29. Give us a true desire to lead them in your way. Let all evil anti-marriage marks be removed, in Jesus’ name. These forces can be called anti-marriage forces. © Everydayprayerguide 2019 | All rights reserved, 18 Warfare Prayer Points On Dealing With Anti Marriage Forces, 25 Prayer Points For Marriage Restoration, 20 Deliverance Prayer Points Against Home Breakers, Prayer Points Against Untimely Death In 2021, 20 Opening Prayer Points For Church Service. Let all evil anti-marriage marks be removed, in Jesus’ name. I break every spell of anti-marriage curses upon me and my husband/wife, in the name of Jesus. 50 Warfare Prayer Points against forces of darkness. © Christ Livingspring Apostolic Ministry © 2021. Spiritual Warfare Prayers Against Evil Spiritual Marriages from the Demonic Marine Spirits – Kingdom Isaiah 27:1 “In that day the Lord will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, with His fierce and great and mighty sword, even Leviathan the twisted serpent; and … I stand against the power to reap but not enjoy the fruits of one’s labour in the name of Jesus. 9. Every trademark of evil marriage, be shaken out of my life,in the name of Jesus. Designed by, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), UNSEATING THE STRANGER DISTURBING OUR MARRIAGE, O LORD! –        Spirit of misunderstanding, misinterpretation and exaggeration, –        Lack of communication, lack of romance, lack of care, –        Strange women, strange men, strange relatives and strangers generally. 25. PRAYING AGAINST ANTI-MARRIAGE FORCES (FOR SINGLES 2) Posted Oct 1st 2004, 06:16 by Open Heaven Intercessors on Prayer. Any power which says that I will not enjoy my marital life, be destroyed Now!!! 3. Amen. Bless our relationship and draw us both even closer to You and to your will for our lives. Lord, we pray that couples would well and truly become one. In developing countries, one-third of girls are forced to marry before their 18th birthday. you are holding my hands to pray along with me, I've said this before anytime there, the time I used to come alive to the time if you can, if you can remember I was coming to 1212, we were friends in the mid twelve in the twelve in the media. 11 Anything present in me that is anti-marriage in nature disappear from my life by the blood of Jesus Christ now in Jesus name. 10 Oh God reveal to me my life partner in the course of this prayers in Jesus name. 7. Every inherited spirit from my fathers or mothers house fighting my marriage be gone forever, in the name of Jesus. We call on the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome sin and bad habits and to rebuild our marriage into what You want it to be. Enter your name or username to … Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers in Jesus name. Its warfare time, resist the devil and he will flee from your marriage forever. Banish all the forces of evil from me; destroy them, vanquish them so that I can be healthy and do good deeds. Every household power working against the fulfillment of the program of God for my marriage, be disgraced and be exposed in the mighty name of Jesus. 17. It is the prayer where you leave all to the will of the Supreme , the supreme which can be equated to anything depending on your background, words/concepts like nature, the universe, an higher intelligence or a higher power, buddha-nature, God, Allah or what have you. (50) Prayer against Spirit Husband/Wife (19) Prayer for Godly partner. I command all forces of evil manipulating, delaying or hindering marriage to be completely paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. Prayer Against the Spiritual Forces of Evil Jesus, righteous One, in Your name, we come against the spiritual forces of evil that have been harming our marriage. War Against Anti Marriage Forces. in the name of Jesus. Let every incantation, incisions, hexes and other spiritually harmful activities working against me, be completely neutralized, in the name of Jesus. Let this not be the end, but a new beginning through Christ. Do not just sit back and let the Devil scatter the peace in your home, you must engage in warfare prayers. Father, I pray against every spirit of blockage and barriers. 8. 1. Spiritual Warfare Prayers Against Evil Spiritual Marriages from the Demonic Marine Spirits – Kingdom Isaiah 27:1 “In that day the Lord will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, with His fierce and great and mighty sword, even Leviathan the twisted serpent; … –        Super-imposed evil spiritual marriage/disturbances of the spirit spouse and strange children. 4. 5. CLAM Apostolic Complex By your power, by your fire, deliver me O! Confess all your sins to God in full repentance and ask for forgiveness and mercy. Every curse issued against my marriage or against my marital life, be broken, in the name of Jesus. Confess your sins and ask for the mercy of God. 30 Midnight Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough, Daily Bible Reading For Today 1st November 2018, 30 Dangerous Prayer Points Against Your Oppressors. 