If the condenser fan doesn't run when activated, replace it. It vibrates softly. 2021 Ice Maker Geeks. Try adding a pinch of salt to the water (which will add some minerals) to help the machine detect the water. Remove the motor from the mounting plate by loosing the 2 smaller screws on the front. Portable ice maker not working - Answered by a verified Appliance Technician We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. This results in the water pump burning out over time and a bigger mess on your hands. Clark Nova - It sounds like either two things to me. Sounds like the gears are slipping or damaged. How quickly do portable ice makers produce ice? If your unit is not making ice it may because there is something wrong with the one of those sensors. Do not over-tighten the magnet mounts during reassembly. I’m guessing that the coolant isn’t reaching all of the fingers, but I’m not sure. All rights reserved. It sounds like a bad sensor. Unfortunately, that sounds like a compressor problem. Again, look for loose wires. My Frigidaire model efic-108 portable Ice maker is not taking water into the reservoir, Any suggestions ? You can use a portable ice maker for camping or take it with you on your RV – they are great! Typically, if the problem is because of a damaged water pump, I would replace the unit with a newer model. Then a warm refrigerant causes the ice to be released into the bin. A failed bin thermistor that detects a full bin of ice cubes when the bin is only partially full can also cause ice cubes to melt together. Paddle retracts and drops ice but does not come back to catch the water. It goes without saying that if that water cannot be pumped from the water reservoir to the cup at the top, then you’re not going to have a lot of ice. Check the Power Cord This may sound silly, but any time you’re having trouble with home appliances, the first thing to do is to check the cord to make sure you have a steady power supply. Mold inside your unit can cause a lot of health problems, so you need to make sure that you deal with it properly. What can I do? We are using it on a level surface. Understanding your ice maker is where troubleshooting begins. My first step would be to do a thorough cleaning of ice portable ice maker. Also, ice makers have a relatively short lifespan, and may not always be worth fixing. What are the chances the exact fan that I need to repair would be here? Then a warm refrigerant causes the ice to be released into the ice bucket. Depending on the age of the unit, it may be time for a replacement. The article you just read is just a small sample of the work that they … Edit . This fix will restore your fan's original power and quiet operation. Reply. The compressor and fan then freeze the water into ice. The control arm may have inadvertently been moved, or possibly fallen off, which can pause ice maker functionality. When there is a small issue, like a plugged line, the water pump works harder to get the water where it needs to be. The screw does not need to be fully removed before the blade will slide … I feel the motor doing… Something. The Nostalgia RIC100 Retro Series 26-Pound Automatic Ice Maker is inspired by the classic diners of the American '50s. If you hear a whining sound from your ice maker, then it’s probably your pump trying to get water. I would recommend you purchase a new one. Thank you, Kay. Do portable ice makers need a dedicated drain line? Make sure that there’s no debris or anything that would interfere with the sensors in any way. There is no way to choose the best countertop ice maker … Replies. Remove the final 2 screws holding the mounting plate to the cage. My costway ice maker only partially freezes a row of ice, if you don’t manually pull it off the racks it starts to run the next round of ice & makes a chunk of ice that needs to melt before it will fall. Find owners guides and pdf support documentation for blenders, coffee makers, juicers and more. I would begin with checking electrical connections, your outlet or breaker. OK. My machine won’t fully turn to hold the water to freeze. A really good cleaning of your ice maker is the logical plan of action. The first ice maker stopped one day and always showed the “ice full” indicator light on. At the bottom of the water reservoir, you are going to notice a small hole. Portable ice makers that two sensors that help it to be more efficient. That’s how portable ice makers make ice. Another possibility - check the thermostat by disconnecting the leads and shorting them together to simulate the call for cooling. In this case, my advise would be to purchase a new portable ice maker or contact a specialist who can repair it. Make sure that it’s plugged in, and that it’s turned on. If you have a problem with smelly Ice, then it means your ice machine needs a good cleaning. I know how frustrating that can be. The shop in Dandenong is useless as their opening shot is $85 and then they charge you for finding, repairing the machine , which could work out rather expensive. Some units have fuses or breakers built in the unit. If the water plug is secure, then make sure you check all water connections. If you have too much ice in your ice