Gray Tabby with White markings Female Kitten... We rescued some kittens that was rescued during all that flooding a few months back. margin-top: 10px; The Ragdoll is the mom and she's Lilac in color. Click to add text, images, and other co nten t. McKalas Kittens re Ready To Rehome 10/3/2012 . The daddy is an Apple head Siamese, and the momma is a Wedge head Siamese (3rd photo= mom, 4th photo= dad!). Find information on Cat health, nutrition, holistic healing, basic care, toys, and much more! For Sale. Join millions of people using Oodle to find kittens for adoption, cat and kitten listings, and other pets adoption. Best Recent . Siamese cats have a triangular shaped head, very slender but muscular body and a short, fine coat. The head shape is a modified wedge, with prominent cheekbones and whisker pads giving a squared appearance to the muzzle. List Your Pets ... Find Dogs Find Cats Find Birds Find Rabbits Find Horses. We are a large family who loves animals. width: 33%; #gallery-2 .gallery-item { All this information is provided so that YOU can research each breeder individually and find the one that has your perfect kitten available! Post an Ad. We also highly recommend reading checking out our latest news articles at our blog. When someone is breeding puppies or breeding kittens, they are creating new dogs and cats who need homes. Search for siamese rescue cats for adoption near Fort Worth, Texas. - Siamese Kittens & Cats For Sale Or Adoption In Your Area Houston TX. Find Dogs. Dogs and cats for Sale, Puppies for Sale. They are three months and beautiful as ever!! Glitter is core... Our Siamese and Ragdoll cats had a liter of babies on July 25th. Shelters/Rescues Login. Hazel is our Howard Hughes of the bunch. registered kittens. Real Estate. Don't miss what's happening in your neighborhood. Very playful and sweet kittens Or, for … float: left; 3K Pets and Animals Cities. Shelters/Rescues Login. Leisure Time & Hobbies . siamese kittens Pets and Animals in Dallas, Texas at classifieds. She loves to be with you AT ALL TIMES, but also loves her space. 23K Cars Household. Find Dogs Find Cats Find Birds Find Rabbits Find Horses. Shelters/Rescues Login. #gallery-2 { Find more Siamese kittens for sale in these neighboring states: Or, for the complete list of Siamese cat breeders in the entire USA. 21-02-18-00223 C05 (f) (female) American Shorthair mix. However, please keep in mind that while we have the largest cat breeder directory on the internet, we cannot personally vouch for any individual breeder that is listed here. Here at Local Kittens For Sale our goal is to help connect anyone who is interested in getting a specific breed of cat with a trustworthy and reputable breeder in their area. Male Let us search for you! Real Estate. } Siamese Kittens Dallas We produce beautiful Siamese babies. Eva... Siamese - Sienna - Medium - Young - Female - Cat We do not really consider … Daddy is a CFA registered Wedgehead and Mama is a... We have two CFA Registered seal point Siamese Wedgehead kittens remaining for sale to a loving forever home. Adopt Siamese Cats in Texas. Litter trained! Litter box trained and ready to go. Find Cats. Anything Look…Weird? AmericanListed features safe and local classifieds for everything you need! Adopt a rescue cat through PetCurious. Some people are interested in a very specific breed of dog, cat, puppy or kitten and they think the only way to find that specific breed is to buy a dog for sale or buy a cat for sale from a puppy breeder or a kitten breeder. I have 6 Siamese kittens available!!! If you have never owned a Siamese before, or are interested in reading more information on these amazing cats, check out our Siamese Cat Breed Information page. The Siamese cat is a breed of domestic cat that originated in Thailand and is the first distinctively recognized breed of Oriental cat. My lady has always taken care of me, but she's getting older now, so I should get a new home. Glitter is a beautiful flame point Siamese kitten. Home; Kittens For Sale; Horatio; Our Dams; Our Kittens; Photo Gallery; Calendar; Testimonials; Contact Us; Location; Videos; Video Blog; WELECOME TO CJ'S SIAMESE KITTENS DALLAS. Search For More Kittens & Cats And Find Pet Care Information And Buying Tips With over 3,000 cat breeders listed on this website, we are the LARGEST breeder directory on the internet! I hope you enjoy browsing my website and viewing the photos of my cats and kittens. This cat has a very distinctive appearance with piercing baby blue eyes and large ears. So, to say I’m a little envious would be an understatement! Search For More Kittens & Cats And Find Pet Care Information And Buying Tips ' Toggle navigation. Web Site at RescueGroups : Highlighted Cats See all the Cats! Siamese Kittens Dallas We produce beautiful Siamese babies. For Sale. Breeder Name City State Phone Email; BRYAN : TX: 9797782293 : Houston : TX: 3059708635 : purebredhome: dallas : TX (503) 