If a citizen tunes into a numbers station, hears a load of gibberish, and changes the channel, then the station is doing its job well. 2001394338: xue hua piao piao remix. One of the main theories is that the Polish were perhaps getting help from the CIA in the form of encrypted information sent through the numbers station, but what the messages say and why they are delivered with that unsettling childish voice are unknown. Even more bizarre still is a broadcast with a decidedly paranormal angle that was allegedly picked up on equipment that was not even working. Swan Lake would also occasionally pop up again, either featured in the broadcast or heard faintly floating about in the background. Yet still it pierces out over the airwaves, ever fulfilling its unknowable duty and sending its dark, enigmatic message out into the ether for those with the the means and the will to listen to and ponder, perhaps until the end of time. The decryption instructions were used by the FBI to decode several of the messages and present them in court as evidence against the group. Several paranormal groups have been in to investigate various things, but the wireless has everyone including our radio technicians stumped. Try changing that note by moving it up or down a fret (or two) and listen to how it changes the colour of the chord. No scary film or video is complete without the addition of powerful sound effects to build suspense and shock the viewer. As solved as the Russian Woodpecker may seem to be, the vast majority of these strange transmissions remain a complete enigma. Such sites, however, may contain hazards, so it's important to heed posted warnings and avoid spots where entry is prohibited. You can here Magnetic Fields here. But this toe-tapping title track from a hit horror film, a bite-size Snickers with a metal shard inside, put the New Yawkers back on MTV, introducing a new generation to the leather-wrapped Phil Spector fanatics who looked like motorcycle zombies. Check. The broadcast begins with several bars of music, which are often described as being from composer Hugo Alfvénâs Swedish Rhapsody No.1, but have been found to actually be from the Luxembourg Polka, composed by Emile Reissdorf, with the section of bars played being identical in both songs. 2031798485: Lil Baby - Sum More feat. Check! The Swedish Rhapsody broadcast can be heard here. Halloween may not be everybody’s cup of tea (or fake blood) when it comes to baby-name inspiration, but you hard-core Halloween lovers know who you are. Déjà vu! I’m a gonna blow you to smithereens!â This series of buzzes and the sound clip starts precisely 7 seconds after the top of the hour and is repeated on the frequencies 3700 kHz, 4300 kHz, 6500 kHz, and 10500 kHz, graduating from one frequency to the next highest, with the entire cycle lasting approximately 2 minutes. Although this station has been heard by shortwave enthusiasts all over the world for decades, its signal is said to be particularly pronounced in England. You may think that the name pretty much describes what can be heard in the broadcasts, and while some have reported that this is what it sounds like to them, in reality it really sounds more like pulsating static and a strange whirring accompanied by an eerie, screeching metallic buzz like grinding metal. In his keynote address for the 1997 College Music Journal Music Marathon, Marilyn Manson – the goth-metal shock-rocker whose controversial Antichrist Superstar album debuted at No. So much of “Thriller” shouldn’t work—MJ is a doll, 71-year-old Vincent Price raps, and it’s six minutes long. New Aventure await these spooky kids Movie 237,917 Views (Ages 13+) It's spooky month by SrPelo. “I wish to stress that this film in no way endorses a belief in the occult,” Jackson wrote concerning the video. One strange transmission that is also thought to be a numbers station is definitely known to originate in the United States. Additionally, it is also unusual in that in this case the code was actually broken, which is odd considering that when used properly numbers station transmissions are largely thought to be indecipherable due their heavy use of a randomized encryption process called âone-time pad,â which makes them nigh impossible to decrypt. WACO, Texas (KWTX) - If you visit the Dr Pepper Museum in downtown Waco, you probably think you’ll just learn about the soda. The “Thriller”-esque hook comes courtesy of Rockwell’s buddy Michael Jackson, a good dude to have on speed-dial, though I’m not sure how much help he’d be if you're looking for someone to check for monsters in the closet.—Andrew Frisicano. Other countries have their own mysterious stations that are likely numbers stations as well. A rare remix by KCRW’s Jeremy Sole.—Christopher Tarantino, Donovan never explains quite what he means by a “season of the witch” in this five-minute foray into ominous psychedelia, from the British singer-songwriter’s 1966 album, Sunshine Superman.  