Superman appears on the scene, punches the dragon in the face like a boss and is then tossed by the dragon to Ireland. While attempting to rescue Lois, Joker gases him with a mixture of Scarecrow's fear poison and Kryptonite, tricking Superman into believing his pregnant wife is Doomsday. 1 Finds Purpose in the Zombie Apocalypse. The Dark Knight puts Superman into a magically induced coma after he assumes absolute power over the Earth. When Superman kills Mxyzptlk at the end of “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?,” it has a major impact on him. Durata 122 min. In the ensuing superpowered battle, thousands of civilians die, an entire city is leveled, and Zod puts Clark Kent in a rather tough predicament. 3 #22) How The Joker Turned Superman Evil (Injustice Gods Among Us) By chan May 19, 2017 clark kent, gods among us, injustice, injustice gods among us, superman, the joker. decides there is only one recourse. Case in point: when he throws Nuclear Man down a power plant tower in the hella ridiculous Superman IV: A Quest for Peace. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Joker - Un film di Todd Phillips. Please be sure to rate the video! Of course, none of that makes Dr. Light any less dead. Now, on the list of things to kill, dangerous fire breathing dragons are probably pretty high up there. However, the dragon was sentient and Superman didn't seem too broken up about destroying it. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Not this time. A one-stop shop for all things video games. However, something stirs in them when they see Superman performing a heroic deed, and they eventually decide to fight alongside him against Joker. When the Joker got the ultimate power-up, he unleashed his fury on Superman, the Justice League and the other heroes of the DC Universe. He may kill him every night and torture him for fun, but the Joker is too defined by Batman. Spider-Man: What Happened to Peter Parker’s Organic Web-Shooters? Just like Batman with the Joker, Superman needs Lex Luthor, something the genius sociopath has no problem repeatedly pointing out. After their fighting resumes amidst a mining field, Superman realizes drastic measures are in order to prevent the beast from demolishing the home of Daniel Day Lewis. To carry out the sentence, he exposes them to some deadly pocket universe Green Kryptonite, which being from a different reality, he is immune to. Superman approaches them about working together, and they initially lash out at him. The plot sees a whole bunch of classic characters meet their demise, including Lex Luthor, Lana Lang, Jimmy Olsen and even Superman's pet dog, Krypto. Wanting to plunge the world into chaos and torment Batman, Joker sought to corrupt Superman by orchestrating the death of his pregnant wife Lois Lane and the destruction of Metropolis. Here, Christopher Reeves' character caps off his deadly performance with a charming salute as if to say, “yeah, I did that.” To all those who say it is not in Superman's character to take a life, kindly point them in the direction of the 1980s light-hearted killfest, Superman II. The usual argument is that Superman holds himself to a higher standard and so does not kill. Smiles abound and all around. As Batman refuses to kill The Joker, the latter breaks his … Amongst many other weird plot lines, this alternate reality saw Superman opening a Twitter account and Alfred beating the crap out of him. What ensues is a heated (albeit brief) back and forth on whether Superman could kill in cold-blood and deliberately take a human's life. The Joker was the first victim of Superman’s rise to power. During the “Our Worlds at War” crossover, the living force of pure entropy known as Imperiex Prime slowly makes his way to Earth. In this story set before 2013's Injustice: Gods Among Us video game and the main arc where Superman murdered Joker and became a dictator, the Clown Prince of Crime has upgraded his powers using the mystical powers of the amulet of Apophis. In the Injustice Universe, it seemed like fate dealt Superman a cruel hand with Joker tricking him into killing Lois Lane and their unborn baby. The gas wears off and Superman realizes he's just killed Lois and their unborn child instead. With that functionally limitless power, Joker quickly rewrote the world, and Superman became the first person to break through his effects. Who cares if it was belittled in an all too short period by the confusing appearance of way too many Supermen, the revival of Doomsday, the end of the speculators boom and that unfortunate mullet. The point is Superman killed Doomsday and no one can ever hold it against him for doing so. Here's a quick refresher: Zod, Ursa, Non, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor and Superman are all caught up in a Mexican standoff at the Fortress of Solitude. They even watch the Joker attempt to break Superman and, inspired