389-0841 Klazeekats Cattery: Needville : TX (979) 793-6695 : Modern Siame Cattery: Houston : TX (415) 690-8988 : Find more Siamese kittens for sale in these neighboring states: Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, New Mexico, or Mississippi. List Your Pets. Best Recent; … Let us email you when there are new pet listings that match your search criteria! Advertise, Buy or sell puppies for sale, kittens for sale and other … We are honored and privileged that you have chosen us to help you on your journey to cat ownership! Aiden is very friendly, siamese mix with the pretty blue eyes. Kittens prepared at 12-15 weeks of... We have for adoption a pair of Classic Siamese kittens, purebred and pedigreed. Don't miss what's happening in your neighborhood. The... 6 weeks old 1K Austin; 359 Dallas; 347 San Antonio; 344 Houston; 248 McKinney; 228 Arlington; 226 Beaumont; 163 Wichita Falls; 141 Allen; 134 Ennis; Price. AmericanListed features safe and local classifieds for everything you need! Seal Siamese, chocolate and CFA. Browse for sale listings in
Let us search for you! List Your Pets. Siamese cats quickly became one of the most popular cat breeds in Europe and North America during the 20th century. Post an Ad Leisure Time & Hobbies. Siamese Cats available for sale in Texas from top breeders and individuals. Thank you for visiting the “Texas Siamese Breeders” page here at Local Kittens For Sale! Filter. Mom is ragdoll x... NEW TICA Registered ragdoll kittens, Currently 4-6 weeks of age and will be ready in May and altered before adoption.... 12 week make Siamese mix seal point kitten. Home; Search. They had... We have one remaining seal point Siamese kitten, male, CFA registered, for sale to a loving forever home. He is six... i have a adorable 8 week male Siamese kitten he has very pretty markings he is litter trained and eating hard kitten... We have an assortment of Siamese available for adoption to approved homes. } Adopt a rescue cat through PetCurious. Mocha was rescued from Animal Control. Mocha was rescued from Animal Control. Why buy a Siamese kitten for sale if you can adopt and save a life? Hello, My name is Chris Elliott and my wife's name is Terrie. Siamese,White Siamese kittens for sale applehead Siamese kittens for sale Ohio Siamese kittens Rochester NY Flame point Siamese names Thai cat for sale Traditional Siamese cat breeders Siamese cat orgin Balinese cat don't lilac Siamese cat for sale lilac Siamese kittens for sale Siamese breeders Texas cat breeders San Diego buy a Siamese kitten Siamese kittens Siamese kittens for sale near me … /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */. brownsville, TX (bro) central louisiana (aex) college station, TX (cst) corpus christi, TX (crp) dallas / fort worth (dal) deep east texas (och) galveston, TX (gls) houma, LA (hum) killeen / temple / ft hood (grk) lafayette, LA (lft) lake charles, LA (lkc) laredo, TX (lrd) mcallen / edinburg (mca) monroe, LA (mlu) san antonio (sat) san marcos, TX (tsu) shreveport, LA (shv) southwest MS (hez) texarkana (txk) texoma … Sheela is a seal point Siamese cross. They will follow their companions around and strike up a conversation about everything and anything. We say cross because we have no information on her... Glitter's story Post an Ad. For Sale. $75. Browse search results for lynx kittens Pets and Animals for sale in Texas. Siamese cats are highly active cats that demand love and attention. Browse Siamese kittens for sale & cats for adoption. Female 2 . 3K Pets and Animals Cities. All APA! They are eating solid foods and using the litter box!!! Clear. Male 1 . Siamese for sale in Texas. This gorgeous … Super friendly. Our kittens are well socialized, highly intelligent, and have gentle temperaments. Distance + 20 miles All Categories; For Sale; Offered + Wanted 0; Offered 0; Wanted 0; Sort by. Adopt a rescue cat through PetCurious. Find Dogs. Post an Ad. Search for siamese rescue cats for adoption near Dallas, Texas. Meow! Get updates in your inbox whenver we get new … Local Kittens Fore Sale is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Siamese Cats (Complete Pet Owner's Manual), Complete Owner's Guide to Siamese Cats and Kittens, Royal Canin Siamese Dry Cat Food, 6-Pound Bag. Find Siamese Cats on Login. Blue eyes Texas "The Lone Star State" - State Capital Austin. Browse search results for siamese kittens Pets and Animals for sale in Houston, TX. Login. border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; She is a cream and gray colored Siamese mix... Sheela's story Look at pictures of Siamese kittens who need a home. These are people who specialize in the breed and really understand their personality traits and how to care for them. Siamese cats are highly active cats that demand love and attention. My... Siamese marked Female Kitten #gallery-2 img { We list contact information for you to use, as well as posting a link to their website, so you