Urban legends are especially interesting because in a way they have a life of their own and tend to change slightly each time the tale is told. The Oregon Trail was a roughly 2,000-mile route from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon, which was used by hundreds of thousands of American pioneers in the mid-1800s to emigrate west. 108 Likes, 2 Comments - Dr Raymond C Lee MD (@drrayleemd) on Instagram: “What an amazing virtual aats. But on a Sunday afternoon in May 1948, it disappeared completely — destroyed by a catastrophic flood. PBS | PBS invites you to explore new ideas and discover new worlds. With literally 15 minutes of configuration from the end of install, I have a fully functional multi-line phone system with conferencing and caller queues, whatever music-on-hold I … Portland Art Museum appoints Dr. Jeannie Kenmotsu as the new curator for Asian Art. Celebrate the icon's 50th anniversary at the Opry. Acclaimed filmmaker Ken Burns tells the story of jazz — the quintessential American art form. A tax proposal under debate by Washington state lawmakers could raise the price of soda, juice and sweetened coffee drinks. Is it time to replace ‘Oregon, My Oregon’ with a state song that includes all Oregonians? RF refers to the station's ... PBS: satellite of KOPB-TV ch. The state of Oregon has fined a Florence restaurant nearly $18,000 for willfully exposing workers to COVID-19 after an investigation in which officials say compliance officers were threatened. Officials who were in charge of Capitol security at the time of last month's riot have testified that missed intelligence was to blame for the failure to anticipate the violent mob. 1 1997–2000 (prototype, VHS releases) 2 2000 (prototype, VHS releases) 3 1999–present 3.1 1999–2013 3.1.1 Character variations 3.2 2001–present (DVD/VHS releases) 3.3 2008–present 3.4 2017–present The name "PBS Kids" was conceived in early 1997 as a rebranding effort for PBS as part of its ongoing changes of its profiles. Find your favorite PBS shows online! VC refers to the station's PSIP virtual channel. New Portland museum curator for Asian art excited to show broader world of work, Portland Art Museum Receives $10 Million From Philanthropist Arlene Schnitzer, Oregon counties show diminished COVID-19 spread, but Multnomah County remains ‘high risk’, Restaurant owner decides against indoor dining for now, New, mysterious Portland monument honors York, an early explorer of Oregon, As statues of America’s racist past were removed this year, so were tattoos. This logo premiered in 1971. Please make your tax-deductible donation of $5 a month or more now. During the early 1940s, Vanport, Oregon, was the second largest city in the state. Few outside the Georgia port city of Brunswick paid much attention at first when Ahmaud Arbery was pursued by white men and shot to death while running through their neighborhood. By the 1920s Oregon had well-established Japanese American communities in Portland and Hood River. We have large number of behavior analysts including doctoral level (BCBA-D), master's level (BCBA) and bachelor's level (BCaBA). Listen to the PBS NewsHour program in its entirety, including updates, in-depth reports, interviews and analysis, all featuring our senior correspondents. For other uses, see PBS (disambiguation). Immigrant pioneers managed businesses, thriving farms and orchards with their American-born children. This is a list of broadcast television stations serving cities in the U.S. state of Oregon. It began operations on October 5, 1970, … Quanice Hayes, 17, was killed Feb. 9, 2017, by Portland police Officer Andrew Hearst, who shot Hayes three times with an AR-15 rifle from some 10 feet away. It’s a bust of York, the only Black member of the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery, and it appeared mysteriously. When Shantae Johnson and Arthur Shavers embarked on their Mudbone Grown agricultural enterprise in 2015, they were doing more than building a farm from scratch, they were changing the narrative of what it means to be a Black farmer in Oregon. Masterpiece, Great Performances, NOVA, Nature, Frontline, Artbound, Earth Focus... every program you watch on PBS SoCal and KCET depends on viewer support.