What it actually said is anyoneâs guess, and since its last transmission was in 2004 we will probably never know. The whole, somewhat disturbing transmission can be heard here. What is known is that there is definitely some type of information being sent to someone over the station, and the timing of the station’s reemergence seems to be rather unsettling and disturbing to say the least. Spooky Fact: The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum is the largest hand-cut stone masonry building in North America, and supposedly the second largest in the world after the Kremlin in Moscow. Celebrate the year’s spookiest holiday with these best Halloween songs, from creepy classics to essential earworms. Tags anomalous noise anomalous sounds Conspiracy modern mysteries radio waves unexplained unsolved mystery weird transmissions. The Lincolnshire Poacher transmission started in the 1970s and utilizes some bars from the old English folk song of the same name as an interval signal, which is followed by an electronically synthesized female voice with a British accent reading off a series of numbers and putting stress on the last word. We don’t know where they come from, who they are meant for, or what they are saying, but they continue to taunt us and whirl about us on their inscrutable agendas. Rocky Horror Picture Show might be a musical, but it’s still a spooky essential. While the broadcasts we have looked at here so far are almost certainly numbers stations, there are other mysterious transmissions on the air that seem to be harder to classify. In 2010, some people serving and volunteering at the RAF Montrose Air Station in Scotland were startled when a dusty old vintage Pye valve wireless radio that was kept on display suddenly leapt to life and began broadcasting World War II era transmissions and music, sometimes for up to 30 minutes straight, despite not being attached to a power source. Check! Its true purpose and meaning have never been uncovered and both governments have denied that it even exists at all. To add to the special mood, we’ve made Kahoot! You might also enjoy... Spooky Month - The Stars by SrPelo. You say you don’t have a mind-meltingly amazing playlist of the best Halloween songs for your shindig? This spooky, unsettling recording was apparently only broadcast once as far as anyone knows, and has been claimed to be everything from a hoax, numbers station, or signal hijacker, to ghosts, or even an alien transmission, but we will probably never know for sure. You can give a listen to The Russian Woodpecker here. Here we will look at some of the more infamous and bizarre of these weird broadcasts from nowhere. No filler. Recently this iconic theme-song synth riff transcended from a well-known nostalgia artifact to a staple of modern meme culture. No self-respecting Halloweenie hasn’t experienced the toast-tossing, costume-clad, line-ad-libbing extravaganza at least once. It is by far the most extensive collection of these enigmatic broadcasts ever put together in one place, and is a must listen if you are interested in such things. Usually referred to as The Magnetic Fields station, it is no longer active and it is unknown who was behind it, although most theories point to an Algerian intelligence agency sending out secret information to its operatives. The station uses an extremely sophisticated code which can be broken down into around 200 different parts, each one of which was repeated every day, and it has never been decoded. The Lincolnshire Poacher is notable for its powerful, clear reception and its uninterrupted, unwavering consistency and precise schedule for decades. Even now no one has any idea of what UVB-76’s purpose is nor even where exactly it is being transmitted from, and Russia has always denied that it even exists at all. The station has a very abnormal presence. In 2016, there has been cause for concern when a long inactive numbers station that had not broadcast since 2000 suddenly jerked to life and went on the air again. Follow the in game instructions to explore the three different modes. Those who tune in to listen have little more idea as to what they are than those who blissfully remain unaware that these transmissions are swirling about them at this moment. Ask your parents.—Christopher Tarantino, If Rockwell (real name Kenneth Gordy, son of Motown founder Berry) shivered at Big Brother's glare in 1984, one can only imagine what he'd make of the Internet age, where the government, news media and rogue hackers are all equally likely to be keeping tabs on you. England itself is also host to a rather bizarre station, thought to possibly be a numbers station, which is called simply The Backwards Music Station, or also Whalesong. Get musical with I am a Robot, Hands in the Air, Take You Home, Be in the Band, Bring the Noise and Spooky World. Players freely choose their starting point with their parachute, and … To the average listener stumbling across one of these stations it may appear that it is all just noise and nonsense, but to a spy in the field it all makes perfect sense. There was another notorious mysterious radio signal called the Lincolnshire Poacher, which permeated outwards into the airwaves from Cyprus and has gathered just about as much attention and fame as its cousin UVB-76. My fiancé saw a ghost twice in the house!” - Ashton For years the airwaves have been the haunt of bizarre signals, transmissions, and broadcasts that have called out into the atmosphere and pervaded the space all around us unbeknownst to all but the most intrepid radio enthusiasts equipped and willing to hunt them down. Who or what is behind such transmissions? Whether you’re working on a fun Halloween video or creating a terrifying film, we’ve curated the following free horror sound effects pack … You can hear the Yosemite Sam transmission here. Intuitive user interface & powerful video editing features. Each 10-minute game places you on a remote