The answer by Amit-IO is good, but the example theme that is needed has stopped being maintained. Click Save & Close; Getting the Font. Note to all who read this answer: this is a built-in Windows shortcut to enable the dark "high contrast" theme. Notepad2 Dark Theme, Schemes, Style or whatever you call it I’ve been using Notepad2 instead of the default Notepad.exe that comes with Windows for several years now. VS2015 Dark Theme for Notepad++. Perhaps posts 8,9 here give a clue- but not only for Notepad. Although users can enable Dark Theme in Windows 10 via Settings, it doesn’t apply to the traditional Notepad app.If you want to use a Notepad app with dark mode or black theme … Themes. Just download NotepadDARK and enjoy..! Follow the method to get Notepad++ dark mode in Windows 10. Bored of the existing default Windows 10 notepad? Themes are pre-defined sets of formatting rules, which often try to use a consistent color scheme between languages. The Notepad ++ with a dark theme is the best possible application with its advanced features as it seems to be a mini MS Word combined with Adobe Dreamweaver. I want notepad++ have dark theme like VS code. – LWChris Aug 19 '16 at 20:44 @easycheese it does in Win10 and I have tried it successfully. Notepad++, there here is how you can, Change Default App Windows Mode to Light or Dark Theme in Windows 10 | Tutorials I have the background changed- for that and many standard areas. Restart Notepad++. It’ just as fast as regular Notepad.exe but handles bigger files better. It has been downloaded 4032 times and provides support for a lot of common editors. Does all the basic features of default Notepad. Atom Version; Android Studio / IntelliJ Version; This is as close as I can get to a replica of the Visual Studio 2015's Dark theme in Notepad++. You may choose your theme using the Preferences > Style Configurator dialog.. Notepad++ comes packaged with a default theme and a number of other themes to start with. Place the downloaded .xml file inside the folder. I don’t want to use VS code because I love notepad++. could you create option dark + light theme in setting. NotepadDARK is a dark and beautiful text files editing app with colors that match your system theme. Others have used high contrast themes- but again, not just for Notepad. Notepad++ Dark Mode Theme Dark Mode, Night Mode or you can call it the Dark Theme is a light to dark color scheme that is most widely used these days on Mobile Phones and Software applications, so if you are wondering how can you enable dark mode in the most famous text editor for Windows i.e. I created it to ease switching between files opened in Visual Studio and Notepad++. I config it to dark style by setting because I have to write code for long hour, but now my eye conflict with white UI of notepad++. Notepad++ changed in the past couple of years, and it requires a few extra steps to set up a dark theme. Note the builds to which these comments apply though. The Dark Neon Notepad++ theme is a color scheme for eclipse created by Peter Faria. Notepad++ is one of the best dark notepad alternatives free to use and is an excellent code editor for Windows 10. It aims to be a replacement for the built-in Windows notepad. Select Material Theme from the theme drop-down box. I mean both dark UI and background (night mode). Open the themes folder, create a new folder named themes if it doesn’t exists. Open Settings->Style Configurator.