I met her at church. Drop off: 8:00 PM (please feed your child(ren) dinner before drop off. Bring your baskets! She was worshipping God through dance. R Kids will be closed that morning. It’s our pleasure to serve as a point of connection for our church and members. 192.5k Followers, 54 Following, 681 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Relentless Church (@myrelentlesschurch) All are welcome to come receive food and a meal drive-through style! This night is for anyone who volunteers on a team at Relentless! If you serve or are interested in serving in Jericho Inn please attend our Team Meeting as we go over important procedures for 2021! I had no one to blame. Gray noted that he is in a process that's being “overseen by elders who have years of senior pastoral leadership and oversight” that will get him to a place of “wholeness and restoration.”, “I've been needing it for so very long. This can be done at any age! Join us tomorrow for this special message with Pastor John Gray on UNITY. When you walk through the doors you'll be greeted and loved well. We strive to be authentic and friendly no matter where we are. Relentless Online is a community that experiences spiritual growth together, globally. Sometimes you need to sit still for a moment and allow the Lord to restore your soul; I'm no different,” he added. “Aventer you are a miracle to me. Worship Online/In-Person 8:30am & 11am EST Online Only 2pm, 7pm, & 10pm EST Watch on Relentless Facebook, YouTube, the Relentless Church App, and ourRelentlessChurch.com. YOUR RESPONSE MATTERS W/ PASTOR CEDRIC WATTS SR. 555 Views. We'd love to welcome you into our family! Connect and study the word with the Men at Relentless. Being baptized in water is a public declaration of your faith in Jesus Christ and symbolizes dying to our old life & coming out of the water a new creation in Jesus. It's a night we get to say thank you, regroup, connect, and continue seeking out Gods heart for Relentless! Most necessary thing ever. Relentless Church is accusing Redemption Church of not following the terms of a settlement negotiated late last year following a lengthy legal dispute over property rights between the two megachurches in Greenville. We are always looking for people who want to get involved in our Kid's Ministry, Cafe, Raising up the next generation in a crazy world can be tough, so we partner with our parents to make sure that your child's needs are met every week. Available for teens in 6th - 12th grade! “I failed to uphold the holy standard of God in my marriage. The husband of Aventer Gray and the senior pastor of Relentless Church has touched the lives of many men and women through his teachings and lifestyle. Register your classic car or bike here for a $10 donation that goes to our food pantry. | Photo: Instagram/John Gray Megachurch pastor John Gray defended his character and announced Sunday that he’ll be moving his Relentless Church congregation to a different location in Greenville, South Carolina, in 2020 and establish a new one in Atlanta with a nod to Edward Long, the eldest child of the late Bishop … A baby dedication is an opportunity for believing parents to publicly present their child and themselves to the Lord as an outward expression of their gratitude to Him and commit to raise the child according to Gods word, praying, & leading your children to Jesus. Pastor John Gray has garnered national attention — some praise and some criticism — since moving to Greenville in 2018 and forming Relentless Church. Registration opens at 10:00 am the morning of the event. We have things going on for every age. He provides a Christ-Centered, Biblical-Based principle for everyday living causing the people of God to fulfill their purpose and … This is the gateway to serving and making Relentless your home church! We will be hosting a Car & Bike Show during our Neighborhood Block Party! Relentless is a special place where you can be yourself. “Church isn’t first. Gray said that, in his situation, he's seeking counsel and will continue to do so. God has called them to plant and lead a church that puts the gospel on display and is relentless in spreading the grace of God. Relentless, 1878 Killian Rd, Akron, OH 44312, USA. It's fun to be young at Relentless!! Relentless Church's Pastor John Gray (right) welcomes Pastor Ken Claytor to the stage for a conversation among pastors during the event, "The Bridge - … Relentless church (Fox Carolina) “At Relentless, we are deeply honored to help provide much-needed relief for members of our community and church. Help pack groceries for our Jericho Inn Outreach that happens the 3rd & 4th Wednesday of every month. A Loving Family. Jesus loved deeply and without reservation and so do we. We just love hanging out and learning about what it means to really have a relationship with Jesus. Relentless Church is a special place where you can be yourself. Our youth program is getting a revamp, so stay tuned! There is a word from God for His people. The Wallhouse Hotel, 2870 Cove Ln, Walnut Creek, OH 44687, USA. Gray, an internationally known preacher and television personality who remains an associate pastor at Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston, formed Relentless Church in Greenville in 2018. Join us for Easter Sunday! When the church was first born in the book of Acts it tells of people who cared more about each other than they did they're own needs, people who ate together and challenged each other to live abundant lives. Loving God isn’t enough. All are welcome to come and join! “So since I was the cause of public embarrassment, let me be JUST AS LOUD ABOUT PUBLIC HONOR,” Gray added. It is every man’s battle. “It's important to take a step back to realize that I have been battling, and