island where you are pit against 49 other players, all seeking survival. Try another? Thanks for subscribing! These transmissions carry with them enigmatic messages that defy all attempts to understand them, and which have origins shrouded in secrecy and shadows. On occasion, music from Radio Havana also is interspersed with the messages. extra spooky with a new logo, haunting music and chilling decorations! Pumpkin carved with teeth that look like the NYC skyline? Russia would not be the only one to make use of these enigmatic numbers stations, and indeed they are blamed for being the source of a wide variety of strange transmissions in far flung countries. Meet Susie Stitches : Spooky Starlets Share Collapse Created to be the best adult film entertainment in the Undercroft, Susie is a cutie with a whole lot of patootie! It is known for having a grainy and faint, poor quality transmission on an AM channel and an erratic time schedule, unique for the normally very precisely timed stations. This one I personally love using in my videos and don't worry it's HIGH QUALITY like I promise:D The original broadcasts ceased altogether in 1998, and have had people scratching their heads ever since. But in the end, he makes it seem more fun to be one of the rotting.—Brent DiCrescenzo. Although in most cases these strange transmissions have remained a complete mystery and fertile ground for conspiracy theories, conjuring up talk of secret government organizations and spies or ghosts and aliens, on occasion one gets solved and turns out to have a more or less more mundane origin. From 1988, the broadcast schedule dramatically changed and several other versions began to appear, including an English language version that utilized the same voice. By entering your email address you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receive emails from Time Out about news, events, offers and partner promotions. Copyright © Mysterious Universe. Indeed, there have been so many of these stations that they have their own classification system, and an extensive 5-CD set of recordings of these mysterious broadcasts was compiled by numbers station enthusiast Akin Fernandez, called The Conet Project: Recordings of Shortwave Numbers Stations and featuring recordings of nearly 200 different numbers stations. For years this elusive station transmitted a series of strange beeps that repeated unabated, after which in 1992 it graduated to a signal consisting of an incessant, nasal buzzing noise, at times accompanied by inexplicable tones, beeping, and other unidentifiable noises repeated approximately 21 to 34 times per minute minute on the frequency 4625kHz, and continuing for around a second each time, with the pitch and intensity sometimes fluctuating. The Lincolnshire Poacher transmission can be heard here. The Spooky Story Behind Colorado’s Haunted Stanley Hotel By Stephanie Earls ... sometimes can be heard tickling the ivories in the empty music room. Of the three messages brought to the trial, one says âprioritize and continue to strengthen friendship with Joe and Dennis,â another reads âUnder no circumstances should [agents] German nor Castor fly with BTTR or another organization on days 24, 25, 26 and 27,â and the final one says âCongratulate all the female comrades for International Day of the Woman.â Even when decoded the messages are gibberish. Fear not! It was still enough for a conviction, and the five men were charged with a slew of crimes, including conspiracy to commit espionage, acting as an agent of a foreign government, and even conspiracy to commit murder, among others. There are many more numbers stations out there, with their shadowy messages creeping out along the airwaves to parties unknown. ... Frontpaged November 25, 2020. The transmission begins with a femaleâs voice calmly saying: âFrom now on, I will give review work for the subject of mathematics under the curriculum of a remote education university for exploration agents of the 27th bureau.” The voice then goes on to say: “On page 459, question number 35, on page 913, question number 55, on page 135, question number 86, on page 257, question number 2⦔ repeating for approximately 12 minutes. Even with the convictions, it was not until 2001 that Cuba would actually come forth and admit that the men were indeed spies that had been sent to the U.S. for intelligence work, and Atención would remain on the air all the way up to 2013. Spooky Scary Skeletons Lyrics: Spooky, scary skeletons / Send shivers down your spine / Shrieking skulls will shock your soul / Seal your doom tonight / Spooky, scary skeletons / … If only Stephen King’s resurrecting graveyard were real—we miss these buffoons.—Brent DiCrescenzo. Numbers stations and other, less definable bizarre broadcasts continue to be heard to this day, blasting through the air all around us and keeping their secrets close. Check! Okay, so technically this song is about unemployment, inner-city violence and urban decay, not decaying flesh. RECOMMENDED: Full guide to Halloween in NYC, “I’m not like other guys,” Michael tells his girl at the beginning of the greatest video ever made, from the greatest album ever made. This is Warner Music Group's Official Store featuring the largest selection of Warner Music Group music and hand-picked merch. In this day and age of the Internet and online connectivity why would anyone even bother to keep using the seemingly relatively archaic medium of radio to send their shadowy information out into the field? 