maker, this will set off the sensor and shut down the unit. One of the most common causes for portable ice makers not making ice is it’s not getting any water. Portable ice makers work like any traditional freezer ice maker. Check out my cleaning article here. Air Cooling Fan, EasyAcc Mini Air Conditioner Fan 2600mAh Battery Desk Fan Can Add 300ml Water and Ice 3 Speeds USB Desk Fan 7 Color LED Light Portable Personal Fan Air Cooler for Home Office Outdoor 3.4 out of 5 stars 236 Step 1 How to Repair a Portable Fan . It’s difficult to completely diagnoses the issue with your Frigidaire countertop ice maker, but in our experience, it’s too much to repair. Most portable ice makers will shut off … If the condenser fan motor is making noise, unplug the ice maker and replace the condenser fan. If the pump is working hard and the water reservoir is full of water – you have an issue and I would guess it’s plugged. Add more water into your unit, and it should return to normal. You may want to consider purchasing a new unit instead of the money you’d pay to fix it. Hello! $128.99 $ 128. Accessibility, Michigan Tech, Team S5-G11, Galliah Fall 2017. I would call Whynter’s customer support for more help. If there’s no water in this small tray then you know that something is plugged, stopping the water’s flow. Do not put in dishwasher. Loosen the 4 phillips screws around the rim and remove the front of the cage . Make sure nothing is causing it to stick. This sounds like a malfunction in the mechanics of the ice maker. The water tray seemed to lock up so I replaced the tray motor and it appeared to start working again but after 3 ice making cycles it just stops producing. This also may be the reason why your ice pieces are not as large as they ought to be. You could try to reset the unit, if there is a reset button on your model. A hint that your water supply is plugged is you begin to notice leakage from your machine. You’re going to hear the sound of the pump drawing in water and the compressor as the ice maker continues through the ice cycle. Carefully pass the motor through the opening at the back of the cage. If a room is too hot, your ice will melt before you can enjoy it. I love my portable ice maker, and I wouldn’t know what to do if it all of a sudden it stopped making ice. I tried holding the power button to restart but it does nothing. Water Line Is Turned Off or Clogged If you notice a coolant leak, you should have your ice maker serviced by a professional. We have put together a list of steps for you to begin if your ice maker isn’t working correctly. Make sure that your unit is level. My Frigidaire counter top ice maker’s water tray wiil not return to the proper position to catch the water to fill for freezing into cubes. If your portable ice maker is under warranty, then you need to call customer support or return it for another one. To find out if your portable ice maker has a reset button, check your owners manual. This design makes them truly portable because all you need is a power outlet and some water and you can start to make ice. $10.00 coupon applied at checkout Save $10.00 with coupon. They will be removed in a later step. The ice in the ice maker doesn’t have a freezer, so it’s slowly melting. I’m just saying that our mealtimes wouldn’t be the same. I advise that you take some time and clean your portable ice maker. • Before first use: Remove and wash ice basket. My frigidaire countertop ice maker is not making ice. The first thing you need to do before trying any other troubleshooting steps is making sure you have power to your machine. If you do not have a portable ice maker, and your ice maker has a water hose (direct water), then you want to make sure that this hose isn’t pinched, cut, or frozen. Check to see if the portable ice maker that you own has a manual reset button. We’re going to look at different problems with portable ice makers and how to troubleshoot the issue. Now that you understand how ice is produced using a portable ice maker, this should help us in troubleshooting your ice maker if it stops making ice. Making ice is something we’ve come to take for granted in the last hundred years or so. Most portable ice makers will make noise (some louder than others). Free kitchen appliance user manuals, instructions, and product support information. Please help. It’s hard to diagnoses it online, but something like that sounds like an electronic issue that is probably not worth fixing. Manitowoc ice machine model QY0214a You can turn the power on and hear it click but the fan and compressor doesn't come on. Page 2: Table Of Contents DETAILED PARTS DIAGRAM .....12 Electrical Diagram ..... 