by his resolve, are able to revert to their natural forms. For his part, Superman defends this drastic decision by arguing he didn't actually kill the evil duo, but merely “spread their consciousness across trillions of light years instantly.” Keep telling yourself that, Kal. Let us know in the comments. And he is pretty broken up about it (see: that blood-curdling scream of anguish), which is understandable considering he just comprised one of his core beliefs and eliminated the only other surviving member of his race in a single horrible moment. Several decades before the main events of the comic, Jor-El placed the infant Kal-El in a small rocket, with his mother Lara giving him her pendent, to be sent to Earth after he discovered Krypton was doomed to explode and the Guardians of the Universe abandoned Krypton to its fate instead of attempting to help save the Kryptonian race. Behind all their deaths is the 5th dimension trickster Mxyzptlk. As a result of all this he vows to never kill again. Released the same year as Zack Snyder's reboot, this story similarly involved a villain from Krypton attempting to resurrect their long gone planet. Now that's a hero. It was actually the super dictator that killed the Joker. After all, what's more dramatic: showing The Punisher and Wolverine violently maul down dozens of bad guys or have the Man of Tomorrow's sacred maxim put to the test? Oct 27, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Elena. 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The whole thing is a little convoluted, but essentially pocket universe Zod, Quex-UI and Zaora break free from their Phantom Zone imprisonment and kill the entire human population on pocket universe Earth. As Wonder Woman and Batman fend off the Secret Service, Superman bursts into the Oval Office. Everyone knows the story. Then there's the New 52 crossover Trinity War. Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths event, Superman was repurposed for modern audiences. He walks right into Batman's interrogation of the Joker and rams his fist straight through the Crown Prince of Crime's heart. Sometime after returning home, Joker and Harley went through a breakup that caused Quinn to shed her former image and look for "emancipation", eventually leading her to join the group that would become the Birds of Prey as they confronted crime boss Roman Sionis. Maybe Superman enjoys this type of thing more than he, or we, thought. The Reverse-Flash (Batman Vol. Clark posits that Brainiac isn't human -- so alls good -- and then rams some amped up power cables into his foe, electrocuting him until he explodes. An enraged Superman promptly kills the Joker by ripping his heart out of his chest with his bare hands, right in front of a horrified Batman. He later learns that the mass murderers were sentenced to death on their home planet before it was destroyed. TV, soft jazz, and most recently, Batman v Superman. Gotham City has been completely altered by the machinations of the Joker, now structured as a twisted theme park dedicated to the Clown Prince of Crime. He then somehow manages to get up long enough to congratulate Clark on a good fight before finally dropping dead for good. Discover (and save!) But it was their first confrontation that still remains the most epic and momentous. Or how about the time he back handed Green Arrow to death in Injustice: Gods Among Us and then later destroys the living planet Mogo by pushing it into the Sun. And boy, did Moore and long-time editor Julius Schwartz make the most of his exit. While he may only usually fight Batman and his assorted allies, there have been times in the past where the Joker has turned his attention to the rest of the DC Universe. Killing her, Superman triggered a nuclear bomb that destroyed Metropolis. Even though the ending indirectly reveals that a powerless-Superman lived on, having taken the name Jordan Elliot and settled down to a typical middle-class suburban life married to Lois Lane, it doesn't mean the superhero isn't still both literally and figuratively dead. But to save his friend, Superman takes on the memories for him, erasing the trauma that Batman had gone through and allowing him to carry on his life as was intended. Taking place in an alternate universe, Lex Luthor has risen to the presidency and murdered the Flash along the way. After conventional attacks prove futile, he and several others, including Lex Luthor, create a Boom Tube (it's complicated, don't ask) that allows a solar powered suped-up Superman to send both Imperiex and Brainiac back in time 14 million years to the Big Bang, destroying both villains in the massive explosion that creates the universe. He accidentally kills both Lois and their unborn child but Batman warns him in time in Superman’s dream. Understandably, this makes Superman upset. But they do bleed, or at least spew some kind of liquidy