Which can be multiplayer conversations, but aren't major planet quests. Hutta and then everything else. If you have created a level 60 or 65 Outlander character, your main story objective will be to simply follow the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion story. After Knights of the Eternal Throne comes Iokath. You do not have to complete the main planetary arc to start the bonus quests, but it is highly recommended as they are meant to be a continuation of the Taris and Balmorra planetary story arcs. The two main planets you’ll be visiting during the storyline are Zakuul, the Eternal Empire’s home planet, and Odessen, a quiet planet that becomes your new base of operations. After you finish your class story, there is still one more original planet to visit so you can wrap up the overall storyline that was introduced when the game first came out. This Flashpoint has a special story mode that has different cutscenes than when entered outside of the main storyline. Heroics are also represented with a yellow triangle icon, but the triangle will have arrows in it to indicate that it’s a repeatable quest. This guide primarily focuses on leveling all of your companions as opposed to just one. I'd love to hear it - the best way to let me know is to leave a comment on the corresponding video on YouTube or send me a message on Twitter! If you are the kind of player who loves story, you’ll want to make sure you complete all the quests available to you. In this guide we will be specifically covering the solo story path – the quest order that player who are playing alone should follow. If you want to continue playing the story-focused part of the game, you can always start another character from level 1. A Traitor Among the Chiss actually has a special version available called “SOLO” that is only available to players who are in the correct part of the story line – so don’t accidentally run the version labelled “STORY” instead from the terminal, which is the easiest mode of the repeatable version without the special traitor arc cutscenes. The healer warns you about the Rakghouls, but enter anyway. There you will be able to continue your class quest, and explore your first full-size planet. Some quests are scattered about the planet, and some are unlocked after meeting a certain threshold. Starting a character at level 60 or 65 is referred to as using an Outlander Token, which starts you at the beginning of the later expansions. You do not have to complete the Nar Shaddaa planetary arc to start the bonus series, but the bonus series comes after the planetary arc in the story. Taris and Balmorra both have a bonus series of quests that you can complete AFTER you finish your main class quest on the planet, at level 12 or higher at the entrance to the spaceport. Tatooine also has a bonus series that can be started near the spaceport’s entrance, but like Nar Shaddaa it can’t be picked up until level 60. Alderaan Bonus Series. I’ve included a link in the description of this video for a guide to earning HK-51. This storyline includes major spoilers for these previous storylines…. My guess is that we will have a new expansion and new storyline released in December of 2021, during the game’s 10th anniversary, with some smaller story updates leading up to it. Section X adds flavor to the later story, especially the Operations, but if you want to skip it feel free to move on to the first expansion. Both planets have a bonus series available that you can pick up after you finish your main class quest on the planet, near where you land, at level 29 or higher. This will also introduce the character to their first flashpoint as they make their way for their main faction planet to further make a name for themselves. In this expansion, there are only 9 chapters, which continue following the story of the Eternal Empire. These two quests can be started at level 52 or higher on the fleet. Ziost can only be started by players who have fully completed the Shadow of Revan expansion storyline, and is accessed through the glowing blue terminal on your ship at level 60 or higher. This will make it so any side exploration missions will show up on your minimap and in the world – if you do not have this checked, many additional quests will be deactivated and you won’t be able to pick them up until you have it checked. Voss and the native species of the planet were created specifically for Star Wars: The Old Republic, and have their own unique take on using the Force. To get this quest either talk to Zax in the Bounty office or Dia herself. You'll then be able to go back and do some of these quests - but not all of them. I do not believe you need to be currently subscribed to play this update, but you must be level 75 and completed Onslaught to play it. … The story quests in the game are meant to be played in a specific order, but in reality you may not come across the right quests at the right time, or might accidentally miss them all together while focusing on your main quest. —   SWTOR Taunlet Pet Quest Guide by Dulfy, The Taunlet isn’t the only secret quest that starts on Alderaan. From there, you’ll be sent to the Republic or Imperial Fleet, the main player hub in the game. If you like to, you can check my full unedited video of me doing the quest. These quests seem to be one-time only, and there is no new quests at the Friend rank. After Oricon, a brand new storyline comes into