13 LIMITED MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY .....14 Thank you for choosing this Avalon Bay ice maker. You can learn more about the different types of ice in an article I wrote here. You want to make sure that this small hole isn’t plugged, and that water is getting to where it needs to be. If your “Ice Full” indicator light is on or “fill water” indicator light is on, and it is obviously wrong, it may be bad news. I know this sounds elementary, but you’d be surprised how many portable ice makers return to functionality by just flicking a breaker or turning on a button. What’s wrong and how do I fix it? Any other advice? If you have a problem with the valve you, should replace the valve inlet and tap valve. Portable Ice makers are designed to work in rooms that are at room temperature. My ice maker full light is on but its no ice in the tray and is not making any why what is wrong. If you have any questions about troubleshooting your portable ice maker, you can add your questions or comments below. Discussion Starter • #1 • Mar 16, 2016. It could be a faulty sweeper. I would recommend checking out our comprehensive buyers guide. The freezer temperature should be set between 0 and 5 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 to -15C) for the ice maker to work properly. Reply. WHAT NEXT? More Info: How a Portable Ice Maker Works. When you throw that ice in the freezer, that melted ice freezes again, and sticks to the other pieces of ice. I would start by cleaning the unit with a descaling solution. If you cannot find anything that would indicate a failed component, then I would call support. If your ice maker goes through the ice-making process, but there is no ice in the end, it may be because your room is too warm. I am not sure how old this ice maker is, but it sounds like something only a professional can fix. Sometimes portable ice makers get worn out, and the time is right to replace them. If your ice maker is getting power, and it’s turned on, then you can move to the next steps. 2 Posts . Add Comment Cancel . It used to produce ice in 7 minutes now it is taking 12 minutes to produce. How to you troubleshoot a compressor and replace it on a counter top Frigidaire Ice Maker? Ice chamber Control Panel 1. If the ice maker is older, then it’s probably time to purchase an new ice maker. A problem with the … On a more serious note, it could be that the control board on the ice maker is damaged and won’t properly power up the ice maker. You will also hear the plump winding, trying to pump the water. Loosen the 4 phillips screws around the rim and remove the front of the cage. When … The dirt and grime that’s forms inside your ice maker will affect the taste of the ice and the performance of the unit. You can check out my top choices for a portable ice make here. I would do a thorough cleaning of the unit with something that will dissolve any hard water. You’ll open the lid to get ice and it will be all slushy and small. If this is the problem, then you need to move your ice maker to a room with a more moderate temperature. This is the first in a new series for the channel that I've titled After The Honeymoon. The recirculation pump can be noisy if water level in the reservoir is low. Check the owner’s manual for information about the pause feature and make sure it’s not enabled. Portable ice makers have an excellent design so that you never need drainage hoses or water lines. No. Water is pumped into the rotating ice tray. Faulty sweepers will have to be replaced by a professional. Refrigerant problem or bad sensor? Good luck You should keep it unplugged and take it to a professional. Due to how this type of ice machine works, it has no need for a drain line. I have a fridgidaire EFIC117. Check the Water Supply . Can you tell me why the ice sticks together when we put it in the freezer. We’ve had a VivoHome ice maker for about 4 months, and it just recently started making a loud, screeching sound while operating. Not all portable ice makers produce bullet-shaped ice. If you notice that ice isn’t being dumped into the storage basket, it could be two possible reasons. The magnet will slide out of the motor . Do I need to keep ice maker plugged in when not in use? Power: On/Off/Operating/Standby 2. Make sure that your portable ice maker has enough water and that water is being supplied to your machine. Thanks in advance…. Fix: To adjust how much water the ice mold is filled with each cycle, first remove the cover from the ice maker. When the ice maker dumps the fresh ice into the bin, it immediately calls for more water to refill the molds to make another batch. If the drain pump is noisy, unplug the ice maker and clear any debris you find in the drain pump. © 2021 iFixit — Licensed under Creative Commons — Privacy — 2. I would begin by giving it a really good cleaning. Add a comment . I would suggest calling up some local repair shops and ask them if they will diagnose the problem for free. Over the years of running this website, they have learned a lot and are excited to share that knowledge with you. LIMIT SWICTHES ARE WORKING AS WELL AS THE WATER PUMP COMPRESSER SEEMS TO WORKING AND ALSO THE FAN UNIT. If the drain pump is clear, then you'll likely need to replace the pump because the motor is failing. When powered on My Frigidaire countertop ice maker tray goes through several back and forth movements and then stops in the empty position and never calls for water. I get one tray of ice then machine won’t fully turn to restart the freezing again. You can check out our top choices here. If it’s the compressor I would advise you purchase a new ice maker. The screw does not need to be fully removed before the blade will slide