Said to have 80% of the performance of the DirectStream plus a built in bridge for $3,999. STOCK NUMBER : A366 . This is a review and detailed measurements of the PS Audio PerfectWave DirectStream DAC. But here we are, and if you, the reader, are like so many others, you'll go the end and find that this goose chase resulted in quite the golden goose. It's like hearing the name of an old friend and then seeing him, in your mind's eye, as he was when you were both much younger: Whenever talk turns to Boulder, Colorado based PS Audio, I can't help picturing that company's Model IV preamplifier, of the early 1980s most likely because that was the preamp I longed to own at the time. Posi+ive Feedback – PS Audio DirectStream Junior DAC. I only listen to PCM. Whatever the format, whatever the sample rate, DirectStream is a pure DSD based solution that fulfills the promise of a high … Its treatment of any digital material, regardless of format, is quite astounding — even MP3s and Internet radio sounded vibrant and exciting. All vacuum tubes are new or test as new. PS Audio DirectStream Junior DAC NEW ... DirectStream Junior provides 85% of DirectStream's performance in the aforementioned areas. The PS Audio DirectStream is a musically authentic, thoroughly engaging and ultimately compelling DAC that elevates the listening experience to an entirely new level. The PS Audio NuWave DSD DAC is an entry level model into PS Audio's DAC product range that also includes DirectStream Junior and ultimately DirectStream. Paul McGowan (CEO, PS Audio) talks with John Atkinson (Editor, Stereophile) about DACs, loudspeakers, the audio business, and much more. DirectStream Junior | PS Audio PS Audio's website describes the DirectStream Memory Player as "the last transport you'll ever need. The unit that I have has the network "bridge" streaming option and costs US $6,899. CD players were generally hard to come by, but I had a friend who worked for Sony, and he came over with his new toy: Sony's next-to-top-of-the-line CD player. The Absolute Sound – PS Audio BHK Signature 300 Mono Power Amplifier Review. PS Audio DirectStream Junior DAC (USED) Serial #PJW-B-8P0074. We further protect your investment with a 90-Day … Consider these two ways of powering an audio system: Introducing DirectStream DAC, both Stereophile and Absolute Sound’s Product Of The Year. Available in March 2016. Tone Audio ... Stereophile – PS Audio DirectStream DAC Review. Like the PerfectWave DAC, the new DirectStream DAC provides a wide variety of digital inputs: SPDIF on coaxial RCA and TosLink inputs, USB, AES/EBU on an XLR connector, and two I2S inputs on HDMI connectors. If you remember PS Audio's Power Plant Premier from a couple of years back, you would appreciate how far along the DirectStream P20 Power Plant you see here has progressed since that time. PS Audio had sent me the less expensive DirectStream Power Plant 12 ($4999), hence this review. Easy to subscribe, even easier to leave if you wish. PS Audio cooks up Windom update for DirectStream DAC by John Darko October 2, 2019, 12:57 Buy a high-end DAC and chances are it will be built around an off-the-shelf DAC chip from ESS, Wolfson, AKM or Cirrus Logic. Compre online DAC PS Audio DirectStream em até 10x sem juros no cartão ou à vista com 10% de desconto. Black unit in excellent condition. 20/05/2016 PS Audio NuWave DAC Review - PS Audio NuWave DSD - DAC By The Stereophile T he PS Audio NuWave DSD DAC (your for £979) is reviewed by The Stereophile. "3 But describing an audio product as "the last," "the ultimate," or … Now we have Torreys, DirectStream's latest OS, available for free download from PS Audio's website ($29 when supplied on a pre-formatted SD Card or USB stick, the latter for the DirectStream Junior DAC only). Bill Leebens, PS Audio’s Director of Marketing, told me the MQA playback upgrade will work on “all DirectStream Junior (DSJ) DACs and any DirectStream or older Perfect Wave DACs that have the optional Bridge II installed.” We learnt a bit more about his motivations and mind set in an interview we conducted with Paul at the eve of introducing their Network Bridge, an add-on to the PS Audio PerfectWave DAC or PWD for short. Apresentando o DirectStream Junior (DSJ), um DAC de classe mundial baseado na arquitetura do Product of The Year do Stereophile e do Absolute Sound, DirectStream. PS Audio had sent me the less expensive DirectStream Power Plant 12 ($4999), hence this review. Why use an AC regenerator rather than plugging components straight into the wall? Review: PS Audio DirectStream DAC, a chameleon in the high foothills This has been the hardest review to write, for many reasons, not the least of which is that this DAC took me on a journey that seemed, at times, like a wild goose chase. Sharing some thoughts on the PS Audio DirectStream Jr, Gain Cell DAC, and Schiit Jotunheim. Paul McGowan, the leading man at PS Audio of Denver/Colorado, thinks of himself a bit like a rebel; a rebel with a cause that is. Returning this news coverage to terra firma, I spoke with PS Audio’s mainman Paul McGowan about DirectStream Junior at its unofficial unveiling at CES last month. Results 1 to 18 of 18 in total. We connected it to my system at the time, Quad ESLs driven by a … Sign up today. What makes the DSJ special isn’t merely technological, but that that technology is used in the service of outstanding sound quality to make it among the best-sounding DACs I’ve heard.