Methodology: I compared the value of each piece of gear, prototype, salvage and component to determine if their real value was good or not. Went from 374 in fleet down to 159-176 and hold with in there. The only differences are when Zeta abilities are involved, and if the ship belonging to the crew member is under 7*. TOP 25 BEST RELICS IN 2020 (RELIC 8 UPDATE) - How Does Relic 8 Affect Ship Speeds + My First Relic 8 Please copy this post and put it under the ships on please. Copy pasted from a post I made on Discord: A little comparison I made between the stats shown for a G13 Max HMF via the crouching rancor speed calculator and, which apparently shows max relic stats for ships. Now you know how to calculate your crew rating, it’s time to look at how it’s used. The purpose of this guide is to get F2P players to think about their ships from the perspective of a veteran to avoid heartaches that will occur in hindsight. We can’t choose to add more speed or health, or anything else. I’m fairly certain that using the crouching rancor speed calculator and to compare G13 to max is accurate, as I’ve checked stats on some of my fleet members’ ships to corroborate this. It gained me over 200 spots in a original Fleet shard. Share news, tips, tricks and connect with other players in the forums! Also, efficient farming won’t be talked about, but the majority of the choices presented will be influenced by this idea. Press J to jump to the feed. Ability levels are straight forward. Talking about the best team currently for ships and how mods affect ship speed. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? No Hounds Tooth although I am sure if I had HT I would be even higher. You don't need to register or to provide a link to a third party website to use this simulator. The power gained from equipping a piece of gear depends entirely on the current gear level. Unlike characters, ship stats can’t be directly influenced. Your Future in SWGoH, Which Characters First? A list of all SWGoH … So, to maximise your ships stats, you want to equip 6 mods that are all 5* and level 15, for a total of 720 power. I have a R5 Tarkin. All pieces of gear at a certain gear level will give your ship the same power, regardles of how hard it is to get, what stats it gives, or anything else. Then I can do a cost/benefit analysis…. As expected, Relics on the crew members affects their "Crew Rating" which still works in the same way as this old post from the guys at .gg. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Tanks for the most part did not gain as much as attackers from the addition of Relics to SWGoH, so I am staying away from considering these Jedi characters for these hard-to-acquire materials. The table above shows what an individual piece adds at each gear level, as well as the power gained from all equipped gear when you reach each gear level. Or do you have suggestions ? Did you find this useful ? Grouped for your pleasure, to optimize your cantina efficiency and your mods distribution And because he's a fantastic toon. Two areas of debate and confusion in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. The quests themselves start in different places all over the galaxy, from Kashyyyk to Dathomir to Talus, and are relatively … Only characters will have their stats calculated. I've read and heard the odd number relic levels impact ship stats. If you’re in between gear levels, just add the rating of each equipped piece with the total gained from the last completed gear level to find the total rating contributed by gear. Oh, hey, I just got this figured out last night actually. Each stat is worth a different amount of power, with the total being the power value shown. For example, I’d love to know the stat difference between Sun Fac at G12 vs each piece of additional G12 added. 7pm HPIT, 730pm HAAT, 730pm HSITH 730pm Guild reset US Central Times The first and most important thing is that crew rating works the same way as Galactic Power – it’s entirely a numbers game. Every upgrade has a set value. You're building a gr fleet when the more powerful malevolence is right about to drop? While I'm expecting player created services like SWGOH to eventually publish the new numbers, I've gone ahead and created a spreadsheet showing which ships get a speed boost. As you can see, there is a sharp increase as you continue to gear your pilots. Mods, despite being the most complicated part of ship rating calculations, are relatively straight forward. After it does that, it takes the first number minus the second number to get how much the crew contributed to the power of the ship. What we can do, is increase the crew rating of the pilots, which will increase multiple stats simultaneously by a predetermined amount. It’s actually very similar to Galactic Power. Do not think to farm these characters and ships too casually if you plan to acquire them. Tarkin just does damage, but has a chance to Expose the target. Limit. Game Updates, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH - Videos, SWGOH Characters, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH - Tank Takedown Raid, SWGOH - Videos, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH - Mods, SWGOH Characters, This is fantastic stuff! Characters Ships Character Stats Ship Stats Abilities G13 Player Data Relic Player Data Relic Comparison Relics Units Navigation SWGOH.GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android . Like I said, it’s a numbers game, all you can do is take the biggest rating boost possible. Taking zzBossk(all 6e mods) from r3 to r4 increased ht speed from 146-147. The final thing needed to calculate crew rating is the ship’s star multiplier. That’s just one ship, and I don’t know whether stat increases differ between ships or if this is more or less what we can expect with every ship, but some people might find this helpful or interesting. Each ship has hidden “crew stat contribution” multipliers, which are used to calculate the stat increases. Level on the other hand, is a much smaller rating increase, but necessary for mods, ability levels, and gear levels. HP: 69414 - 70007 Protection: 48197 - 48808 Speed … One oddity however, is that Omega and Zeta abilities are both level 8, so they are treated the same way, despite being two very different ability levels. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes takes place in a cantina where you assume the role of a Holotable player who uses holographic characters and ships in various different holotable battles and events located at different tables within the cantina. The power gained from equipping a piece of gear depends entirely on the current gear level. As you can see, even at lower levels, 5* mods will give the biggest boost. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The level and stars of each equipped mod are used to determine the power increase. Every ability you upgrade, including leader abilities you wouldn’t use otherwise, will increase your crew rating. The same piece of gear is worth more to a G8 pilot than to a G7 pilot, so it’s easy to prioritize which pilot a piece goes to. Crew power is the difference between the full power value, and the value with the new member removed. Since stats don’t matter, pilots are a great way to use mods that are not high on speed or mods you leveled before you knew better. swgoh relics ship speed Home; About; Schedules; News & Events; Contact Us This means some ships will see a +1 to speed while other ships will not reach the next whole-number upgrade. Oh, hey, I just got this figured out last night actually. Ship power is calculated using the old power power calculation, from before Galactic Power was added. Not that I know of, but it’s something you can calculate – the formula is given near the end of this article. Like I said, it’s a numbers game, all you can do is take the biggest rating boost possible. These positive status effects (buffs - green) and negative status effects (debuffs - red) can greatly impact any battle. Characters Ships Character Stats Ship Stats Abilities Meta Report Units Navigation SWGOH.GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of … A set of tools for SWGOH. However there are actually 2 separate tables that are used to determine the crew rating from Relics (these tables are from game data itself, and can be found in's /data endpoint under the 'tableList' collection): This table is directly added to crew rating the same way as all the others that were previously involved (like level, mods, skills, etc. The final calculation is; As you can see, crew rating is very similar to galactic power, and in some circumstances, you can just use the character’s power. The above table shows the rating gained from equipping a single mod at a selection of star and level combinations. Relics are a new addition to Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes and has your complete Guide to Relics to help you understand this part of the game. However, due to the way ships work, I doubt this will be the case. The game offers both Player-versus-Environment (PvE) and Player-versus-Player (PvP) content. Modify the character's attributes. So, as you increase your crew rating, the ship’s rarity will become much more important. The Impact of Gear on Ship Stats. Target Lock is a negative status effect that has a chance to be inflicted by certain ship's abilities or basic attacks. That 720 rating from having 6 mods at 5* and level 15 will actually be 1080 if your ship is 7* – a noticable increase. Because this is determined by crew rating, and doesn’t influence anything else, it’s not important outside of checking how much difference a crew member makes. Their ships are also rare drops in the Fleet Arena Store (and Galactic War Store for Sun Fac’s ship), but can also be farmed in the ship PvE table (hard nodes 2-A, 3-D). Cookies help us deliver our Services. Pick a ship. The stats on your mods don’t matter, which peice of gear you equip doesn’t matter. As stated at the start, this information could become outdated when the upcoming rework to ships happens, but it’s more likely that only the stat contribution multipliers will be changed. This is the most info I’ve found on the topic so far. 48 [SWGOH.GG]Announcing support for relics and their stats! How does this work ? Access the Ship Speed Calculator here. Access the Ship Speed Calculator here. Characters Ships Character Stats Ship Stats Abilities G13 Player Data Relic Player Data Relic Comparison Relics Units Navigation SWGOH.GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android . As expected, Relics on the crew members affects their "Crew Rating" which still works in the same way as this old post from the guys at .gg. Energy has a limit of 144.; Energy can be purchased or gain Bonus Energy beyond the limit to a max capacity of 2000 (2119 if bought at 1999). Level and rarity are part of the natural progression of each character, so there’s not a lot to talk about here. 16 votes, 41 comments. To find these multipliers, you can either check on or you can reverse the calculation to find it yourself, but rounding will reduce the accuracy. Here's how 1 zeta affected the ship. Deadly Bounty Hunter Attacker that inflicts and exploits Target Lock for high area-of-effect damage Is there a tool which provides the actual stats at each piece of gear (somewhat like the ship speed calculator)? Not addressed; Mods. I've seen a couple of people mention milf, but I'm specifically wondering about everything else. With the pending update to ships, there is a chance the following information will become out of date. I originally had General Kenobi’s Relic upgrade on this list as well since his stat gains are, compared to the other Jedi, rather meager. Each star your ship has increases this multiplier, which affects all rating increases from other sources. PsychoPoet, author of our popular speed optimization, offense/CC/CD, defense, health & protection and how to find the best speed mods articles, explains how Tenacity and Potency work in SWGoH. ): Table 2: crew_rating_modifier_per_relic_tier. mods characters - Amount of stat granted by mods. This is on top of the normal stat boost for increasing rarity, making it extremely beneficial to upgrade your stars. This table actually multiplies the character's level to provide additional crew rating (i.e. I don’t think anyone’s collected and collated it all though. The above table shows the total power gained for each ability at a specific level. Relic level 4 adds 85*1.8 = 153 additional CR to the 600 in Table 1, meaning 753 total CR is from the relic): I just upgraded Bossk from R2 to R3 just for you!! So, to maximise your ships stats, you want to equip 6 mods that are all 5* and level 15, for a total of 720 power. However, I'm not sure how relics impact multi-crew members ships. Rarity is definitely a big boost, and something you should actively try to upgrade. is pleased to offer a different look at Relic Amplifiers below as we review each faction and key characters in SWGoH … Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is a game of match-ups and strategy, and nothing forces the strategic thinking to come out more than buffs and debuffs. It would be good to know for the GR fleet I’m going to have to build. As with the other factors involved, the amount you gain grows as your ability levels get higher. Not addressed; mod selection: Click once for include e.g.