The …, That’s probably the most annoying thing in PoGo. Movesets with Confusion will do more damage than those with Psycho Cut, but the latter is easier to dodge with and provides more energy for Charge Moves. However, there are much better options for Fighting-type DPS. Overall this is probably not an idea worth pursuing for consistent results. Generation III & Generation IV. So if you didn't manage to obtain a high IV specimine, it's still extremely worth raising. Confusion + Shadow Ball is Shadow Mewtwo’s best neutral DPS and ideal against Ghosts. Moves. Mega Metagross, especially with Meteor Mash, is certainly going to be one of the best Megas in the game. Psystrike makes Shadow Mewtwo the best Psychic attacker, standing far above all competition. Its best counters are strong Dark types, Psychic types, Ghost types and Ground types such as Mega Houndoom, Darkrai, Mewtwo, Metagross, itself, Chandelure, Giratina-Origin, Groudon, Excadrill, Rhyperior, Garchomp and Landorus.. Duo shenanigans aside, 3-5 trainers with strong counters should be able to take down Mega Gengar ⦠About "Mewtwo is a Pokémon that was created by genetic manipulation. The July of 2020 Team Rocket Takeover saw the release of Shadow Machamp, bringing the champ back to the absolute top spot of Fighting Types. It is vulnerable to Bug, Dark and Ghost moves. Mewtwo has previously been Raid Boss in Tier 5 and EX Raids. Flamethrower and Thunderbolt have less relevant coverage and aren't as efficient. So now that you know about the different growth rates, let me explain how actual Experience is gained. The best moves for Mewtwo are Confusion and Psystrike when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. To put its power into perspective, a 0/0/0 IV Shadow Mewtwo is still very superior to a 15/15/15 normal Mewtwo given the same level and moveset. It can sweep enemy teams if given a major energy or shielding advantage, but likewise so can various other Pokemon. Use Psycho Cut when Psychic type is resisted, when the charge move is weather boosted, or when the charge move is doubly SE. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles. Ice Beam makes Shadow Mewtwo the top ranked Ice-type attacker considering all other current options have a much lower attack stat. Its bad matchups against Steel and Ghost do it no favors either. The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to beat Mewtwo are: These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. All images and names owned and trademarked by Gamefreak, Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, and Niantic are property of their respective owners. Sunny Day is the more common weather effect, primarily used by Fire and/or Grass types. However, even though the scientific power of humans created this Pokémon's body, they failed to endow Mewtwo with a compassionate heart.". Every time you power up, your Pokémon gains half a level. This will come in handy when Dialga returns to raids, as Machamp will be the fifth-best counter with this moveset, and Shadow Machamp will be the second-best⦠tailing only Lucario. Sunshine. Psystrike makes Shadow Mewtwo the best Psychic attacker, standing far above all competition. Focus Blast is ideal for gyms against all those Blissey and Snorlax. With an Elite TM, you are able to have a Mewtwo that can now have access to both these Charge Moves. To find exactly what level your Pokémon is, power up your Pokémon following this chart until you're certain of your level from Stardust cost changes. It should be noted that Shadow Mewtwo generally prefers shields due to its decreased inherent bulk, while regular Mewtwo's bulk has better chances to tank minor charge moves from faster opponents when shields are down. The announcement from Niantic about Season 7: Season of…, Hi - first post here. Still, it hits hard, and it hits a lot of the metagame. Pair with Confusion for the highest DPS pure Psychic moveset. The foul egg. Thunderbolt places Shadow Mewtwo just behind Shadow Raikou, Shadow Magnezone, Shadow Electivitre, and Shadow Zapdos as one of the top Electric attackers in the game. Shadow Mewtwo has been released, and Pokemon Go will never be the same. Mega Gengar is a mega raid boss in Pokémon GO. At the time, it was one of the absolute strongest overall Pokemon in the game, and could operate in virtually any raid with neutral coverage alone. Pokémon is Copyright Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 2001-2021. If you're lucky enough to obtain one with worthwhile stats, it is easily one of the most pervasively powerful Pokemon in the game, combining huge effective attack, outstanding moves, and one of the best offensive typings in the game. July 26, 2020; Go Fest. Metagross - Metagross and Shadow Metagross are Steel and Psychic type pseudo-Legendary Pokémon that are already incredibly powerful and useful. Psycho Cut + Shadow Ball is ideal against Psychic-type Pokemon when Ghost is super effective and Psychic is