or retaliate against public officials, law enforcement officers, or private citizens” (including bogus liens, frivolous law suits & involuntary bankruptcy filings) SOVEREIGN CITIZEN AWARENESS TRAINING - UNCLASSIFIED FOR OFFICAL GOVERNMENT USE ONLY Law Enforcement Today suggests that all law enforcement, families and friends should watch this video. Sovereign citizens are hazardous to law enforcement but how much and under what circumstances are not well understood. “Sovereign Citizen Extremist Ideology Will Drive Violence at Home, During Travel, and at Government Facilities.” Office of INtelligence and ANalysis, 2015. GP Strategies is a key provider of homeland security and preparedness training to government and private industry. Sovereign Citizen Awareness TRAINING for LAw EnforCEmEnt Your greatest protection is knowledge. Rock Undefined. Law enforcement officers will receive 8 PIC hours. “Domestic Terrorism: The Sovereign Citizen Movement.” Washington, D.C., 2010. Many will challenge law enforcement during encounters. Sovereign citizens will assert that their personal identity is linked with natural law. Sovereign citizen threat to law enforcement. Once a sovereign citizen obtains an Apostille number from the state, these numbers are used by sovereign citizens on documents including: fraudulent diplomatic identification, passports, driver’s licenses, vehicle license plates, and law enforcement documents as a way of indicating The Florida Sheriffs Association receives instructions from the Southern Poverty L… Purchase the Training Bundle to access this content. 30, 2012) — The Post & Email is in possession of training materials used by the FBI across the nation to train law enforcement officers on how to approach those suspected of being members of the “Sovereign Citizen Movement” which one of the narrators claims began in 1992 with the incident at Ruby Ridge, ID involving Randy Weaver. “Sovereign Citizens: An Introduction for Law Enforcement.” Please note: PIC hours are an estimate and may change due to unforeseen circumstances. . GP Strategies™ can help. Our nation, including North Carolina, should continue to build our capabilities to address all terrorism threats, including domestic criminal ideological extremists. structure, including the courts and law enforcement, is a fraud and that they, the sovereign citizens, ... in a manner that distinguishes the common law sovereign citizen from the strawman — for example, by identifying oneself as “John Doe, Executive Trustee for the Private ontract Trust known as JOHN DOE.” Law enforcement must understand the sovereign citizen movement, and be able to identify specific components that make up the movement, in order to protect themselves. On November 3, 2016, ADL, in conjunction with the Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC), Orange County Intelligence and Assessment Center (OCIAC) and Brea Police Department, organized a half-day training for 350 law enforcement professionals on the ideology, indicators and threats posed by adherents of the sovereign citizen movement.. Sovereign citizens believe … Increase overall awareness of the sovereign citizen movement and the dangers faced by law enforcement. Cost. 14:12 Minute video YouTube: Sovereign citizens training for Law Enforcement HD . Adherents differentiate between a “State Citizen” and a “14th Amendment Corporate Citizen” ... Virginia DCJS: Sovereign Citizens Overview. Re: Sovereign Citizen Training Video for Law Enforcement Driving is a privilege, not a right protected by the constitution. While the vast majority of members of the sovereign citizen movement are not violent, some have adopted a more aggressive, combative style. Over the past few years, there have been several deadly incidents involving police officers and self-proclaimed sovereign citizens. The sovereign citizen movement occurring across the United States is one that law enforcement should continue to watch carefully. What is a Sovereign Citizen? Available online for $25 Waivers for training are given to “adequately trained” RuSA members who have military or law enforcement training. Upon completion of this training, the student will be able to: The student will be able to explain the sovereign citizen movement. The Washington, D.C., InfraGard chapter (the National Capital Region Members Alliance) serves as a fiduciary agent and assists with publicizing INLETS. The purpose of this primer is to assist law enforcement in the identification of sovereign citizen extremist activity to prevent, detect, and/or deter acts associated with sovereign citizen criminal activity As the sovereign citizen movement grows in California, peace officers and public officials must understand sovereign citizen extremists and the sovereign movement, and more importantly must learn the visual, behavioral and language indicators that are key to identifying sovereign citizen members. Hard-core sovereigns may threaten law enforcement with violence or carry out such acts, as well as interfere with an officer’s daily activities (e.g., conducting traffic stops and responding to calls for service). Since the U.S. went off the gold standard in 1933, sovereigns say, no one has been able to pay a debt with “real” money, and therefore the country has been operating under commercial law, which sovereigns equate with admiralty law, the law of the seas. Partial In-service Credit. . Many Sovereign citizens attempt to split themselves from their “Straw Man” or government issues name and refer to themselves by their “Free Man” name. (Apr. against law enforcement authorities, those appear to be perpetrated by a small faction of the movement