Get yourself a bar fight. Note that you cannot move when performing the dual attack. Vampire Claws further increase unarmed damage by 0 at level 10 or less to 40 at level 46 or more. 1 is normal speed… They are combo moves. There's a bug in vanilla Skyrim where if you try to increase attack speed but a number, it will instead set your attack speed to that number. If you press ` it will open the console, then type in 'player.setav weaponspeedmult 2'. AttackBonus and DefendBonus work in much the same ways. I just want to throw a hardcoded speed for the … This can be as early as you arrive in Whiterun (The Bannered Mare).Once the fight starts and your character is unarmed, you can start modifying your unarmed attack speed … So, to modify unarmed attack speed, here's what you need to do. The Vampire Lord Perk Tree contains the Poison Talons perk, which increases unarmed damage by 20 points of poison damage. Most mods have workarounds for the bug, but if multiple mods are trying to change the same thing they can get confused. This will raise your base unarmed damage to 30, an increase of +26 to +8 (7.5x to 1.36x), depending on initial race. Dual wielding power attacks do 50% extra damage and the stamina cost is half of what is needed for a regular power attack. There's a console command/cheat that can change the attack speed of your character. (A purple weapon gives you +10% attack speed) The other options take timing and finesse. 2)Heavy + Instant attack combo. It'd be awesome if someone could make a mod that either increases swing speed all around or adds … How do I change it to the of a regular axe? How do i change a weapons attack speed... - posted in Skyrim Mod Talk: Using the creation kit, or by other means? the problem is that it takes longer to recharge then it lasts, and it counts as an enchantment so it cant be used with enchanted weapons. Modify unarmed attack speed - posted in Skyrim Mod Talk: Normally, using "weaponspeedmult" does not affect your unarmed attack speed. So far, the speed mods I have found affect every actor, and unfortunately, player.setav speedmult -100 does not work for me; I think it may be overridden by a mod. 1)Base attack speed. - posted in Skyrim Mod Requests: I've used the console to permanently add Elemental Fury on a weapon, but the enchant effect says it increases swing speed by 0 seconds, and so it actually does nothing in contrast to the Shout. Thus, the best weapon to use for increasing One-Handed skill is a base Daedric Dagger, due to its damage and speed. AttackBonus, as you may guess, will increase the damage of your attack. Skyrim Thief Skills - how to max Sneak, Speech, Pickpocket and Lockpicking The best, fastest ways to level 100 in Skyrim's stealth-based Thief skills. Page 1 of 2 - Adjust Only Player Speed Permanently - posted in Skyrim Mod Talk: I am looking for a mod that adjusts only the speed of the player. This move gives you a full heavy attack and a skill attack all in one second with only a 1/4 of the heavy attack animation. Increase weapon swing speed? Download and install MFG Console[1] . A mod that enables attack speed debuffs and fixes attack speed to be stackable. The AttackBonus number you input here is, although invisible from your stats page, directly added to WeaponRating (see the damage formula for details) of all hits made with weapons; this means that it is subject to the influence of fatigue, … The speed of the attack is based on (but not equal to) weapon speed held in the left hand, so it is advisable to always hold the faster weapon in the left hand. Quite honestly, i love The Rueful Axe, but it's attack speed is so damn slow. And for that matter, how do i increase the damage, I won't increase by much, just a little. Craft your 2 hander with the "weighted" trait. yea theres a shout to raise attack speed, i got the first word of it pretty early on, killed a dragon guarding a wall for it i think.