1 year ago. [EZA] Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell. Jan 19, 2021 #14,452 Can’t do it right now. Weak to Super agl / future category. 1/120: ATK +30% for all Types: Solar Kamehameha - Causes supreme damage to enemy Details: Ultimate Battle Form - ATK & DEF +40% at start of turn: Revival - Ki +2 Messenger from the Future - ATK +5% Big Bad Bosses - ATK & DEF +25% when HP is 80% or below Kamehameha - ATK +5% when performing a Super Attack Attack of the Clones - Ki +1 Ultimate … Yeah, just re-use the EZA STR Majin Vegeta lol. chrisscorsese88 1 year ago #2. 120% defence boost? You can repeat that for the rest of the other rounds as well. 1 year ago. STR Cell is far and away the best option for this event of the EZA Cells. 2442. Whipwhopper. After double super Vegito takes around 8-12k in damage while with one super they take 20-24k. We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time. As a cherry on top, he gets a powerful AoE with a Heal at exactly 11 Ki, making … User Info: chrisscorsese88. They share two Link Skills for +4 Ki and +15% ATK, plus another ATK & DEF +25% when “Big Bad Bosses” is active. He's weak to Movie Bosses but a powerful enough EXT AGL team should take him down to level 30 if you lack Turles. #super vegito. Striking in Harmony Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) 1. Both these LR Cards are great tanks and Damage dealers, making this rotation a force to be reckoned with. Defense stacking is KING here, and the only one who can do that is STR Cell . Z Warriors and allies appear in their highest form! level 1. 195k members in the DBZDokkanBattle community. Close. STR perfect Cell EZA coming to global. The Androids’ Journey Androids #17 & #18/Android #16 The Team. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version … About Me; Resume; Portfolio; Blog; Contact; Lokender Verma New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. save. JPN Official. Though he's EZA so his stats is great. User Info: NHawk316. This thread is archived. 2819. My team: INT UI Goku - 3 dupes INT SSB Vegeta - 2 dupes 3811. tried nuking with transforming frieza but no luck. Dokkan battle global con alcuni tra i migliori pg del gioco, tutti gli eventi disponibili al momento completati tranne road, battlefield e missioni lge. Ma ne parleremo in Live oggi pomeriggio Ci vediamo all Creating a Fake Card Uploading a Fake Card Card Art Requests Explore. Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell (EZA) Edit. 269. User Rights Help Editing $1 Report Trolls Recent blog posts Tutorials. Roa Ciel= - Messenger from the Future - Big Bad Bosses - Kamehameha - Attack of the Clones - Ultimate Lifeform - Fierce Battle Resurrected Warriors - Full Power - Androids - Transformation Boost - Time Travelers - Artificial Life Forms - Hall of Legends 1487. 2570. Enough Talk... Time for an Epic Showdown!! Update: super teq works aswell ! Extreme AGL; Extreme TEQ; Extreme INT; Extreme STR; Extreme PHY; Community. FBpage. Sign-up for other newsletters here. Jan 19, 2021 #14,453 Is LR … Email updates for DBZ Dokkan Battle. STR CELL EZA is out now !!!! Report Save. report. 1 year ago . Web & Graphic Designer. Posted by. mehr Informationen. 96% Upvoted. Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is a free-to-play mobile game based on the Dragon Ball franchise. As with most of the EZA events, it's always helpful for people to post their winning teams to give the players who are struggling some ideas. hide. JPN Official. Is he weak to a Category or just Int/Agl Extreme Types? Vegito is formed by Goku and Vegeta each wearing a Potara earring, forcibly drawing the two men together into the … But it's well-worth the effort, whether you're a fan of the fusion or just want a viable Super STR. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "EZA Phy Broly, EZA Str Cell, EZA Agl SS2 Vegeta HP build? GLB Official. 388. save. Evangelisches Zentralarchiv Bethaniendamm 29 10997 Berlin Tel. Sort by. Performance within their role as Damage, Tank or Support TEQ Cell is, contrary to the norm, held BACK by his defensive nuke and typing here, since if he gets poor orbs … He also has a powerful ATK and DEF passive that lets him stack his Super ATK Buffs endlessly. Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell Guide F2P Mono PHY Team Guide Top Tier Giant Form Team Guide Top Tier Goku's Family Team Guide Extreme UR Tier List Should You Pull: Dokkan Festival Newsletter. Oct 7, 2020 322. This is a free tool that helps you find the best linking partner for any character you want, so … Posted by. report. Download. Title. STR perfect Cell EZA coming to global. the greatest of all. share. 97% Upvoted. Feb 26, 2020 #11,766 Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. You can obtain these general use Orbs through a variety of methods (World Tournament, Missions, etc. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Str cell EZA" - Page 3. $60.00. Perfect Cell. Sold Dokkan JPN with LR Gohan, INT Gogeta, SSJ4 Gogeta, PHY Omega and more. Menu Introducing Café Lingua; Blog; Italian classes 2020; Posted on 24th December 2020 by This LR Tier List ranks Cards by the following factors: Performance in high difficulty Game Modes like Super Battle Road or Infinite Dragon Ball History.. Kontaktaufnahme. STR CELL EZA is out now !!!! ". Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "cell EZA" - Page 2. GLB Official. best. Download. Member. Die aktuell besten Restaurants für Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur in einer Top 100 Liste: Mit Einblick in aktuelle Bewertungen von Michelin, die Speisekarte und Platzierung in der Weltrangliste. 69 comments. 500 days ago when I first started out I pulled phy cell and int bardock Boujack as my first two yellow coins LRs, but then proceeded to pull a dupe for both on my first ever step up summons. 39 comments. $50.00. Link him with the TEQ ssj2 Vegeta and EZA Kid Buu and crit twice and you're clear. SS4 Vegito. Fox1304. 42. Lokender Verma. LR INT Cell’s transformation is what you’d get if you crossed a senzu bean with steroids; not only will it heal you, but he’ll grow even stronger. STR Gogeta EZA Optimal team help? share. I had personally forgotten just how ridiculous Cell gets with damage on stage 30, so I had to modify my team a couple of times to clear it. Oct 24, 2017 2,074. Close. The less common Leaders include LR Thousandfold Plea - Goku (S. STR) and LR Courage to the Max! Shocking Contact Android #18. NHawk316 1 year ago #1. Oct 26, 2017 877. Twenty-One Church Street Dental Practice Your local, family friendly, private dentist for Woodbridge and the surrounding area A list of all Top Tier, F2P, and world tournament also known as wt team builds for Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle. Member. Super STR; Super PHY; Extreme Class. Archived. Archived. : (030) 22 50 45 - 20 Fax: (030) 22 50 45 - 40 E-Mail: archiv@ezab.de Öffnungszeiten des Benutzersaals: 40. The pair of LR INT Cell and LR PHY Cell & Cell Jr. is going to be one of the two main rotations on the Team, and perform very well together. hide. STR Cell is a great team mate for Extreme Cards, either via his great Links or his Leader Skill. Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; Images; Discuss. Android! It was devastating for a new player but holy shit am I happy now.