can quickly see what kittens they currently have available. Siamese Kittens For Sale in Texas. Buy and sell thousands of cute puppies looking for good homes, all across the USA. We did not have exact matches for what you were looking for. Been wormed Jobs. Find Siameses for Sale in Dallas on Oodle Classifieds. Our cats are our pets. Puppies and Dogs; Kittens and Cats; Horses; All Pets; Pet Care Tips. Login. They will follow their companions around and strike up a conversation about everything and anything. Leisure Time & Hobbies . Very rarely we have a white-tipped kitten when a double white-spotted recessive gene matches up from the parents. She is calm and quiet. Siamese cats are very outgoing and can be quite chatty. Distance +20 miles Search. Browse search results for kittens siamese for sale in Austin, TX. 21-02-19-00126 C41 Luna (f) (female) Siamese. They are finally old enough to... A new litter of Siamese Classic kittens is ready for adoption! We’ve spent hours researching to find all of the different Siamese cat … Browse search results for siamese kittens Pets and Animals for sale in Texas. What a wonderful Christmas gift for one of... Siamese - Buster - Small - Young - Male - Cat For Sale. Luna is probably the best cat anyone could ask for. Login. Litter Description Siamese and Balinese Lynx Points. Vehicles. Our goal is to help you locate the perfect cat breeder near you; one who is reputable, trustworthy, and honest. Find Cats. AmericanListed features safe and local classifieds for everything you need! All Classifieds … Find Siameses for Sale in Waco, TX on Oodle Classifieds. Siamese, Domestic Short Hair Rescue Cat For Adoption in New Orleans, Louisiana I'm not so sure about kids, dogs, and other cats. Search for siamese rescue cats for adoption near Houston, Texas. She has been a... Siamese - Aidan - Small - Young - Female - Cat Eva is a loving cat and good with children. Full siamese. Yet animal shelters are filled with dogs and cats who must find homes. Post an Ad Leisure Time & Hobbies. They are very sweet and playful. Rehoming Fee $300. The fur coat has point coloration, with a paler body in seal, chocolate, blue or lilac with darker extremities. For Sale. Sienna is a beautiful, seal point Siamese kitty, about 1 year old.... Siamese - Katya - Medium - Baby - Female - Cat Most of our kittens are Seal Point, but we have an occasional Blue. Please email any... We have 3 kittens 2 standard male Tabbys and one female non standard calico kitten available. Also has Javanese, Colorpoint Shorthairs, Balinese. } they have blue eyes like the mother which is a... Breed-Siamese The is of medium size and body conformation with a substantial weight for its size. They are extremely... 3 seal point Siamese mix kittens. AmericanListed features safe and local classifieds for everything you need! In addition to visiting this website often, you can check us out on Facebook, Google+, and Pinterest for more information, pictures, and cute kitten videos! margin: auto; However, that means we also rely on our visitors to inform us if any of our breeders listed fall short of being a reputable and trustworthy cat breeder. Kittens for sale can be found in pet stores as well as on the internet at onli Kittens & Cats siamese Available near SanAntonio TX ( change location ) Displaying 1 thru 10 of 192 next> austin, TX (aus) beaumont / port arthur (bpt) central louisiana (aex) college station, TX (cst) deep east texas (och) fayetteville, AR (fyv) fort smith, AR (fsm) galveston, TX (gls) houston, TX (hou) killeen / temple / ft hood (grk) lake charles, LA (lkc) lawton, OK (law) little rock (lit) lubbock, TX (lbb) monroe, LA (mlu) northwest OK (end) oklahoma city (okc) san angelo, TX (sjt) san antonio (sat) san marcos, TX (tsu) … White with Black markings Female Kitten She is a one yr old kitten with beautiful blue... My story He is already litterbox trained and eats kitten food! Find Dogs, Puppies, Cats, most popular pet advertising site for pedigree and non pedigree dogs, puppies, cats, kittens and other pets. They are bobtailed, (short tails) Siamese Kittens For Sale in Citrus Heights, California United States. If you live in Texas and you’re trying to adopt a Siamese kitten or cat, your best choice is to go to a Siamese breeder. Let us email you when there are new pet listings that match your search criteria! Kim and Jen If you are interested in parenting kittens from... Siamese - Hazel - Medium - Baby - Male - Cat Sasha is a playful Siamese looking mix male kitten with sky blue eyes... Siamese - Mocha - Small - Adult - Female - Cat Declawed: No Good with... Siamese - Mocha And Kittens - Small - Adult - Female - Cat margin-left: 0; Search for siamese rescue cats for adoption near El Paso, Texas. Read more » Details / Contact. } She has been a great mom and... Siamese - Kim And Jen - Medium - Baby - Female - Cat Jobs. We love the traditional Siamese breed and carefully selected our progeny for hearty applehead genes with a touch of wedge elegance. Cat breeder in Idaho, hand raised, no cages, Balinese Kittens for Sale We always strongly encourage you to thoroughly check out each cat breeder you are interested in purchasing from before you make your final decision. List Your Pets. You can fill out an adoption application online on our official... Siamese - Eva - Small - Adult - Female - Cat Our kittens come in all … Jobs. Hidalgo County, Edinburg, TX ID: 21-02-19-00126. Comal County, New Braunfels, TX ID: 21-02-18-00223. Siamese are probably the most famous and iconic of all the cat breeds. 