Certificate will have your name, photograph and the score in the final exam with the breakup.It will have the logos of NPTEL and IIT Kanpur. Open the site. His main research area is formal verification. including in vitro diagnostics in India (Version Ảnh gỗ, Ảnh Cưới, In Ảnh Giá Rẻ, Tranh treo tường, Ảnh khổ lớn In most of the courses, there is a list of industries that will consider this course certificate. conducting clinical trials in India for Waves in Guided and Wireless Media, NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language, NOC:Descriptive Statistics with R Software, NOC:Solar Photovoltaics: Principles, Technologies & Materials, NOC:Defects in Crystalline Solids (Part-II), NOC:Applications of interactomics using Genomics and proteomics technologies, NOC:Learning about Learning: A Course on Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, NOC:Transport Phenomena of Non-Newtonian Fluids, NOC:Molecular Spectroscopy: A Physical Chemist's perspective, NOC:Advanced Transition Metal Organometallic Chemistry, NOC:Multidimensional NMR Spectroscopy for Structural Studies of Biomolecules, NOC:Symmetry and Structure in the Solid State, NOC:Subsurface exploration :importance and techniques involved, NOC:Environmental Remediation of Contaminated Sites, NOC:Advance power electronics and Control, NOC:Fundamentals of semiconductor devices, NOC:Electronic Systems for Cancer Diagnosis, NOC:Electronic Modules for Industrial Applications using Op-Amps, NOC:Fundamental of Welding Science and Technology, NOC:Polymer Assisted Abrasive Finishing Processes, NOC:Manufacturing Guidelines for Product Design, NOC:Inspection and Quality Control in Manufacturing, NOC:Friction and wear of materials: principles and case studies, NOC:Urban governance and Development Management (UGDM), NOC:Teaching And Learning in Engineering (TALE), ACM Summer School In Data Science,2018 - Goa, NOC: Steel Quality : Role of Secondary Refining & Continuous Casting, NOC:Chemistry: Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding, NOC:Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography, NOC:Infrared spectroscopy for pollution monitoring, NOC:Electrical Distribution System Analysis, NOC:Advanced Linear Continuous Control Systems: Applications with MATLAB Programming and Simulink, NOC:Fabrication Techniques for MEMs-based sensors : Clinical perspective, NOC:Op-Amp Practical Applications: Design, Simulation and Implementation, NOC:Physical Modelling for Electronics Enclosures using Rapid prototyping, NOC:Recent Advances in Transmission Insulators, NOC:Innovation, Business Models and Entrepreneurship, NOC:Business Analytics & Data Mining Modeling Using R Part II, NOC:Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations and Applications, NOC:Mathematical Modelling: Analysis and Applications, NOC:Fundamentals of Surface Engineering: Mechanisms,Processes and Characterizations, NOC:Principles of Metal Forming Technology, NOC:Culturally Responsive Built Environments, NOC:Role of Craft and Technology in Interior - Architecture, NOC:Bioengineering: An Interface with Biology and Medicine, NOC:Inorganic Chemistry of Life: Principles and Perspectives, NOC:Computational Chemistry and Classical Molecular Dynamics, NOC:Fire Protection, Services and Maintenance Management of Building, NOC:Design and pedagogy of the introductory programming course, NOC:Principles of Digital Communications (July-Oct 2018), NOC:Introduction to Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes, NOC:Theory of groups for physics applications, NOC:Yarn manufacture I : Principle of Carding and Drawing, NOC:Design of fixed wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, NOC:Introduction to Finite Volume Methods I, NOC:Photogeology In Terrain Evaluation (Part 2), NOC:Introduction to Accounting and Finance for Civil Engineers, NOC:Embedded Systems-Design Verification and Test, NOC:Multi-Core Computer Architecture-Storage and Interconnects, NOC:Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems, NOC:Advanced Topics in Probability and Random Processes, NOC:Applied Optimization for Wireless, Machine Learning, Big Data, NOC:Fiber-Optic Communication Systems and Techniques, NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought, NOC:Microeconomics: Theory & Applications, NOC:Data Analysis and Decision Making - I, NOC:Simulation of Business Systems: An Applied Approach, NOC:Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design, NOC:Introduction to Abrasive Machining and Finishing Processes, NOC:Phase Equilibria in Materials (Nature & Properties of Materials-II), NOC:Smart Materials and Intelligent System Design, NOC:Defects in Crystalline Solids (Part-I), NOC:Advanced Quantum Mechanics