being a wounded warrior only has so much celebration to it. Our desire is that everyone who visits Relentless feels connected! According to the church broadcasts, Gray did not preach for a month but delivered a sermon, this weekend, so it’s unclear whether or not he is still on leave. Scariest thing ever. Our Youth Team is dedicated to creating a safe & fun environment that turns our teens heart towards Jesus every Wednesday! Although you are the only woman I’ve ever slept with, emotional unfaithfulness is just as wrong,” Gray continued. Pastor Ed and his wife, Stephanie have four children in London, Lola, Liv, and Lawson. All you have to do is bring your drivers license and we'll load your car up with 9 family meals! No childcare provided. We love providing the necessary information to keep everyone abreast of the exciting happenings at our church. Gray also promised to be a better leader for his congregation moving forward. We will love you right where you are while showing you how to encounter the Living God every single day! The Relentless Church, Columbia, MS. 603 likes. Her name is Aventer. Please rsvp by the Thursday before. We are a non-denominational church that discovers Jesus' heart every single week. Every last Friday throughout the year we are meeting at Latino on Arlington. She is a life giver. For a better experience now, use another browser. “This is my wife. John Gray reveals he 'sat down' from leading Relentless Church to get his life in order, Do you want award-winning journalism with a, SBC's JD Greear rebukes pastors who allow racists to feel more at home in churches than people of color, 63% of Biden voters reject that God is 'all powerful,' 'perfect and just' creator: survey, Parents join newly formed LGB group to protest outside 6 transgender clinics in US, Canada, Ex-porn star reveals how the Bible transformed her after her boyfriend was murdered in front of her, Liberal hypocrisy on full display with racist cartoon, A post shared by John Gray (@realjohngray), Ron Carpenter says legal disputes with Pastor John Gray over church ‘are finished’, Ron Carpenter announces new Greenville Redemption campus amid lawsuit with John Gray, Pastor John Gray says he has ‘submitted to a process of restoration’ after new infidelity allegations, Pastor John Gray accused of another inappropriate relationship; lawyers say he’s being blackmailed, Promise Keepers Announces First-Ever Men’s Marriage Summit, Online Degree Programs that Equip You for the Work of Helping, Amazon removes scholar's trans-critical book as Equality Act to be voted on in US House, Eugene Peterson's sermons on Revelation released in new book, 'The Hallelujah Banquet', Shauna Niequist apologizes for her silence following father Bill Hybels' downfall, Private memorial and public viewing planned for Frederick KC Price after COVID-19 death, Detroit evangelical pastor, radio host who reached many for Christ, dies at 86. Since their marriage 17 years ago, God has been preparing Pastor David and Kelly strategically and specifically to plant Relentless Church. Being apart of a family means we all pitch in to make it the best it can be! The Christian Post reached out to Relentless Church for clarification on Gray’s sabbatical but did not receive a response by press time. Join over 250,000 others to get the top stories curated daily, plus special offers! She is from God. Preaching Jesus isn’t enough. “Sin is sin.”. “Flesh versus spirit. Jasmine Simpkins When it comes to adultery, it’s more than clear Pastor John Gray struggles, hard. Contact Youth Leader Mike Cline @ mikecline6060@yahoo.com with any questions. Fill out a "Say Yes" card at the Connect Desk or click "Volunteer" below to email Krissy! Every service, our online community, volunteer hosts, and members log in and share the church experience together. Relentless Church Pastor John Gray reassures us during this uncertain time. We will have games, movies, snacks, and serve breakfast before parent pick up. (No childcare is provided for this event.). David Jones, Lead Pastor. Pastor Leroy Barnes, Jr. Pastor Leroy Barnes, Jr. is the Senior Pastor of Relentless Global Church (RGC), a ministry dedicated to building God’s Kingdom one family at a time by preaching and teaching the message of Jesus Christ (Luke 4:43).. Internet Explorer won’t be supported for long. Check out all the latest news on our Instagram or Facebook page and listen to our weekly messages on Youtube! Over time, she allowed me in her life and let me dance with her. This is Relentless Church Sunday Live Service for February 14 2021 with Pastor John Gray and it is not a Sunday service you will want to miss. The deposit is due by Feb 21st & full payment is due by March 14th. 0:05. R Kids (ages birth - 5th grade) will be hosting an egg hunt immediately following service. You can dress however you're comfortable and you don't have to impress. Invite a friend to join us! I am sorry for the pain I have caused you. She is a kingdom builder. Attend to hear the history, heart, and vision of Relentless! Pastor John Gray with his wife and two children speaks Dec. 17, 2018, to the congregation at Relentless Church in Greenville, South Carolina. Enjoy a weekend connecting with your spouse! I must do the work to earn your trust.”, The preacher ended his post by vowing that he will work to become the husband and “man God intended.”. Since then, he has come under much criticism for gifting his wife with a $200,000 Lamborghini for their eight-year anniversary just months after he confessed to listening to “voices” that lured him away and almost caused the couple to divorce. Our private prayer rooms are open at 6:00 pm and corporate worship starts at 6:30 pm. We want to invite you to be a part of our family! My wife is.”