4. Let every incantation, incisions, hexes and other spiritually harmful activities working against me, be completely neutralized, in the name of Jesus. Omole, Ikeja. 16. Comment. I stand against the powers of the emptier in the mighty name of Jesus. 25. Prayer For Your Relationship/Marriage. I command all forces of evil manipulating, delaying or hindering marriage to be completely paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. Father, I release your Fire upon every spirit husband and spirit wife causing chaos in my marriage in Jesus name. : 200 Violent Prayers that destroys the spirit of divorce, Separation and late Marriage - Kindle edition by Kanu, Maureen. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. I command all forces of evil manipulating, delaying or hindering marriage to be completely paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. 3. Marital Anti-witchcraft Prayers (28) Marriage (60) Marriage deliverance Prayers. 17. 14. Every curse that has been issued against my marriage, be canceled and returned back to the sender with interest in the name of Jesus. Let every incantation, incisions, hexes and other spiritually harmful activities working against me, be completely neutralized, in the name of Jesus. My marriage shall not be controlled by any strange woman in the name of Jesus. Pray this warfare prayer points with faith and receive your miracles amen. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.. Praying against every spirit of blockage and barriers . Prayer Against Anti-mariage Forces You Might Also Like. The spiritual marriage of my husband/wife to his / her mother, be dissolved, in the name of Jesus. Get in Touch. Categories. Declare this: I forgive me husband/wife for what he/she has done to me in Jesus name. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Today we shall be engaging 18 warfare prayer points on dealing with anti marriage forces. 20. (90) Marriage deliverance. I cancel every bewitchment fashioned against my settling down in marriage, in the name of Jesus. Such magnets include activities of strange men/women, promiscuity by either partner, ‘Jezebel’ activities, anger and control by ungodly in-laws. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading War Against Anti Marriage Forces. We are going to rebuke, bind and cast out every anti marriage demon in your family today in Jesus name. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. 7. 24. Let every force magnetizing the wrong people to me be paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” It’s when a husband and wife are both seeking the Lord and submitting themselves to Him, that they can make a great impact for the Kingdom of God. Read these scriptures and make the attendant declarations out and loud. I release my marriage from the tight-hold of marriage … I command every evil which strange friends have done against my home to be reversed, in the name of Jesus. Let the words enter your spirit, and God’s power will be made manifest in your life. I command every demonic in-law, to loose their hold upon my life, in Jesus’ name. I CHARGE MYSELF AND MY MARRIAGE AND MY FAMILY WITH THE BLOOD OF JESUS. PRAYING AGAINST ANTI-MARRIAGE FORCES (FOR SINGLES 2) Posted Oct 1st 2004, 06:16 by Open Heaven Intercessors on Prayer. I command every curse on my marriage to be converted to blessing, in the name of Jesus. 11. (47) marriage sanctification. 3. What are anti marriage forces? Let all evil anti-marriage marks be removed, in Jesus’ name. Topic: Hot Prayers to Break Stubborn Anti Marriage ForcesDeal with every forces preventing your marital destiny before it deals with you!Dr D.K. The high rate of divorce and unfaithfulness in marriage are evidences of anti marriage forces at work. 1 Peter 4:8– Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 6. Every spiritual dowry collected on my behalf, I return you to the sender, in the name of Jesus. I THANK THE PRAYER FIRE MINISTRY FOR THESE POWERFUL PRAYER POINTS. 1. Lord Jesus, by your power put an end to every sorrow in my marriage, in the name of Jesus. 28. 2. By the unquenchable Fire of God, I destroy every unholy association between my husband/wife and any strange man / woman, now!! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Gal. Lord, teach and guide us that we will always seek You first in everything we do. Fear of premarital pregnancy, rape, hunger, homelessness, and harmful traditional practices are all drivers of child marriage. Any power that want to make me a permanent candidate of marital failure, you’re a liar release me and die, in the name of Jesus. (7) Powers of my father´s house in my marriage;die. Prayer February 1, 2015 Success In Marriage November 25, 2013 PrayerFor Spiritual Restoration May 6, 2014. Through this warfare prayer points, we are going to be putting this dark forces of hell where they belong in Jesus name. Such magnets include activities of strange men/women, promiscuity by either partner, ‘Jezebel’ activities, anger and control by ungodly in-laws. 6. As a child of God, you must arise and resist the devil threatening your marriage. I command All evil counsellors speaking against my marriage to fall and die in Jesus name. Every incantation, incision, hex and other activities, working against my marriage be completely neutralized, in the name of Jesus. 29. This prayer is according to my eyes, the perfect form of prayer. This is wonderful just the prayers i need for my marriage. Every evil altar erected against my marriage in the witchcraft coven be dismantled by fire, in the name of Jesus. This warfare prayer points on dealing with anti marriage forces is what you need to wage spiritual warfare against the enemies of your marriage. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. 27. Lord make us co-guardians of our spouses’ souls. We know very well that the devil is always out there to frustrate the marital destiny of Gods children, the high rate of troubled marriages today is evidence of the devils work in the life of believers. These forces can be called anti-marriage forces. War Against Anti Marriage Forces. 1. 14. all evil anti-marriage marks be removed, in Jesus' name. 4. Many couples are now living like strangers in their homes because of this demonic forces. 6. 6 v 17 – “From now on let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus”, Gal 5 v 1 – “For freedom Christ has set us free, stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery”, Deliver me, deliver me, deliver me O! 10. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. 6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. …………………… 1. 9. Holy Ghost fire, paralyze the power of the evil strongman attached to my marriage, in the name of Jesus. 7. I stand against the power to sow but not to reap in the name of Jesus. Every anti-marriage covenant between me and evil strongman, break and release me now, in Jesus name. This satanic forces are responsible for all forms of chaos and turbulence in marriages. Lagos. 18. : 200 Violent Prayers that destroys the spirit of divorce, Separation and late Marriage - Kindle edition by Kanu, Maureen. I command all forces of evil manipulating, delaying or hindering marriage to be completely paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. Let the effect of every ceremony done on the day of my wedding and which has been working against me, be cancelled and destroyed, in the name of Jesus. Prayer February 1, 2015 Success In Marriage November 25, 2013 PrayerFor Spiritual Restoration May 6, 2014. !, in the name of Jesus. Until you rise up and pray, this forces will continue to oppress you in your marriage until they destroy your marriage, but as you resist them today, I see the God of restoration, restore your marriage to its glorious state in Jesus name. Declare: “Heavenly Father, I declare my love for m… For further information or counseling, you can contact me at chinedumadmob@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Raise us to value, cherish and to love one another. I command my run-away husband/wife to come back, in the name of Jesus. Thank you so much for the powerful prayer point. Archives. I release my partner from every demonic cage, in Jesus’ name. 18 Warfare Prayer Points On Dealing With Anti Marriage Forces Let every force magnetizing the wrong people to me be paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. They operate by planting evil marital magnets in the home. 7. It is my prayer that the good Lord shall certainly use this program to turn situation around in your marriage. 14. This is a powerful prayer for those who are disturbed by certain forces like curses and spirit husband/wife from getting married. 5. DISGRACE THOSE MOCKING MY DESTINY. 6. Any curse, covenant, oath, proclamation, negatively affecting this marriage spiritually or physically dated ten generations back on both sides of the family, be broken by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name. Every incantation, incision, hex and other activities, working against my marriage be completely neutralized, in the name of Jesus. I stand against the powers of the emptier in the mighty name of Jesus. They operate by planting evil marital magnets in the home. Every silent power that is working tirelessly against my marriage, be exposed and be disgraced in Jesus name. All the hidden anti-marriage forces working against my marriage, be exposed and be disgraced in the name of Jesus. Pray for an end to child marriage. 4. Such magnets include activities of strange men/women, promiscuity by either partner, ‘Jezebel’ activities, anger and control by ungodly in-laws.