play, called the Prelude to the Shadow of Revan. If you want to skip the Prelude and head straight to the Shadow of Revan main storyline, fly to the planet of Rishi, head up the wooden path and speak to Qaraah the bird-man just after the wooden bridge. Republic players will speak to Major Brom, in a side room on the main floor of House Organa, and Imperial players will speak to Lord Serjay Thul, in a side room on the right-hand side of the main floor of the Thul Palace. If you’re playing with a group of friends, you may also wish to check out the additional group quests which include the few group-only Flashpoints, Operations at level 50 and higher, and world bosses. If you are a free to play player, and still haven’t subscribed to the game, you’ll have a huge choice to make at this point. SWTOR Alderaan Stronghold Guide BioWare allowed us a sneak peek into the new Stronghold, being released in February. This quest is started by speaking to a droid with a quest symbol near to where to load in to the area. While there are countless worlds in the Galaxy, the followingplanets (and moons) can be traveled to via the galaxy map on theplayer's personal starship,provided that their faction is not restricted from accessing the planet. To start the Nathema Conspiracy’s story quest line, you must have completed the Traitor Among the Chiss Flashpoint. If you don’t have the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion unlocked, and can’t get past level 65 or lower, all you need to do is subscribe for one month and you’ll permanently unlock all the current and past expansions for all your characters, including Knights of the Eternal Throne. Most likely for the items available at the Reputation Vendors, whose overview is also part of this guide! Hoth the frozen ice planet gives you a lot of ground to cover, including two world bosses and multiple secret quests. After Makeb, you’ll be able to detour away from the main story for a while and visit CZ-198, a planet controlled by the Czerka Corporation. After Ossus there is a very short quest called Hearts and Minds which should automatically be in your quest tracker once you finish Ossus. When you begin t… You will see a short cutscene, then be directed to the Flashpoint in Solo-Story mode which will have additional cutscenes that the other modes do not have. Your first step in your character creation is to pick a faction and a class. You can also find these special eggs on Taris and Balmorra. A guide to SWTOR Oricon missions and dallies introduced with Patch 2.4. These little side quests reward you with credits, xp, a green reputation item for that faction and 20 reward tokens for that faction. Ziost has some incredible story repercussions, and I highly recommend players visit Ziost in between Shadow of Revan and the next expansion even if they normally are skipping the side planets. That vendor also sells you something you might find useful during your hunt for datacrons on Alderaan! SWTOR Rishi Quests and Dallies Guide with walkthrough of all the main missions and side quests in Rishi. If for some reason it does not appear, check the terminal on your ship and check your other purple quests in your quest log. Fair warning, if you choose to do the exploratory missions, you will be highly overlevelled and may reach level 50 long before you finish your class storyline. Keith said some things but they were hard to hear. To start Crisis on Umbara’s story quest line, you must be level 70 and have completed the Iokath storyline. Kill the Rakghouls. Let’s begin with a few introductory words about the game. If you are just beginning your adventure in Star Wars: The Old Republic, you may realize that there are an incredible number of quests available in the game, and a vast range of story and lore for you to explore. To start Oricon at level 55 or higher, Republic players will speak to O6-D5 on the fleet in a corner near the southern elevator, and Imperial players will speak to D5-F2 in a corner near the northern elevator. 0. After Ilum there is a bonus area available to you called the Black Hole that you can visit. If you’re interested in crafting, you’ll want to pick up some crew skills before leaving, in the Crafting & Crew Skills section of the Fleet. One will be your class story, and the second will be the main story arc for the planet you are on. Republic players will speak to M3-8Z and BB-6G near the northern elevator leading to the Cartel Bazaar. The good news is that subscribing for at least one month unlocks all previously released expansions… So even if you unsubscribe the next month, you will still be able to do the storylines you unlocked and level all the way to max level even after you unsubscribed. But why would you want to grind them? Oricon bonus missions guide Loremaster of Oricon guide Lead in Quest It is best if you start on the fleet as otherwise if … Section X also gives you access to start a quest that will reward you with an HK-51 model droid companion, at the end of a long quest chain. I recently made a Jedi Knight on a new server because I wanted to go back through it again and decided to do all the side quests/heroics/bonus stuff on every planet because I have been really into the character. — SWTOR Taunlet Pet Quest Guide by Dulfy, Speaking of tauntauns, Hoth also has a special quest that allows you to earn your own Tauntaun mount! You can do that via the Design Center As any self-respecting