free. Over-tightening may cause the motor to bind. We review the latest products so that you can make an informed decision before you buy. Check out my top portable ice makers this year by clicking here. … The good news for people who have a portable ice maker that has stopped making ice is that they are not complicated to understand. If your portable ice maker is making more noise than usual then try giving this a try. I would suggest checking for loose wires or corroded parts. Keeping your unit clean will not only give you fresher ice but also protect your machine from damage in the future. If the ice maker is under warranty, I would contact the manufacturer right away and have them take a look at the problem. The water sensor located on the bottom of the water reservoir tells your ice maker that it needs more water. Portable ice makers are fantastic. If your ice maker uses a water line (direct water), make sure that the water is flowing freely and that water is reaching your machine. Sometimes the “fill water” light will be on even though the water is filled because the water is too pure and there are not enough minerals in the water for the sensor to detect. Send it back to the manufacturer right away. In addition, … I HAVE MODEL ICE108 IGLOO ICE MAKER I HAVE CHECKED VERYTHING THAT I CAN WITH THIS UNIT AND THE RED LIGHT STILL COMES ON TO ADD WATER. The sweeper is what pushes the ice into the storage tray. Ice Maker Geeks are ice enthusiasts that review ice-making appliances, research ice-related topics, and do their best to help you make an informed decision before you make a purchase. As the ice melts, it drips back into the water reservoir where it’s used to make more ice. This is a difficult one to diagnose. Reply. It’s incredible how much dirt begins to form inside a portable ice maker. It also makes a sound like like a loud shocking sound. Most portable ice makers drop their first cubes into the bin … I am a pensioner and for obvious reasons I cannot pay large sums of money. If the water is running and the system is going through the ice cycle then it’s something that isn’t worth fixing. Water won’t flow if the water pump is damaged in your portable ice maker. You can check to see if it’s getting cold, or if there is a coolant link somewhere on the unit. If the ice maker is not working it could be that the ice maker assembly itself is defective. Open the windows and turn on the kitchen fan or work outside in a well-ventilated area. Portable Ice Maker Won’t Make Ice: Troubleshooting Your Problem. Perfect for pool parties, home bar, office and more. I would appreciate any help. Here’s what to do when your portable ice maker won’t make ice. Depending on the type of ice maker that you have replacing it is often the best solution. I would begin with checking electrical connections, your outlet or breaker. Sometimes vibrations from the ice maker or … Any other ideas? Featuring a 26-pound capacity per day and makes 9-ice cubes every 7-15 minutes. Clean and lubricate the magnet shaft and mounting brackets. Whether you do it manually, or rely on the convenience of an automatic ice maker in your refrigerator, the process is pretty much the same. Put on safety googles and waterproof gloves before cleaning the portable ice maker. adewale ogunbona - The clear viewing window lets you watch the ice being made and the 1-gallon water tank makes sure the ice never runs out. In my experience, it would seem that the ice maker control board has malfunctioned and it’s not allowing it to complete the cycle. First, take a look at the plug to make sure it’s securely plugged into the outlet. My portable frigidaire icemaker only uses 4 of its 9 fingers to make ice. It is actually a normal sound and will likely be followed closely by the hissing sound … This ice maker is one of the fastest on the market, producing ice in as … It's back together but the fan doesn't spin. hello there I have an ice maker which has power going to it the paddle seems to be working but the water does not go to the ice bars. Ice Maker Geeks are ice enthusiasts that review ice-making appliances, research ice-related topics, and do their best to help you make an informed decision before you make a purchase. Ice makers get dirty over time. I’m glad that you checked out icemakergeeks.com. Shuts down right away after I started it up . How Does an Ice Maker Work? Water is pumped into the rotating ice tray. Add a comment . Any medium or low viscosity lubricant will do. It produced ice more slowly as well. Remove the wiring cover located above the fan motor. I would send it back. Except when it’s not. Another reason why your ice isn’t ending up in the storage basket is that of a faulty ejecting element. The water begins to freeze around these points and form bullet-shaped ice. 4.5 out of 5 stars 6,536. 