Begin by treating yourself to an enjoyable and satisfying stretch. Please note that all of our free meditation scripts are for personal use only.You cannot use these scripts to create your own recordings or videos. Set your intention and quietly say to yourself the following affirmation: “I give thanks for my health and the joys of living and being alive.”. Consider how the tree is simply being. This meditation leads you through a cycle of long, conscious breaths by breathing in for a count of three, and breathing out through a count of five. Are there sounds you hadn’t noticed before? Let it be an experience without meaning and without reference to any other experience. Meditation Script #1: Ease Tension and Calm Your Mind. Adopt meditation as a way of life Six different techniques will be covered. On a rafting meditation retreat on the Green River in Utah, we glided effortlessly and silently through sandstone canyons—their walls ablaze with vermilion, crimson, and gold. Mindfulness is the happy medium between concentrative and open-awareness meditations. Get comfortable. Connecting with nature is connecting with life. To learn more about Profound Meditation Program 3.0 click here or here. (See attached as an example) Identify key words to pre-teach. Notice the temperature of the air against your skin. Self Love Meditation Script [15-minute Guided Meditation] February 15, 2021 December 11, 2019 . Guided Imagery Forest Script. As always, when the mind wanders and becomes caught up in thought, simply bring it back to the experience of nature. Ever wondered why meditation retreats and monasteries of all spiritual traditions are often found in the mountains or deep in the forest? (pause)Again, if there are any emotions arising – wanted or unwanted – see if you can allow them to share the space. When we take the time to be present, it’s normal to notice emotions, especially uncomfortable ones, arise. You can also focus on one experience and notice the experience in greater detail. In the nature meditations, we focus our awareness on the experience of nature -- sight, sound, touch, smell (and perhaps even taste). Welcome feelings and emotions 7. Being in nature and/or looking at nature photography can provide countless benefits. It is focused on quieting the mind, while deepening your awareness of the mind-body connection. A mala is a long strand of 108 beads that you can use to enhance your meditation practice. If it is, allow those emotions to be there with you. Do this for about a minute. Here is a sample guided meditation script you can follow the next time you wish to unwind. Find Your Soulmate Mala! There are many benefits of meditation in nature—it’s a place where wisdom and perception come alive. (pause)Feel the weight of your body on the earth. Take two minutes out of your day to slow down your breathing, de-stress, release any anxiety/tension, and give your mind a mental break. Walking meditation is a simple but extremely effective meditation practice that can help you to calm your mind, increase your energy, and improve your physical health, all at the same time. Relaxation Scripts Meditation Scripts. This guided meditation script takes the listener on a soothing mind journey. You can also focus on one particular sound, such as that of flowing water. Tap into a sense of unchanging well-being 4. Begin as described in the Basic Nature Meditation, but focus on sound only. Body Scan Mindfulness Script for Relaxation - Journeys of Yoga. When the timing feels right, move on to the next part. If there’s sunlight, notice the feeling of that. Find joy 9. Meditation allows you to focus on steady breathing, which helps regulate sleep and heart health. Experiment with calming lighting in the room. Without emotions, you wouldn’t be human! There is nothing for you to do right now, either. Hold it… and breathe out, releasing tension. For the rest of the meditation, continue to experience these feelings and sounds. Are more emotions arising from being present and tuning in? Now close your eyes and be present to what is being experienced with your eyes closed. Here's what you need to know … Please log in again. Experiment and find what works best for you. A Meditation for Better Sleep. (pause)Are there any other physical sensations on your skin? Greenchild has some free guided meditation scripts for kids that you can follow within a theme during the winter or all year round. The practice, also known as bhramana pranayama, is easy to do. Adapt and rehearse guided meditation yourself so you will be comfortable slowing down and pacing. Meditation Scripts Buddhist Practices. Meditation is open-ended, free, available to anyone, and offers great benefits. Any heat, or coolness? Outdoor yoga space Collection by Kristi Lanford. We … Notice how your body feels, as well as the activity of your mind and emotions. Offer some gratitude to your surroundings for sharing their space with you, and for supporting all of life including you. Allow them to be here with you. Meditating outdoors activates our senses, making our practice more alert and wakeful. If you feel safe doing so, close your eyes.Feel the tree trunk against your body. Sit or stand with your back against a tree. Begin with a few deep breaths, breathing deep into the belly, to help you relax and to bring you to the sensations of the present moment. Notice the temperature of the air against your skin.Tune into the aliveness of your body feeling that temperature, and, if there’s a breeze, the sensation of it against your skin.Take a few deep breaths. These experiences wake something up inside of us, and help to set our lives into a more natural rhythm. Notice the tendency of the mind to name and evaluate everything -- "Oh, look at that beautiful bird. It isn’t trying, striving, or judging. It is published in Julie’s Yoga Meditations book and is on the CD included with the book. Outdoor Meditation. Yin Yoga. Guided Meditation: Radiant Empty Heart (38:02 min) an open focus meditation from the 2015 IMCW fall retreat. Receive daily mindfulness meditations, worksheets and infographics to help you start each day mindful. Instantly download all of our best worksheets, categorized by 8 topics, Includes writable fields to write your reflections, answers and journal entries, Organized by meditation, health, relationships, career, self-discovery, purpose and more. Time: 15 minutes. Repeating this pattern triggers your body’s relaxation response, putting both your mind and body at ease. Perfect for general relaxation, and sometimes used as a wind-down visualization after a yoga class. Take a deep breath in. Reflect on how that air is feeding your body, and blood, and cells. The path may look familiar to you, or it may be somewhere you have never been. Nature lovers have discovered this secret without ever studying meditation! This mindfulness meditation script is designed to assist you to explore your inner and outer experiences in the present moment.