where sys.AD_Site_Name0='AD-Sitename' configmgr, configuration manager, microsoft, sccm, sccm 2007, sccm 2012, sms Post navigation ← SCCM SQL Query : Advertisement Status For Multiple Advertisement IDs By default, System Center doesn't recreate your OU structure in Active Directory. My Blog Posts The following query lists all inventoried products and the associated files for a computer with the NetBIOS name of COMPUTER1. If you want to see a best guess of boundary and boundary group information for a workstation, you can use the Now Micro Right Click Tools to show boundaries/boundary groups a workstation currently is in. The key to getting the machines that do not have certain software is to query for the machine WITH the software then use the key term “not in” to select the ones not returned. I use IP subnets on the majority of my boundaries because I need this report to list a location next to each computer. where (AccountName0 not like '%Administrator%' AND AccountName0 not like '%Domain Admins%'). After some research It started to dawn on me that this would not be an easy task. The script is using the Invoke-SQLCmd, so make sure to install the SQL Server PowerShell module before you run it. This offers a new opportunity with collections based on Boundary groups, which could mean physical sites or any other meaningful needs in your environment. As Nash explained, there is only the current boundary which is used for content location only. If you are not familiar with this new feature, you can read about it in our previous post which describes how to use it.The goal of this post is to give you a list of SCCM CMPivot Query … To accomplish this create a new custom view in the database with the below query. sccm collection query computers with pending restart, This blog teaches an SCCM admin new to SCCM how to create an SCCM collection based on an SCCM query. To use a boundary, you must add the boundary to one or more boundary groups. It is now possible to view what boundary group a device is connected to! To find a different application in your own query find the line in … Look for the latest SCCM CB SQL database backup, attach the copy of the SCCM site DB backup CM_PR1 (where PR1 is the site code) to another SQL Server. However you can achieve this task using PowerShell as well. For troubleshooting purposes, you might want to create a device collection for computers that are not assigned to a boundary group. Boundaries for SCCM define network locations on your intranet that can contain devices that you want to manage. This query pulls a list of all boundaries within SCCM, then does a count of clients in each boundary. Query the boundary related tables or views to get details of IP Details boundaries and boundary groups. I found this query from the canned reports: SELECT OPSYS.Caption0 as C054, COUNT(*) AS 'Count' I'm trying to gather a list of OSes in a particular AD boundary. SQL Query: SELECT distinct v_BoundaryInfo. Active Directory. SCCM Query Collection List. In what feels like 90% of all cases when a client computer does not run an SCCM OSD task sequence and states “PXE boot aborted”, it is because it has not been deleted from SCCM, which therefore has two client objects with the same MAC address in its database. The report query is based off of the built-in Asset Intelligence report named:  Hardware 01A - Summary of computers in a specific collection. Jason | http://blog.configmgrftw.com | @jasonsandys. Did you ever find wh, http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrreporting/thread/188bb324-9217-4fa6-b814-06a3d353bf52, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. information, not live, so it wouldn't really be useful. However, my query isn't providing any results. Boundaries and Boundary Groups in SCCM As per Microsoft, a boundary is a network location on the intranet that can contain one or more devices that you want to manage. In the Monitoring workspace, select Queries. SCCM 2012 R2 report to know machine boundary location. Create a device collection using this query: select SMS_R_System.ResourceId, SMS_R_System.ResourceType, SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.SMSUniqueIdentifier, SCCM-Create Device Collections Based. ... System Center Configuration Manager / SCCM. You can try this by proving AD site information if you are using AD site as Boundary : SELECT OPSYS.Caption0 as C054, COUNT(*) AS 'Count' For an individual client, right click and select Client Tools > Client Information and switch to the Boundaries You just have to query for the subnet ID of the computer and use that to join to the table that has your boundaries in it, then you can return the name of the boundary group. We use this report in order to charge back each of our branch locations for software license costs. tab. Boundary groups are logical groups of boundaries that you configure. In this post I will cover the steps to create device collections based on AD OU. If you are just trying to see in general what DP's people are using, you can use the report called "Distribution Point Usage Summary". Also note, specific to the terminology you used, there's no such thing as an assigned boundary. For an individual client, right click and select Client Tools > Client Information and switch to the Boundaries tab. have a match for the subnet it shows nothing in the location field. GROUP BY OPSYS.Caption0 Confuse - USMT & MDT & SIM; Risk and Health Assessment Program for … for XML path('')) as 'Boundary', sys1.ModifiedOn, sys1.ModifiedBy from vSMS_BoundaryGroup as sys1 configmgr configuration manager microsoft sccm sccm 2007 sccm 2012 If it doesn't The query matches up the IP subnet of the system with the IP subnet of the boundary. You will most likely still end up with some duplicated values but you can export to Excel and remove duplicates pretty easy if needed. Wondering how to add AD boundary into there. SCCM 2012 SQL Query Boundaries and respective DP. DisplayName AS [Boundary Name], Case v_BoundaryInfo. My mobile device report filters based off of the model. The following SCCM collection query can be used to list all computers with a particular application and version installed. Last updated: Saturday, 21 August 2010.