09/03/2019 Important: If you see water around your unit, first check to make sure that the plug is in the water reservoir isn’t loose or missing. The article you just read is just a small sample of the work that they have been doing over the last several years. This way you can determine if repairing it is worth your money. There are actually … I suggest you purchase a new unit. Some portable ice makers produce clear ice or nugget ice. A power surge through the electrical supply line to the ice maker can lock up the control board, so reset the control board by unplugging the ice maker … This may be an issue with the pump, a plugged water pipe on the bottom of the ice maker, or calcium buildup. Inspect the magnet and motor for anything that may cause a hang-up. Any ideas on what it might be? I was forced to replace the ice maker because of this problem. If you hear a loud knocking or metallic pinging, then this could be the compressor inside your ice maker. When dirt forms on the inside walls of your ice maker, it ends up in the water and eventually into the ice. If this breaker is tripped or fuse is burnt out, then it will have to be reset. If that doesn’t solve the problem, I suggest you purchase a new ice maker. That the compressor isn’t working correctly or there is something malfunctioning with a sensor. My frigidaire portable ice machine is not freezing ice everything else work it’s only runs but it doesn’t freeze please help. At the top is where the freon points are submerged in water. Make sure that your ice maker has enough water. When the ice maker runs but doesn't make any ice, a bad electronic control board, failed water supply, broken recirculation pump, sealed system failure or broken cutting grid could be causing the problem. If you cannot find a reason for it not to be working, call customer support, or return the ice maker. Much like a dedicated water line, a built-in drain line would make it less portable. There are several components in the control module of the ice maker that can fail, and most are not sold separately. You may be able to advance it by hand. Using an 8mm wrench and phillips screwdriver, remove the magnet mounts from the body of the motor. I reset and the same thing happens. Depending on the age of the portable ice maker, you should probably consider replacing it. Remove the fan blade by loosening the screw on the shaft while pulling up. If you portable ice maker isn’t working the way that it should, it’s making noise or doing something that isn’t normal. Sounds like the water pump is shot. I clean it often and make sure it has plenty of space for the fan to have clean air. I tried the ten second trick. https://icemakergeeks.com/can-you-leave-a-portable-ice-maker-on/, We have a brand new Costway ice maker and it works fine I guess. A portable ice maker does not need or require a dedicated drain line to operate. IKICH Portable Ice Maker Machine for Countertop, Ice Cubes Ready in 6 Mins, Make 26 lbs Ice in 24 Hrs with LED Display Perfect for Parties Mixed Drinks, Electric Ice Maker 2L with Ice Scoop and Basket. Light comes on stating "Ice … You can check out our comprehensive buyers guide. A faulty electronic control board can prevent the ice maker from making any ice. Choose a size and copy the code below to embed this guide as a small widget on your site / forum. I have Model ICE 102 Igloo counter top ice maker. Make sure that water is reaching its destination. Check to see if this small tray is filled with water. This small hole is the water intake valve, where the water is pumped into the small tray at the top of your ice maker. Once the ice gets to the desired size, the water is drained from the tray, and the ice is dropped. I would suggest checking the ice level or cleaning the ice level sensor. Best of luck. 1. It may also be good to give it a good cleaning, as well as descale the unit. If your compressor is the problem, then the water will not freeze. If my diagnosis is correct is it better for you to purchase a new unit. If you have a bad tap valve – because this is the pipe that connects to the ice maker this may cause a problem if it is not connected correctly. This sounds like the board of the unit is faulty. 3. What could be the issue, and how can I fix it? It’s simple, right? If the freezer temperature is above 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12C), the ice maker will not produce ice cubes efficiently. You’re better to purchase a new one (Get our top countertop ice makers here). It sounds like the pump has failed. The water runs through it and dumbs but it is just water. It’s hard when they don’t work the way that they ought. I tried everything to fix the issue; I found out later that the sensors were damaged and that it would be way too much money to correct the problem. Page 4: Cleaning And Maintenance Cleaning and Maintenance • Keep the machine in an upright position while cleaning it. It does go thru the cycles and the water … This sensor tells you that your ice maker has a full storage basket and that you need to empty the storage basket before it continue making ice. If the freezer temperature is too high, ensure that the condenser coils are clear of debris and the condenser fan is working properly. If this sensor fails or is interfered with then it could be the reason your ice maker isn’t making ice. 9/3/19, 10:45 pm. Page 1 AB-ICE26 Portable Ice Maker OWNER’S MANUAL Read and save these instructions. Take some time and clean the unit thoroughly. The products and services mentioned below were selected independent of sales and advertising.