Pulsar Helion 2 XP50. Hereâs your first chance to see the new Helion2 XP50 PRO thermal monocular. All the other characteristics remain unchanged, which is why we are going to describe both the features of the first and the second generation in the continuation of this article. See the gallery for our favorite features, or visit our website for more: https://bit.ly/3fwyQLN Pulsar is one of the leading manufacturers of night vision and thermal optics. Over time we have reviewed most of Pulsarâs monoculars, from the entry-level Axion XM30S to the mid-level XQ38 and XQ38 LRFs. The value is measured in a laboratory under ideal conditions. Firstly, the battery is removable, meaning that you can simply replace it with a new one when the quick battery drain becomes an issue (devices made by the competition mostly feature a non-removable battery). The 38mm models have a lower minimum magnification. Quite recently, Pulsar unveiled Helion 2, an upgraded version of the first generation. Even though it is a monocular, Helion is comfortable to use even for longer periods of time. Pulsar offers service even after this period expires. Quite recently, Pulsar unveiled Helion 2, an upgraded version of the first generation. The Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 has an advanced NETD <40 mK sensor that produces precise detail recognition imaging even in adverse weather conditions like rain and fog. Even though the detection range of all devices is beyond 1300 m (the range of the 50-mm lens models nears the 2000 m mark), one can expect to identify the game at a distance up to 500 m. This also depends on the model of the device and the size of the observed animal. Well, the waiting is over â today, Pulsar has officially announced the launch of Helion 2 XQ. The price of the most advanced model used to be above 4000 â¬, but at Pulsar they are doing everything they can to remain the most competitive player on the market. Hier haben wir für euch das neue PULSAR Helion 2 XP50 beim Pirschen im Revier ausführlich getestet. It was first introduced three years ago when it succeeded the Quantum series, revolutionizing the market. The app allows the image seen through the monocular to be projected to the phone in real time. XQâs main selling point is its value-for-money performance. Helion monoculars are compatible with Pulsar’s Stream Vision application which can be installed on a smartphone (iOS or Android). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They just keep making it better and better with the updates. Monoculo Termico Pulsar Helion 2 XP50. Furthermore, it allows the hunter to see the antlers better. We are going to start off with a little bit of history behind the series. Each Helion is equipped with a ‘Display off’ function which can be used to quickly turn off the screen when the animals are closing by. Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 Thermal Monocular. If you seek even better comfort, check out Pulsar Accolade, a thermal imaging binocular. Helionis one of their most sought-after devices. Be the first to review this product . An average person replaces his or her smartphone every 2 to 3 years, and this applies to several other electronic gadgets. SKU: YU77431. Be the first to review this product . After a while, the battery dies faster and gets overshadowed by newer, better devices on the market. Even though only the XP50 model has been upgraded to the second generation, other models will follow. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 Thermal Monocular - Black at the best online prices at eBay! The Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 is Pulsarâs high-end thermal monocular. The buttons are intuitively placed, but it will take some time for the user to remember each one’s functions. It offers sharp, richly contrasted thermal imaging for enhanced identification of animals, their extremities and even the smallest ⦠Referência 1131037. The Power button is now blue, which is the only noticeable superficial difference when compared to the first generation. 5. These devices perform best when it is cold outside as the temperature difference between the environment and the warm objects makes for better contrast. The price of Helion monoculars ranges from 2300 ⬠to 3590 â¬. An IPS7 battery is supplied â when fully charged, expect up to 7 hours of operation time. To begin, Pulsar made its breakthrough with Thermal Optics. The high refresh rate makes for a smoothly running image, allowing the device to be used not only statically but also dynamically. All the novelties from the Shot Show 2019. Pulsar XP50 is a thermal spotting device that easily tracks down animals in foliage. They can even be submerged to one meter of depth for 30 minutes and will continue to operate even at a temperature as low as â25 °C. O gravador de vídeo integrado é um grande recurso quando se trata de filmar ou tirar fotos de experiências únicas. When purchasing an electronic device, one can’t help but wonder whether the purchase is rational. You can view and share photos and videos, update the device and manipulate some of the device’s settings. It features a 2.5-20×42 Millimeter Thermal Monocular equipped with built-in WiFi. O Image Boost resulta em um campo de visão mais nítido e detalhado e recursos aprimorados de identificação de objetos. The new quality standards â currently set by Helion 2 XP50 Pro thermal monoculars and thermal imaging binoculars ACCOLADE 2 LRF XP50 PRO with built-in laser rangefinder â are the following: record-breaking temperature sensitivity (NETD less than 25 mK), high sensor resolution, and the best image detail in severe observation conditions.. An image seen through Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 ‘Hot Black’, An image seen through Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 ‘Hot Red’. Av. filler. Um sensor NETD 40 mK avançado produz imagens de reconhecimento de detalhes precisos, mesmo em condições climáticas adversas, como chuva e nevoeiro. Your email address will not be published. It was first introduced three years ago when it succeeded the Quantum series, revolutionizing the market. PULSAR HELION 2 XP50 THERMAL MONOCULAR. If you use the same eye, it is better to wait a couple of seconds as the display is very bright, so it takes some time for the eye to adjust to the darkness. 16 Gb de memória interna fornecem muitas horas de vídeo gravado e toneladas de fotos. Quick view. das Amoreiras, Lote 85370-204 Mirandela. Hello and welcome to yet another episode of Optics Trade Debates. The Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 is a must have for the avid adventurer or predator hunter. Pistolas - Revolveres de Competição - Tiro Desportivo, Não existem mais artigos no seu carrinho de compras. Eine Kurzbeschreibung der wichtigsten Funktionen der Pulsar Helion XP50 Wärmebildkamera. Today, we are going to talk about the differences between Helion XP50 and Helion 2 XP50 â a series of popular Thermal Monoculars made by Pulsar. Den nye Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 kombinerer de nyeste teknologiske fremskridt med markedsførende ydeevne, for at give brugeren en detektionsafstand på op til 1,8 km, der muliggør registrering og observation af dyreliv, mennesker eller bytte på langt længere afstande end tidligere muligt med den forrige Quantum XQ50 model. There are two lens diameters at disposal â 38 and 50 mm. Exploring the night with this amazing thermal accessory opens up a whole new world for a hunter â you are sure to be amazed by it. These thermal imaging monoculars are an excellent companion for hunting. HELION thermal imaging scopes are based on IR sensor (uncooled microbolometer) technology, and are represented by a number of models featuring various frame ⦠$7,858.00. 5.0 1 rating. NETD is typically being expressed in millikelvins (mK). The Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 builds on the success of the previous XQ Quantum models but comes with extra features. 3. The housing remains the same. Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 Pro Thermal Monocular $7,858.00. The models with a greater lens diameter offer a better detail recognition and a longer detection range. Furthermore, you can view the image captured by the device in real-time and manipulate the device’s settings through the app. Lente objetiva poderosa em combinação com sensor de imagem térmica de nível profissional com NETD 40 mK fornece recursos de detecção excepcionais.