with most members remaining non-violent. Among the most prominent examples of sovereign citizen violence against law enforcement in recent years are the: signs of Sovereign Citizen involvement officers may encounter when about to deal with a Sovereign Citizen. Not all of our brothers and sisters have been provided this training, on who and what a sovereign citizen is, what dangers that they pose to law enforcement and the citizens we serve. Law enforcement officers across the country are experiencing a growing number of contacts with Sovereign citizens, individuals and groups who possess a strong anti-government ideology. One study by Gruenewald et al., 2016, examined cases of LEOs killed by far-right extremists. Since most people don’t have any direct contact with government other than with local law enforcement, officers are at a particularly high risk of bearing the brunt of sovereign citizen … This dynamic and immersive training will focus on sovereign citizens and their rapidly increasing problematic contact with all forms of government, with a specific focus on interactions with law enforcement and criminal justice personnel. Critiqued by Robert-Dean:House . Each course is tailored to the different roles in law enforcement and other state and local functions (law enforcement executives/managers; patrol officers/line personnel; investigators and analysts; Academy Staff and Field Trainers) who play key parts in terrorism prevention and response. Sovereign Citizen Training for Law Enforcement HD. 5 domestic terrorism threats you haven't thought of in a while, but are still here • Believe that as a citizen of a state republic _, they were fraudulently incorporated into U.S. federal citizenship with passage of the 14th Amendment • Do not recognize government as having authority over them in any way • Do not recognize police or most law enforcement with exception of the titular Sheriff What is a Sovereign itizen Lotsa fear in that video. Regarding item #6, the title of the training program to which I have referred is “Sovereign Citizens and Law Enforcement” and begins with a depiction of Jerry Kane, who, with his son on May 20, 2010, shot two police officers during a traffic stop in West Memphis, AR. the national strategies and state strategies for state and local law enforcement to identify and address threats posed to law enforcement officers by the Sovereign Citizen Movement. Furthermore, this mindset is comprised of pseudo-legal jargon as well as sometimes coupled with various conspiracy theories of militia . You can own a motor vehicle unregistered only if it is stored off it's wheels in most states. Sovereign Citizens Training will equip attendees with the knowledge to recognize and identify sovereign citizens and anti-government individuals and allow for a better understanding of the subculture movement.Attendees will learn the fundamental principles of the sovereign citizen movement, including their ideological beliefs, pillars and doctrines. Page No: 4 While I would never refer to myself as a “Sovereign Citizen”, the one thing I took away from watching this video was the FEAR. MCAC handles logistics and provides financial support because it recognizes the extent to which state and local law enforcement agencies benefit from such in-depth training. This exists outside the bounds of any legal, financial, or governmental obligation. Published on Oct 16, ... 4 thoughts on “ Sovereign Citizen Training for Law Enforcement HD ” Stuzz says: August 11, 2017 at 6:46 am I can’t wait until SHTF. Federal Bureau of Investigation. ... sovereign citizen training video, soverien citizen training video, training tactical commanders video soveriegn citizens souther poverty law center, The SLATT Program offers four specialized, on-site training courses. A sovereign citizen, when arrested, will say that the police don’t have an obligation to represent the sovereign citizen’s corporate identity. Reply. If they weren’t a-fearing of people fighting back, they wouldn’t have bothered making the video in the first place. Sovereign Citizens and Law Enforcement: Training video. ———. Sovereign citizens believe once the documentation is filed, they gain access to their “Strawman” account with the Treasury Department. It is estimated that 300,000 people engage in this kind of anti-government activity. Sovereign Citizen Training for Law Enforcement. Sick and tired of cops and the whole idea of policing. Discussion in 'Law Enforcement Articles' started by Rock, Nov 24, 2010. Training. Sovereign citizens eschew all affiliations and interactions with the federal government, while giving primacy to the power of the county law enforcement official, the sheriff. ... and some of those who are still on the scene believed that being white was a prerequisite to becoming a sovereign citizen. According to sovereign beliefs, there are two types of law: common law and admiralty law. In far too many instances, these extremists have confronted law enforcement officers with tragic consequences. There is no fee to attend this training. Sovereign citizens believe that they — not judges, juries, law enforcement or elected officials — get to decide which laws to obey and which to ignore, and they don't think they should have to pay taxes. It is believed some American Rangers are armed and already carrying these credentials. The sovereign-citizen movement has been described as consisting of individuals who believe that the county sheriff is the most powerful law-enforcement officer in the country, with authority superior to that of any federal agent, elected official, or local law-enforcement official. Learning Objectives.