued and Talzin is active, they inflict Plague on another random enemy, which can't be Evaded or Resisted. Type: Special Event Duration: 1 Description 2 Tiers 2.1 Tier I 2.1.1 Strategy Tips 2.2 Bonus Tier "The Separatist Droid Army, led by General Grievous and Count Dooku has attacked! Vicious Nightsister Leader who inflicts Plague, preventing enemies from Dispelling debuffs, Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. Jedi - High Synergy 0-1. 0-1. document.getElementById(i).style.display = 'none'; Vicious Nightsister Leader who inflicts Plague, preventing enemies from Dispelling debuffs. Nightsister allies have +50% Potency and +30 Speed. The Sith Triumvirate Raid (heretofore: Sith Raid) is ass. We try to keep the page as up to date as possible and have a team of multiple TW officers working on it on a daily basis. 4 Turn Cooldown. //Hide all gear levels Contact Us Defense of Dathomir. 1. Experience; Why; Spoonbender; FAQs; Experiences; Purchase; Connect. <<>>Image or list of specific character synergy. 0-1. Details of how to use and mod Mother Talzin within specific teams can be found on the following pages: <<>> Add links to internal or external guides in list format here. When a Nightsister ally uses a Basic ability during their turn, a random defeated Nightsister ally is Revived with 50% Health and called to Assist, then the Revived ally is immediately defeated unless an enemy was defeated (the Revived ally can't be Revived by this effect again until the end of the next turn). Special Level 8 This page is intended to make it a little less ass. This attack ignores Protection.Plague: Unit loses 5% Health when inflicted and at the start of their turn, is immune to allied Dispels, and loses all stacks of Plague when healed to full Health. She's locked in some sort of purgatory between legend and hero's journey because you still need 5 specific heroes and you also get like once in a blue moon chances to get her shards. Nightsister allies have +50% Potency and +30 Speed. This attack ignores Protection. At the start of each enemy turn, if they are Plagued and Talzin is active, they inflict Plague on another random enemy, which can't be Evaded or Resisted. Unlike other members of her kind, she claimed to not have a natural connection with the Force; despite this, her powers were in fact derived from the Nightsister's unique connection to the Force, which allowed her to craft a crystal ball to see the future or events across the galaxy. TOPICS: Asajj Ventress HAAT mods Mods 2.0 Mother Talzin nightsisters Sith Triumvirate Raid swgoh mods swgoh relics Posted By: ljcool110 October 16, 2017 Welcome to the latest article in a series about Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where we take a look at the best mods for individual characters. Gather the Nightsisters and defend Dathomir!" swgoh grand arena beginners guide. Example Mother Talzin Arena Viability wanted to see what everyone’s thoughts are with Mother Talzin, I brought her up to 7*, 2 pieces from g12, mainly for PVE with upcoming GvG and DS TB, but I’ve been experimenting throwing her into a meta team, but have been underwhelmed. SWGOH Mother Talzin Counters Based on 9,998 GAC Battles analyzed this season. E.G. var gearLvs = ["Gear_1", "Gear_2", "Gear_3", "Gear_4", "Gear_5", "Gear_6", "Gear_7", "Gear_8", "Gear_9", "Gear_10", "Gear_11","Gear_12","Gear_13", "Relic_1", "Relic_2", "Relic_3", "Relic_4", "Relic_5", "Relic_6", "Relic_7", "Relic_8"]; Special Level 8 Rewards. Deal Special damage to all Plagued enemies, which can't be Countered. Sith Triumvirate Raid. R2, GK, and Thrawn are G12. Light Side - Low Synergy Nightsister allies have +50% Potency and +30 Speed. A guildmate suggested the team to me and I had to try, I really like Talzin's kit and Dark Side in general. Mother Talzin, a native of the planet Dathomir (and famously known for her leader role in The Clone Wars animated series), practices “Dark Magick” that inflicts Plague, which is an absolute nightmare for opposing teams since it ignores protection and … Starting with the 5th year celebration, we will be increasing the Shard drop count on most nodes and the currency-to-Shard rate in many stores. var i At the start of each enemy turn, if they are Plagued and Talzin is active, they inflict Plague on another random enemy, which can't be Evaded or Resisted. Details of how to use and mod Mother Talzin within specific teams can be found on the following pages: <<>> Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit. Boba’s Counters is a page full of tactics and videos on swgoh counters for gac and TW provided to you by Boba’s Alliance. When a Nightsister ally uses a Special ability, they inflict Plague on the selected target for 3 turns, which can't be Evaded.