96.3 Cruz FM...."Saskatoon's Greatest Hits"....plays Variety That Rocks from the 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s. But together, it’s ballsy genius, riding on an insistent, funky Minimoog bass line. And don't be mistaken—this isn't some orchestral party-pooper. Very, very rarely this buzzing transmission has been punctuated by the sudden appearance of an almost ghostly Russian voice which blooms out of the cacophony of noise to eerily and clearly recite numbers and names before fading away back into the fray of sounds; a voice which is presumed to be stating some sort of code, although no one has any idea of what it means. The collection has become popular among musicians, many of whom have used samples of the eerie recordings in their music. Here there are numerous reports of disembodied voices, strange sounds such as footsteps, spectral voices, and even the sound of phantom aircraft engines, as well as sightings of full blown apparitions, often in full old fashioned pilot uniforms. One of the best horror films of all time cued up on the TV? 5191078152: Superstitious Foundation (SCP original song) Eventually it was found that it was none of these things, but rather the signal from a massive abandoned radio array called Duga-3, which was once connected with a radar base in Ukraine and meant to be an early warning system in the event of a nuclear strike, which is still fascinating but certainly not as colorful or far out as the wild theories that had been whirling around it. Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! No one has ever been able to decipher what it means, but it is thought to have been sending out data bursts of encrypted information, although no one knows who the intended audience was. Shop online or find a West Music store near you! One particularly weird broadcast that may or may not be a numbers station has come to be known simply as âOld Tape.â The strange transmission allegedly intruded on regular programming for the commercial radio station WKCR 89.9 New York in 1995, and was recorded by a 4chan user and uploaded to the siteâs message boards. 300+ stunning … Or all the candy. And with a jump to the left plus a step to the right, you can thank Richard O’ Brien for cooking up the movie’s party-favorite “Time Warp” dance. But a shiver of paranoia runs through the song’s depiction of identity flux (“So many different people to be”) in a world gone topsy-turvy (“Beatniks are out to make it rich”), and the guitar part—played by a pre-Zeppelin Jimmy Page—adds welcome notes of acid.—Adam Feldman, These rockabilly goths were always a B-movie for your ears, so it was inevitable that Lux Interior and Poison Ivy would end up on the soundtrack to a campy slasher flick. Called the Yosemite Sam Transmission, it was first picked up in December of 2003 in the vicinity of the Laguna Indian Reservation, which is in the desert badlands near Albuquerque, New Mexico. For younger crowds, check out our list of Halloween songs for kids. The recording itself starts with a couple bars of unknown music that are followed by a sudden very loud and high pitched grating sound like heavy, raspy breathing, after which a garbled female voice eerily chants a list of names and dates, all while the unearthly sound of chimes or bells rings in the background. It serves to show just how much of an irresistible, almost spiritual pull these transmissions can have for some people at times, to the point that the mystery can overcome the reality. There are far too many to go over all of them here, and I have only touched on some of the more well-known examples. Playing 01:01 Rajkummar Rao, Janhvi Kapoor starrer 'Roohi' trailer out now, fans impressed with Janhvi’s ‘spooky’ avatar Now Playing 00:39 Alia … The strange signal, which would come to be called The Russian Woodpecker, drew to itself an intense amount of speculation and conspiracies due to its clear and powerful worldwide signal and its unintelligible and eerie repetitive tapping, theories which range from the rational to the bizarre. By 1989, the punks’ career was nearly six feet under. A wide support for different formats. This is followed by 3 messages, each with a different header, with the first two messages being fixed-length messages of 100 five-figure paired groups and the last being a 50 five-figured paired groups, all of which are punctuated with the German word âAchtungâ (Attention). But what’s that? Indeed, it is this dominant and mysterious, nonstop buzzing drone overlaid across everything which has earned the broadcast the nickname âThe Buzzer,â and it is thought to be manually generated for some inscrutable reason we have yet to understand. But the 1981 hit, released at the height of the U.K.’s recession riots, still creeps us out in the very best way, with eerie flute solos, ominous lyrics and maniacal, childlike la-la-las—plus some pretty spooky synth fades.—Kate Wertheimer, Hard to believe the original Ramones are all dead. No, but the Elephant Man bones and chimp did.