And it happens to self-prepared and submitted applications close to 100% of the time. For program eligibility questions, please call us: Your experience is important to us! Sadly, that is what happens to nearly all self-prepared 8(a) applications. The information you’ll need … The reason SBA returns so many applications. We will perform a comprehensive eligibility analysis at no charge, and if there is a way you can successfully become 8(a) certified, we'll tell you. It may get returned again: If SBA finds that the application is still not complete, or still has inadequately addressed issues, they will return it again. The SBA 8a application process is tough, and we know it. You have found the Nation's two most expert and experienced 8(a) application and certification consultants. Almost none are familiar with the most recent court decisions and how they affect SBA's interim eligibility rules. The https:// means all transmitted data is encrypted — in other words, any information or browsing history that you provide is transmitted securely. Gathering the 8a program list of SBA 8a Application Forms will help you to make sure that your application is complete. Please feel free to submit any questions you may have to Can you re-apply? Worse, the system does not actually make it possible to upload the other needed documents (unless you know how to get around that). Alanson Anderson is the founder of the practice. 1. SBA 8a Certification Eligibility Requirements. It does not mean that SBA has formally denied the application. Starting on October 15, 2020, Certify will no longer support storage of … SBA 8(a) Business Development Program Welcome to! SBA's Official Policy: SBA's official policy is that applicants can apply for 8(a) certification without help. But 8(a) applications prepared and submitted without expert guidance almost never get through SBA's application process on the first try. It will be as if SBA itself were helping you to get successfully 8(a) certified. We make certain that your 8(a) application is done correctly and that all issues are properly addressed. Here’s how we will guide you through the process of obtaining your SBA 8a certification. The SBA 8a application can be tricky. Contact us TODAY to find out if you qualify. SBA returns nearly all self-prepared 8(a) applications (unprocessed) on the first attempt. So applicants think they have submitted a complete application - but they haven't. Or, if you prefer, our toll free phone number is (888) 440-5562. Here, one of our 8a program experts will review your entire application, checking it for missing documents and potential eligibility issues. Seemingly simple or minor errors are enough to trigger a denial of an application. Welcome to SBA 8A accreditation is considered as one of the most huge authority acknowledgment for private companies. x (D o CD O o O O o O O o O o o o o o D o o o o o O O O D D o o o (D o o . Increase your chances of getting 8a certified the first time. That’s why we’re in business; we want to help women, minorities, handicapped, service disabled veterans, and disadvantaged small business owners secure 8a certification, so they are given … The SBA prefers that you be in business for at least two years prior to applying into the 8(a) Program, however, you can request the Two-Year Waiver Rule. SBA refers to this as "returning" an 8(a) application. Absolutely no one in private practice knows more about SBA 8(a) eligibility or about the application and certification process. There are good reasons we go to accountants, lawyers, doctors, dentists and other specialists. To gain 8a businesses certification eligibility all the firms must be controlled by the disadvantaged majority owner. You just request it in your application and reflect how your firm meets the below objectives: Substantial demonstration of business management experience the 8a certification requirements is very confusing. BDPE-466 (2013), SBA OHA held that the SBA’s evaluation of a disabled veteran’s 8(a) application was flawed because the SBA relied on broad, conclusory statements, failed to consider all of the veteran’s evidence of social disadvantage, and made conclusions contrary to … We are proud to provide our customers with excellent customer service and ongoing support. The new automated application was developed by an 8 (a) firm, Simplicity, Inc. in conjunction with the SBA's Office of Government Contracting and Business Development. Here are the instructions for how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, An official website of the United States government. For help with SBA certification and business development, requirements for 8(a) certification and how to become an SBA 8a certified business and to make sure get your SBA 8a application requirements completed, call our 8a certification requirementsconsultants at 1-866-601-5518. *New!*. Imagine if it were possible to have your 8(a) application prepared by SBA itself - and not just someone at SBA, but by the very person who would be reviewing it and deciding its outcome. The SBA online CERTIFY system has serious design flaws that cause applicants to submit incomplete applications that cannot be processed. We save you the frustration, the wasted time, and the lost opportunities that returned and denied 8(a) applications cause. We have an unmatched level of SBA 8(a) application experience - well over 6 decades combined. This turnkey service is designed for the small business owner who needs an expert to prepare all aspects of their SBA 8(a) Application.We work one-on-one with you to make sure your 8(a) Application is prepared properly and is accepted by the SBA. This site is also protected by an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate that’s been signed by the U.S. government. Why can't you just prepare and submit your own 8(a) application? The 8 (a) program is a nine-year business improvement program that gives business preparing, directing, advertising and specialized help to independent companies that have been affirmed. Please click here for the CONTACT FORM and we will get back to you promptly. You have been directed to from BDMIS in order to submit the supporting documentation required for your 8(a) application submission. Our SBA 8a certification consultants are also government Ensure that you have Applying to the 8(a) Program can be a rather arduous process. Such standards and guideline incorporate confinement on individual total assets and direct access to … Created Date: 20171013091042Z Second, during those wasted