goo. When Brainiac betrays Earth, joins up with Imperiex and attempts to seize the being's substantial powers for himself, Superman is once again faced with a “for the greater good” scenario. When Wonder Woman and Batman arrive at the Oval Office to find a crispy Lex they ask Superman if he's ok. They fight the Joker, who then uses his reality-warping powers to brutally kill all of them and leave their bodies for Superman to find. Thor Brings a Powerful MCU Asgardian Out of Retirement, Batman & Catwoman: The Phantasm's Attacks Just Got VERY Personal, Cable: Domino Just Proved How RIDICLIOUSLY Powerful She Really Is, Avengers Reveals How Namor's First Kill Changed Him Forever, King in Black: Marvel's New Thunderbolts Have the WORST Plan to Stop Knull. Superman's memories begin to bleed through the world around him. But that doesn't mean he isn't immune to being a jerk from time to time, or even (*gasp*) killing someone. As penance, he (heroically?) In the Justice League animated series episode a “A Better World,” Superman finally hears it one too many times and gives Lex the response he had coming. RELATED: Batman: The Smile Killer May Be The Dark Knight's Most Horrific Origin Story. He turns to them and says he feels great, flashing an unnerving smile that makes Tom Welling's smirk above look like a happy baby laughing. Superman was under the influence of Joker Venom that was mixed with Green Kryptonite. Kari Cuevas M says: January 11, 2017 at 3:14 am. The Joker taunts him for a while, and Superman finally snaps and kills the Joker by ripping out his heart with nothing but his hand, while the clown laughs as he finally made the Man of Steel snap. Though right before delivering his knock out punch, the up-and-coming superhero flashed a sadistic smirk, showing a momentary sign that he might actually relish the opportunity to take down his adversary. At the same time, Superman activates the projector, trapping Mxyzptlk between two dimensions and effectively ripping him apart. It also meant he was decreed the only true survivor of Krypton. Probably a lot more than you realized. Even Lois gets in on the murdering fun, sucker punching Ursa into the abyss. When Alan Moore gets his hands on Superman you know things are going to take a dark turn. Steel has been trapped inside an asylum for the crime of having scientific reasoning within his mind. JOKER CAN’T DIE!! This gave Superman visions in which he thought Lois Lane … Reply. Martian Manhunter has been reimagined as essentially Marvin the Martian from Looney Tunes, Green Lantern can create magic shadow-puppets as Yellow Paper Lantern, and Plastic Man can turn into any form of a credit card. Superman, who travels to this alternate universe, eventually defeats them. The result is the popular Injustice comics. Related: Batman Is Going to WAR With Joker's Army Being Batman’s ally also means sharing his enemies. Technically, Brainiac isn't entirely dead. If ever there was such a thing as a noble kill, this is it. But Batman claws his way out of his grave and becomes an important part of Superman's attempts to defeat the Joker and restore the world. Only he does kill. Aquaman is transformed into a half-man/half-fish hybrid called Fishface that can never go into the water and therefore strives to keep everyone else out of it. Tom King and Clay Mann’s Batman/Catwoman raised the stakes this week when a retired version of Catwoman murdered the Joker in his retirement community. That's neither here nor there. The perfect Superman Kills Joker Animated GIF for your conversation. Lois Lane has become this world's Lex Luthor, a ruthless business mogul and inventor. Most of the heroes who protected it are either trapped in this world -- such as Jim Gordon and Oracle, who are both briefly seen in this hellscape -- or just dead, like including Nightwing, Robin and Huntress. Contrary to the contentious ending of Man of Steel, Superman ridding the Earth of Nuclear Man seemed entirely warranted and desirable, especially for a villain who could easily be defeated by an umbrella. EDIT: Seriously, thanks to all of you for so many views and feedback! Lame. Unfortunately, Tim Drake, the current Robin at the time, gets captured by Joker’s men, and then re-captured from them by Killer Croc. Later it is revealed that a sliver of green kryptonite had been inserted into the Man of Steel's optic nerve, allowing a diabolical villain to coerce him into committing the cold-blooded murder. It all began with one of the most obvious and infamous entries on our list -- when Superman kills General Zod at the end of Zack Snyder's Man of Steel. Obviously this freaks people out, so much so that DC's greatest superheroes form an alliance with some of their greatest adversaries like Darkseid and the future extraterrestrial android, Brainiac 13. The Man of Steel is no exception. Superman Kills The Joker ... Like this: Like Loading... Post navigation.