Love & Sex Psychics Tarot All → Subscribe. Digg. … This card may remind Taurus to have faith in their own abilities if they are unsure of themselves or even suggest that sometimes confidence means allowing others to help you. 09:50. Truthstar predicts what the tarot cards hold for Taurus today. Astrologist & Psychic. True Love Tarot Reading. Even though it isn’t your strongest skill, compromise may be another way to show your partner how dedicated you are to their happiness. Dear Taurus, this is your tarot card for the day.The tarot cards will be either upright or reversed -each one has a different meaning in the tarot world. taurus tarot card reading | a tug of war | february… taurus tarot card reading | i'm tired of this |… taurus tarot card reading | new year, new boo | end… gemini zodiac tarot reading january 2021; libra zodiac tarot reading january 2021; sagittarius zodiac no more waiting january 2021… VK. As The Hierophant is a card that signals wisdom and love of learning, it’s no surprise that Taurus will want to be with someone who can mesh with them on an intellectual level. Plus, discover what you can expect to learn from tarot. #Scorpio FEAR of change SLOW changes Tarot love reading horoscope zodiac January 2021 February NEW. In fact, The Hierophant often reminds us to let go of the conventional when it no longer works for us – a reminder that Taurus needs from time to time. In fact, The Hierophant … Taurus is represented in the Major Arcana by The Hierophant. How will it allow you to grow? Love Tarot Card Reading Show those solutions in the positive way. Discover the future of your love life, career, and finances. Investing your time in the relationship means that you’re willing to open yourself to divine energy and go through whatever experience you’re meant to have. by Astrologers. TAURUS WEEKLY TAROT READING "YOUR SHIPS ARE COMING IN TAURUS" January 11th-17th 2021 #Youtube. You can also check this reading if your are Taurus moon sign or Taurus rising star. Taurus Season Love Tarot Card Reading For All Zodiac Signs, 19 avril – 19 mai 2020. taurus | love tarot reading | january 2021. by wp.rauchholz 1 month ago 8 Views. Print. Taurus Love Compatibility; Taurus Friend Compatibility; Taurus Sexual Compatibility; Taurus Career Compatibility; Chinese Zodiac Compatibility ; Taurus Career. Mercury Retrograde Saturn Return Horoscope Dates Planets Astrology All Articles → Tarot . If you are in a relationship with a Taurus, you can look forward to some very intense romance. This means more than just romance – it means luxury. Taurus Compatibility Calculator. Don’t forget to help them keep the romance alive – even if their standards are high, they will appreciate the effort. If it doesn’t align with your values, then you need to get rid of it and find something new that does and start some new rituals that serve you better. Both love having the best, but while Taurus will work hard and save money to get nice things, Leo will spend money as soon as they get it. This sign can see things in black and white, especially when they are hurt, and be unable to see another point of view. Their love of luxury means they will want to spoil their partners. Money Health Numerology Birthday 2021 Planetary More → Articles . 18:38. Don’t be surprised if a Taurus expresses a strong opinion on the type of lighting they prefer in a room or keeps their kitchen stocked with high-quality brands. Read your free Taurus Weekly Love Horoscope to find out what the universe has in store for singles and couples. If they are more accustomed to looking to the cards for advice, they can see it as their own personal challenge to take a hard look at what the universe may be trying to tell them. Linkedin. The Hierophant is a card that understands the value and wisdom that we can gain from our traditions and, in many ways, from the past. Log In. The fact that The Hierophant, as Taurus, and that Temperance, the card representing Sagittarius, are connected seems to suggest that these signs may be a good match for each other despite the fact that they are so opposite. This sign is ruled by Venus, which means that they are one of the most sensual signs. It’s more that they like mastering skills and the stability that a casual routine allows them. This level of devotion can sometimes lead them to being a bit needy, as they feel they give so much. The fact that The Hierophant, as Taurus, and that Temperance, the card representing Sagittarius, are connected seems to suggest that these signs may be a good match for each other despite the fact that they are so opposite. Astrology Answers. Often a creature of habit, Taurus tends to appreciate the structure and guidance that can come from past rituals and values the stability that comes from patterns. For example, we’ll explore why (and when) you might want a reading. I have a high sensitivity of the... FEB 24, 2021 - If the spotlight is already on you today (or you can get it to shine on you without too much trouble), you’re going to do great as the moon moves into the vivacious sign of Leo. This tarot card interpretation is done through a three card spread with each card communicate an implying that is quite related to your love life. This card doesn’t discourage Taurus and their ability to over-rationalize something as a protective measure, but rather points out that they should use this rationality to remember that things are very rarely one-sided. It’s important to remember that stubbornness is only seen as a negative quality when it goes against something, otherwise it’s called devotion, and that’s something this sign has in spades. Taurus Love Horoscope 2021 Your love horoscope reveals what's in store for Taurus' heart this year. Sometimes this means that we discover the darker side to the structures that make up our lives and this leads to the rebellious aspect of The Hierophant. Bienvenue à la saison du Taureau! Tarot. You can back out of a promising lesson, or you can go headfirst into … You may be overreacting to what is actually happening. Don’t let the love of luxury that this sign has lead