months, and sometimes years, you will lose out on important 8(a) opportunities. You can - but you will wish you hadn't. In fact the system actually leads applicants to submit incomplete applications. First, you will invest a great deal of your valuable time in the repeated attempts -- much more than if you got expert help to do it correctly and efficiently. And imagine if that person's only goal were to make sure that your application got approved on the first try. SBA 8a certification is a possession/assorted variety confirmation supported by the Small Business Association (SBA) of the United States government. Each year the Federal Government is required to award 5% of their contracts to 8(a) Certified businesses. For your convenience, please view the guide below. Apply for and manage your 8 (a)Business Development Program and All Small Mentor-Protégé Program certification online from our easy-to-use dashboard. And a fair number of applicants do re-apply. The first step is to find out if you can qualify for 8(a) certification. We will do it correctly and make sure your application gets processed and approved on the first try. No chance of approval: Since those 8(a) applications would be denied if processed as submitted, SBA just returns them without further action taken. SBA 8(a) Application and Certification Expert Consultants Since 1983 (888) 440-5562 The nation's top two SBA 8(a) program experts team up to help you get your 8(a) certification on the very first try The SBA 8(a) Program - billions of dollars in Federal contracts for small disadvantaged businesses No one else in private practice even comes close to that level of insider knowledge and expertise. Comprehensive and detailed: Few applicants realize just how comprehensive and detailed an 8(a) application needs to be. High-Level SBA 8a Certification Application Help Prepare 8a certification applications that are worth the SBA’s time. The .gov means it’s official.Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. But there is a better - and ultimately less costly - way to get it done. Supporting Documentation for 8(a) Application: Please see Appendix A for the required documents that need to be submitted to the SBA as part of your application for certification in the 8(a) BD Program. SBA's system only asks for a portion of the documents required by law, so applicants think they have submitted a complete application -- but they haven't. Some things are best left to experts: While applicants are often subject matter experts in their own fields, they simply are not experts on SBA 8(a) matters. Treated as a new submission: Your re-submitted 8(a) application will be treated as a new submission. In spite of the fact that you don’t need to pay any add up to the central government for applying to 8a certification program, accommodation of some basic archive and legitimate culmination of perfect desk work is obligatory. Our top two expert 8(a) certification consultants have the experience and inside knowledge to save you headaches, lost time, wasted efforts and costly missed opportunities. Doing it yourself will cost you more: You will not save any money by attempting to apply for 8(a) certification on your own. The same applies in this case. Please review the instructions below in full before establishing your account and attempting to submit your PDF documents. Applicants must follow very specific protocol so that it … We will get back to you promptly and perform a no-cost evaluation of whether or not - with our expert guidance - you can successfully apply for SBA 8(a) certification. We work as a team - and if we take on your case, you will get your 8(a) certification on the first attempt. Every year, they get hundreds upon hundreds of 8(a) applications that are incomplete, inconsistent, have unresolved eligibility issues, or are otherwise inadequate for thorough analysis. The SBA requirements and how to get 8a status are not as straightforward as companies may think. Joe Donnini is the nation's top expert consultant on 8(a) eligibility. For you to successfully re-apply, you will need to provide SBA with everything the regulations require and address all of SBA's questions and concerns to their satisfaction. If we take on your case, you. SBA's regulations concerning eligibility are far more complex than applicants realize. Applying for SBA 8(a) certification is not a good DIY project. That will mean starting over. You have been directed to from BDMIS in order to submit the supporting documentation required for your 8(a) application submission. Simply stated, you will not find expertise like that anywhere else. In a final rule effective November 16, the SBA explains that the shorter period should reduce the need for sometimes-costly appeals of denied 8(a) Program applications.. But it does mean that they will not take any further action on it. And it happens to self-prepared and submitted applications close to 100% of the time. Yet many others simply drop the whole thing. Months of time gets wasted when SBA returns 8(a) applications unprocessed due to missing elements or eligibility irregularities. The system asks applicants to upload some - but not all - of the documents that SBA regulations require for an 8(a) application. That means it goes back into the queue and waits its turn to be screened again. 8a Applications & SBA 8a Certification Process Many small businesses take the chance on their own only to spend twice as much processing time for SBA 8a certification application approval that often ultimately prove unsuccessful in certification, even when meeting generic requirements. Each time it adds more months to the process We get many calls from frustrated applicants who have made repeated unsuccessful attempts to get 8(a) certified and have now decided to seek expert help to get it done correctly. It does not mean that SBA has formally denied the application. The 8(a) eligibility rules and the application process are far too complex - and the outcome far too critical to the business development goals of applicants - to be taken on as a DIY project by someone who is tackling it for the first time. Option 2 – 8a Application Completion Service Trying to get through that process without expert help is usually an expensive mistake that results in wasted time and lost opportunities. You also want to always follow-up to make sure that you have an accurate 8a certification application form along with the below list of supporting documents. Your application must be authorized within 10 days, or it will be withdrawn.