with Applications, NOC:Fluid Inclusion in Mineral Principles, Methodology, Practice and Application, NOC:Computer Networks and Internet Protocol, NOC:Blockchain Architecture Design and Use Cases, NOC:Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, NOC:Analysis and Design Principles of Microwave Antennas, NOC:Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit, NOC:Introduction to Abstract and Linear Algebra, NOC:Heat Exchangers: Fundamentals and Design Analysis, NOC:Introduction to Non-linear Optics and its Applications, NOC:Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering, NOC:Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, NOC:Dairy and Food process and products technology, NOC:Organic Farming for Sustainable Agricultural Production, NOC:Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics, NOC:Glass in buildings:  Design and Application, NOC:Architectural Design of Digital Integrated Circuits, NOC:Introduction to probability and Statistics, NOC:Introduction to Abstract Group Theory, NOC:Groups : Motion, symmetry and puzzles, NOC:Design for Quality, Manufacturing and Assembly, NOC:Surrogates and Approximations in Engineering Design, NOC:Elementary Stereology for Quantitative Metallography, NOC:Welding of Advanced High Strength Steels for Automotive Applications, NOC:Experimental Stress Analysis: An Overview, NOC:Introductory Mathematical Methods for Biologists, NOC:BioInformatics:Algorithms and Applications, NOC:An Introduction to Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics, NOC:Measurement Technique in Multiphase Flows, NOC:Inductive Couple Plasma Atomic Emmission Spectrometry ( ICP-AES) for Pollution Monitering, NOC:Transition Metal Organometallic Chemistry: Principles to applications, NOC:Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics, NOC:Energy Efficiency, Acoustics and daylighting in Building, NOC:Digital elevation models and applications, NOC:Computer Organization and Architecture A Pedagogical Aspect, NOC:An Introduction to Probability in Computing, NOC:Introduction to Human Computer Interaction, NOC:Optimization Techniques for Digital VLSI Design, NOC:Probability Foundations for Electrical Engineers, NOC:Mathematical Methods and Techniques in Signal Processing, NOC:Electronics Enclosures Thermal Issues, NOC:Integrated Circuits, MOSFETs, Op-Amps and their Applications, NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity, NOC:Business analytics and data mining Modeling using R, NOC:Calculus for Economics,Commerce and Management, NOC:Basics of software-defined radios and practical applications, NOC:Numerical Methods: Finite difference approach, NOC:Fundamentals of Nuclear Power Generation, NOC:Advances in welding and joining technologies, NOC:Introduction to Machining and Machining Fluids, NOC:Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering, NOC:Computer Methods Of Structural Analysis Of Offshore Structures, NOC:Digital and the Everyday: from codes to cloud, NOC:Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice, NOC:A Study Guide In Organic Retrosynthesis: Problem Solving Approach, NOC:Introduction To Molecular Thermodynamics, NOC:Soil Mechanics/Geotechnical Engineering I, NOC:Electronic Waste Management - Issues And Challenges, NOC:Mineral Resources: Geology, Exploration, Economics And Environment, NOC:Problem Solving through Programming in C, NOC:Business Analytics For Management Decision, NOC:Soft Skills For Business Negotiations And Marketing Strategies, NOC:Introduction to Mechanical Micro Machining, NOC:Machinery Fault Diagnosis and Signal Processing, NOC:Gear and Gear Unit Design : Theory and Practice, NOC:Traditional and Non-Traditional Optimization Tools, NOC:Architectural Conservation And Historic Preservation, NOC:Introduction To Professional Scientific Communication, NOC:Thermodynamics Of Fluid Phase Equilibria, NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes, NOC:Management of New Products and Services, NOC:Practitioners Course In Descriptive, Predictive And Prescriptive Analytics, NOC:Nature And Properties Of Materials-An Introductory Course, NOC:Combustion in air breathing aero engines, NOC:Introduction to evolutionary dynamics, NOC:Unit operations of particulate matter, NOC:Trace and ultra-trace analysis of metals using atomic absorption spectrometry, NOC:Chemical and biological thermodynamics: principles to applications, NOC:Advanced Mathematical Methods for Chemistry, NOC:Co-ordination chemistry (chemistry of transition elements), NOC:Geoenvironmental Engineering (Environmental Geotechnology): Landfills, Slurry Ponds & Contaminated Sites, NOC:Principles of Construction Management, NOC:Integrated Waste Management for a Smart City, NOC:Digital Image