In this article author did not clearly state the researcher question, the author did ask research question, and author further divided the each research question in to sub categories for more understanding of problems. See "Examples of Qualitative and Quantitative" page under "Nursing Research" for more information. Dr. What many modern college students in the United States forget is that successful research should be as innovative as possible. Re means once again ,anew, or a fresh. 2 Evaluate the infl uence of nursing research on current nursing and health care practices. Nursing research studies involving clients or that have the potential for affecting clients. Objective . Dr. Wyatt is a Co-Director of the Health Innovation Technology & Simulation Lab along with her research partner. the research process by providing an overview of the nursing research process, including the steps to designing a research project, and answers to frequently asked questions. Using multiple philosophical and theory-based approaches as well as diverse methodologies, nursing research focuses on the understanding and easement of the symptoms of acute and chronic illness; prevention or delayed onset of disease or disability, or slowing the progression thereof; finding … Nursing research is held to the same ethical standards as all other research involving human participants. One of most popular nursing research questions revolves around concept definition. A report may be written for a range of reasons and for a variety of audiences, therefore its nursing research: a detailed systematic study of a problem in the field of nursing. Quantitative research . A research report is a highly structured piece of writing that clearly states the purpose, findings and outcomes of research activity. The Declaration of Helsinki in 1964 is a statement about ethical principles, initially applied to medical research, but which now guides all types of research. Research = ‘Re’+ search’. Hint: An excellent clue that a scholarly journal article contains empirical research is the presence of some sort of statistical analysis. Qualitative research . Search means to look for something or examine closely & carefully , to look for information, to test and try or to prove. Nurses need to understand and apply ethical principles to their own research, as well as to the reading and review of research. Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice CHAPTER 6 105 LEARNING OUTCOMES After studying this chapter, the reader will be able to: 1 Summarize major points in the evolution of nursing research in relation to contemporary nursing. Nursing research is practice- or discipline-oriented and is essential for the continued development of the scientific base of professional nursing practice. RESEARCH QUESTIONS: Nursing question mean generating and assessing evidence for nursing (Hilarie, 2011, p-105). University of Tennessee College of Nursing Associate Dean of Research Dr. Tami Wyatt is the Associate Dean of Research and Torchbearer Professorship of Nursing at the University of Tennessee, College of Nursing. Nursing Research Paper: Definition & Key Rules. Considered soft science. INTRODUCTION RESEARCH word is originated from the word “Researche”. ... A graphic presentation of the relationship between two variables. Nursing research provides the scientific basis for the practice of the profession. ... operational definition. Considered hard science . NURSING RESEARCH Presentation Transcript: 1.INTRODUCTION TO NURSING RESEARCH 2. The definition of a variable that identifies how the variable will be observed or measured. The graph contains variables plotted on an X axis and a Y axis.