you to believe that they are snobby. Viber. It also reminds them not to resent that input, but rather to accept it and learn from it. Their stubborn nature means that when they decide to make a change, they fully commit to it. Certain actions on your partner’s behalf may be misunderstood, and you are not able to get out of your own point of view when it is called for. Taurus can get overwhelmed and angry in this type of situation, so it is important to let go of people and move on for their own healing, but to do so without going scorched earth on their former partner. Learn more about yourself and let the tarot guide you. It does point to the patience that Taurus is famed for, something that is best seen in their ability to focus and work towards their goals. This guide will explain the nature and details of tarot readings. Daily love tarot True love tarot Love potential tarot All love tarot → Unique Angel tarot Past lives tarot Lover's triangle tarot All unique tarot → Forecast Daily tarot Today/tomorrow tarot Monthly tarot All forecast tarot → Other Money tarot Yes/No tarot Live readings All other tarot → See all tarot readings → Games . Be the first to rate this post. Both need to bend a little to make the other happy. The stubbornness of this sign is legendary, though shouldn’t be unexpected. You have free will. Keep an open mind to new ways to do things that will help both of you feel heard. Daily Love Chinese Career Streaming Quarantine Free Birth Chart. 114. What is Taurus like in a tarot reading for love? Whether you are single or in a relationship, you must concentrate hard on a specific question that relates to your love life. Taurus can sometimes fall into a rut and not look for a way out of it, convinced that the way things are is how they will always be. What kind of personality is Taurus in the tarot cards? What can you learn from it? If you are having some trouble in the love department, it may be less serious than you think, Taurus. ReddIt. Ignite the passion of true love with Tarot. This guide will explain the nature and details of tarot readings. True responsibility can mean knowing that you don’t always know best, a struggle for most of us at any given time, and certainly for a Taurus. Is that positive or negative? In addition, we’ll look at how the process works, and consider some of the meanings of relevant cards and spreads. This sign loves the finer things in life and takes a lot of pleasure from earning them by themselves. Love & Sex Psychics Tarot All → Subscribe. Get a forecast of your love life with this free Daily Love Tarot reading. That isn’t to say that they like repetition, in fact, they normally find such things boring even when they find comfort in knowing what to expect. Taurus are drawn to beauty in all things, preferring to surround themselves with lovely things. Taurus can share in this ‘if it’s not broke, don’t fix it’ mentality, so it’s no surprise that they would see themselves in this card. The Minor Arcana suit that corresponds with Earth signs is Pentacles, which means that Taurus may find themselves relating to different cards within the suit. Product/Service. No votes so far! I keep my heart and mind open to the energies that surround us. Taurus Daily Love Horoscope. This is especially true for the King of Pentacles, a card that recognizes the stability that Taurus likes to offer to those around them. Daily Horoscope Quotes. What’s harder to move than a mountain? Part of this relates to the somewhat possessive nature of this sign, but this also means that when they decide the relationship is over – it is over. If a Taurus initiates the change, they will still feel in control of the situation. by ruger0143 2 weeks ago 4 Views. Daily Love Tarot Reading. What are the positive traits of the Taurus zodiac in tarot? See all zodiac signs → Psychics Free 3-Minute Reading. There is a beauty in simplicity and this card suggests that Taurus remember that. Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces. The love tarot is a specific tarot that is derived from the tarot, which aims to explore all forms of romantic issues. You have a significant emotional investment with this person and very likely a work or business investment too. This card can point to a traditional way of doing things and to the desire to not want to ruffle any feathers. I guide people with honesty and patience, telling them what they truly need to hear. Read the following before you select your Tarot cards: Mother Nature, my Spirit Guide, Guardian Angels, and Spirits of the Earth, I ask for your help and guidance with this Love reading. by zaidiasim 1 month ago 7 Views. Taurus isn’t afraid to work hard and tend to relish having more responsibility in a work environment. We are sorry that this wasn't fun for you! Taurus Tarot Daily - Free Daily Tarot Reading Prediction for Aries by our Tarot Expert. The Modern Day Tarot. 0. What are the negative traits of the Taurus zodiac in tarot? By Staff. It also represents richness, but while Pentacles tend to relate back to monetary wealth, it is important to remember that there are many types of wealth. Astrology, Love, Relationships, Sex, Taurus. Enjoy your free general tarot reading!And remember: For your personal reading today, text TAURUS and your question to 78887 (£1.50 per msg, max 2 per reply, 18+). 6 Mercury Retrograde Horror Stories to Prepare You for the Journey Ahead. Find clarity and know the truth now. Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo. This free True Love Tarot reading is a fun way to help find your soulmate. You can choose from the Major Arcana cards. 32:26. As a security-seeking and down-to-earth Taurus, some zodiac signs will be your perfect match -- and some could be a little trickier! This free True Love Tarot reading is a fun way to help find your soulmate. aquarius, do you want to know your love connection… leo tarot card reading | january 2021 | curious… taurus tarot card reading | new year, new boo | end… taurus tarot card reading | love/hate | february 8-15, 2021; taurus tarot card reading | changing your mind |…