Physiotherapy Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. Physiotherapists must know how biopsychosocial factors interact in patients with chronic pain to explain the perpetuation of this condition and use it as a basis for planning the intervention program. 【PHYSIOTHERAPY THEORY AND PRACTICE】CiteScore Trend Comments from Authors * All review process metrics, such as acceptance rate and review speed, are limited to our user-submitted manuscripts. The aim of Physiotherapy Theory and Practice is to provide an international, peer-reviewed forum for the publication, dissemination, and discussion of recent developments and current research in physiotherapy/physical therapy. Der Journal Impact 2019 von Physiotherapy Theory and Practice beträgt 1.360 (neueste Daten im Jahr 2020). International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. 2015/2016 Impact Factor : 1.169; 2013 Impact Factor : Rispetto allo storico Journal Impact, l'Journal Impact 2018 di Physiotherapy Theory and Practice è cresciuto del 7.09 %.Il quartile del fattore di impatto di Physiotherapy Theory and Practice è Q2.Nell'editoria accademica il fattore di impatto (impact Metric o IF in inglese e generalmente … PHYSIOTHERAPY THEORY AND PRACTICE Journal Impact Factor ISSN :: 0959-3985 Physiother. Journal description. Theory Pract. The aim of Physiotherapy Theory and Practice is to provide an international, peer-reviewed forum for the publication, dissemination, and … Physiotherapy Theory and Practice Key Factor Analysis Physiotherapy Theory and PracticeのISSNは 0959-3985 です。 ISSNは、あらゆる種類の新聞 … Interventions used in physiotherapy involve both physical and mechanical modalities in combination with physical exercises. The evidence has suggested a clinical biopsychosocial assessment for the physiotherapeutic management of patients with chronic … Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals Diagram of the Biopsychosocial model. Shared decision making should be an integral part of physiotherapy practice. Impact Factor: 2.478 ℹ Impact Factor: 2019: 2.478 The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. Abbreviation: Physiother Theory Pract. ... three and four years have been cited in the current year. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice Journal Impact Quartile: Q2.Der Journal Impact, deutsch Impact-Faktor, ist eine errechnete … Im Vergleich zu historischen Journal Impact ist der Journal Impact 2019 von Physiotherapy Theory and Practice um 7.09 % gestiegen. The journal has a clinical focus and publishes material that will improve the evidence base for physiotherapy and assist physiotherapists in the management of their patients. It is an international, peer-reviewed journal which aims to advance physiotherapy practice and research through scholarly publication. ISSN: 0031-9406. Physical therapy or physiotherapy aims at providing relief to patients suffering from bone and joint ailments by promoting mobility. Journal Impact 2018 di Physiotherapy Theory and Practice è 1.360 (Ultimi dati nel 2019). ISSN The ISSN of Physiotherapy Theory and Practice is 0959-3985 .An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. No impact factor infomation for this journal. ISSN: 0959-3985 (Print) 1532-5040 (Electronic) 0959-3985 (Linking) Impact Factor.