1K Austin; 369 Dallas; 356 Houston; 356 San Antonio; 249 McKinney; 243 Arlington; 237 Beaumont; 170 Wichita Falls; 141 Allen; 134 Ennis; Price. There’s no mistaking those big beautiful blue eyes and their elegant, sleek coats. I have 2 adorable Bombay & Siamese Mix Kittens! Great to have … For the best experience, we recommend you upgrade to the latest version of Chrome or Safari. Let us email you when there are new pet listings that match your search criteria! no papers Nickname: Gender: Male/Neutered DOB: 5/27/12 est. Let us search for you! Shelters/Rescues Login. Kittens and Bengal kittens for sale near me. Females are generally smaller than males. Find Dogs. Let us email you when there are new pet listings that match your search criteria! Siamese(428) Snowshoe(20) Tabby(13) American Shorthair(3) Balinese(3) Manx(3) Tonkinese(3) … I'm hoping for someone who loves me, but it might take me some time to warm up. She... Siamese - Hazel - Medium - Adult - Female - Cat Tips; Post a Free Ad; FAQs; Contact; Breed. Whats Included *Micro-chipped *Vaccinated *De-Wormed *Health Exam *TICA, or CFA, or CFF Registered *Health Guarantees in Writing *TruPanion Pet Insurance Offer. Austin Siamese Rescue, Inc. One Female & One Male Real Estate. Find Dogs Find Cats Find Birds Find Rabbits Find Horses. Looking for Siamese cat breeders in Texas or Siamese kittens and cats for sale? Find Cats. Born Easter... Adorable Ragdoll Siamese mix kittens ready for there new homes. Search For More Kittens & Cats And Find Pet Care Information And Buying Tips My Menu; Post Ad Browse Log In Post Ad Log In Post Ad Log In Classifieds For Sale Vehicles Housing Jobs Services Community. foster kittens/cats are litter box-trained, tested for... Siamese - Sasha - Medium - Baby - Male - Cat List Your Pets. Born in mid-March. #gallery-2 .gallery-caption { Brandy is an Amarillo SPCA kitten, who is 6 weeks of age. AmericanListed features safe and local classifieds for everything you need! Jobs. Perfect for Valentine's Day!! List Your Pets. List Your Pets. They also need a large amount of attention and companionship and will become sad quickly if they are left alone too often. Traditional Siamese Kitten breeder, Traditional old style Siamese kittens for sale, Applehead cats, Lynx point pure bred traditional Siamese. Find Dogs Find Cats Find Birds Find Rabbits Find Horses. Login. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'localkittensforsale_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',102,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'localkittensforsale_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',102,'0','1'])); .medrectangle-3-multi-102{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;text-align:center !important;}Each "breed specific" state page has a complete list of all the local catteries and individual breeders that we have been able to locate in that state. Kittens - Animals and Pets, Antiques, Appliances, Electronics, Furniture, Household Items and more in Cedar Park, TX. Join millions of people using Oodle to find kittens for adoption, cat and kitten listings, and other pets adoption. Home; Kittens For Sale; Horatio; Our Dams; Our Kittens; Photo Gallery; Calendar; Testimonials; Contact Us; Location; Videos; Video Blog Kittens For Sale 09/12/2012 (4-Males-Apple Head-Sealpoint) 9-weeks-sold. Siamese Kittens & Cats For Sale Or Adoption In Your Area Weatherford Texas. text-align: center; Browse search results for siamese kittens Pets and Animals for sale in Beaumont, TX. Make sure you thoroughly check them out each cattery yourself to make sure they are ethical, honest, and raise healthy, happy kittens! Why buy a Siamese kitten for sale if you can adopt and save a life? McKala has … Real Estate. Look at pictures of Siamese kittens who need a home. All Classifieds … Looking to rehome my pure bred Siamese kitten. Jobs. Date Born: 01/16/2019 Date Available: 03/02/2019. Siamese Kittens & Cats For Sale Or Adoption In Your Area Plano Texas. Let us search for you! Please go to: for adoption info. I have three kittens that will be going to there new homes!! She's friendly and playful. Adopt a rescue cat through PetCurious. Browse Siamese kittens for sale & cats for adoption. Finding a Siamese cat breeder in Texas can be difficult, but we’ve done all of the hard work for you. Real Estate.