. So Many Things Are Happening All the Time! We love raising our 3 kids, creating memories, laughing hysterically and having fun. Community Block Party and Car & Bike Show! We are so excited to come together once a quarter this year to focus on biblical parenting! Last month, the pastor announced to his congregation that he was going on a “sabbatical” while preaching a message titled, “You Are Here.” Gray confessed that he needed “immediate intervention from the Holy Ghost.”, "I'm going to step away into a time of sabbatical,” he said during the Sunday service, revealing that he was stepping away so that his heart, soul and mind “can be restored.”. We'd love to welcome you into our family! #ourrelentlesschurch Redemption Church Pastor Ron Carpenter Jr. said he was promised a retirement package of $6.25 million to be made in annual payouts of $250,000 for 25 years in a failed transition agreement with fellow megachurch pastor John Gray of Relentless Church, court documents filed in South Carolina on Friday reveal. | Instagram/Ron Carpenter/John Gray. A post shared by John Gray (@realjohngray) on Nov 6, 2020 at 12:04pm PST. Get delivered. I don't need judgment, I need prayers.”. We offer classes from birth to 5th grade on Sunday mornings. | Facebook/Ron Carpenter Jr. Officials at Gray’s Relentless Church were not immediately available for comment when contacted by The Christian Post Monday. You can choose to stay one (Fri) for $260 or two nights (Thurs & Fri) for $380. Come enjoy a lite brunch and Jill will do a simple wreath making demonstration. Relentless Church Pastor John Gray. When you walk through the doors you'll be greeted and loved well. He became pastor of Relentless Church in 2018 after years of preaching at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Or hurt the ones who actually love you the most,” he said. My life is my responsibility,” Gray declared. Pastor Ron Carpenter Jr. speaks with congregants at his newly launched Redemption East Church at a Vision Night event in Greenville, S.C., on, October 24, 2020. Last year, the Pastor at Relentless Church, was accused of cheating on his wife, Aventer Gray. David served on staff at Woodford Community Christian Church youth pastor and … Do you want award-winning journalism with a Christian worldview, delivered to your inbox? To enjoy our website, you'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Kids will need to bring sleeping bag and pillow. We have things going on for every age. Redemption Church Pastor Ron Carpenter Jr. (L) and Pastor John Gray of Relentless Church (R). The post comes after last week's announcement from Hillsong Church that it fired megachurch Pastor Carl Lentz for a “moral failure” and his refusal to submit to leadership while employed with the global ministry. Pastor Cedric and Angienette Watts are the founders of The Relentless Church. We love to serve our community in every way we can, so there's no requirements to receive food. Invite a friend to join! We engage with each other during the worship and message from Pastor John Gray. Being apart of a family means we all pitch in to make it the best it can be! Related Videos. We are always looking for people who want to get involved in our Kid's Ministry, Cafe, Worship Team, Welcome Team or the Jericho Inn Outreach. Pastor John Gray revealed that he stepped away from leading Relentless Church in Greenville, South Carolina, to work on his marriage and family. Relentless is a special place where you can be yourself. Lunch & Childcare provided - must RSVP by Thursday, February 18th. ---MORE INFO COMING SOON---. I need to just step back and rest. When you walk through the doors you'll be greeted and loved well. We stay connected through the live chat, prayer, membership, weekly … You can dress however you're comfortable and you don't have to impress anyone. Registration includes room, meals, and surprises! We will be providing dinner that evening so please RSVP by 3/16. We are a Recovery Residential Center program that is open 24/7. For many, heading to church is just a part of the routine, but during this pandemic the way that we worship had to change. We are a community of believers who love God and do life together. We will be hosting a Community Block Party along with a Car & Bike Show This is an adult only event. They lived out their faith in tangible ways and so do we. Redemption Church Pastor Ron Carpenter Jr. (L) and Pastor John Gray of Relentless Church (R). My life wasn’t in order,” Gray wrote on Instagram Friday. We are a church that believes in living out the love of Jesus everywhere we go! Spiritually Fit Open AA Meeting & Alanon Meeting. The first Sunday of every month from Feb - April the kids will join us in service to worship & hear the word as families. The first 50 vehicles registered receive a dash plaque. WOULD YOU CONSIDER PARTNERING WITH US EACH MONTH? 2 talking about this. | Instagram/Ron Carpenter/John Gray An ongoing dispute between the Ron Carpenter-led Redemption Church and John Gray’s Relentless Church in South Carolina over real estate has escalated after Relentless Church filed a motion in court last week … The $20 registration covers a continental breakfast, childcare, & a gift that day. Latino Bar & Grill, 3430 S Arlington Rd, Akron, OH 44312, USA. Two South Carolina megachurches—Relentless Church, headed by pastor John Gray, and Redemption Church, headed by Ron Carpenter—are once again battling each other in court. Pick up: 8:00 AM. Dr. Ed Newton is the lead pastor of Community Bible Church, in San Antonio, a 27,000 member congregation, a multiple campus, missional community of multigenerational, multicultural disciple makers who seek to initiate and celebrate life change in Jesus name. “A few months ago I sat down from leading at Relentless.