MMORPG, Star Wars The Old Republic also offers extensive modifications and customizations to your own character. Section X access is a bit strange though – unlike the other expansion planets, you must be currently subscribed OR buy the cartel market unlock to visit the planet – otherwise you can not visit the planet if you are preferred. [toc] Achievements Daily Bosses Getting all 5 Aegis squadron achievements will grant you the Aegis of Ziost legacy title. The planet of Ossus, which was introduced in the Jedi Under Siege update, is a prelude story leading up to the next expansion. While completing planets, there are some secrets you might want to find before you move on to the next planet in the storyline. Then Echoes of Oblivion will naturally appear in your quest log as a purple quest. This will introduce the player to areas where they can access Crew Skills as well as key components of game play such as the Galactic Trade Network, PvP terminals, Cargo Holds, and more! This symbol usually means a quest giver will have a quest for you in the future, but it isn’t available yet. If you would rather continue on in the main story past Ziost and level higher than level 60, you will need to subscribe to the game. Post Comment. This miniquest spans across three planets, and the Alderaan portion starts with a datapad near Fort Alde and Outpost Talarn. Luckily for you, the choices you make during the initial character creation process are for the most part editable later on in the game. Onslaught has two different storylines on Republic and Imperial side, so it’s worth playing through twice. These droids are also available near where you load in to CZ-198. Your class mission, the main planetary story arc, and exploratory missions, are one-time quests that you can not repeat later, unless you start a new character. You should know that much before getting underway. So, on the Hunter, do the side quests so you don't have to repeat planet story. If you’re a returning player and want to know what your next quest should be, or are just partway through the story and are a little lost, check the description of this video for a table of contents and skip ahead to the last quest or planet you completed and watch from there. If it was released on 1st April, it could have passed for a nice SWTOR April Fool’s joke :) You have an option to recruit him (Dark Side) or reject him (Light Side). Tatooine, the planet made famous by the first Star Wars movies, comes next after Nar Shaddaa. Side Quest: The Matale and Sandral Affair This is a long, drawn out side quest. After picking up the story quest, you’ll need to take the elevator down to the taxi and follow it to a different ship on the fleet. WOOHOO! The third planet you head to will also depend on your faction… but don’t worry, you’ll get to visit the other one later in your story. The storyline about the Eternal Empire is finished on Nathema, and the planet of Ossus opens up a brand new storyline focusing on the war between the Republic and the Empire, and the Sith vs the Jedi. Echoes of Oblivion is not quite an expansion, but it is a major story update that was added to the game in December 2020 as part of update 6.2. Characters enter into the world have receive some exposition from the initial NPCs that they encounter before being sent off to their first mission. While you are on Alderaan, make sure to pick up an item called the NVSCCS from a vendor hidden deep in the Juran mountains – it will allow you to earn a secret tauntaun pet later on. Presented by @GEICO #AD. Use my referral link to sign up and get a FREE Preferred Friends Bundle and 7 Free Days of Subscription! This quest can be started from the glowing blue terminal on your ship. I recommend players do as much of these quests as they can alone, and then keep their eyes on chat when they are on the fleet for others also looking to complete the quest. Quesh is a lot shorter than the other planets, and you’ll soon be off it and on your way to Hoth. If you want to find out if a tauntaun smells as bad on the outside as it does on the inside, I’ve included a link to a Tauntaun guide in the description of this video. Did you find one of my guides useful? If you’ve started the “…Whos’ Scruffy Looking?” achievement hunt, the Voss portion starts with a datapad near Outpost Overseer and Outpost Kri-Ta. This is why they are hidden by default – most players will find the game more fun by sticking to the more exciting purple quests. These epic enemies are meant to be fought with a group, rather than taken on solo. Korriban is the starting world for the Sith Inquisitor and Sith Warrior.. An in-depth Onslaught Advanced Prototype Powertech 6.0 SWTOR Guide for PvE, suitable for beginner players as well as … SWTOR. If you explore beyond the main path, you’ll find many beautiful scenes… and a few nightmares. Directive 7 focuses around the droid revolution, and has a really interesting and chaotic fight at the end. If you are playing on the Imperial side the first two will be flipped – but don’t stress too much about the order, simply follow the order the prelude quest gives you. Are you looking for bonus missions/lore objects? Imperial Players will speak to Z1-3C and T4-M7, near the northern elevator leading to the Dromund Kaas departures. After Republic Balmorra or Imperial Taris, there are two very lore-heavy Flashpoints you won’t want to miss, that can be played at level 29 or higher.