Processing of Remote Sensing Data, NOC:Introduction to Parallel Programming in OpenMP, NOC:Computer architecture and organization, NOC:Introduction to algorithms and analysis, NOC:Computer Organization and Architecture, NOC:Introduction to Wireless and Cellular Communications, NOC:Principles of Communication Systems: Part - II, NOC:Advances in UHV Transmission and Distribution, NOC:Visual Perception and Art: A Survey Across the Cultures, NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes, NOC:History of English Language and Literature, NOC:Gender justice and workplace security, NOC:Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists, NOC:Constrained and unconstrained optimization, NOC:Integral equations, calculus of variations and its applications, NOC:Heat Treatment and Surface Hardening - II, NOC:Sustainability through Green Manufacturing Systems: An Applied Approach, NOC:Energy conservation and waste heat recovery, NOC:Micro and nano scale energy transport, NOC:Steel Quality : Role of Secondary Refining & Continuous Casting, NOC:Fundamentals of manufacturing processes, NOC:Modelling and simulation of discrete event system, NOC:Processing of Polymers and Polymer Composites, NOC:Classical mechanics: from newtonian to lagrangian formulation, NOC:Modern digital communication techniques, NOC:Analog Circuits and Systems through SPICE Simulation, NOC:Enclosure design of electronics equipment, NOC:Momentum transfer in process engineering, NOC:Principles of Communication Systems - I, NOC:Earth Sciences for Civil Engineering - Part 2, NOC:Introduction to Ancient Indian Technology, NOC:Hydration, Porosity and Strength of Cementitious Materials, NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality, NOC:English Language for Competitive Exams, NOC:Compliant Mechanisms: Principles and Design, NOC:Spread Spectrum Communications and Jamming, NOC:Landscape Architecture and Site Planning - Basic Fundamentals, NOC:Qualitative Research Methods and Research Writing, NOC:Transport Processes I: Heat and Mass Transfer, NOC:Systems Engineering: Theory & Practice, NOC:Sustainable Engineering Concepts And Life Cycle Analysis, NOC:Digital Land Surveying And Mapping(DLS&M), NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists, NOC:Fundamentals of Material Processing - Part 2, NOC:Chemistry I:Introduction To Quantum Chemistry And Molecular Spectroscopy, NOC:Foundation Course in Managerial Economics, NOC:Modeling Transport Phenomena of Microparticles, NOC:Design Principles of RF and Microwave Filters and Amplifiers, NOC:Computational Science and Engineering Using Python, NOC:Offshore Structures Under Special Loads Including Fire Resistance, NOC:Visual Communication Design for Digital Media, NOC:Introduction to Experiments in Flight, NOC:Introduction to Dynamical Models in Biology, NOC:Visual Semiotics for Visual Communication, NOC:Services Marketing: A Practical Approach, NOC:Non Traditional Abrasive Machining Processes- Ultrasonic, Abrasive Jet and Abrasive Water Jet Machining, NOC:Outcome Based Pedagogic Principles for Effective Teaching, NOC:Mathematical Methods and its Applications, NOC:Modelling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems, NOC:Linear Regression Analysis and Forecasting, NOC:Depreciation, Alternate Investment and Profitability Analysis, NOC:Financial Statement Analysis and Reporting, NOC:Fundamentals of Wavelets, Filter Banks and Time Frequency Analysis, NOC:Atomic and Molecular Absorption Spectrometry for Pollution Monitoring, NOC:Heat Transfer and Combustion in Multiphase Systems, NOC:Manufacturing Process Technology - II, Finite Element method for vibration and Stability analyses, NOC:Adiabatic Two-Phase Flow and Flow Boiling in Microchannel, NOC:Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, NOC:Principles and Applications of Building Science, Fundamental Algorithms:Design and Analysis, NOC:Time value of money-Concepts and Calculations, NOC:Strategic Communication for Sustainable Development, NOC:Computer numerical control (CNC) of machine tools and processes, NOC:Introduction to Modern Application Development, NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation, NOC:Fundamentals of Material Processing - I, NOC:Privacy and Security in Online Social Media, NOC:Introduction to crystal elasticity and crystal plasticity, NOC:Aircraft Dynamic Stability & Design Stability Augmentation System, NOC:Pericyclic Reactions and Organic Photochemistry, NOC:Theory and Practice of Non Destructive Testing, NOC:Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms using Python, NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists, NOC:Commodity Derivatives and Risk Management, NOC:Heat Treatment and Surface Hardening - I, NOC:Fundamentals of MIMO Wireless Communication, NOC:Chemical Applications of Symmetry and Group Theory, NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality, NOC:Basics of Finite Element Analysis - II, NOC:An Introduction to Information Theory, Safety Practices in Chemical and Nuclear Industries, NOC:Computational Electromagnetics & Applications, NOC:Phase field modelling: the materials science, mathematics and computational aspects, Basic Algebraic Geometry : Varieties, Morphisms, Local Rings, Function Fields and Nonsingularity, NOC:Biomaterials for bone tissue engineering applications, NOC:Understanding Design Thinking & People Centred Design, NOC:Earth Sciences For Civil Engineering Part - I & II, NOC:Complex Network : Theory and Application, NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation, NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II, NOC:Bayesian/ MMSE Estimation for Wireless Communications –MIMO/ OFDM He has been a faculty member at Chennai Mathematical Institute since 1992, where he is presently Professor and Dean of Studies. 2.0), NOC:Current regulatory requirements for FAQs. I had taken the courses to explore new domains of knowledge and also to complement the University curriculum. The undertaking Authority National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning is set to produce NPTEL Online Courses Result 2020 online. In most of the courses, there is a list of industries that will consider this course certificate. Enrollment Process: Decide the course of interest. NPTEL's curriculum enables the student to engage and learn directly from the best faculty of the country in that special subject. NPTEL Online Courses Result 2020 nptel.ac.in Results, Toppers List. Through this online portal, 10hr, 20hr and 30hr courses of 4, 8, and 12 weeks duration respectively in various engineering disciplines, sciences, humanities, NPTEL provides E-learning through online Web and Video courses various streams. NPTEL Online Courses Result 2020 nptel.ac.in Results, Toppers … For the offline and online test that was conducted on Nov … Enrolment is closed for 291 courses in Jan 2019 semester:Choose from 4-week (Set-1 or 2), 8-week (Set-1 or 2) and 12-week (Set-1 only) courses in any field, Click here for a list of ongoing courses, including course-start and exam dates.Click here for a Tentative list of July - Dec 2019 courses, including course-start and exam dates.Click here for Timelines and Guidelines of Jan -Jun 2019****************************************************************Total Enrolments for Jan - April 2019 : 1619064Total Exam Registrations for Jan - April 2019: 203984****************************************************************Click here for a list of NPTEL Online Courses For AICTE FDP, Jan - Apr 2019, © 2014 NPTEL - Certification courses are offered twice a year (Jan-Jun, Jul-Dec). In addition to the NPTEL MOOC programme, he has been involved in orga nizing IARCS Instructional Courses … Enrolment is closed for 291 courses in Jan 2019 semester: ****************************************************************, for a list of NPTEL Online Courses For AICTE FDP, Jan - Apr 2019, Click here for a Tentative list of July - Dec 2019 courses. COURSE LAYOUT Week 1 Informal introduction to programmin, algorithms and data structures viagcd Downloading and installing Python gcd in Python: variables, operations, control flow - assignments, condition-als, loops, functions Week 2 Python: types, expressions, strings, lists, tuples Python memory model: names, mutable and immutable values List operations: slices … NPTEL Online Courses Result 2020 nptel.ac.in Results, Toppers List. Enrollments is closed for all Jan 2021 courses Click here f or Timelines and Guidelines of Jan -Jun 2019 ***** Total Enrolments for Jan - April 2019 : 1619064 Total Exam Registrations for Jan - April 2019: 203984 ***** Click here for a list of NPTEL Online Courses For AICTE FDP, Jan - Apr 2019 The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), a project funded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), provides e-learning through online Web and Video courses in Engineering, Sciences, Technology, Management and Humanities.This is a joint initiative by seven IITs and IISc Bangalore. NPTEL also shares the toppers’ list to those industries for recruitment purpose. About NPTEL Online Certification by a student - Duration: 2:25. But if you want a certificate, you have to register and write the proctored exam conducted by us in person at any of the designated exam centres. NPTEL Online Courses Result 2020 nptel.ac.in Results, Toppers List. Enhance skills that meet your need online. Courses Details: The NPTEL 28 October Exam Topper List shall be put