—Brent DiCrescenzo, Arguably one of the original Halloween songs. We’ve done some Halloween homework! No self-respecting Halloweenie hasn’t experienced the … When we got them developed there were orbs, even a ghostly hand showed up in one of them! From overtaxed pristine beaches to religious institutions to islands with creepy backstories, here are the destinations adventurers can either go ahead and visit now, or maybe book a trip to soon. Get the MegaPack collection now for this great price. Another one of the more famous ones, and probably the creepiest to listen to, is a bizarre broadcast known as the Swedish Rhapsody Station. Free Fire is the ultimate survival shooter game available on mobile. In the movie, a bunch of punks battle the undead—but the Cramps have a hard time choosing a side. Perhaps the most well-known mysterious radio transmission is an enigmatic and very persistent broadcast from Russia that has come to be known as station UVB-76. It is believed that this transmission originated from a British RAF (Royal Air Force) base located in Cyprus and was operated by the British Secret Intelligence Service, but since it ceased in 2008 we will probably never know who transmitted it or what meaning it held, if any. From there it continued to dutifully and enigmatically carry out its shadowy purpose, never faltering or deviating from its continuous, mostly unchanging cycle and gathering around itself a cadre of short range radio enthusiasts who have constantly listened in and recorded its every move to this day. So far they have not been able to crack the code, and it could be anything from a relatively innocuous simple command, to more sinister information such as intended terrorist, assassination, or espionage targets for sleeper agents in South Korea, information for missile launches, or even an announcement to get ready for war. Basically sci-fi disco for the Studio 54 set, this track is the greatest statement on that brief genre. The infamous signal has been theorized to be many things, including a secret code, a military emergency channel, or even a so-called âDead Hand system,â meaning a last resort failsafe measure in which a nuclear retaliatory strike would be launched in the event that the signal was ever cut off due to a catastrophic war. The 26-year-old rapper, just on the other side of her debut studio album … Still, even viewed from afar, these locales are filled with wonder and can be quite haunting. These destinations have been off-limits to tourists — some for decades, others for just a few months — for a number of reasons. Shockwave has games in great categories like Action Games, Adventure Games, Jigsaw Games, Hidden Object Games, Time Management Games, Matching Games, Card & Board Games, Kids & Family Games, Music & Photos Games, Puzzle Games, Racing Games, Shooter Games, Sports Games, Strategy Games, and Word Games. It’s the one day where you can leave the cobwebs hanging, bring skeletons out of your closet, and no one will judge you for eating a lot of candy! We might not know what it all means until itâs too late. You can hear The Backwards Music Station here. Lil Yachty (Instr.) Music MasterSwordRemix Views 221,718 Faves: 1,434 Votes 3,806 Score 4.80 / 5.00 . Uploaded Nov 25, 2020 8:00 PM EST. Hawkins’s tune—which he claims to not remember recording—permanently added the “Screamin’” to his God-given name. Photograph: Courtesy Abracadabra Superstore, Check out these great Halloween stores in NYC. In all cases the dusty, 70-year old radio is unplugged, and an examination of the radio by technicians has found that it is full of dust and spider webs, lacking key components, and would likely not work even if it was plugged in. As you play through the chords, see if you can pick out the notes that give the chord its dark sound. Despite the name, this transmission originates in Poland, and first was detected in the 1960s. Who is listening in who can understand their mysterious messages and what do those messages say? Dead Crows Drop From the Sky in Russian Town — Another 2020 Warning. The transmitted codes are highly encrypted and are for the most part unbreakable, they are cheap to send and receive, can be picked up over a large range, and since radio waves are being used, it is very difficult to pinpoint where the source lies. Rocky Horror Picture Show might be a musical, but it’s still a spooky essential. World music, broadly speaking, music of the world’s cultures.In the 1980s the term was adopted to characterize non-English recordings that were released in Great Britain and the United States.Employed primarily by the media and record stores, this controversial category amalgamated the music of such diverse sources as Tuvan throat singers, Zimbabwean guitar … Amazing snacks made to look like eyeballs/intestines/skulls? Named after the famous America cartoon character, the bizarre broadcast starts with a spooky buzzing noise and then earns its namesake by featuring a sound clip from a Looney Tunes cartoon from the 1950s called âBunker Hill Bunny,â in which Yosemite Sam shouts âVarmint! The music is played from a music box, giving it a strange, childish quality, and is repeated over and over again for approximately 5 minutes, and when it stops, what sounds like a synthesized little girlâs voice reads off three separate five figure numbers which are repeated three times. Time Out is a registered trademark of Time Out America LLC. It is perhaps no surprise that the reclusive nation of North Korea has also long made use of numbers stations to send encrypted information. Some of the strangest and most puzzling mysteries are all around us right now, buzzing through the air right past us without us ever even being aware of them. Transmitted since World War I, numbers stations are so shrouded in mystery that governments do not even acknowledge that they exist at all.