not. Copyright © 2016 - 2021 All Rights Reserved. It is vulnerable to Bug, Dark and Ghost moves. If nothing else, Mewtwo with a second charged move can still be useful in raids, making that 100k dust investment worthwhile on two fronts! Ice Beam has the same energy cost as Shadow Ball and offers extra coverage against Flying- and (non-Ghost or Steel) Dragon-types instead. Shadow Ball is as powerful as ever, and hits for widely unresisted damage. Mewtwo's strongest moveset is Confusion & Psychic and it has a Max CP of 4,178. How to use: You need to know your Pokemon's exact level. February 2021 Team Rocket Takeover: Which Rockets to Prioritize, Pokemon Go Tour: Kanto, Niantic Reveals Final Pre-Event Details, Niantic Announces New Kanto Raid Day, Giovanni's Return, Fletchling Confirmed for March 2021 Community Day, Niantic Reveals Valentines Day Event Details, Happy Season of Legends! Mewtwo was one of the original Pokemon to receive the 9% nerf to Pokemon with a CP over 4,000, and with good reason. There is a very low chance that you can get a shiny Mewtwo, which has the following appearance: Mewtwo is a legendary Psychic Pokémon. Mewtwo currently has no evolutions in Pokémon GO. Pair with Confusion for the highest DPS pure Psychic moveset. Click here for more info ». Now for the overpowered part. Psycho Cut (1.5 DPT/4.5 EPT) gives Mewtwo the ability to use its charged moves faster, which is better suited for its squishy nature, whereas Confusion (4 DPT/3 EPT) hits much harder through shields. The moves highlighted in green benefit from the Same Type Attack Bonus, and deal 20% more damage. In fact, Shadow Metagross falls only slightly behind Shadow Mewtwo for best Pokémon in the game. Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. As far as I can…. "Mewtwo is a Pokémon that was created by genetic manipulation. Mewtwo's strongest moveset is Confusion & Psychic and it has a Max CP of 4,178. Foul Play is a key move for Choice Scarf Yveltal, as one of the main purposes behind this set is to outspeed and take advantage of Swords Dance-boosted Arceus formes, Necrozma-DM, Mega Lucario, Ultra Necrozma, and Primal Groudon.It also hits Ho-Oh, Mega Mewtwo Y, and Primal Kyogre harder than Dark Pulse does on this set. Confusion + Shadow Ball is Shadow Mewtwoâs best neutral DPS and ideal against Ghosts. Psystrike is Mewtwo's cheapest charged move at 45 energy, and an extremely powerful one too, especially considering it benefits from STAB. Psychic is an acceptable alternative to Psystrike, sporting close overall performance. Psychic is an acceptable alternative to Psystrike, sporting close overall performance. Shadow Mewtwo is incredibly squishy in any league that caps its CP due to its very high ATK stat, which makes it difficult to use. Note on Mew and Mewtwo: Mew's best moveset is technically Shadow Claw and Psyshock; however, Mew and Mewtwo's greatest strength is the wide variety in their movepools. Mewtwo’s incredibly powerful and versatile collection of charged moves give it a very strong presence in Master League, though it’s not the meta-defining threat it was initially considered to be. Arbok is a Poison Pokémon which evolves from Ekans. Activation Means: Using Move Sunny Day Using Max Move Max Flare Using a Pokémon that has the Drought Ability.Note, as of X & Y, this will only last 5 turns. Mewtwo is a legendary Psychic Pokémon. And now we're returning to those primordial times with Shadow Mewtwo; the new highest-DPS and overall strongest Pokemon in the entire game. Mewtwo’s incredibly high Attack stat makes it incredibly squishy. The main issue was that Mewtwo could only know one of these powerhouse moves at a time. There's an equation for how much Experience you gain of course, it may not be exact however since it's from Gold and Silver. All images and names owned and trademarked by Gamefreak, Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, and Niantic are property of their respective owners. Mewtwo can excel as with Ice Beam, Flamethrower, and Thunderbolt in special cases. Mewtwo is a Psychic type Pokémon, which makes it weak against Bug, Dark and Ghost moves. Focus Blast then covers any Normal-types that would resist Shadow Ball, and it nukes the numerous Steel-type threats, though it takes quite a long time to charge. Arbok's strongest moveset is Acid & Gunk Shot and it has a Max CP of 1,921. Pokémon is Copyright Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 2001-2018. Flamethrower can't allow Shadow Mewtwo to rival Shadow Moltres, but it's still very viable. Shadow Ball was an original legacy move and Psystrike was an event move. Strange Eggs, Giovanni's Return, and the 2nd Half of the Autumn Event Come to Pokemon Go. On my way home, I encountered a wild Charizard with BB, which I…, Season 7 retains the same Rank structure as Season 6 but we’re getting new Cups and…, I was wondering if anyone has some words of wisdom regarding Sableeye for GL. It is vulnerable to Psychic and Ground moves.