online at www.nptel.ac.in which is an officially approved website for the organization. Click here for a Tentative list of July - Dec 2019 courses, including course-start and exam dates. In 2014 process of getting certified from NPTEL courses was initiated, so that learners get a tangible end result in the form of a certificate from the IITs/IISc for their effort. The undertaking Authority National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning is set to produce NPTEL Online Courses Result 2020 online. WELCOME TO SWAYAM-NPTEL. January 3, 2020 January 3, 2020 by Shivam singh. - The main objective of the NPTEL is to enhance the … In addition, the course will have an extensive set of Practical Tutorials which will help students get a feel for real-world development. NPTEL Online Courses offers students the opportunity to explore new areas of interest - which are not possible in regular college environments. Nptel is a joint initiative from IITs and IISc to offer online courses & certification. 2:14. It is that easy! January 3, 2020 January 3, 2020 by Shivam singh. National Programme for Technology Enhanced Learning is a joint initiative from IITs and IISc to offer online courses and certification in various topics, Learn for free; Pay a small fee to write an exam and get a certificate. NPTEL provides E-learning through online Web and Video courses various streams. The list of student toppers who have scored 90% and above in the completed courses - namely "Programming,Data Structures and Algorithms", "Basic Electrical Circuits" and "Introduction to Programming in C" has been published on the NPTEL website. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/explorer. Honor Code NPTEL Online Courses Result 2020 nptel.ac.in Results, Toppers List. Choose your desired course(s) and use the "Join" link to enroll. This strengthens the student’s fundamentals in the course. Application in Organic Synthesis, NOC:Chemical kinetics and transition state theory, NOC:Structure, Stereochemistry and Reactivity of Organic Compounds and Intermediates: A Problem_solving Approach, NOC:Approximate Methods in Quantum Chemistry, NOC:Symmetry, Stereochemistry and Applications, NOC:Remote Sensing: Principles and Applications, NOC:Construction methods and equipment management, NOC:Development and Applications of Special Concretes, NOC:Digital Signal Processing and its Applications, NOC:Computer Vision and Image Processing - Fundamentals and Applications, NOC:Applied Linear Algebra for Signal Processing, Data Analytics and Machine Learning, NOC:Introduction to Time - Varying Electrical Networks, Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being, NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A broad overview, NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research, NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives, NOC:Globalization: Theoretical Perspectives, NOC:Towards an Ethical Digital Society: From Theory to Practice, NOC:Handling Large_Scale Unit Level Data Using STATA, NOC:Quality Control and Improvement with MINITAB, NOC:Technology Forecasting for strategic decision making _ An Introduction, NOC:Leadership for India Inc: Practical concepts and Constructs, NOC:Organization Theory/Structure and Design, NOC:Introduction to Algebraic Topology (Part_I), NOC:Advanced Partial Differential Equations, NOC:Essentials of Data Science With R Software _ 1: Probability and Statistical Inference, NOC:Essentials of Data Science With R Software _ 2: Sampling Theory and Linear Regression Analysis, NOC:Variational Calculus and its applications in Control Theory and Nanomechanics, NOC:Computational Mathematics with SageMath, NOC:Introduction to Probability (with examples using R), NOC:First Course on Partial Differential Equations _ I, NOC:Introduction to Uncertainty Analysis and Experimentation, NOC:Finite element modeling of welding processes, NOC:Evolutionary Computation for Single and Multi_Objective Optimization, NOC:Muffler Acoustics – Application to Automotive Exhaust Noise Control, NOC:Manufacturing Processes _ Casting and Joining, NOC:Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, NOC:Robotics: Basics and Selected Advanced Concepts, NOC:Scanning Electron / Ion / Probe Microscopy in Materials Characterization, NOC:Physics of linear and nonlinear optical waveguides, NOC:Engineering/Architectural Graphics _ part I _ Orthographic projection, NOC:Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics for Chemical and Biomedical Engineers, NOC:Model Predictive Control: Theory and Applications, NOC:Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving, NOC: Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture, ACM Winter School 2019 on High Performance Computing (HPC) IIT Kanpur, NOC:Fundamentals of Electric vehicles: Technology & Economics, ACM - Indian Summer School on Programming Languages: Principles & Practice - Pune, NOC:Introduction to Embedded System Design, NOC:Introduction to Airbreathing Propulsion, NOC:Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems, NOC:Introduction to Developmental Biology, NOC:Polymers: concepts, properties, uses and sustainability, NOC:Quantum Chemistry of Atoms and Molecules, NOC:Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Spectroscopy, NOC:One and two dimensional NMR Spectroscopy for chemists, NOC:Introduction to Multimodal Urban Transportation Systems (MUTS), NOC:Earthquake Resistant Design of Foundations, NOC:Introduction to Engineering Seismology, NOC:Object Oriented System Development using UML, Java and Patterns, NOC:Data Structure and algorithms using Java, NOC:Bandit Algorithm (Online Machine Learning), NOC:Electrical Equipment and Machines: Finite Element Analysis, NOC:Power System Protection and Switchgear, NOC:Introductory Neuroscience & Neuro-Instrumentation, NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought, NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present, NOC:Organization Development and Change in 21st Century, NOC:The Future of Manufacturing Business: Role of Additive Manufacturing, NOC:Path Integral Methods in Physics & Finance, NOC:Computational Number Theory and Algebra, NOC:Essential Mathematics for Machine Learning, NOC:Finite Element Method: Variational Methods to Computer Programming, NOC:Fundamentals of Convective Heat Transfer, NOC:High Performance Computing for Scientists and Engineers, NOC:Engineering drawing and computer graphics, NOC:Computational Fluid Dynamics using Finite Volume Method, NOC:Solar Energy Engineering and Technology, NOC:Urban Landuse and transportation planning, NOC:Right to Information and Good Governance, NOC:Constitution of India and Environmental Governance: Administrative and Adjudicatory Process, NOC:Design and Simulation of Power conversion using open source tools, NOC:Google Cloud Computing Foundation Course, NOC:Interactomics : Basics & Applications, NOC:Thermodynamics for Biological Systems : Classical and Statistical Aspect, NOC:Optical Spectroscopy and Microscopy : Fundamentals of optical measurements and instrumentation, NOC:Computer Aided Applied Single Objective Optimization, NOC:Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering, NOC:Environmental Quality Monitoring & Analysis, NOC:Electrochemical Technology in Pollution Control, NOC:Transition Metal Organometallics in Catalysis and Biology, NOC:Essentials of Biomolecules : Nucleic Acids and Peptides, NOC:Earthquake Geology:A tool for Seismic Hazard Assessment, NOC:Geo Spatial Analysis in Urban Planning, NOC:Characterization of Construction Materials, NOC:Introduction to Civil Engineering Profession, NOC:Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Structures, NOC:Mechanical Characterization of Bituminous Materials, NOC:An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, NOC:User-centric Computing for Human-Computer Interaction, NOC:Introduction to Blockchain Technology and Applications, NOC:High Power Multilevel Converters- Analysis, design and operational issues, NOC:Fuzzy Sets, Logic and Systems & Applications, NOC:Transmission lines and electromagnetic waves, NOC:A brief introduction of Micro - Sensors, NOC:Electronics equipment integration and Prototype building, NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment, NOC:Literary Criticism (From Plato to Leavis), NOC:Introduction to Political Ideologies : Contexts, Ideas, and Practices, NOC:Introduction to Environmental Economics, NOC:Strategic Trade and protectionism - Theories and Empirics, NOC:Introduction to System Dynamics Modeling, NOC:Modelling and Analytics for Supply Chain Management, NOC:Services Marketing : Integrating People, Technology, Strategy, NOC:Managerial Skills for Interpersonal Dynamics, NOC:Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra, NOC:Computational Fluid Dynamics for Incompressible Flows, NOC:Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics, NOC:Foundations of Computational Materials Modelling, NOC:Fundamentals of combustion for propulsion, NOC:Robotics and Control : Theory and Practice, NOC:Dealing with materials data : collection, analysis and interpretation, NOC:Properties of Materials (Nature and Properties of Materials : III), NOC:Modeling of tundish steelmaking process in continuous casting, NOC:Physics through Computational Thinking, NOC:Introduction to Atmospheric and Space Sciences, NOC:Structure, Form and Architecture : The Synergy, NOC:Regulatory requirements for medical devices